
"The full meaning of the expressions of the Creed will thus be clear and obvious."

"The Three Persons are equal in Duration, and undivided too: One Eternity is common to All: therefore they are not Three Eternals, but One Eternal."-Waterland.

So also, there are not three incomprehensible, nor three uncreated; but Three incomprehensible and uncreated Persons, in One incomprehensible and uncreated Godhead.


So likewise the Father is ALMIGHTY, the Son ALMIGHTY, and the Holy Ghost ALMIGHTY.

And yet not THREE Almighties; but ONE Almighty.

The Almighty Power of the Three Divine Persons in the Holy Trinity, in the. Creation of the world, in working miracles, &c. has been pointed out.

They are also named Almighty in Scrip


"I am the Almighty God."-Gen. xvii. 1.

"Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."-Rev. iv. 8.

"The Breath of the Almighty hath given me life," or, "the Spirit of God hath made me."Job xxxiii. 4.

The Holy Ghost is repeatedly called the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Christ; as God is Almighty, and Christ Almighty; therefore the Spirit of God and of Christ, is Almighty.

Thus the Three Almighty Persons in the Trinity, are One Almighty God.


So the Father is GOD, and the Son is GOD, and the Holy Ghost is GOD.

This has been proved above. See “ Godhead One."

"The whole Three Persons enjoying every Perfection belonging to the Godhead."

And yet they are not Three Gods, but One God.

"There is none other God but One."-1 Cor. viii. 4. See ver. 6.

"There is One God, and there is none other but He."-Mark xii. 32.

"The Lord thy God is One Lord.”—Deut. vi. 4. "That God may be All in All."-1 Cor. xv. 28. "Thus saith the high and lofty One.”—Is. lvii. 15. "I am, your Lord, the Holy One, the Creator."Is. xliii. 15.

"One God created us."-Mal. ii. 10.

"Thus the Godhead, or Divinity which belongs to One Person, belongs to All."


So likewise the Father is LORD, the Son LORD, and the Holy Ghost LORD.

Having the same right of Dominion, and of equal Dominion; and equally exercising it when and where they pleased."

"God is Lord."-Ps. cxviii. 27.

"The Lord is the true God."-Jer. x. 10 Is. xliv. 6. and 24.

"One Lord Jesus Christ."--1 Cor. viii. 6. See

Luke vi. 5.

"The Lord is that Spirit."- Cor. iii. 17.

"The Spirit of the Lord."-Acts v. 9.

And yet not THREE LORDS, but ONE LORD.

"Because one dominion is common to


"The Lord thy God, is One Lord.”—Deut. vi. 4. "One Lord, and His name One."-Zech. xiv. 9.

Thus we have seen, that the Three Divine Persons in the blessed Trinity, have the same Name, Attributes, and Perfections of God, ascribed to Each of them in Scripture. The Scriptures also declare that there is but One God. We are bound, therefore, to believe, that the Three eternal, uncreated, incomprehensible, and Almighty Persons of the Godhead, are One eternal, uncreated, incomprehensible, and Almighty Lord God.


For like as we are compelled by the Christian Verity, to acknowledge every Person by Himself to be God and Lord: so are we forbidden by the Catholic Religion, to say there be THREE Gods, or THREE Lords.

The Christian Verity, literally, is the Christian Truth, or the Gospel; expressed also by the Catholic Religion; or the religion of Christ all over the world.

To be compelled, signifies to be required, or obliged.

To be compelled by the Christian Verity, is therefore, to be required by the obligations of the Gospel, the obligations of the Christian Faith; which are perfectly consistent with the free agency of man; man, however, being responsible for the choice he may make; either in accepting or rejecting this Faith.

We have seen that the Holy Scripture acknowledged Each blessed Person in the

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