






Saturday, September 22,....1810.


A Turkish Tale.


As no impediment or accident occurred upon the road, it would be a waste of time to retrace their journey back to Bagdat. When they entered the grand audience chamber, the Serene Beglerbeg seemed struck with the appearance of the lovely Zelia; but as he was, although a Turk, a man of of taste, he could not help paying her an ironical compliment for not suffering the attractive lure of Asiatic splendour totally to eclipse the elegant simplicity of her former Grecian habiliments. The involuntary blushes of Zelia informed her that it was wrong for one, to whom nature had been so bountiful, to endeavour to amend what must, in the plainest attire, be deemed a masterpiece of perfection,

Cyphantia was, by Mustapha, received with the affection of a brother they mingled their tears as a tribute to the memory of Ibirhim; and these emotions of sorrow were only suspended while Zornestan presented his wife.

[NO. 22.

This revival of grief in the bo som of the noble Beglerbeg and Cyphantia, seemed a sable curtain drawn before that brilliant prospect of happiness which the opening of the scene presented to the view of the company, and demonstrated the truth of that axiom, that sudden emotions of sorrow are frequently the concomitants of our highest enjoyments. In fact the minds of the whole party were, from different causes emanating from the same source, wound to too high a key; they therefore found it necessary to seperate, and devote the remaining hours of the evening and night to refreshment

and repose.

The ebullitions of their minds in a few days subsided. Cyphantia, and the wife and daughter of Zornestan, had apartments assigned them in the haram of the Beglerbeg, while the young Mustapha, who also resided in the palace of his uncle, was promoted to a considerable post in the state.

The beautiful Zelia, no less fascinating in her manners, than captivating by her personal attractions, had in a short time created for herself such an interest in the

Supported by the Beglerbeg and her father, she approached the Cadi, before whom the marriage was registered. The ceremony of these nuptials (it is almost needless to state unless to prevent a re

was adorned with that tasteful magnificence, and conducted with that splendid solemnity which were the characteristics of the government of Mustapha.

bosom of the elder Mustapha, that relinquishing his former thoughts, he felt for her all the love and tenderness of a father; and, indeed, almost envied Zornestan his consanguinity to such a daughter. Nor had his nephew a smaller share ofference to the records of Bagdat) his affection, for as the virtue, abilities, and estimable qualities of this young Assyrian were by his situation, brought forward into a strong point of view, and hourly expanded,he discerned those strong traits of genius, integrity, courage, and benevolence, for which his brother was so conspicuous, and which had so much endeared him to him while living, and caused him so exceedingly to lament his death, revived in his son: he therefore looked forward to the nuptials of this amiable pair, as to a period propitious to the house of Mustapha.

Let not our fair readers be frightened at this mode of conducting a wedding, or start at the word so. lemnity. The Turks are a grave people, and although a plurality of wives are allowed those that choose to avail themselves of that valuable indulgence, yet they consider every matrimonial engagement they make as a solemn one. Upon this occasion public rejoicings were decreed, and under the auspices of the Serene Begler

formerly adorned the celebrated city of Babylon, seemed to have been revived in Bagdat.

This period, whatsoever might have been the opinion of Zelia up-beg, the lustre and brilliancy that on the subject, the ardour of the youth would not suffer to be driven to a remote distance. The trumpets from the minerets, and the cannon from the ramparts announced the arrival of the happy morning. A shining train issued from the palace, the gates of the haram were upon this grand occasion thrown open. Zelia, the lovely Zelia, appeared in a dress of the purest white, her face shaded by a veil, such as of old adorned the vestal virgins. She was attended by Archidice and Cyphantia, and a number of noble maidens, only inferior in beauty to herself.

The festivity was continued for three days, at the close of which Mustapha, the newly married pair, Zornestan, Cyphantia, Archidice, and the whole court, made a public procession to the great mosque; the splendour of which had not been equalled by any shew since the entrance of Alexander the Great into the former city.

But whatsoever impression, splendour and magnificence may make upon the human mind, es

pecially in our juvenile years, experience theaches us, that like the circles arising from a stane dropped in water, it is every moment in a course of obliteration. Splendour, magnificence, and every concomitant of unbounded opulence soon faded upon the sight and became familiar, and consequenly less valuable to Young Mustapha

his virtue, and even his character untained.

The only change which his elevated situation nade in his mode of life was, that it brought his actions into a stronger light, by which they were more admired, and furnished means for his liberality to become more extensive; his pie

and the lovely Zelia. Fortunately, his conjugal and parental ten

for them, when these transient and transitory appendages seemed to recede, they found themselves the possessors of happiness far more solid than any that can be derived from circumstances so adventitious.

They possessed in themselves,

and in a numerous and beautiful progeny, whose minds they formed upon those principles which radiated their own, a source of domestic enjoyment, far superior to those fleeting and transitory pleasures which mankind so general ly pursue with such avidity.

derness more conspicuous.

Their exalted, their dignified station, had the same effect upon the lovely Zelia; and fortune was, by these brilliant examples, thought this useful lesson.

had been patterns of early piety, That a son and daughter who and of duty to their parents; who had formed a tender connection, in which passion had less influence than the union of mindswith the full consent of their nearwho came to each other's arms est relatives; and whose happiness centered in each other, will Fortune, that fickle goddess, who neither by a low situation be abulong had marked the mode of sed, nor by an affluent one be elelife adopted by Mustapha and vated beyond the bounds of pruZelia, was vexed to behold a pair, dence and rectitude; but, that who seem to despise her influence, whatsoever may be their lot in and there fore resolved to tempt them, prompted the grand Seig-has decreed that they shall always life, the goodness of Providence nior upon the death of the Begler-feel that internal consciousness and beg, to confer the government of peace of mind which constitute Bagdat upon his nephew. true happiness.

The young Assyrian was now placed upon the very apex of prosperity; riches and honour were


showered upon him in an unbound-hearer most easily recollects.

The best sermon, is that which the

ed profusion; yet he preserved


For the Lady's Miscellany.

Messrs. Editors,

THE Abbe la Grenouille has lately published an ingenious composition in France to prove that the exuberance of Sentiment and Love which have generally been the ton for at least half a century, and the materials of which most of the Novels and Romances are composed is not founded in nature, but the offspring of the fancy of lovesick poets and scribblers, whose only elevation consists in being posted in the attic story of some retired edifice, delightfully furnished with dust, cobwebs, and other articles of furniture, so common among the knights of the quill. Now sir, as a champion of that delicacy and refinement,which I think should always prevail in the amorous advances of either

sex, I step forward to enter the
list against the said la Grenouille,
with as much resolution as ever
any knight errant threw the gaunt-
let of defiance against his rival;
and, if numbers are of any avail
in such important matters as these
I think we votaries of refined sen-
timent must prevail, for we exhib-
it, Messrs. Editors, a long and bril-
liant train of worthies, from the
able and incomparable author of
this Essay of Essay's down to that
merry dog Laurence Sterne, a
prowess Band truly, notwithstand-
ing the boasted tactics of the
French. Now sir, I might go on

in a logical, mathematical and
scientific manner as is usual among
us scholars, but then I would not
be doing justice to myself by thus
following the rules laid down by
others for the guidance of genius-
es of their stamp. No sir, such
confinement is inconsistent with
that originality which should al-
ways be suffered to burst forth
with the refulgence of the sum-

mer's sun.
You have no doubt
often heard of the well known
poetica licentia, which allows one to
pluck the stars from their stations
and to send them whirling through
the sky, in all the sublimity of
imaginary confusion; taking ad-
vantage of that licence, I shall
bring the irrefragable proof that
there is such a thing as sentiment,
refinement, and delicacy in the
world, existing in all its vigour and
energy, not in instances brought
from beyond the roaring Atlantic,
but in this fashionable, sentiment-
al, and refined city of New Amster-
dam, whose Belles and Beauxs
are unexampled by those of any
other country under the sun. This
proof shall be in the history of a
love affair, that came under my
knowledge, and the truth of which
I will vouch for; pledging myself
and my honor as a writer of fic-
tion. In short, to proceed with
this interesting Narrative as all
sentimental narration should be,-

The sun had just descended behind the chimney tops,the young Shopkeepers furled with vigour

their awning, and the maidens (old and young) of our polished city had just began to sip their nocturnal dish of tea, when Dr. Gallipot with his elbow reclined on the window, and his pericranium in his hand, resigned his thoughts to Love and the remembrance of his Dulcenia; he rivalled in the bigness of his passion the famous. Dr. Little who excited so much interest some time since. Sighs and fond wishes escaped him and were unquestionably wafted according to his tender invocations of the gentle zephyrs to the ear of his charmer, who was similarly situated with her nappercase in her hand.. Often did she fly to the window to see if this son of Galen was advancing, and oft did he with as much assiduity as a cat would watch a mouse, lay in wait to discover when his divinity made her appearance, or thrust her gentle head out of the window. The warmth of their affection was if possible increased by the confounded obstacles which ill fortune threw in there way for their will always be peuple in abundance who are very quick in smelling out a Rat; to speak elegantly, sometimes this loving couple of congenial souls would be for a whole day without catching a glimpse of each other, in which case Dulcinea would always post herself in a situation near the window, where she could best see the sweetest of fellows, whose face would burst upon her ravished view with more brilancy than the sun, or rather the

full moon does after hiding her full face behind a sombrific cloudNow I think of it, this same full moon turns out to be a most happy companion, for whether we view him as it respects phiz, breadth of corporation or redun- dency of breach, we shall receive in our minds the idea of a full moon, more than by any thing in nature, except a certain thing which will appear to the reader before he gallops through this most enlightened essay; written by way of a knock down argument against the aforesaid Abbe. And now,however powerful what I have


said may seem, I have in my Budget one circumstance which will decide the matter in question, and make my worthy French opponent stare, I would have him (to use a sea phrase) look out for breakers knew then courteous reader (for I will dub you so gratis) that our Esculapias not content to campaign it in the valley of Venus must e'en display his slender figure in the field of Mars, and among military gentlemen was sans doute a man of considerable importance, nor yet be alarmed to think that a life so precious should be in a situation which we are apt to suppose is exposed to some danger, tho' a military man he wore the coat ala militaire without the least dread of having it (horrible thought) stained with his own blood,-or tallow. This may seem an Enig

ma to most, but as I do not reccollect to have seen a ridille in the papers of this city for some time I will

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