PUBLICATION OF "THE VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES"-TRAGEDY OF " IRENE," PERFORMED AT DRURY-LANE THEATRE-COMMENCEMENT OF "THE RAMBLER"REPUBLISHED IN EDINBURGH- GENERAL ESTIMATE OF THE MERITS OF THIS WORK-PROLOGUE TO" COMUS," WHEN PERFORMED FOR THE BENEFIT OF MILTON'S GRAND-DAUGHTER, AND LETTER IN FAVOUR OF THE UNDERTAKING. N January, 1749, he published "The of Human Wishes, I being the Tenth Satire of Juvenal imitated." He, I believe, composed it the preceding year.1 Mrs. Johnson, for the sake of country air, had lodgings at Hampstead, to which he resorted occasionally, and there the greatest part, if not the whole, of this "Imitation" was written. The fervid rapidity with which it was produced is scarcely credible. I have heard him say that he composed seventy lines of it in one day, without putting one of them upon paper till they were finished. I remember when I once regretted to him that he had not given us more of "Juvenal's Satires," he said he probably should give more, for he had them all in his head: by which I understood that he had the originals and correspondent allusions floating in his mind, which he could, when 1 Sir John Hawkins, with solemn inaccuracy, represents this poem as a consequence of the indifferent reception of his tragedy. But the fact is, that the poem was published on the 9th of January, and the tragedy was not acted till the 6th of the February following. -BOSWELL. he pleased, embody and render permanent without much labour. Some of them, however, he observed, were too gross for imitation. The profits of a single poem, however excellent, appear to have been very small in the last reign, compared with what a publication of the same size has since been known to yield. I have mentioned, upon Johnson's own authority, that for his London" he had only ten guineas; and now, after his fame was established, he got for his Vanity of Human Wishes" but five guineas more, as is proved by an authentic document in my possession.1 66 It will be observed that he reserves to himself the right of printing one edition of this satire, which was his practice upon occasion of the sale of all his writings; it being his fixed intention to publish at some period, for his own profit, a complete collection of his works. His "Vanity of Human Wishes" has less of common life, but more of a philosophic dignity than his "London." More readers, therefore, will be delighted with the pointed spirit of "London," than with the profound reflection of "The Vanity of Human Wishes." Garrick, for instance, observed in his sprightly manner, with more vivacity than regard to just discrimination, as is usual with wits, "When Johnson lived much with the Herveys, and saw a good deal of what was passing in life, he wrote his London,' which is lively and easy; when he became more retired, he gave us his Vanity of Human Wishes,' which is as hard as Greek. Had he gone on to imitate another satire, it would have been as hard as Hebrew."2 But "The Vanity of Human Wishes is, in the opinion of the best judges, as high an effort of ethic poetry as any language can show. The instances of variety of disappointment are chosen so judiciously, and painted so strongly, that, the moment they are read, they bring conviction to every thinking mind. That of the scholar must have depressed the too sanguine expectations of many an ambitious student.3 1" Nov. 25, 1748, I received of Mr. Dodsley fifteen guineas, for which I assign to him the right of copy of an Imitation of the Tenth Satire of Juvenal,' written by me, reserving to myself the right of printing one edition. SAM. JOHNSON." 66 London, 29 June, 1786. A true copy, from the original in Dr. Johnson's handwriting. JAS. DODSLEY."-BOSWELL. 2 From Mr. Langton.-Boswell. 3 In this poem one of the instances mentioned of unfortunate men is Lydiat: "Hear Lydiat's life, and Galileo's end." The History of Lydiat being little known, the following account of him may be acceptable to many of my readers. It appeared as a note in the Supplement to the "Gentleman's Magazine" for 1748, in which some passages extracted from Johnson's poem were inserted, and it should have been added in the subsequent editions.-" A very learned divine and mathematician, fellow of New College, Oxon, and Rector of Okerton, near Banbury. He wrote, among many others, a Latin treatise, 'De natura cæli, &c.' in which he attacked the sentiments of Scaliger and Aristotle, not bearing to hear it urged, that some things are true in philosophy, and false in divinity. He made above 600 Sermons on the harmony of the Evangelists. Being unsuccessful in publishing his works, he lay in the prison of Bocardo at Oxford, and in the King's Bench, till Bishop Usher, Dr. Laud, Sir William That of the warrior, Charles of Sweden, is, I think, as highly finished a picture as can possibly be conceived. Were all the other excellencies of this poem annihilated, it must ever have our grateful reverence from its noble conclusion; in which we are consoled with the assurance that happiness may be attained, if we "apply our hearts" to piety: Where, then, shall hope and fear their objects find? Must helpless man, in ignorance sedate, Roll darkling down the torrent of his fate? No cries attempt the mercy of the skies? Which Heaven may hear, nor deem Religion vain. But leave to Heaven the measure and the choice. With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, And makes the happiness she does not find." 1 Boswell, and Dr. Pink, released him by paying his debts. He petitioned King Charles I. to be sent into Ethiopia, &c. to procure MSS. Having spoken in favour of monarchy and bishops, he was plundered by the parliament forces, and twice carried away prisoner from his rectory; and afterwards had not a shirt to shift him in three months, without he borrowed it, and died very poor in 1646."-Boswell. 1 In this poem, a line in which the danger attending on female beauty is mentioned, has very generally, I believe, been misunderstood: "Yet Vane could tell what ills from beauty spring, And Sedley curs'd the form that pleas'd a king." The lady mentioned in the first of these verses, was not the celebrated Lady Vane, whose memoirs were given to the public by Dr. Smollett, but Anne Vane, who was mistress to Frederick, Prince of Wales, and died in 1736, not long before Johnson settled in London Some account of this lady was published, under the title of " The Secret History of Vanella," 8vo. 1732. See also "Vanella in the Straw," 4to. 1732. In Mr. Boswell's "Tour to the Hebrides" (p. 37, 4th edit.), we find some observations respecting the lines in question: Garrick being now vested with theatrical power by being manager of Drury-lane Theatre, he kindly and generously made use of it to bring out Johnson's tragedy, which had been long kept back for want of encouragement. But in this benevolent purpose he met with no small difficulty from the temper of Johnson, which could not brook that a drama which he had formed with much study, and had been obliged to keep more than the nine years of Horace, should be revised and altered at the pleasure of an actor. Yet Garrick knew well, that without some alterations it would not be fit for the stage. A violent dispute having ensued between them, Garrick applied to the Reverend Dr. Taylor to interpose. Johnson was at first very obstinate. Sir," said he, "the fellow wants me to make Mahomet' run mad, that he may have an opportunity of tossing his hands and kicking his heels." He was, however, at last, with difficulty, prevailed on to comply with Garrick's wishes, so as to allow of some changes; but still there were not enough. 66 Dr. Adams was present the first night of the representation of "Irene," and gave me the following account:-" Before the curtain drew up, there were catcalls whistling, which alarmed Johnson's friends. The Prologue, which was written by himself in a manly strain, soothed the audience, and the play went off tolerably, till it came to the conclusion, when Mrs. Pritchard, the Heroine of the piece, was to be strangled upon "In Dr. Johnson's Vanity of Human Wishes,' there is the following passage: 2 "The teeming mother anxious for her race, Begs for each birth the fortune of a face: "Lord Hailes told him [Johnson] he was mistaken in the instances he had given of unfortunate fair ones, for neither Vane nor Sedley had a title to that description."-His lordship therefore thought, that the lines should rather have run thus: Yet Shore could tell And Valiere curs'd "Our friend (he added in a subsequent note, addressed to Mr. Boswell on this subject) chose Vane, who was far from being well-look'd, and Sedley, who was so ugly that Charles II. said his brother had her by way of penance."-MALONE. 1 Mahomet was in fact played by Mr. Barry, and Demetrius by Mr. Garrick: but probably at this time the parts were not yet cast.-BOSWELL. 2 The expression used by Dr. Adams was "soothed." I should rather think the audience was awed by the extraordinary spirit and dignity of the following lines: "Be this at least his praise, be this his pride, the stage, and was to speak two lines with the bow-string round her neck. The audience cried out 'Murder! Murder !'1 She several times attempted to speak; but in vain. At last she was obliged to go off the stage alive." This passage was afterwards struck out, and she was carried off to be put to death behind the scenes, as the play now has it. The Epilogue, as Johnson informed me, was written by Sir William Yonge. I know not how his play came to be thus graced by the pen of a person so eminent in the political world. Notwithstanding all the support of such performers as Garrick, Barry, Mrs. Cibber, Mrs. Pritchard, and every advantage of dress and decoration, the tragedy of Irene did not please the public. Mr. Garrick's zeal carried it through for nine nights, so that the author had his three nights' profits; and from a receipt signed by him, now in the hands of Mr. James Dodsley, it appears that his friend, Mr. Robert Dodsley, 1 This shows, how ready modern audiences are to condemn in a new play what they have frequently endured very quietly in an old one. Rowe has made Moneses in "Tamerlane" die by the bow-string, without offence.-MALONE. 2 I know not what Sir John Hawkins means by the cold reception of "Irene." [See note, p. 134]. I was at the first representation, and most of the subsequent. It was much applauded the first night, particularly the speech on to-morrow. It ran nine nights at least. It did not indeed become a stock-play, but there was not the least opposition during the representation, except the first night in the last act, where Irene was to be strangled on the stage, which John could not bear, though a dramatic poet may stab or slay by hundreds. The bow-string was not a Christian nor an ancient Greek or Roman death. But this offence was removed after the first night, and Irene went off the stage to be strangled. Many stories were circulated at the time, of the author's being observed at the representation to be dissatisfied with some of the speeches and conduct of the play, himself; and, like La Fontaine, expressing his disapprobation aloud.-BURNEY. Mr. Murphy, in his "Life of Johnson," p. 53, says, "The amount of the three benefit nights for the tragedy of 'Irene,' it is to be feared, were not very considerable, as the profit, that stimulating motive, never invited the author to another dramatic attempt." On the word" profit," the late Mr. Isaac Reed in his copy of that Life, which I purchased at the sale of his library, has added a manuscript note, containing the following receipts on Johnson's three benefit nights: In a preceding page (52) Mr. Murphy says, "Irene' was acted at Drury-lane on Monday, Feb. 6, and from that time, without interruption, to Monday, February the 20th, being in all thirteen nights." On this Mr. Reed somewhat indignantly has written-"This is false; it was acted only nine nights, and never repeated afterwards. Mr. Murphy, in making the above calculation, includes both the Sundays and Lent-days." The blunder, however, is that of the Monthly Reviewer, from whom Murphy took without acknowledgment, the greater part of his Essay. M. R. vol. lxxvii. p. 135.A. CHALMERS. |