
of art and luxury. At Versailles the Germans celebrated Christmas with various festive displays.

25.-Skirmish at Yvetot between 7,000 Prussians and 5,000 French troops from Havre. After two hours' fighting the Prussians fell back with the loss of 200 men.

The Belgian steamer Borneo wrecked on a sandbank off Cape Santa Martha, on her return from the River Plate, and thirty-five of her crew and passengers drowned.

26.-Accident on the Great Northern Railway near Hatfield, three passenger carriages being thrown off the line and broken to pieces through the fracture of a tire of one of the wheels of a break van attached to a train from King's Cross to Peterborough. Six passengers were killed instantly, being bruised and maimed almost beyond identification, and two women passing along the line were also killed by the overturning of the carriages. At the coroner's inquest professional witnesses expressed it as their opinion that the broken tire was made of the best metal, and fixed in the most improved style, and that the cause of the fracture was the influence of the recent severe weather on the steel. The jury in their verdict expressed no opinion as to the cause of the accident.

27.-The Germans open the bombardment of Paris by an attack on Mont Avron, a hill newly entrenched about a mile eastward of the easternmost fort.

- Flood at Rome, the Tiber bursting its banks, and inundating about three-fourths of the city. The Vatican was completely surrounded.

28. The French fleet of fifteen iron-clads enters Cherbourg harbour.

Proclamation issued at Paris explaining the steps taken by the Government to provide the population with food, and calling upon the National Guards to arrest marauders and pillagers, who respected neither public nor private property.

Marshal Prim shot in the Cala Alcala, Madrid, while passing in his carriage from the Cortes to the Ministry of War. The wound, in the shoulder, was at first given out as not of a serious nature, and even next day bulletins were issued stating that the General was "progressing towards recovery," but in the evening alarming symptoms were observed, and on the 30th, though still retaining consciousness, the soldier-statesman, who had laboured so disinterestedly for the safety of his country, died as the king of his selection was landing in the harbour of Carthagena. The Cortes passed a resolution expressive of their abhorrence of the crime, and placed the marshal's family under the protection of the nation, but it did not appear that any active steps were taken to discover the perpetrators. Prim was born at Reus, Catalonia, 6th Dec. 1814.

28.-Died, aged 78, Philip Hardwick, R. A., architect of the new hall of the Goldsmiths' Company and of the entrance to the Euston Station of the London and North-Western Railway.

29.-Mont Avron evacuated by the French, General Trochu superintending the operation under fire of the German guns.

Inviting M. Jules Favre to attend the London Conference on the 3rd January, Earl Granville writes that he will place on the order of the day only questions of form, and move an adjournment of a week in order "to obtain the valuable advantage of your ex. perience." The invitation only reached Paris on the evening of the 10th, through the Minister of the United States.

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French Rentes quoted at Paris at 51 70c., and the New Loan at 52f. Soc. At Mar seilles and Lyons prices were slightly in advance.

Food prices in Paris to-day reached about the highest point experienced during the siege 100f. was given for a turkey, 6of. for a gous and 25f. for a small fowl. Carrots and tur ranged from 50 centimes to a franc each, a potatoes reached the unheard-of price of so the bushel. Cats were said to be handy attainable, but dog-flesh was retailed at frem 2f. to 3f. per pound. Butter was from 15f 20f., lard 5f. per pound; and horse-steak per pound.

31.-Meeting of Paris Mayors under the presidency of Jules Favre to discuss the defence of the capital.

The Germans evacuate Gray, after a severe engagement with the Franc-tireurs d Bourras.

Up to this date the subscriptions to the National Society in aid of the sick and wounded French and German soldiers (instituted a August last under the patronage of the Quee amounted to 289,6747.; for the relief of t widows and orphans of the Captain to 40,000

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At the New Year's reception at Versailles, the King of Prussia said: "Great events must have passed to unite us on such a day and at such a place. I owe it to your heroism and to your perseverance, as well as to the bravery of the troops, that we have achieved such a success. But we have not yet reached our goal; important tasks are still before us ere we arrive at an honourable and lasting peace. Such a peace will be ensured if you continue to perform deeds such as have led us to this point. Then we can confidently look to the future for what God in His gracious will may destine for us. At the banquet which took place afterwards, his Majesty said: "I raise my glass to welcome the new year. Upon the past year we look with gratitude; upon that now commencing with hope. Thanks are due to the army, which has sped from victory to victory. But my own thanks are due to the German princes present who belonged to the army before the war, and to those who have since joined it. Our hopes are directed to the crowning of the edifice-an honourable peace." The Grand Duke of Baden said, in the course of a speech on behalf of the other princes, in which the union of Germany was alluded to as happily achieved: "This day is destined to witness the resurrection with renewed vigour of the venerable German Empire. But your Majesty wishes only to assume the Imperial government when it has thrown its protection around all its members. We, however, regard your Majesty as the supreme head of the German Empire, the crown of which is a guarantee of irrevocable unity.' He concluded his speech by a toast to "King William the Victorious."

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2.-Prince Doria Pamfili announced as hav ing accepted the mayoralty of Rome.

Mézières capitulates; the Prussian troops entering at noon.

King Amadeus enters Madrid and proceeds at once to the Church of Atocha, where the remains of Marshal Prim had been deposited. He then went to the Cortes, where the Regent delivered a speech, in the course of which he said that the task of the revolution was at an end, having succeeded in establishing a monarchy based upon democratic institutions. The King next took the oaths to the Constitution. Visits of condolence were afterwards paid to Marshal Prim's widow, the Duchess de Reus.

3.-Three German bankers sentenced at Berlin to terms of imprisonment varying from two years to three months, for taking up portions of the recent French loan.

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"At daybreak,"


Fighting at Bapaume. reported General Faidherbe, "the battle commenced along the whole line. The 1st division of the 23rd Corps took the villages of Sapignies and Favreuil, supported on their left by the division of Mobilized Guards. 2nd division of the 22nd Corps entered, after severe fighting, into the village of Biefvillers, which had become the centre of the battle, and took the Prussian positions in the rear, which were very vigorously defended, as well as the village of Avresnes-les-Bapaume. The Ist division of the 22nd Corps captured at the same time Grevillers and Ligny Tilloy. At 6 P.M. we had driven the Prussians from the whole battlefield, which was covered with their dead."

5.-The Times announces that M. Jules Favre, who had been selected to attend the London Conference, refused to leave Paris.

A "City" meeting, thinly attended and slightly disorderly, held in Cannon-street Hotel, to express sympathy with France and reprobation of the conduct of Prussia in having, since the surrender of Sedan, continued the war "for territorial aggrandisement, with a severity alike unwise and unmerciful."

The German batteries commence a cannonade against the forts on the south side of Paris. They were said to be throwing at this time 4,000 shells daily.

6.—Address from the Corporation of Frankfort presented to King William at Versailles, congratulating him on his election to the Im perial Crown of Germany, and praying that his Majesty would not overlook the historical title of that city to be the scene of his coronation.

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9.-Disorderly meeting at Greenwich, called to urge on Mr. Gladstone the propriety of resigning his seat for the borough.

Fighting at Villersexel, General Werder making a rapid movement against Bourbaki, and capturing over 600 prisoners, with two eagles belonging to the 20th French Corps. An attempt to recover ground between Moinay and Marat ended in the retreat of the French.

Despatch issued by Count Bismarck to North German representatives abroad, refuting the charges brought by M. de Chaudordy against the German mode of carrying on the war. "The dictatorship (he wrote) which has assumed power in France by a coup de main, and which is neither acknowledged by the European Powers nor by the French people, only considers the future of the country in the light of its own interests and passions. The rulers in Paris and Bordeaux suppress the loudly-uttered desire of the people for an expression of its will as forcibly as every other free utterance of opinion by word or letter. They extort from the people their money and their means to carry on the conflict, because they foresee that its end will likewise be that of their usurpation. Such a Government requires for its very existence constantly to incite the passions and embitter the feelings of the two nations at war, because it requires the continuance of the war in order to retain its dominion over its fellowcitizens."

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Addressing a person holding an official position at Bordeaux, Mr. Gladstone writes: There is no request before us from the French Government for recognition. There never has been any since the mission of M. Thiers, several months ago, very shortly indeed after the Government was formed. Yet, for every practical pur

pose, we have proceeded towards and with them just as if their origin had been the most formal in the world, and never by word or act have we implied that they were not entitled, in the highest degree, to our sympathy and respect.” 10.-Péronne capitulates, the garrison, 3,000 strong, surrendering themselves as prisoners of war.

The Prussians make a fourth attack on Maison Crochard on the west side of Paris, but are repulsed with serious loss. The barracks at Fort Issy were burnt next day.

Commencement of a series of engage ments north of Le Mans, between the French Army of the West, under General Chanzy, and the Second German Army, under Prince Frederick Charles and the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Next day the town of Le Mans was occupied by the Germans, and large stores seized, with bands of prisoners said to number 18,000. General Chanzy reported his position as good excepting at La Tuilerie, where the Mobiles of Brittany disbanded themselves.

M. Jules Favre, replying to Earl Gran ville's invitation to attend the London Confer ence, writes: "I thank your Excellency for this communication, and for the kindness shown me in facilitating the accomplishment of the duty imposed on me. It is, however, difficit for me to depart immediately from Paris, which for eight days has been given up to the horrors of a bombardment carried on against its inoffensive population, without the warning which is usual according to the law of nations I do not feel it right to abandon my fellowcitizens at the moment when they are victims of this violence. Moreover, the communications between Faris and London are by the act of the commander-in-chief of the besieging army so slow and uncertain that I cannot, notwithstanding my good wishes, reply to your appeal in the terms of your despatch. You kindly informed me that the Conference would meet on the 3rd of January, and would then probably adjourn for a week. Apprised of this on the evening of the 10th, I could not profit by your invitation in proper time. Moreover, Co Bismarck, while allowing the letter to reach me, has not accompanied it with a safe-conduct, which is, however, indispensable. . . . As soon as I have this document in my hands and the situation of Paris permits, I shall proceed to London, sure beforehand of not invoking a vain in the name of my Government the principles of right and morality which Europe has so great an interest in causing to be respected.

Died in Paris, aged 95, Citizen Lambert, Recorder for two years to the first Revole tionary Tribunal, and Secretary to the Pubic Prosecutor, Fouquier-Tinville.

11.-Died, aged 72, Paul Bedford, come dian, one of the last survivors of the Adelphi favourites.

12.-Explosion at Luycett Colliery, New

castle-under-Lyne, causing the death of five men and serious injury to fifteen others.

12. The Master of the Rolls gives judgment against Charles Lafitte, banker, of Paris, concerning the claim for 150,000l. made by him against the company (now in course of liquidation) which had secured a transfer of the goodwill of his business.

Jewellery to the value of 2,500/. stolen from one of London and Ryder's assistants, in a private lodging, Upper Berkeley-street, Portman Square, by a person feigning an intention to purchase, aided by a female who stealthily placed a handkerchief saturated with chloroform over the messenger's mouth. The parties were afterwards traced to Leamington, where they were found to have been occupying for some time an apparently respectable position as Mr. and Mrs. Tarpey. She was apprehended there and conveyed to London, while he was in Belgium endeavouring to dispose of the plunder.

Letters from Paris announce that the bombardment of the city was increasing in severity. "From midnight until 2 A. M. about one projectile per minute has fallen in the St. Sulpice quarter. Forts Vanves, Issy, and Montrouge have been cannonaded with great violence, but our external batteries have opened a well-sustained fire, which appears to have caused great ravages in the Prussian batteries. After half-past three the enemy considerably slackened his fire, and only threw projectiles of small weight. The villages of Nogent and Fontenay were cannonaded, but only in a very feeble manner. Our forts in the east have very vigorously fired during the night, and especially about 1 A. M., on the whole line of the Prussian positions. The bend of the Marne was also bombarded during the night, but without any accident."

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After a struggle protracted over six days, the army of Prince Frederick Charles captures the important position of Le Mans, and General Chanzy withdraws his troops in the direction of Alençon northward, and Laval eastward. In the course of this contest 16,000 prisoners were taken, with several guns, including mitrailleuses, six locomotives, and 200 railway waggons. Chanzy gave out that Le Mans was only given up after "some shameful cowardice and an unaccountable panic caused a portion of our troops to abandon important positions compromising the safety of us all."

General Bourbaki reports as follows: "The villages of Arcey and St. Marie have just been carried brilliantly, and without our having suffered too great losses, considering the results

obtained. I am still gaining ground, and am highly satisfied with my commanders of Army Corps and with my troops. By manoeuvring I have caused the enemy to evacuate Dijon, Gray, Lure, and Vesoul, of which my scouts took possession yesterday. The fighting at Arcey and Villersexel does great honour to the First Army Corps, which has not ceased carrying on operations for the last six weeks during the most trying weather, marching constantly, notwithstanding the cold, snow, and glazed frost."

13.-Died, aged 81, Dr. Thomas Mayo, for some time President of the Royal College of Physicians.

14. French Rentes quoted in Paris at 51f. 50c., and the new loan at 52f. 65c.

- New sovereign authorized to be issued with the image of St. George and the Dragon on the reverse.

Prince Karageorgewich sentenced to eight years' close confinement for his complicity in the murder of Prince Michael of Servia in June 1868.

15. The Prussians blow up the railway bridge over the Chier, on the line from Longwy to Arlon, and concentrate troops for the bombardment of the first-mentioned place.

General Trochu sends out a parlementaire with a letter to Count Moltke, remonstrating against the damage done by the fire of the batteries to schools and hospitals, which were under the protection of international humanity. Count Moltke replied it was by accident, owing to the great distance and fog, that such buildings had been struck, but that when the batteries were nearer the gunners could be more discriminate in their aim.

The General Outram, Indian coasting steamer, wrecked in a gale between Cochin China and Bombay, and about fifty people on board drowned.

16.-Count Bismarck refuses a safe-conduct to M. Jules Favre to attend the London Conference, on the plea that it would be a recognition of a Government which had not been recognised by France itself. M. Favre was referred to the commander of the besieging forces, where a safe-conduct would not be open to such construction, but cautioned against leaving Paris at a time when interests of more importance than the Black Sea were at stake. "Your Excellency would also leave behind in Paris the diplomatic agents and subjects of neutral States who have remained, or rather have been detained there, long after they had received permission to pass through the German lines, and who are, therefore, so much the more under the protection and care of your Excellency as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government de acto. I can, therefore, scarcely suppose that your Excellency, in the critical position of affairs, in the establishment of which you so materially assisted, will deprive yourself of the possibility of co-operating to effect a solution the responsibility of which rests

upon you." In answer to an application for a safe-conduct on the 27th November, M. Bismarck said that one would be placed at M. Jules Favre's disposal, but he must send for it, as a German flag of truce had been fired on by the French.

16.-Alençon captured by the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg and the 13th Corps.

17. At the first business meeting of the Black Sea Conference to-day a special protocol was signed, recording it as an essential principle of the law of nations that no Power can liberate itself from the engagements of a treaty, nor modify the stipulations thereof, unless with the consent of the contracting Powers by means of an amicable arrangement.

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In the case of the International steamer seized by Government on the ground that she had on board a cable intended to be used in the military service of France, Sir R. Phillimore gives judgment confirming the claim of the telegraph company to have the vessel released, on the ground that the primary object of the cable was of a commercial character. Considering, however, that there was a reasonable cause for detaining the vessel, the learned judge made no order as to costs or damages. An appeal on both sides was made to the Judicial Committee.

Rev. Dr. Currey, preacher at the Charterhouse, elected Master in room of the late Archdeacon Hale.

In answer to a request for permission of certain neutrals, not members of any diplomatic body, to withdraw from Paris, Count Bismarck writes: "For months neutrals in Paris had the option of leaving the city, and certainly, as far as the German commanders are concerned, there is no foundation for the statement contained in the letter of the foreign Ministers of the 13th, that neutrals had been prevented escaping from the dangers of the siege through the obstacles placed in their way by the belligerents. The facilities allowed to the members of the diplomatic body will be continued as an act of international courtesy, although even this is difficult and disturbs the operations of the German army; but there is now only one way in which their numerous compatriots can be released from the dangers connected with the siege, and that is the capitulation of Paris." Count Bismarck, in conclusion, observed that "of course buildings in which there are women, children, and invalids are not intentionally fired at, but that from the construction of the fortresses and the great distance of the German batteries the damage which is accidentally inflicted cannot avoided."


18.—King William of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor within the Hall of Mirrors in the palace of the French kings at Versailles, in presence of all the German princes, under the standards of the army before Paris, and surrounded by representatives of the different regiments. When the King entered the hall

about mid-day, he walked with a stately step through the line of soldiers, followed by his son and the princes and generals of the Empire. He bowed to the altar, and to the eight clergy who stood on the steps, and then took up his place nearly beneath the allegorical picture, "Le Roy gouverne par luy même," with "L'Ordre rétabli dans les Finances" on his left, and the "Building of a Navy" on his right. The group formed round the King in a semicircle, of which his figure was the centre. He wore a general's uniform, the riband of the Black Eagle (yellow), many orders, and carried his helmet in his hand. A chorale having been sung, the Court preacher and military chaplain, Rügger, read the Lord's Prayer and a Litany, to which the responses congrega were sung by the band and by the " tion of the princes." The 21st Psalm followed, after which the rev. chaplain delivered a discourse, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin!" addressed to France. Then was sung a hymn, and the Lord's Prayer was said, and next came the chorale, "Nun danket alle Gott," &c., to the end. Count Bismarck at the Emperor's com mand read a proclamation, stating that "the German Princes and Free Towns having ad dressed to us a unanimous call to renew and undertake with the re-establishment of the German Empire the dignity of Emperor, which now for sixty years has been in abeyance, and the requisite provisions having been in serted in the Constitution of the German Coa• federation, we regard it as a duty we owe to the entire Fatherland to comply with this call of the united German Princes and Free Towns, and to accept the dignity of Emperor. Acce dingly, we and our successors to the Crown of Prussia henceforth shall use the Imperial titie in all the relations and affairs of the German Empire, and we hope to God that it may be vouchsafed to the German nation to lead the Fatherland on to a blessed future, under the auspices of its ancient splendour. We under take the Imperial dignity conscious of the day to protect with German loyalty the rights the Empire and its members, to preserve peace, to maintain the independence of Germany, to strengthen the power of the people. We accept it in the hope that it will be granted: the German people to enjoy in lasting pest the reward of its arduous and heroic strugg within boundaries which will give to th Fatherland that security against French attacks which it has lacked for cen turies. May God grant to us and our succ sors to the Imperial Crown that we may be the defenders of the German Empire at all times not in martial conquests, but in works of peace in the sphere of national prosperity, freedom, and civilization." Count Bismarck read show and formally, every phrase could be distin heard, and he gave full emphasis to the al to the frontier, as though he wished the should be no mistake about it. The crowdf officers and soldiers listened breathlessly to the end, when the Grand Duke of Baden advanc


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