
Lords, the Standing Orders having been suspended for that purpose. It was intended to insert a clause in this bill giving Prince Albert precedence for life "next after her Majesty in Parliament or elsewhere, as her Majesty may think fit and proper;" but as the title made no reference to such clause, the further consideration of the subject was adjourned at this time, and ultimately dropped altogether on its being ascertained that the object could be accomplished by "Letters Patent" from the Queen. The Queen admitted that she was most indignant at what occurred, as the impression made on the mind of the young Prince was likely to be a painful one. "But he soon understood the nature of our political parties, and that the proceedings in Parliament were only the result of high party feeling, and were by no means to be taken as marks of personal disrespect, or of want of kind feeling towards himself."

22.-The rival parties at Strathbogie meet in Presbytery, and engage in a noisy and disorderly discussion as to the qualifications of Mr. Edwards, and the respect due to the civil



Died at Gottingen, aged 87, Professor Blumenbach. He celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his Professorship in 1826.

23.-Prince Albert invested with the Order of the Garter at Gotha. Accompanied by Viscount Torrington and the Hon. C. Grey, who had been charged with the mission of investiture, Prince Albert quitted Gotha for England on the 28th.

24. The Bishop of Exeter presents a petition to the House of Lords, signed by 4,000 inhabitants of Birmingham, alleging the danger to morals from the spread of the system denominated Socialism, and praying their Lordships to take steps to check the evil. The petition arose partly out of the presentation of Robert Owen to the Queen, in which Lord Melbourne now admitted that he had acted indiscreetly.

27.-Lord John Russell proposes to settle 50,000l. per annum on Prince Albert. Mr. Hume's motion to reduce it to 21,000l. was negatived by 305 to 38 votes; but Colonel Sibthorp's motion, supported by the Opposition, reducing the amount to 30,000l. per annum, was carried by 262 to 158 votes.

The Serjeant-at-Arms, in return to a writ of habeas corpus, appears in the Court of Queen's Bench, with the Sheriffs of London in custody. The return to the writ having been handed in by Sir William Gossett, and read by the Clerk, Mr. Richards moved that the return be filed, and the Sheriffs discharged from custody. He addressed the Court in support of his motion, alleging that the return was bad, inasmuch as it did not state the offence with which the Sheriffs were charged, and that the Sheriffs were entitled to the protection of the Court, having faithfully discharged their duties in conformity with their oaths. Mr. Watson and Mr. Kennedy followed on the same side,

No counsel appeared to oppose the application for the Sheriffs' discharge. After consulting with the other judges, Lord Denman delivered an opinion that the House of Commons had power to commit for "a general contempt;" though, if particular facts were stated in justification of the commitment, and these facts appeared insufficient to justify the commitment, the Court had power to release the prisoners. In the present case no particulars were stated; and the Court was bound to remand the prisoners, for the warrant must be held good. The Sheriffs left the Court in the Serjeant's custody.


28.-Commencement of debate on Sir J. Yarde Buller's motion, "That her Majesty's Government, as at present constituted, does not possess the confidence of this House. After a discussion of four nights the motion was rejected by 308 votes to 287. On the concluding night of the debate, Sir Robert Peel, who spoke immediately before Lord John Russell, replied to the taunts which had been thrown out as to his own inability to carry on the Government :-"I have no such affection for office that I will consent to retain it, and be the instrument for carrying other men's opinions. My ambition is of another kind it is not for any personal object; I want not office, I want not the distinctions which office brings with it. I am content with the power which I exercise, and with the confi dence which I enjoy ; and I never will consen to hold office upon any terms which I think dishonourable, or inconsistent with the consti tutional functions of a Minister; nor will ] consent to hold office if my own opinions are overruled, and those who are to be my sup porters will lend me their adherence on n other terms than that I should conform to theirs. Whether these opinions are capabl of being reduced to practice I will not pre tend to declare: they are not avowed for the purpose of conciliating such a degree of suppor as shall enable me to reduce them to practice They are those on which I mean to act, it office and out of office; perfectly content to remain out of office when it shall be prove that they are impracticable."

29.-Captain Hobson, the first Governor o New Zealand, lands at Wellington. A few days afterwards a treaty was concluded a Waitangi in terms of which the native chief ceded a large amount of land.

30. Mr. Bullhead, a linendraper, commit: suicide by throwing himself from the tower o Glastonbury Church, while in a state of de spondency caused by pecuniary losses.

February 1.—The State of Pennsylvania declared insolvent.

The Emperor's Sub-Inspecter at Cantor issues an edict, stating that he had received instructions to seize all the English in Macao, including Captain Elliot and the two inter preters, Gutzlaff and Morrison.

4.-Thanks of both Houses of Parliament vated to the Governor-General of India, and Le commanders, officers, and men engaged Afghanistan. The Duke of Wellington praised the arrangements that had been made ie the campaign, which appeared to include an adequate provision for all the contingencies which could occur during such a service.

6-Prince Albert, with the Duke of Saxe Coburg, the Hereditary Prince, Lord_Torrigen, and the Hon. C. Grey, arrive at Dover from Ostend. The next day was passed at Canterbury; and on the 8th (Saturday) the party arrived at Buckingham Palace, where a al reception was given to the Prince and his funds by the Queen and her household. On the same day the Lord Chancellor administered the oath of naturalization to the Prince. 7-Treaty for the marriage of her Majesty with Prince Albert signed at London.

10-Marriage of the Queen and Prince Abert. As soon as daylight broke this mornng the metropolis presented all the characteristics that mark the opening of a universal


joyous holiday. Crowds were hastening from all quarters in the direction of Buckingham Palace, or the Chapel Royal, St. James's, where the ceremony was to be performed. At the Palace the Duchess of Kent and twelve bridesmaids were in attendance on her Majesty at an early hour. Prince Albert

and his party left the Palace about a quarter of an hour before her Majesty's departure, 12 o'clock. Her Majesty, on arriving at St. James's, was conducted to her apartments behind the Throne-room, where she remained, attended by her maids of honour and train-bearers, till SLmoned by the Lord Chamberlain to take her part the procession. As the brideroom's procession moved along the colonnade ading to the chapel he was loudly cheered, appeared delighted with his reception. The royal procession passed along the colonnade A few minutes later, entering the chapel about wenty minutes to I o'clock. Her Majesty Tre a Honiton lace robe and veil, of the most site workmanship. The only ornament her head was a wreath of orange-flowers and & small diamond pin, by which the nuptial was fastened to her hair. Her train was of white satin, with a deep fringe of lace. Prince Albert met her Majesty on the haut-pas, d conducted her to her seat on the right side the altar. The ceremony was then proceeded with by the Archbishop of Canterbury. At the conclusion the several members of the Royal family congratulated her Majesty and the Prince in an unceremonious and cordial manner. The Prince then took her Majesty's hand, and ed her out of the chapel, the spectators all anding. On reaching the Throne-room, the arnage register was sigued and attested by the koyal family and officers of state. The Queen and Prince Albert immediately afterwards rearned to Buckingham Palace in one carriage, and were welcomed most heartily by the cheers

of her subjects. The royal bridal party left in the afternoon for Windsor Castle. The rejoicings throughout the kingdom in connexion with the event were universal and enthusiastic.

10. In proroguing the Parliament of Upper Canada, Governor Thomson thanked the members for their attention to public business, and expressed peculiar satisfaction with their proceedings on the Reunion and Clergy Reserve Bills.

Died at London, in his 74th year, Sir Jeffrey Wyatville, R. A., architect.

13.-Ministers defeated by a majority of 10 on Mr. Herries' motion regarding the financial arrangements for the current year.

14. The Court of Session delivers judgment in the Strathbogie case, extending the interdict originally granted for two Sundays to a period unlimited, and sanctioning its effect throughout the entire parishes of the seven suspended ministers

15. In the Court of Queen's Bench a jury awards 100%. damages against the proprietors of the Morning Chronicle for a libel upon Viscount Beresford, in so far as it had imputed to him harshness and cruelty in the ejection of tenants from one of his Irish estates.

26.-Her Majesty and Prince Albert visit Drury Lane Theatre in state, being their first appearance in public since their marriage. On the 28th they attended Covent Garden.

27.-The Ministry again defeated, by 240 to 212 votes, on Mr. Liddell's motion censuring them for arrangements made with Sir John Newport to induce him to retire from the office of Comptroller of Exchequer to make way for Mr. Spring Rice, elevated to the peerage.

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March 1.-Defeated on the proposed mar riage allowance to the Duc de Nemours, the Soult Cabinet resign, and a new one is formed, presided over by M. Thiers.

3.-Hostile meeting on Wimbledon Common between Prince Louis Napoleon and Count Leon, a reputed son of the Emperor Napoleon. The police interfered, and carried the parties to Bow-street, where they were bound over to keep the peace.

To put an end to the numerous actions and cross-actions which had arisen out of Stockdale's case, Lord John Russell gives notice of his intention to bring in a bill affording summary protection to all persons employed in the publi cation of parliamentary papers.


3.-Letters Patent issued conferring upon Prince Albert precedence next to the Queen.

From a statement submitted to the House of Lords by the Marquis of Londonderry, it appeared that the present Government had been defeated in no fewer than 107 divisions since their accession to office in 1835. In 1838, 21 divisions had been recorded against them in the Commons alone, and in that session they introduced, but were compelled to abandon, 34 bills.

8. The newspapers publish a correspondence between Lady Seymour, the Eglinton "Queen of Beauty," and Lady Shuckburgh. Lady Seymour writes to know the character of a servant named Stedman, and whether she was a good plain cook or not. Lady Shuckburgh replies, that having a professed cook and housekeeper, she knows nothing about the under-servants. Lady Seymour explains, that she understood Stedman, in addition to her other talents, had some practice in cooking for the little Shuckburghs. The housemaid is instructed to answer this note, and say, "Stedman informs me that your ladyship does not keep either a cook or housekeeper, and that you only require a girl who can cook a muttonchop; if so, Stedman, or any other scullion, will be found fully equal to cook for, or manage the establishment of the Queen of Beauty."

9.-Steeplechase at Sheffield, between a hunting-horse and Cootes the celebrated runner; won by the latter.

In moving the army estimates, Mr. Macaulay explained that the addition of 30,000l. to last year's estimates of 6,000,000l. had been caused by Indian purposes, and would be a charge on Indian revenue. The whole force

for which the estimate was now taken amounted to 121,112 men.

10.-Dinner to Mr. Byng, in celebration of his services for fifty years as Member of Parliament for the County of Middlesex.

12. In answer to Sir Robert Peel, Lord Palmerston states that any communication which might be made with China as to recent occurrences in that country, would be made in the name of the Queen, and not of the GovernorGeneral of India.

15. The English Ambassador at Naples presents a note requiring the dissolution of the French Company presently monopolizing the sulphur trade. This difference was afterwards settled by the mediation of the French Govern

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publish the Reports of the House. Lord John Russell regarded the attempt as a direct interference with the privileges of the House.

17.-Feargus O'Connor tried at York Assizes for inciting the working classes, through his speeches and writings, to rebellion. Judg ment deferred.


Action by Lady Bulwer against the publishers of the Court Journal, for inserting a paragraph to the effect that she had conducted herself in an offensive manner towards Mr. Henry Bulwer, at a party in Paris. Damages awarded, 50%.

19.-Lord John Russell explains that the warlike preparations authorized for China were designed to obtain reparation for the insults and injuries offered to her Majesty's Superintendent, indemnification for the loss of property, and security for future trade and commerce.

20. The Printed Papers Bill read a third time in the House of Commons; and a petition from Stockdale, who described it as a bill of pains and penalties so far as he was concerned, for leave to be heard at the bar, rejected on the ground of disrespectful language.

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23.-Fire at Fordington, Dorsetshire, ending in the destruction of fifty-four small houses. Lord John Russell obtains leave to bring in a bill for uniting the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. It provided for the election of 39 Representatives from each of the Provinces, to meet in one House of Assembly; for the appointment by the Crown of the members of a Legislative Council, not fewer in number than 20, who will retain office for life; the resumption by the Crown of the duties surrendered to the House of Assembly by Lord Ripon; the grant of a permanent civil list of 75,000l. per annum, out of which fund the Governor, the Judges, and other functionaries of the Government were to be paid, and the Crown from the same source to be empowered to grant pensions to the amount of 5,000/ or 6,000l. a year; the debt of Upper Canada to form part of the debt of the United Provinces; municipal institutions to be extended to both Upper and Lower Canada; waste lands to be sold, and the proceeds applied to pro mote emigration, on the principles established by Mr. Wakefield.

24.-The Opposition in the American Hous of Representatives, determined to defeat a Mi nisterial Bill regulating the issue of Treasur notes, protract the sitting through the whol of this day and night and up to 5 p.m. on the 25th. Members were kept awake by officer for the purpose of giving their votes.

25.-The Anti-Corn-Law League assembl at Brown's Hotel, Palace Yard, and pass re solutions for the abolition of the corn duties.

Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bill providing for an annual revision of the lists b resident barristers with the privilege of appea to the Judge of Assize, carried against Minis ters by 250 to 234 votes.

26.-The Agricultural Society of England, established in 1838, receives to-day a Royal Charter of incorporation.

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27.-Lady Bulwer again brings an action gainst Messrs. Lawson and Thackeray, this time in the Tribunal of Correctional Police, Paris, but is defeated on the plea that her haand was not a consenting party to the proceedings.

30. The wife of the Duke of Sussex Created Duchess of Inverness. She was described as the Right Honourable Lady Cecilia Letitia Underwood, eldest surviving daughter of the second Earl of Arran, and widow of Sir George Buggin, attorney.

In answer to a Royal Message, the House of Commons agree to confer on Lord Seaton (Sir J. Colborne) a pension of 2,000l. per annam, with continuance for two lives after his

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- M. Guizot arrives in London as French Minister at the Court of St. James's.

April 2.-The House of Assembly at Nova Scotia vote resolutions affirming the necessity of remodelling the Executive Council on the prinaple of Lord John Russell's despatch of the 16th October, 1839, so as to produce harmony between the Government and the House of Assembly. The resolutions having been comunicated to the Governor (Sir Colin Campbel, his Excellency replied, that he had no reason to believe any alteration in the sentiments of the Queen's Ministers had occurred; and that he was in every way satisfied with the sistance he had received from his Council. The Assembly then remonstrated with the Governor, pressing him to carry out the prinple laid down by the head of the Colonial Department. Sir Colin replied, that he could 14 put the same interpretation on the despatch the Assembly, but promised to refer the address and resolutions of the Assembly to the Government at home. Thereupon the Asbly adopted a petition to the Queen to Tove Sir Colin Campbell; and Sir Colin mediately prorogued his Parliament.

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3. The discussion on Mr. Villiers' annual action regarding the Corn Laws was brought unexpected termination to-night by a divibeing taken on the motion for adjournent, when 129 voted for, and 245 against. 4-Died at Kingsland, London, Rev. John Campbell, missionary traveller in Africa.

6-Mr. Temple Frere drowned at Cambridge, when attempting to save the life of

a fellow-student in the river.

7. Commencement of a debate on Sir James Graham's motion-"That it appears to this House, on consideration of the papers relating to China, presented by command of her Majesty, that the interruption in our commercial and friendly intercourse with that country, and the hostilities which have since taken place, are mainly to be attributed to the want of foresight and precaution on the part of her Majesty's present advisers, in respect to our relations with China, and especially to their neglect to furnish the Superintendent at Canton with powers and instructions calculated to provide against the growing evils connected with the contraband traffic in opium, and adapted to the novel and difficult situation in which the Superintendent was placed." Sir James delivered an elaborate speech against Ministers, with the view of showing that they had neglected to alter that part of the original Order in Council, and of the instructions to Lord Napier, which directed the Superintendent to reside at Canton, after experience had proved the inexpediency of attempting to carry out that direction; that they had omitted to correct another error in the instruction, by which the Superintendent was ordered to communicate directly with the Chinese authorities, and on equal terms-not as a petitioner; that although the presence of a naval force off the coast of China was most desirable, and recommended in a memorandum left by the Duke of Wellington when he quitted office in 1835, no such force had been placed at the disposal of the Superintendent till 1839; that they had not supplied Captain Elliot with power to suppress the illicit trade in opium; and throughout the whole of the difficult circumstances in which he was placed, had neglected to furnish him with instructions. Sir James supported his allegations by quotations from the China papers laid before Parliament; calling particular attention to the meagre despatches which, at long intervals, Lord Palmerston vouchsafed in reply to Captain Elliot's pressing representations of the difficulties which surrounded him, and of the serious consequences likely to arise from perseverance in the opium-trade, and the growing jealousy of the Chinese authorities. He then went on to deprecate a war with China on account of the great revenue derived by this country, no less than from the great number and wealth of the people. Speaking of the Chinese jealousy of England, "They have only," said Sir James,

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'to look across the Himalayas, and they see Hindostan prostrate at the feet of Great Britain. They are not so ignorant as not to be perfectly aware of the policy that led to this conquest. Hardly a century is passed since our empire, by small beginnings, arose. And how did it arise? It arose under the pretence of trade and the semblance of commerce. Scarcely a cen⚫ tury has elapsed since our first factory was established in that country. We began by building a warehouse-we surrounded it with walls-we added a ditch-we armed our workmen-we increased the number of Europeans;

we formed a garrison; we treated with the native powers-we soon discovered their weakness; the garrison marched out-Arcot was seized--the battle of Plassey was won; what Clive commenced the Wellesleys concluded; Seringapatam was taken, the Mysore was vanquished, the Mahratta war was terminated by the battle of Assaye, and India became ours. Nor is this all-the Indus and the Ganges no longer bound the limits of our empire; the Hydaspes has been passed, Cabul and Candahar have witnessed the advance of our armies, Central Asia trembles at our presence and almost acknowledges our dominion; and on the borders of such an empire, is it not natural that the Chinese, seeing what has passed, should feel the utmost jealousy at the settlement of any of the British within their territories?" The proposer of the resolution concluded:-"When they saw on the part of her Majesty's advisers the most pertinacious adherence to the erroneous course repudiated both by experience and reason-when they saw that they attempted to force on a proud and powerful people a mode of proceeding to which the weakest would not tamely submit-when they saw that the advice of one of the greatest and most prudent of our statesmen, who himself had warned them, was disregarded and rejected-when they saw repeated warnings given by the servants of the same Administration equally unattended towhen they saw that branch of the trade which the confidential servants of the Administration had declared to be piratical, not put down by the interference of her Majesty's Governmentwhen they saw nothing done or attempted to be done, whilst her Majesty's Superintendent was left without power, without instruction, and without force to meet the emergency which must have been naturally expected to followhe could not help asking the House, whether they did believe that the people of this country would patiently submit to the burden which this Parliament must of necessity impose, and whether that people could repose confidence in an Administration that, by a mismanagement of five years, had destroyed a trade which had flourished for centuries, and which, in addition to the loss the country had already undergone, had almost plunged it into a war in which success would not be attended with glory, and in which defeat would be our ruin and our shame."-Mr. Macaulay undertook the defence of the Ministry immediately on the question being put from the Chair." He said it was impossible for Ministers to have given such copious and particular directions as were sufficient in every possible emergency for the guidance of a functionary who was fifteen thousand miles off. The trade of China, like the politics of India, must be mainly directed by officials on the spot; and so far as direct interference with the opium trade was concerned, he sought to show that, during the greater part of a year preceding the disturbances, there was every reason for believing that the Emperor intended openly to legalize and regulate the trade. He denied

that the disturbance was in any degree attributable to the new method which had been adopted, of communicating with the Viceroy. "It is not," said Mr. Macaulay, "a question of phrases and ceremonies. The liberties and lives of Englishmen are at stake; and it is fit that all nations, civilized and uncivilized, should know, that wherever the Englishman may wander he is followed by the eye and guarded by the power of England. I was much touched, and so I dare say were many other gentlemen, by a passage in one of Captain Elliot's despatches: I mean that passage in which he describes his arrival at the factory in the moment of extreme danger. As soon as he landed he was surrounded by his countrymen, all in an agony of distress and despair. The first thing which he did was to order the British flag to be brought from his boat and planted in the balcony. The sight immediately revived the hearts of those who had a minute before given themselves up for lost. It was natural that they should look up with hope and confidence to that victorious flag; for it reminded them that they belonged to a country unaccustomed to defeat, to submission, or to shame; to a country which had exacted such reparation for the wrongs of her children as had made the ears of all who heard it to tingle; to a country which had made the Dey of Algiers humble himselt to the dust before her insulted Consul; to a country which had avenged the victims of the Black Hole on the field of Plassey; to a country which had not degenerated since the great Protector vowed that he would make the name of Englishman as much respected as ever had been the name of Roman citizen."-Mr. F. Thesiger, the new member for Woodstock, spoke on the second night of the debate, against Ministers. After three nights' discussion the motion was rejected by 271 to 261 votes.

8. At the Liverpool Assizes, Bronterre O'Brien, found guilty of sedition, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment, and ordered to find sureties in 300l. to keep the peace.

9. Mr. Duncombe carries a resolution for an Address to the Queen praying that she would cause the Lord Chamberlain to withdraw the prohibition he had issued against the delivery of a lecture on astronomy at the: Opera-house during Passion-week.

10. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Nelson monument, the offer of Messrs. Grissell and Peto to erect the column in Trafalgar-square for 17,860. in two years, was accepted.

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