
protection, which would sooner or later prove fatal to it if France and England were not agreed.

20.-Late this evening, and during a slight storm, eleven young people returning from a cricket-match at Putney were drowned in Chelsta Reach by the upsetting of four boats.

21. The Earl of Winchelsea presents a petition to the House of Lords, demanding the repeal of the Catholic Emancipation Act, on the ground of its injury to the Established Church.

23. Died at the convent at Jûn, in the Lebanon, aged 73, Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope.

24. Tried at the Central Criminal Court, the Caspars, father and son, Emanuel Moses, and Alice Abrahams, as principals and accessories in gold-dust robbery-102 lbs., worth 5,000. They were convicted principally on the evidence of an informer named Moss, who described the means taken by the younger Caspar to secure the gold he had charge of as clerk to Hartley and Co. (See March 25.)

25.-Ibrahim Pacha defeats the Turks at Nezib, near Aleppo. As many as 4,000 of the Sultan's army were said to be killed, and 5,000 taken prisoners.

26.-Colonel Maza, formerly Rosas' legal adviser, and President of the Buenos Ayres House of Representatives, assassinated in the Assembly buildings. His son was shot in prison next day.

27.-Died at Lahore, in his sixtieth year, Maharajah Runjeet Singh, chief of Lahore. Four princesses-his wives-and seven slave girls were permitted to burn themselves on his funeral pyre. He left the celebrated diamond "Koh-i-noor," so long coveted by the princes India, as a legacy to be worn by the chief Kol of Juggernaut.

28.-Explosion at St. Hilda's Colliery, South Shields. The site of the disaster was early two miles from the shaft, and therefore

siderable time elapsed before even the intrepid men who volunteered to search could reach the sufferers. Sixty lives were lost on this occasion. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of "accidental death, with a special recommendation from the jury that the practice

working coal-mines with candles be abandoned, and lamps adopted in their stead, from the evidence taken at this inquest, evidently appears that the explosion has been caused by the carelessness of one of the men going with a lighted candle into what s termed the tenth board of the mine, which had been foul.”

29.-The Morning Post gives currency to a story, that the Duchess of Montrose and Lady Sarah Ingestre were among those who hissed her Majesty on the Ascot racecourse. Lady Lichfield was said to be implicated in convey

ing this report to her Majesty, but afterwards denied in writing that she had given utterance to such a calumny.

July 1. Died, Sultan Mahmoud II., 54; succeeded by Abdul-Medjid.

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Lord Lyndhurst's motion for expunging the first clause of the Jamaica bill authorizing the Governor and Council to make laws for the regulation of hired labour, the prevention of vagrancy, and the illegal occupation of waste lands, which had been retained in the Commons by the narrow majority of 10, carried in the House of Lords against Ministers by 149 to 80.

2.-Mr. Milner Gibson resigns his seat for Ipswich, on the ground that his feelings on many great questions were now at variance with those of the Conservative party to whom he owed his election. He stood as a candidate at the new election, but was defeated by Sir Thomas Cochrane, the numbers being 621 votes to 615.


-Chartist riots at Birmingham. thousand people assembled in the Bull Ring about 9 o'clock P.M., and, when desired to disperse, fell upon the constables, and wounded two severely. The military ultimately dispersed the rioters, and enabled the police to apprehend ten of the more prominent of them. The General Convention thereupon issued a proclamation, declaring "That a wanton, flagrant, and unjust outrage had been made upon the people of Birmingham by a bloodthirsty and unconstitutional force from London, acting under the authority of men who wished to keep the people in degradation." The Secretary of the Convention was apprehended at the place of meeting.


5.-The Chancellor of the Exchequer brings forward his Annual Budget. A deficiency, caused mainly, as was explained, by the con. tinued heavy expenditure in Canada, had occurred during the past year of 224,000l. revenue for the current year he estimated at 48, 128,000l. and the expenditure at 47,988,000l. showing an available surplus of 140,000l. In immediate connexion with his statement the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed a resolution: "That it is expedient to reduce the postage on letters to one uniform rate of one penny, charged upon every letter of a weight to be hereafter fixed by law; Parliamentary privileges of franking being abolished, and official franking strictly regulated: this House pledging itself, at the same time, to make good any deficiency of revenue which may be occasioned by such an alteration in the rates of the existing duties."


Died at Buckingham Palace, from enlargement of the liver, Lady Flora Hastings, aged 33. Shortly before her death her Majesty had an interview with Lady Flora. Her death was generally understood to have been ac

celerated by the painful occurrences in the Palace at the beginning of the year.

8.-Tried at Edinburgh, an action_raised by Sir David and Lady Milne against George Horne for slanderous allegations contained in a book written by the defendant, entitled "Memoirs of an Aristocrat." Damages awarded, 1,000!.

9.-Mr. Villiers introduces, but afterwards withdraws, a motion for the House resolving itself into a committee to consider the present duties levied on foreign and colonial timber.

11.-Affray between English and American seamen at Hong-Kong. One Chinaman was killed, for which Commissioner Lin demanded instant satisfaction.


In answer to a resolution for an Address to the Crown to rescind the Order in Council appointing an Educational Committee, the Queen mildly rebukes the Peers for insinuating that she was inattentive to the interests of the Established Church, or disposed to treat with neglect the advice of the House of Lords. "Of the proceedings of the Committee, annual reports will be laid before Parliament, so that the House of Lords will be enabled to exercise its judgment upon them; and I trust that the funds placed at my disposal will be found to have been strictly applied to the objects for which they were granted."

The French Court of Peers pronounce a decision in the case of the prisoners concerned in the recent insurrection. The Court was unanimous in declaring Barbés and Mialon guilty of having headed the insurrection. By

120 votes Barbés was declared guilty of the murder of the lieutenant who commanded the poste at the Palais de Justice. By the same majority Mialon was declared guilty of the murder of the Brigadier Joanas. All the remaining prisoners were declared guilty of having participated in the insurrection, and of having been taken with arms in their hands. Barbés was sentenced to death, but afterwards respited; the others to various periods of transportation and imprisonment.

12. Mr. Goulburn's motion for the postponement of the Penny Postage Bill defeated by a majority of 213 to 113; and Sir Robert Peel's motion, to omit from the resolution the words pledging the Government to make up any deficiency which might arise, also defeated, by a majority of 184 to 125.

13. As the British Government still refused to "present" Hoossein Khan (now arrived in London) to the Queen till full satisfaction had been given for all past offences on the part of the Persian Court, Lord Palmerston grants the Envoy an interview this afternoon with the view of removing the misunderstandings, but is successful only so far as to make him familiar with the requirements of Britain as formally put before the Shah:-First, that a written apology shall be made to the British Govern

ment for what happened with regard to the British messenger; that apology not to be accompanied by any objectionable matter, and might be made either by the Prime Minister, the Hajee, or, if the Shah prefers it, by a letter from the Shah to the Queen. Secondly, that a firmaun shall be published in Persia, and a copy of it communicated to the British Government, assuring protection to all persons, whether British, Persian, or others, who may be employed in the service of the British Mission. This firmaun to be in conformity with what was stated in Sir John M'Neill's Memorandum, given to the Shah on the 4th of June, 1838. Thirdly, that Ghorian and the other places in Affghanistan which have been occupied by the Persian garrisons, shall be evacuated by their troops, and restored to the Affghans. Fourthly, that a written apology shall be made by the Persian Government for the attempt made by Major-General Semino to seize the house at Teheran, which the Shah had placed at the disposal of Major Todd. (See Nov. 10, 1838.) Fifthly, that all persons concerned in the outrage committed on the person and property of the broker of the British Residency at Bushire, in the month of November last, shall be punished. Sixthly, that the Governor of Bushire, who was guilty of the affront lately offered to Sir F. Maitland, the British Admiral, shall be removed from his command, and that the reason of his removal shall be publicly made known by the Persian Government. Seventhly, that the claims of Sir Henry Bethune, on account of the ironworks in Karadagh, shall be liquidated. Eighthly, that the sums due to the British officers shall be paid. Ninthly, that the signature of a commercial treaty between Great Britain and Persia shall accompany the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the two States.

14. The Turkish admiral leads his fleet into the harbour of Alexandria, and delivers it up to Mehemet Ali.

15. Another Chartist riot in Birmingham. The mob, having mustered in great force at the Bull Ring, formed themselves into order of procession, and in passing through the streets attacked the houses and shops of those known to be opposed to their views, or where they thought suitable plunder could be obtained. Encouraged in their excesses by the timidity of the magistracy, the rioters set fire to several shops, and it was at one time feared the whole city would fall a prey to their fury. As it was, the neighbourhood of the muster-ground presented an appearance which compelled the Duke of Wellington to declare was worse than that of a city taken by storm, and all done, he said, in the presence of magistrates appointed, not under the Great Seal, but by the Home Secretary. This outbreak was ultimately put down by the military without loss of life. The damage committed was estimated at from 40,000l. to 50,000/.

Died, Winthrop Mackworth Praed, Esq

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wit and poet, aged 36. His death caused a vacancy in the representation of Aylesbury.

16. Discussion in the House of Lords on the Birmingham riots, the Duke of Wellington taunting the Government with having done nothing to prevent their occurrence during the ten days over which they had extended. The subject was taken up the following evening in the House of Commons.

17.-The Mayor of Birmingham (Scholefeld) forwards to the Home Secretary an actent of the riots on the 15th, which he looked upon as altogether of an exceptional and unexpected character. "The magistrates," he wrote, "were at the police office on the 15th, as on other days during the disturbance, and only left when there appeared to be no just ground for fear that the peace of the town would be disturbed."

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The Queen annoyed when taking an airing in Hyde Park by a man on horseback, who persisted in crossing before her Majesty, waving his hand, and placing it on his breast. Refusing to desist from his ridiculous conduct, be was given into custody by Capt. Cavendish. The offender, who described himself as a traveller for a wholesale house in the City, was committed to prison for two months.

18.-The Llanidloes rioters tried at the Montgomeryshire Assizes, and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.

Captain Elliott writes from Macao to Lord Palmerston: "I am more and more convinced that the late crisis, and the just ground of interference afforded to her Majesty's Government, will enable it to interpose, under the most favourable circumstances, for the establishment of regular and honourable trade on a firm basis, and, let me take the liberty to add, for the effectual check or regulation of a trafe which, by the present manner of its purst, must every day become more dangerous to the peace of this ancient empire, and most discelitable to the character of the Christian ations under whose flags it is carried on. But, my lord, the difficulties in China are not confined to this matter of opium. The true and far more important question to be solved

whether there shall be honourable and extending trade with this empire; or whether the casts shall be delivered over to a state of things which will pass rapidly from the worst Caracter of forced trade to plain buccaneering." 19.-Feargus O'Connor tried for a libel on the Warminster guardians, in so far as he had serted in his newspaper a statement to the effect that they had starved a boy to death. A verdict of guilty was returned, and the defendant

entered into recognizances to appear for judg

ment when called on.

20.-Chartist riot at Newcastle, though the Northern Union had previously issued a placard calling upon its members to respect the lives and property of all the inhabitants, in conse

quence of their nightly meetings not having been interfered with.

20.-Dinner to Mr. Macready: the Duke of Sussex in the chair.

22.-In the National Convention, Delegate O'Brien moves to rescind a former resolution fixing the 12th of August as the commencement.of the "sacred month," on the ground that the people were not yet generally prepared for that event.

23. The important frontier fortress of Ghuznee, Affghanistan, stormed by a British force, under the command of Lieut.-General Keane, commander of the Army of the Indus. "At daylight on the 22d," he writes, "I reconnoitred the place, in company with the chief engineer and others, with the view of making such arrangements as were necessary for carrying the place by storm. Instead of the tedious process of breaching (for which we were all prepared), it was resolved to blow in the Cabul Gate, the weakest point, with gunpowder. A few minutes before 3 o'clock this morning the explosion took place, and proved completely successful. With the view of paralysing the enemy, a heavy fire was then opened upon the citadel and ramparts of the fort, and about the same time the storming party, led with great gallantry by Brigadier Sale, succeeded in establishing a position within the fort. The struggle here was very sharp for a time, but the courage and fortitude of our army overcame all opposition, and by 5 o'clock the British standard was planted on the citadel, amidst the cheers of all ranks. Our casualties in killed and wounded amounted to about 200. Of the garrison 500 were killed, and a large number made prisoners."

24.-Disturbances by Jews at the Garrick Theatre, in consequence of the production of a play founded on the recent gold-dust robbery. Fracas in the streets of Manchester between the editors of the Guardian and Courier, arising out of personalities indulged in through their newspapers.

Lord John Russell obtains the consent of the House to introduce a bill for the establishment of county and district constables by authority of Justices of the Peace in England and Wales.

26. The Chancellor of the Exchequer's resolution for prolonging the exclusive privilege of the Bank of Ireland till 1844, carried after a lengthened discussion by 79 votes to 24.

The Prussian seaman Ehlert tried at Durham Assizes for the murder of his captain, and sentenced to be executed. He was condemned mainly on the testimony of an apprentice, whose assistance he had secured to carry out the crime.

28. The Marquis of Londonderry writes that the rumour of his refusal to drink the Queen's health with the usual honours at the

Duke of Somerset's Wimbledon fête, was a base and infamous falsehood.

29.-In committee on the Birmingham Police Bill, Lord John Russell consented to abandon his own clauses authorizing the Town Council to take special steps for preserving the peace of the town, in favour of others suggested by Sir Robert Peel, making special commissioners appointed by the Home Office responsible for the peace of the locality. The plea put forward for thus superseding the local authority was the acknowledged democratic character of the Town Council, and the doubt whether it had the power to levy a rate for such an increase in the police force as would be required.

- The new Postage Duties Bill passed the House of Commons.

30.-Trial of Bolam at the Northumberland Assizes for the murder of Joseph Millie, at Newcastle (Dec. 7, 1838). The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter, and Baron Maule sentenced him to transportation for life.

31.-Lord John Russell writes to the magistrates of Manchester, warning them to be watchful of the movements of evil-disposed people, who were seeking to obtain money from householders and shopkeepers, by threatening them with personal danger and loss of business, or marking down their names and reporting them as enemics.

A majority (39 to 13) of the Original Burgher Associate Synod resolved to annex themselves to the Church of Scotland.

The House of Commons engage to-day in the discussion of another case of breach of privilege, the Messrs. Hansard presenting a petition for protection from the consequences of an action raised against them for printing and publishing a report and minutes of evidence respecting the island of New Zealand. The action was subsequently departed from, so that the House contented itself with a simple expression of opinion.

August 2.-Vincent, Edwards, Townsend, and Dickenson, Chartist agitators, tried at Monmouth for sedition, and sentenced to terms of imprisonment varying from six to twelve months.

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At a meeting of the Exeter Town Council, the City Treasurer declared that he had neither money nor credit, and that the city did not possess sufficient funds to pay 31. for a supply of potatoes to the gaol.

- In the House of Lords, Lord Brougham carries his motion for an address to the Crown un the subject of the Portuguese slave-trade.

3.-Five of the Birmingham rioters tried at Warwick; Howell, Roberts, and Jones sentenced to death, but afterwards reprieved.

At the Crown Court at Bodmin, Felix Lovell, for twenty years a clerk in the Customs,

was sentenced to fourteen years' transportation for embezzling 300 sovereigns and various bills of exchange.

5.-The purchasers of land in the first township of New Zealand meet in the rooms of the Company to determine by lot who shall have precedence of selection. One-tenth of all the surveyed lands was said to be set aside for the aborigines.

6.-Lord Brougham's series of five resolutions, involving censure on the Government for their recent Irish policy, carried in the House of Lords by 86 to 52 votes. Lord Melbourne described the ex-Chancellor's speech as violent, intemperate, and criminating.

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The Chartist National Convention removes from Bolt-court, Flect-street, to the Arundel Coffee-house, where they issue a declaration concerning the postponement of the "sacred month." Though the people are not generally prepared to carry out the month in its entirety, the delegates are convinced that 'most of the trades may be induced to cease working on the 12th for two or three days, in order to devote the whole of that time to solemn processions and meetings for deliberating on the present awful state of the country."

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7.-Cabul captured, and entered by Shah Soojah, accompanied by the British Envoy, the commanding officer of the army, and a squadron of British cavalry. After traversing the streets and reaching the palace in the Bala Hissar, a royal salute was fired, and congratulations offered to his Majesty on regaining the throne of his ancestors. Envoy Macnaghten describes the breaking-up of the army and flight of Dost Mahomed Khan. "He was not accompanied by any person of consequence, and his followers are said to have been reduced below the number of 100 on the day of his departure.'

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8.-The Postage Duties Bill passes the House of Lords. It received the Royal assent on the 17th.


Died at Rockhall, Dumfriesshire, Sir Robert Grierson, the fourth baronet of Lag, a lieutenant on half-pay in the 11th Foot. was over 100 years of age, and had drawn halfpay for seventy-six years.

9.-Pera, the Christian suburb of Constantinople, nearly destroyed by fire. The loss was estimated at 4,800,000l.

In a debate on Mr. Duncombe's series of resolutions censuring Ministers, Mr. Disraeli said: "They had been for seven years attacking the Church. They had revolu tionized the parochial jurisdiction of the country the most ancient jurisdiction, and one bearing a much finer relation to the feelings and wants of the people than any other part of the constitution. The Government had further attacked trial by jury; they destroyed Corporations, and had not spared the ancient Police of the country. (Laughter.) They had impaired

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12-At Manchester, Bolton, Macclesfield, and various other centres of industry, the Chartists seek to raise disturbances by compeling working men to cease from their labour during the "sacred month." No excitement throughout the country generally.

At Chester, Mr. Baron Gurney thus lays down the law of conspiracy as bearing on the prisoners now awaiting trial:-"In a conspiracy it is not necessary, nor is it even possible, that all the parties should do one and the same thing. A conspiracy is carried into execution by different persons in different places, doing derent things, all conducing to the accomplishment of the design in which they are engaged. Some would call meetings; others would preside; others speak, instruct, and inAame. Others would go about privately to rup; others distribute publications explanatry of the objects to be obtained, and the means to procure them. Others would manuature arms, and others obtain their disposal. For the purpose of making a conspiracy it is not necessary that they should all have known of it; but if by means of these speeches and plications they are induced to act, though at a distance from each other, in the execution of the same plan, they are still conspirators. The act of one is the act of all. this county for the furtherance of the common

An act done in

ble, even though the parties should never have is an act for which they are all answermed it; and though they should reside in another county, they may be properly charged one and the same indictment.'

and in defiance of the authority of the last General Assembly, who, on a report of the Auchterarder case being laid before them, declared that no presentee should be forced upon the people; as also, because it was opposed to the sentence of the Commission in May last. And the Commission are further of opinion, that no sentence of the civil court can justify their compliance. The Commission, further, considering the motion which was made by the minority of the Presbytery to take Mr. Young on his trials, hereby prohibit the Presbytery in any event from taking Mr. Young on his trials, as they shall be accountable."-Dr. Cook moved an amendment: "Having maturely considered the reference of the Presbytery of Auchterarder, the Commission earnestly advise that Presbytery, in conformity with the judgment of the Court of Session, affirmed upon appeal by the House of Peers, to take upon trial Mr. Robert Young, presentee to the parish of Auchterarder; so that, if they find him qualified, they may proceed to the settlement with all convenient speed, according to the rules of the Church." Dr. Gordon's motion was carried by a vote of 104 to 23.

14.-The Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland agree to D. Gordon's hostile resolution in the Auchterarder case: "The Commission are of opinion at the application of Mr. Young is incompetent, not only because he was finally rejected appealed from, a similar application having by a sentence of Presbytery, which was not been directed to be refused by the Assembly of 1838, but also because it would be a complete violation of the fundamental principles of the Church, in contravention of her standing laws,


15. Came on at Chester Assizes the trial of the Rev. J. R. Stephens, charged with misdemeanour, in so far as he had attended an unlawful meeting, and incited those present to a disturbance of the public peace. The meet

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ing mainly relied on was held at the Cotton Tree, near Hyde. Many who attended it carried arms, and bore banners with the inscriptions-" Tyrants, believe and tremble," Liberty or Death,' "Ashton demands Universal Suffrage or Universal Vengeance," "For children and wife we'll war to the knife." There was also a transparency with the word "Blood." At this meeting the prisoner was charged with using inflammatory language. He told the meeting that "he had good news for them; he had been to the barracks, seen the soldiers, and the soldiers would not act against the people." He asked if they had fire-arms, and were ready; and the answer was given by a discharge of fire-arms. This meeting continued till midnight. Stephens, who spoke for five hours in defence, was found guilty, and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment in Knutsford Gaol.


Don Carlos, closely pressed by Espartero, crosses the frontier and surrenders himself to the French Sub-prefect at Bayonne.

16. The clergy of Ripon and neighbourhood having remonstrated with the Marquis of Londonderry for fighting a duel with Mr. Grattan, the Marquis replies:-" I should lose the degree of character I have (I hope). obtained through life, for candour and straightforwardness, if I did not at once declare that while you, as clergymen, are compelled to view this transaction as unsanctioned and unauthorized by God, we as soldiers are bound to fight to uphold the Altar and Throne wher attacked, and for this high duty our garmenis

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