
the dispositions and inherent qualities of persons and things; for, instead of narrating whom and what he saw, his atten tion seems to have been absorbed in speculations as to their conditions, dependences, nature, and qualities. We wish to condense the evidence in support of the views now advanced concerning the organ of Wit, and shall therefore be sparing in our quotations from each author, and, indeed, select them rather as examples than evidence, leaving to those who may feel inclined the office of trying their soundness, by reference to the general writings of the au thors enumerated. In the Preface written for the Sentimental Journey we have the following disquisition :

"Your idle people leave their native country, and go abroad for some reason or reasons, which may be deriv ed from one of these general causes,-Inferiority of body; -Imbecility of mind;—or Inevitable necessity.

"The two first include all those who travel by land or by water, labouring with pride, curiosity, vanity, or spleen, subdivided and combined ad infinitum.

"The third class includes the whole army of peregrine martyrs; more especially those travellers who set out upon their travels with the benefit of clergy, either as delinquents travelling under the direction of governors recommended by the magistrates, or young gentlemen transported by the cruelty of parents and guardians, and travelling under the direction of governors recommended by Oxford, Aberdeen, and Glasgow.

"There is a fourth class, but their number is so small, that they would not deserve a distinction, were it not necessary in a work of this nature, to observe the greatest precision and nicety, to avoid a confusion of character. And these men I speak of, are such as cross the seas, and sojourn in a land of strangers, with a view of saving money for various reasons, and upon various pretences; but as they might also save themselves and others a great deal of unnecessary trouble, by saving their money at home, and as their reasons for travelling are the least complex of any

other species of emigrants, I shall distinguish these gentlemen by the name of Simple Travellers.'

"Thus the whole circle of travellers may be reduced to

[blocks in formation]

The Travellers of Necessity,

The Delinquent and Felonious Traveller,
The Unfortunate and Innocent Traveller,

The Simple Traveller; and, lastly,

The Sentimental Traveller (meaning thereby myself)."

"There is in these distinctions an admixture both of Philosophy and Wit, but certainly more of the former; and if our readers have gone along with our previous conclusions, they will scarcely hesitate to attribute both the one and the other to the organ bearing the cognomen of the latter. Again, he says:

"The sons and daughters of service part with liberty, but not with nature, in their contracts; they are flesh and blood, and have their little vanities and wishes in the midst of the house of bondage, as well as their task-masters."

"SHERIDAN enjoyed no slight reputation as a wit, but any one taking the trouble to analyze his manifestations in that way, will soon perceive that the wit of this remarkable individual almost always consists of comparisons, or contrasts of proportion, position, objects, and events, with little or no reference to their attributes or inherent properties. For instance, he compares a tall thin man with a short fat wife, to a church and steeple; beaux flirting with a lady seated in a very high carriage, to supporters hanging half way up the door; a tall thin man, to a tree run up against a wall; and such an one with his arms spread, to a cross on a Good-Friday bun.”

"As, therefore, in the works of individuals noted for the large development of Wit, we find a peculiar tendency to dwell on the essential properties of things, and, at the same time, in some of them an equal tendency to ridicule all fancy, philosophy, and reasoning, wherein there appears neglect or ignorance of these attributes ;- -as we are not aware of any other organ which can include perceptions of this nature in its function ;-and as the inherent properties of the constituent parts of creation seem to be intellectual perceptions, equally distinct from those of condition or dependence as those of objects are from those of their position and physical properties ;-there seems no slight probability for supposing the existence of some distinct organ for such perceptions; and, further, if we find them manifested strongly when the organ of Wit is large; if the peculiar wit and satire believed to be connected with the function of this organ is found to depend essentially on such perceptions; and if other kinds of wit-that of CURRAN and SHERIDAN, for instance-may exist with a moderate or deficient endowment of this organ; we shall be almost necessarily forced to the conclusion that perception of inherent properties does depend on the organ of Wit, unless it can be shewn to exist powerful when the organ is feebly developed, which we have in vain looked for.

"It hence appears that the range of this faculty is far more extensive, and that it forms a much more essential ingredient, in our philosophic capacities than could be predicated from only observing its manifestations when acting along with Secretiveness, Self-esteem, Combativeness, and Destructiveness, to produce irony, sarcasm, ridicule, and satire; or, with other intellectual powers, to sparkle in the sallies of wit. Directed towards man, it probably gives a tendency to investigate the real character, instead of resting content with observing appearances or actions, which seems to have been greatly the bent of STERNE's mind, and considerably so of that of FRANKLIN. Taking the direction of Religion, it will inquire into the nature and attri

butes of GOD, as manifested in creation. COWPER affords an example of this, and SOCRATES may be also named. In physiology, primary or essential function, as distinct from modes of manifestation, and particular actions and directions, will be its aim. To the metaphysician it will impart a strong desire for ascertaining the nature and inherent powers of mind, and of creation in general. Phrenology, being an union of the two latter-the metaphysician and the physiologist-its founders will afford us a suitable illustration. In the bust of Dr GALL the organ is represented much less developed than in that of Dr SPURZHEIM; and the superiority of the latter in discriminating modes of manifestation and particular directions of the mental powers from the powers themselves, is familiar to all phrenologists. Perhaps, too, we shall not err in adducing LOCKE as a negative instance of the faculty. In the portraits of this philosopher, Comparison and Causality appear greatly larger than Wit; and his system derives not only ideas, but the mental feelings, from external impressions; but as he was obliged to give the mind a capability of being affected by impressions on the external senses, he endowed it with the faculties of perception, contemplation, memory, comparison, and abstraction, which are in reality but modes of activity, not inherent powers. His grounds for denying the innateness of ideas were their non-manifestation, or various modifications in different individuals, from which it would seem that modes of being were to him in lieu of innate powers.

"It has been supposed that the organ of Wit gives a tendency to view every thing in a ludicrous light; but if the ideas here proposed concerning its function prove correct, such a supposition must be untenable; and that it is so, in point of fact, may be shewn by reference to nature. The masks of Drs CULLEN, FRANKLIN, and SPURZHEIM, exhibit a greater development of the organ than do those of CURRAN, SWIFT, and SHERIDAN. And further, let any one appeal to his own private friends in whom the organ is large

ly developed, and ask whether they are not oftener pained than pleased by things of opposite and unharmonizing nature brought into unnecessary contact; and, on the other hand, delighted by harmonies between the properties or attributes, whether real or imaginary, of different objects."

"It seems that almost all amusing wit consists in a slight resemblance addressed to the function of one organ, and at the same time a difference to that of another,—thus coming still nearer to Mr SCOTT's theory of laughter than his own view of wit could do. For, if there were distinct organs to perceive resemblance and difference, each would be similarly excited by the specimens of wit; but if these be modes of activity common to all the intellectual powers, then one of them is agreeably excited by the similarity, and the other jarred by the contrast, producing different states of excitement. We say "jarred," because the more any organ is developed, the more are similarities and harmonies between its perceptions sought after; Tune, Colour, and Number, for example."

I present these different views, because they are ingenious; but the facts adduced are much too few for forming a judgment on the question. Mr WATSON's observations are highly interesting, but considerable difficulties attend them. In SHERIDAN, Individuality and Eventuality are by much the predominant intellectual organs, but Wit is also moderately developed; and his manifestations are in exact correspondence with Dr SPURZHEIM's views;—namely, his elementary ideas are drawn chiefly from Individuality and Eventuality, and they receive a colouring from Wit, which renders them ludicrous; but they do not partake very highly of this quality, and in their nature they differ from the witty manifestations of STERNE and VOLTAIRE, in whom large Causality was combined with large Wit. I am acquainted with two individuals in both of whom Individuality and Eventuality are large; but in the one Wit is small, and in the other rather large, and the former almost never intentionally presents witty combinations of ideas,

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