
to fhew in what much higher Efteem, Veneration, and Honour, the Chriftian Priesthood really is, always was, and always ought to be in the World. And that,

I. From the Relation we thereby bear to Almighty God, and to our Saviour Chrift. II. From the End and Design of our Miniftry, and that is the Salvation of the Souls of Men.

I. From the Relation we thereby bear to Almighty God, and to our Saviour Chrift. 'Tis true, all Men that are incorporated into the Church by Baptifm, have, by Vertue of that, a new Relation to God, and a Right to the Pri« vileges, and Benefits of the Chriftian Covenant. upon which Account they are feldom mentioned in the New Teftament, without fome Title of Difcrimination and Honour; as, The Called and Elect of God; A chofen Generation; A peculiar People; A holy Nation; And (in the Latitude of the Word) A Royal Priefthood. But the Minifters of the Gospel, have a more proper and ftrict Alliance to God: They are called into his more immediate Service, by peculiar Defignation and Appointment, and defcrib'd under fuch Characters, as import the highest Honour, and Authority in the Church.

They are nga and Ailgyol, His Officers; His Attendants His Domefticks; who approach his Prefence, and befpeak his. Perfon;


who wear his Livery, and tread his Courts ; who tranfact and negotiate the Affairs of his Kingdom. They are O'novou his Stewards who receive his Commands, and dispatch his Orders; who diftribute his Bread, that Bread of Life which came down from Heaven; who difpence his Myfteries, the Sacraments and Pledges of our Redemption. They are Guvegyol es, workers together with God: They manage his Business, and drive on his Defigns; they are his Heralds, that publifh his Edicts, that denounce his Judgments, that proclaim his Pardons, and apply his Acts of Grace. They are Προεςώτες, Κυβερνήται, Ηγέμενοι, Ποιμιένες, Prefidents, Rulers, Guides, Rulers, Guides, Paftors, who infpect and govern his Church; who ordain and fend forth Labourers into his Harvest; who watch over and feed his Flock. And fhall not they be reverenced by Men, who are advanced to fuch a height of Dignity, and Truft by God? If by the Laws of Nations, and the universal practice of the World, all manner of Refpect, Entertainment, and Security be given to the Ambassadors of an Earthly Prince: How much more are they due to those who are fent from, and act in the Behalf of the King of Heaven?

Poffibly it will be thought, that these are very lofty and magnificent Characters; and indeed fo they are. But in this we do not ftretch our felves beyond our Line, nor magnifie our Office beyond its juft Bounds: we, faith St. Paul, are Amballadors for Chrift, as2 Cor. s. i bough20.

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though God did befeech you by us; we pray. you in Chrift's ftead, be ye reconciled unto God. If the Apoftles were God's Ambassadors, by immediate and extraordinary Miffion, we are fo in ordinary and regular Succeffion.

2: This will further appear from the End and Defign of our Miniftry; and that is the Salvation of the Souls of Men. The Nature of our Calling is wholly fpiritual; to attend the Cafes and Wants of Men's Confciences, and to watch for their Souls, as they that muft give an Account; and the particular Inftances of it, are fuch as these.

To receive Men into the Church by Baptism, and to Catechife, and Educate them in Religion; To expound and interpret to them the Holy Scriptures; To inftruct the Ignorant; To convince Gainfayers; To correct the Peoples Miftakes; To reprove their Sins; To ftir them up to all the Duties of a holy Life; To fatisfie the Scrupulous; to cenfure the Contumacious; To abfolve the Penitent; And to adminifter Comfort, [the Sacraments and Pledges of Chrift's Love] to dejected Spirits, or to dying Men.

Now my Brethren, what innocence of Life; what Prudence of Behaviour; what conftancy of Prayer; what Variety of Study; what Application of Mind and Endeavour is requi red for the faithful Difcharge of all this? And is not the Labourer worthy of his Hire? To take up the Reasoning and Expoftulation of our Apoftle in this very Argument. Who goeth

a Warfare at any time at his own Charges 21. Cor. 9. Who planteth a Vineyard, and eateth not of 7,11. the Fruit thereof? Or who feedeth a Flock and eateth not of the Milk of the Flock? If we have fown unto Spiritual Things, is it a great Thing if we shall reap your Carnal Things?


These are the Labours of the Chriftian Priefthood. And upon the Account of thefe, the Primitive and beft Chriftians had very awful and venerable Opinions both of them and their Office; they thought nothing too Good, or too Dear for those who took care of their Souls, and fed them with the Bread of Heaven. St. Paul bears this Record to the Kindnefs of his Galatians; That if it had been poffible, they would have plucked out their Gal. 4. 5. own Eyes, and have given them to him. And again, That they received him as an Angel of. God, even as Chrift Jefus. To the Everlasting Reproach of thefe latter Ages, how fincerely, how paffionately did they love their Priefts? Out of that flender Stock, which Perfecution had left, out of the Shipwracks of their wafted Fortunes: How chearfully, how liberally did they contribute to their Maintainance? What exceeding Veneration did they pay to their Perfons? With what incredible Submiffion did they undergo the most severe Difciplines and Pennances? Who knows not the memorable Cafe of the Emperor Theodofus and St. Ambrofe?

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If there be not now the fame Refpect fhewn to them, I think the Reafon is plain. For fince Religion it felf hath fo much decayed in its Efteem and Authority; Since the Prophane and Schifmatical Humour of the Age have taught the People to defpife both Church-men and Church-Cenfures; Since God himself is affronted, and his moft facred Inftitutions ridicul'd; What Wonder if his Priests partake in the Misfortune? But if it fhall ever pleafe God to restore the Primitive Spirit of Piety to the World; If the Vanities of this corrupt Age fhall ever be decocted'; If Atheism and Fanaticifin fhall ever be effectually thrown out of the Church: I queftion not but the Love and Reverence of the Clergy will return. And thus I have done with the firft Head of Difcourfe. The Nature and Honourableness of the Chriftian Priesthood.

I proceed to the 2d, upon which I crave leave to be more large.

II. The Inftances of their Duty; or the
Qualifications requir'd of them, by vir-
tue of their Office and Truft. It is re-
quired that a Man be found faithful.
Now these I think are chiefly Four.
1. The Lawfulnefs and Regularity of their
Million. 2. The Purity, and Orthodox-
nefs of their Doctrine. 3. A careful At-
Xtendance upon, and a Confcientious dif-
charge of their Office. 4. The Piety and
Exemplarinefs of their Lives,

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