
into our meditations on the subject. Some persons may perhaps imagine that because they are in the Church they must of necessity, and without any trouble on their part, be on the Church's side. This is a grievous mistake, but one which may be speedily corrected. We know that Satan hath power to sow tares among the wheat. He uses evil men in the Church as his chief instruments of mischief. The history of his long contest with God's Truth furnishes us with many instances of his putting the World's arguments into the mouth of the disobedient and unfaithful among God's people; and thereby giving them far greater effect than they would otherwise have had. I shall only notice those of which we have read this morning. When Korah argues that Moses has no authority in Israel because all the people are holy; and when Dathan and Abiram accuse Moses of wishing to put out the eyes of the congregation; that is, of wishing (as he certainly did) to lead them through the wilderness simply as God commanded, without permitting them to choose their own path or judge for themselves; in both these instances


1st Sunday after Easter.

we hear the World, in the persons of professed members of God's family, striving against faith. It is awful to think of their punishment: but it is very needful to consider that their crime is shared with thousands in the Church of Christ who having received the promise of victory over the Devil, the World, and the flesh, and being solemnly pledged to seek it through faith in Jesus Christ, give up their hope of the crown, through a longing to make their own terms; and give occasion to the adversary, and to the unthinking, to make light of the promises of God as if, for example, the promise of overcoming the World,-that which is contained in the text, that which He has made to all His children at their Baptism, were rendered worthless and insecure, because it may undoubtedly be forfeited through obstinate rebellion and self-will.



I. Pet. ii, 25.


How shall we ever be persuaded to set before us the example of Christ, and to follow His steps, if we can find in our hearts to resist that most touching appeal which is made to us in the epistle and gospel for this day? In the Gospel our Saviour speaks of Himself as a Shepherd, and of His people as a flock of sheep—“ I am the good Shepherd," He says, "the good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep;" and

* 2nd Sunday after Easter.

again He repeats, "I am the good Shepherd

and I lay down My life for the sheep, and other sheep I have which are not of this Fold," i.e., not of God's ancient people, not of the Jewish Church-" them also I must bring and they shall hear My voice-and there shall be one Fold and one Shepherd." I need scarcely remind you that all Christians are those other sheep" which our Lord said He must bring. In all Baptized Christians, of every nation under heaven, this word of His hath been most graciously fulfilled;-they and their fathers once were heathen-outcasts from Israel,—without the knowledge of God,-wanderers from all truth and goodness,-lost sheep. But Christ sought them,-spoke to them by His Apostles; and they, according to His word, gave ear unto His voice-so far at least they heard His voice, as to fulfil the prophecy which he spake ;-they entered through Christ the Door, in Baptism, into that one Fold of which He is the Shepherdthat Fold which is spoken of in the Creed as "the holy Catholic Church,"-the "one Catholic and Apostolic Church," which Christ Himself hath built upon a rock, and promised to preserve for


This then, my brethren, is the case with ourselves. Our relationship to Christ is represented to us by the emblem of the one Fold and the one Shepherd. And the necessity of making Him our example and walking in His steps, will appear to be very plainly set forth in this emblem, if we consider that in Eastern countries it has never been the practice to drive sheep; but the shepherd is accustomed to go before the flock, and speak to them, and they knowing him and hearing his voice, follow after him to the fold and to the pasture.

The same thing is taught us by another circumstance connected with the emblem. Of all animals sheep are for their size the weakest and most defenceless. Their only security against the many dangers which surround them, is in the protection of the shepherd; they must keep close to him in order to be safe. Our Lord, therefore, as the Good Shepherd, represents Himself not only as collecting the sheep, and bringing them on their way, but as delivering them from dangers. And this by the sacrifice of His own life: for the wanderings of the sheep had exposed them to the violence

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