
not inconsistent with catastrophes,
Life, more than mortal, 8, 14, 15;
rudimentary, 8; principle, 23;
the art of, 99; origin of, 109;
the spiritual, III; seeming waste
of, 115; from the dead, 119, 120;
animal, 142; future, demonstrable,
149; the inner life of man, 177;
not a product of matter, 179;
consciousness not a necessary pro-
duct of, 179; only from life, 187;
varying in degree, 220; progres-
sive, 248; possible survival of
lower, 263

Light, action of, 28; an effect, 38;
characteristics of, 103; transit of
162, 182; outer and inner, 227,

Locke, John, 129
Longfellow, 65

Lonsdale, Rev. James Gylby, 22,

Luther, 99, 171, 276
Lytton, Lord, 285

Macdonald, George, 37, 65

Man, the climax of Nature, 50; a
son of God, 54; capacities, 72;
calculates on immortality, 144; a
failure if not immortal, 144, 246;
physical history of, 170; faculties
of, 194; the inner, 178, 184, 191;
individuality of, 189
Marston, Westland, 59
Matter, all formed possibly of one
essential substance, 23; in-
destructibility of, 28, 38; three
states of, 28; inert, 55; emble-
matic (Carlyle), 146; and mind,
action and reaction, 225

Men, the greatest devout, 7; of

genius, 10; of science, II;
irreligious, 165; inspired, 168,

Meredith, George, 175
Milky Way, 291, 292
Mill, John Stuart, 74, 91, 180
Milton, 43, 219, 245

Mind, immortality of, 15; the
domination of, in the universe,
50; can proceed only from mind,
and matter, action and
reaction, 225

Mind-stuff, 69
Miracles, 294
More, Hannah, 136
Morley, Joseph John, 288
Morphological force, 141, 166
Morris, Lewis, 68
Music, 154

Musophilus," Daniel, 259
Myers, Rev. Frederick, 165
"Mystery of the Universe, The,"

Nature, a revelation of the unseen,
17; the visible form of the
Eternal Power, 32; never at
rest, 39, 129, 153, 185; laws of,
49, 52, 75; man the climax of,
50; autonomy of, 55-57; main-
tained by change, 75; process in,
76, an organic process, 298;
nothing lost in, 75, 76, 186; not
self-supporting, 82; definition of,
90; in connection with the super-
natural, 91, et seq., 228; a reve-
lation of the Divine, 101; pro-
gress in, 68-70, 130, 248;
operations of, not merely me-
chanical, 131; laws of, modes, not
forces, 146; true theory of, 159;
judgment in, 259; under one

rule, 261; three stages in, 265,
268; naturalness of a future
state, 267; purpose in, 290; one
grand unity, 301
Neale, 265
Newton, 48

Nothing lost, 75, 76, 146, 147, 186

Old Father, an (quotation), 27
Onion, 241

Other worlds than ours, 264, 267,
268, 289, 301

Pain, explanation of, 301
Parker, W. Kitchen, 201, 280, 287
Pearson, 195, 274, 277
Photography, 77; application of,
to astronomy, 78

Pig (fable), 162; pig and sheep
(fable), 166

Pigeons, tendency in, to degenerate,

Plants, 152, 153

Plumptre, Dean, 207, 259
Polycarp, 135

Procter, Adelaide Anne, 9, 54, 73,

93, 115, 129, 140, 190

Progress, a testimony to immortality,

16, 58; the promise of further
advance, 17, 35, 36, 51, 216; in
Nature, 68-70, 130, 248, 291; a
universal principle, 131; in this
life, an earnest of the life to
come, 159; or decay, 261; two
modes of, 300
Prophecy, truth of, 205
Protyle, 219

Pythagorean philosophy, 69

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 24, 99
Rawson, George, 89

Reason, 24; in the natural world,
91, 94

Religion, founded on facts (Tyndall),
27; origin of, 134; progressive,
132; three stages in, 264
Resurrection, the, 274; -body, 222,
251, 252, 256, 257
Roe, J. W., 254
Romaine, 136

Rosse, Earl of, 245
Rutherford, Samuel, 135

Science, correct application of, I;
acquisition of, 2; not the limit of
our knowledge, 2; one principle
throughout, 4; still in its infancy,
4; mental, 5; for enlargement of
faith, 7; tends to a greater future,
8; scope of, 49; causation beyond
the reach of, 53; progressive,
130; does not exclude the hope
of immortality, 173
Scott, Sir Walter, 186

Seed, process of development of, 55,
59; fertility of, not inherent, 175
Seneca, 118

Sense, organs of, 29, 60; dependent
on mental action, 31
Shairp, Principal, 106
Shakespeare, 169, 217, 246, 260
Sharp, William, 157

Sight, not mechanical, 22; produc-
tion of, 52

Sin, effects of, 66; aspects of, 138
Socrates, 193

Solar system, 295

Soul, the, not by evolution, 175;
surviving an ever-dying body,
gives assurance of immortality,
177; individuality of, 189; in
animals, 263
Southey, 142

[blocks in formation]

Tait, Professor P. G., 38
Taylor, Isaac, 149, 191, 266
Temple, Frederick (Lord Bishop of
London), 9

Tennyson, Lord, 3, 15, 30, 38, 52,
128, 137, 150, 157, 169, 173,
182, 185, 230, 239, 261, 280,
282, 285, 289
Tertullian, 145

Thought, not mechanical, 30; and
speech, 123, et seq.; our highest
thoughts are our best, 127; more
than a function of the brain, 174

Thurlow, Lord, 176
Time, 103

Trench, Archbishop, 156
Turtle, respiration of, 200
Tycho, Brahé, 64
Tymms, T. Vincent, 232
Tyndall, Professor, 27, 264

Universe, not eternal, 46; the
dominion of mind, 50; the
manifestation of rational order,
51, 58; apparent inconsistencies
in, 51; explanation, 54, et seq.;
tending to rest, 71, 113; the
present not the only, 75;
sustained by supernatural power,
117; order in, implies purpose,
133; that purpose the highest
purpose, 281; to be regarded as
a whole, 281; a wealth of worlds,

Vaughan, Henry, 25, 77
Vincentius, 207

Vision, the three kinds, 195. See

Waddington, Samuel, 178
Wallenstein, 9
Westcott, Canon, 60
Whewell, Dr., 92

Wordsworth, Wm., 174, 290
Working for good, 8, 14, 37, 48, 55,
64, 88, 100, 155, 179, 228, 238,

Worlds other than ours, 264, 267,
268, 289, 301


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