[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors]

Hawkesbury, Lord, Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the
confequence of the ceffion of Louisiana to the French,
with refpect to its effect on the Americans, 226
Mr. Cobbett's letter to, on the
conduct which will hereafter be pursued by the French
with regard to the ceffion of Louitiana, and its ulti-
mate confequences with respect to the commerce, na-
vigation, power, and independence of England, 297
Mr. Cobbett's letter to him on the

fituation to which the country has been reduced by
the peace, and the neceffity of a new war againft
France, in order to recover its lost reputation, 343
his pretended letter to the Lord

Mayor, 690

[blocks in formation]

vations on, 30

Hint, a, to the family of the Addingtons, 109
Hobart, Lord, memorial prefented to him by the Mal-
tefe deputies, 630

letter from the Maltese deputies to, on
their arrival in London, 680

--, letter from the Maltefe deputies to him
on quitting this country, 867
Holland, French troops in, on the mifconduct of Mi-
nifters fince the conclufion of peace with regard to,

Honduras, Bay of, obfervations on the right of cutting
logwood in the, 61, 92, 120, 144

-, paper published by the partics interested in
the trade to, 110

Humbug, fplendid, circumftantial account of, 690-
Reinarks on, 702

I. J.

Jamaica, imminent danger to which that country is ex-
pofed, from the establishment of a confiderable French
force in St. Domingo, 429, 879

J. B.'s letter to the editor, proving the treaty of Amiens
not binding on the country, 464

's letter to the editor, on the roth article of the
treaty of Amiens, relative to the evacuation of Malta,

-'s letter to the editor, containing ftrictures on
Swenfka's Remarks on the Politics of France and
Ruffia, 643

Jefferfon, Mr. his meffage to the Congress, 136
his letter to the National Inftitute of France,


[ocr errors]

Jerfey, fentence of the court of, against two printers of
that ifland, for having copied from the London papers,
paragraphs reflecting on the French government, 286
Obfervations on, 315

Ignotus, his letter to the editor on the evacuation of
Malta, 70

his fecond letter to the editor on the evacuation
Ilchefter election, dehate on, 1530
of Malta, 195

Imprefs fervice, obfervations on the neceffity of the, 723
India budget, debate on, 1398, 1456
Information against Mr. Peltier, copy of, 362
Infolvent debtors' bill, debate on, 1575
Inftallation of the knights of the Bath, ceremony of, 862
Intelligence, domeftic, 16, 51, 80, 117, 141, 182,
247, 309, 339, 401, 427, 532, 562, 600, 625,
690, 716, 792, 860, 876, 902, 977
Intentions, good, a poem, 664
Invafion of England and Ireland; letter from " A Friend
to my Country," on the probability of, 897
Invincible standard, extracts from the True Briton, re-
lative to the taking of, 2

Income-tax, obfervations on, 952

obfervations on a publication at

Edinburgh relative to, 31

-, narrative of the movements of the
42d, royal Highland regiment, relative to, 164-
Mr. Cobbett's frictures on, 166-Strictures in the
Morning Chronicle on, 169

extract from Walsh's Journal of the
campaign in Egypt, relative to the capture of, 225,
official statement of the Queen's
German regiment, relative to the capture of, 449
Joan of Arc, Buonaparte's note on the project of erect-
Journal du Commerce, extract from, on England, 496
ing a ftatue to the memory of, 272
des Débars, extract from, on England, 497

Irish chalking act, debate on, 1446, 1466

poft office bill, debate on, 1426
revenue acts, debate on, 1310, 1347
Italy, riches of, gone into France, or an account of the
plunder made by the French republic in 1794, 714
J. W.'s letter to the editor, containing the fequel of the
history of the Maltese deputies, 705-Obfervations

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from the Capt. Gen. of Guadaloupe to the French
minifter of marine and colonies, 112

W. B.'s, on the conduct of the Admiralty, 130
Mr. Cobbett's, to the people of the United States
of America, on the fatal confequences of the ceffion of
Louisiana, 170

R. B.'s, on Mr. Addington and the Maidstone
oppofition, 193

-- Ignotus's fecond, to the editor, on the evacuation
of Malta, 195

Tropicus's, on the West India commission, 202
-, Nauticus's, on the navy abufe bill, 206

Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Hawkefbury, on the
ultimate confequence of the ceffion of Louisiana to
France, with refpect to its effects on the Americans,


- from J. Garrard, Efq. governor of Kentucky, to the
Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives of that ftate,
relative to the conduct of the intendant of Louifiana,



a Weft India merchant's, to the editor, on the
Weft India commiffion and navy bill, 263

from General Ney to C. Mohr, fecretary of state,
relative to the fituation of affairs in Switzerland, 273

Mr. Cobbett's firft, to Mr. Mackintosh, con-
taining an examination of his defence of Mr. Peltier,

-, Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
conduct which will hereafter be purfued by the French,
with regard to the ceffion of Louifiana, and its ulti-
mate confequences with refpect to the coinmerce,
navigation, power, and independence of England, 297

Mr. Cobbett's fecond, to Mr. Mackintosh, con-
taining an examination of his defence of Mr. Peltier,
Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
fituation to which the country has been reduced by

[blocks in formation]

Obferver's, on the conduct of the Admiralty
Board, 359

--, Napper Tandy's, to Mr. Elliot, 361
-, Mr. Cobbett's, to Mr. Sheridan, on his grofs
mifreprefentation of the expreffions of Mr. Windham,
in his speech on the King's message relative to prepa-
rations for war, 385

an Euglithman's firft, to the editor, on Lord St.
Vincent and the navy, 392

[ocr errors]

J. B's, to the editor, proving the treaty of Amiens
not binding on the country, 464

X.'s, to the editor, on his Majefty's late meffage
to Parliament, 490

--, circular, addreffed to the lord lieutenants of the
counties in Great Britain for calling out and embody-
ing the militia, 503

-, circular, addreffed by the Secretary of State to the
lord lieutenants of the maritime counties in Great
Britain, relative to aliens, 503

from the adjutant general, to the colonel of the
83d regiment, relative to the enormities committed
by that regiment in the vicinity of Chelmsford, 504.

Mr. Cobbett's first, to Mr. Addington, on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, 513

Mr. Cobbett's fecond, to Mr. Addington, on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, 545

J. B.'s, to the editor, on the roth article of the
treaty of Amiens, relative to the evacuation of Malta,

--, Mr. Timothy Gofling's, to the editor, on the
celebration of Mr. Hiley Addington's birthday, 554

from M. de Bufy to the English miniiter at Malta,
555-Answer of the English minifter, 556-Obfer-
vations on, 564

circular, to the commanding officers of the re-
fpective corps of Irith yeomanry, 564.

Mr. Cobbett's third, to Mr. Addington, on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, 577

Mr. Cobbett's fourth, to Mr. Addington, on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, con-
taining an examination of the account of the confo-
lidated fund, 609

from the Spanish minister in America, to the
fecretary of the United States, relative to the shutting
of the port of New Orleans, 624

J. B.'s, to the editor, containing ftrictures on
Swenfka's Remarks on the Politics of France and
Ruffia, 643

Philo-Melitenfis's, to the editor, on the import-
ance of Malta, 646

an Englishman's fecond, to the editor, on Lord
St. Vincent and the navy, 647

of the Maltefe deputies to Lord Hobart, on their
arrival in London, 679

from the Maltefe deputies to their conftituents,
previous to their departure from London, 682

Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Auckland, on the dan-
gerous tendency of his exaggerated statements, 685
-, Projet et Contre-projet's, defcriptive of the pere-
grinations of the Richmond Doctor, 688

J. W.'s, to the editor, containing the fequel of
the hiftory of the Maltefe deputies, 705-Obferva-
tions on, 733

9 Viator's, to the editor, exposing the uselessness of
General Bentham's projects, 737

[ocr errors]

L. M's, to the editor, on the measures of the
prefent Admiralty Board, 710

4 A

Letter, Mr. Cobbett's to Lord Auckland, comparing his
Lordship's fupport of the peace of Amiens with his
former opinions and profeffions, 737

--, Candidus's, to the editor, in defence of Lord
Hawkesbury's conduct relative to the Maltele papers,

--> Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
fatal confequences of the peace, and the prominent
features of the mifconduct of Minifters fince the con-
clufion thereof, 782

Mr. Cobbett's, to Lord Hawkefbury, on the pro-
minent features of the misconduct of Minifters
fince the conclufion of peace, with regard to the
prefs, the French emigrants and Vendean royalifts,
Switzerland, the French troops in Holland, and the
Cape of Good Hope and other Dutch colonies, Malta,
Egypt, and Louifiana, 801


Veritas's, to the editor, containing strictures on
the Admiralty Board, 837

E. R.'s, to the editor, on the conduct of the
Navy Board, 865

from the Maltefe deputies to Lord Hobart on
quitting this country, 867-Obfervations on, 890

from "a Friend to my Country," on the prefent
ftate of the navy, and the probability of an invafion,

Mr. Cobbett's, to Mr. Addington, containing
ftrictures on the budget for 1803, 916

, fragment of, from Mr. Burke to Dr. Lawrence, 966
-, circular, from Chaptal, minifter of the interior
of France, relative to the furnishing of flat boats for
the invafion of England, 970

[ocr errors]

——, Mr. Cobbett's, to the Secretary at War, con-
taining strictures on the army of referve bill, 981

[ocr errors]

from Mr. Stanley, a member of the House of
Reprefentatives, from North Carolina, to his confti-
tuents, containing a review of the proceedings of Con-
grefs, with respect to the ceffion of Louifiana, &c.

Lifbon, obfervations on the miffion of General Lafnes
to, 188

bank of, particulars of a forgery attempted to
be practifed on, 562

Lift of acts paffed during the 2d feffion of the 7th Con-
grefs of the United States of America, 2006
Lifton, Mr. note prefented by him to Citizen Vander-
goes, fecretary of state for foreign affairs to the Bata-
vian government, 968

Livingston, Mr. his memorial prefented to the French
government, on the queftion, "Whether it be advan-
tageous for France to take poffeffion of Louifiana ?"

L. M.'s letter to the editor, on the measures of the pre-
fent Admiralty Board, 710

Lodi, battle of. See Mr. Ker Porter
Logwood, obfervations on the right of cutting, in the
Bay of Honduras, 61, 92, 120, 144

--, representation from the Board of Trade to
Geo. I. afferting and proving the right to cut, in the
Bay of Campeachy, 209

London, addrefs of the city of, to his Majefty on the
renewal of the war, 867-Remarks on, 895

course of exchange, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143,
185, 250, 311, 343, 534, 576, 627

prices current, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185,
250, 311, 576, 627, 723
Louifiana, ceffion of, to France, obfervations on the
meffage of the Prefident of the United States, as far as
relates to, 148

----, Mr. Cobbett's letter to the people of the

United States, on the fatal confequences of the ceffion
of, 170

Louifiana, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord Hawkesbury, on
the ultimate confequences of the ceffion of, as far as
refpects its effects on the Americans, 226

-, papers relative to, 240

ceifion of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord
Hawkesbury, on the conduct which will hereafter be
purfued by the French, with regard to, and its ulti-
mate confequences with respect to the commerce, na-
vigation, power, and independence of England, 297

of the danger which will inevitably arife to
this country from its occupation by France, 4×2

--, indendant of, letter from the Spanish minifter
to the fecretary of the United States, relative to the
fhutting of the port of New Orleans by him, 624-
Obfervations on, 628

ceffion of, Mr. Stanley's review of the pro-
ceedings of the Congress of America with refpect to,
memorial on the question, "Whether it be
advantageous for France to take poffeffion of!" pre-
fented to the French government by Mr. Livingston,
the American minifter at Paris, 2023

Louis the 18th, particulars relative to the propofition
made to him at the defire of Buonaparte, 692
Lucie, St. decree concerning the foreigners established in
Martinique and, 618-Obfervations on, 629

[blocks in formation]

on, 193

Malta, Ignotus's letter to the editor on the evacuation
of, 70

-, Ignotus's fecond letter on the evacuation of, 195.
infraction of the treaty of Amiens a justification
of the retention of, 438

evacuation of, J. B.'s letter on the roth article
of the treaty of Amiens, relative to, 552

letter from M. de Bufy to the English minifter
at, 555-Anfwer of the English minifter, Sir A.
Ball, 556-Obfervations on, 564, 620

on the retention of the inland of, by the English,.
from the Moniteur, 619

[ocr errors]

Philo-Melitenfis's letter to the editor, on the
importance of, 646

people of, authentic papers, relative to the rights
and claims of, 673-Obfervations on, 682, 890
and Gozo, reprefentation of the deputies of the
iflands of, to the King of Great Britain, 674

[ocr errors]

inquiry into the conduct of Ministers relative to
the inland and people of, 769

extract from Colonel Cordona's Journal of the
Siege of, 773

- Colonel Graham's addrefs to the inhabitants of,

[ocr errors]

on the misconduct of Minifters fince the conclu-
fion of the peace, with regard to, 806

note from the Ruffian prime minifter, relative to
the guarantee of, 853.
-guarantee of, by Ruffia, papers relative to, as laid
before Parliament, 1138


of referve, 973-Debates on, 1808, 1817

Maltefe deputies, their representation to the King of Great | Meffage, the King's, to Parliament, relative to the army
Britain, 674
their letter to Lord Hobart, on their
arrival in London, 679

[blocks in formation]


their letter to Lord Hobart on quitting
this country, 867-Observations on, 890

- papers refpecting the, as laid before
Parliament, 1147
Manifefto, French, against England, inferted in the
Hamburgh Correfpondenten, 527-Obfervations on,

"" of the King of England, obfervations on, from
the Moniteur, 1909
Manufactures, English, observations on their exclufion
from the continent, 317

Marcus's hint to the family of the Addingtons, 109
Marriages, 19, 120, 142, 250, 342, 564, 627
Marshall, Mr. difmiffal of, debates on, 1262
Martinico, decree of the captain-general and colonial
prefect of, relative to the duties on French and foreign
merchandise, 502

Martinique and Lucie, decree concerning the foreigners
eftablished in the colonies of, 618-Obfervations on,

Mechanical Miniftry, defcription of the prefent, 414
Mediation of Russia, proposed by Mr. Fox, obfervations
011, 827

debate on, 1715
Meeting of the manufacturers of filk handkerchiefs, to
confider the propofed admiffion of India filk handker-
chiefs for home confumption, proceedings of, 721
Memorial prefented by the Maltefe deputies to Lord
Hobart, 680

on the question, "Whether it be advantage-
ous for France to take poffeffion of Louifiana?" pre-
fented to the French government by Mr. Livingston,
the American minifter at Paris, 2023
Memorials of the Philadelphia and New York Chambers
of Commerce, to Congrefs, against the repeal of the
difcriminating duties, 2055

Mercure Anglois de Cobbett, Mr. Cobbett's address to
foreigners on, 161

Merry, Mo the impolicy of fending him to America,
571, 628

Mefne procefs bill, debates on, 1370

Meffage of the Prefident of the United States of America
to Congress, 136

-, obfervations

on, as far as it relates to the ceffion of Louisiana, 148
from the King, announcing military prepara-
tions in the ports of France and Holland, 403
for embodying the militia, 427
to Parliament, X.'s obfervations on his Majesty's

late, 490

--, the King's; the retention of the Cape of Good
Hope by Minifters, proved to be the real caufe of, 635
-, to Parliament, on the recall of Lord

Whitworth from Paris, 813

from Buonaparté to the Legislative Body, rela-
tive to the war with England, 847
Middlefex election, debate on, 1397
Military operations, 877, 915, 979
Militia, bill for more fpeedily and effectually completing
the establishment of officers in, reflections on, 443

-, circular letter addreffed to the lord lieutenants of
the counties of Great Britain, for calling out and em-
bodying the, 503

-, King's meffage for embodying the, 1427

Parliamentary debates on, 1246, 1316, -1422,
1434, 1450, 1459, 1463, 1490, 1500, 1510, 1629
Minifters, their retention of the Cape of Good Hope
proved to be the real caufe of the King's meffage, the
armament, and the prefent war, 634

-, inquiry into the conduct of, relative to the
ifland and people of Malta, 769

---, prominent features of the mifconduct of, fince
the conclufion of the peace, 782
➖➖➖➖➖➖, prominent features of the misconduct of, fince
the conclufion of peace, with regard to the prefs, the
French emigrants and Vendean royalifts, Switzerland,
the French troops in Holland, and the Cape of Good
Hope and the other Dutch colonies, Malta, Egypt,
and Louisiana, 8or

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

cenfure of, debates on, 1730, 1749, 1782

cenfure of, obfervations on the debates in Par-
liament relative to, 893

Ministry, mechanical, description of, 414

> the prefent, compared, by Lord Temple, to
blunt conductors, 415

-, prefent, Lord Carlifle's defcription of, 415
prefent, admirable quotation from Akenfide,
defcriptive of, 415

-, change of, obfervations on the various rumous
relative to, 540, 574, 601, 638, 698, 829
Minutes, Parliamentary, 183, 247, 283, 339, 402, 427,
506, 667, 810, 869, 903, 971

Miffiffippi, extracts from American papers, relative to the
navigation and commerce of the countries bordering
on, 2046

Moderate men and moderate measures, a new song, fung
at the celebration of Mr. Hiley Addington's birthday,
at Apothecaries' Hall, 554

Moniteur, extract from, relative to Lord Pelham's speech
on continental connexions, 6-Strictures on, 20

the, accufes Mr. Windham of reprefenting the
Ruffian nation as ferocious and barbarous, 7

libellous extract from, charging Mr. Wind-
ham and others with having fecretly fomented the
troubles of France, for the purpose of deftroying the
royalifts, 75-Obfervations on, 94

remonftrance of the civil and military autho-
rities of Conftance, against an article published in the,
relative to the English agent, Mr. Moore, 141


its obfervations on the trial of Mr. Peltier,

--, extract from the, on the debates in the British
Parliament, relative to the prefent war, 961

obfervations on the manifefto of the King of
England, from the, 1909

declaration of the King of England, accom-
panied with obfervations, from the, 1939

----- to Parliament, on calling out the Moore, Mr. English agent at Conftance, remonftrance of
fupplementary militia, 817

, relative to the military preparations
in the ports of France and Holland, Parliamentary
debates on, 1352, 1359

the civil and military authorities of Confiance against an
article published in the Moniteur concerning him, 140
Morning Chronicle, its excellent ftrictures on the narra
tive of the movements of the 4ad royal Highland
* 4 4 2

regiment, relative to the capture of the Invincible
standard, 169

Morning Poft, ftrictures on an article in the, entitled
"Undue Defpondency," 127

reflections on the fate of Defpard and his
affociates, extracted from, 265

Mortier, General, his addrefs to the inhabitants of Ha-
nover, 867

Mullins, foreign, decree of the French Confuls relative
to, 16

tion at Ratisbon, relative to a provision for the eccle-
fiaftical princes, 9

Note from the Ruffian prime minifter relative to the
guarantee of Malta, 853

prefented by Mr. Lifton to Citizen Vandergoes,
fecretary of State for foreign affairs to the Batavian
government, 968

Notice to the masters of American vessels, 117


iffued by the commiffioners for American claims,

Mutiny in the garrifon of Gibraltar, particulars of, 118, Notices of new books, 48, 268, 400



Narrative of the movements of the 42d royal Highland
reg ment, relative to the capture of the Invincible
standard, 164-Mr. Cobbett's strictures on, 166—
Strictures in the Morning Chronicle on, 169
National debt, Mr. Cobbett's obfervations on, '923
National Inftitute of France, Mr. Jefferfon's letter to,

---- reflections on Sir Jofeph Banks's
letter to, 269

Nauticus's letter on the navy abufe bill, 206
Naval operations, 878, 946, 980
Navigation and commerce of the countries bordering on
the Milippi, extracts from American papers relative
to, 2045

Navy, British, diftribution of, 19, 143, 310, 512, 722,


obfervations on the prefent ftate of, 58

abufe bill, R. B.'s letter on, 37

[ocr errors]

Nauticus's letter on, 206

debates on, 1448, 1452, 1563
and mutiny, A. R.'s obfervations on, 67

A. R.'s fecond letter on the prefent ftate of, 353
-, an Englishman's first letter to the editor, on Lord
St. Vincent, and the, 392

——, A ¡dingtonian, epigram on, 555

--, an Englishman's fecond letter to the editor, on
Lord St. Vincent and, 647

redections on the prefent ftate of, 694

--, prefent fiuation of, L. M.'s letter to the editor

on, 710

Nottingham election, debates on, 1427, 1519, 1541,


Obfervations on Mr. Peltier's trial, from the Moniteur,
on his Majesty's late ineffage to Parliament,


on the emigrations from Scotland, 751
on the alleged grounds of the war, 756
on the manifeflo of the King of England,
from the Moniteur, 1909

on the declaration of the King of England,
from the Moniteur, 1939

"Obferver," his letter on the conduct of the Admiralty
board, 359

Ode for the new year, from Dryden's "Cock and the
Fox," 76

1803, by H. J. Pye, Esq. 106-
Animadverfions on, 107


for his Majefty's birthday, 1803, by H. J. Pye,
Efq. 876
Official relative to Gorce, 523--Obfervations on,
on fubjects connected with the preliminary
and definitive treaties, and the late negotiations between
Great Britain and the French republic, published by
the French government, 1149, 1857

Ratement of the Queen's German regiment,
relative to the capture of the Invincible ftandard, 449.
communication to Parliament from his R. H.
the Prince of Wales, relative to his claims on the
revenues of the dutchy of Cornwall, 341

Board, Veritas's ktter to the editor, containing Ontario county, in the flate of New York, agreement
strictures on the conduct of, 837

of, 865


[ocr errors][merged small]

letter from "A Friend to my Country," on the
prefent fate of, 897

Navigation and trade, proclamation of the Batavian
government relative to, 426

Negotiation for peace, debates on, 1577, 1580, 1584,
1601, 1615, 1624, 1631, 1644, 1676
Negotiations carried on between Great Britain and
France, between the conclufion of peace and the recall
of Lord Whitworth from Paris, papers relating to,
as laid before Parliament by his Majesty's command
(fee Table of Contents), 993

between Great Britain and the French
republic, official papers relative to and connected with
the, as publifhed by order of the French government
Part I. the preliminaries of London, 1159. Part II.
treaty of Amiens, 1857

Ney, General, his letter to C. Mohr, fecretary of ftate,
relative to the fituation of affairs in Switzerland,

Non-refidence of the clergy, bill relative to, 651
Norway, correfpondente relative to the exportation of
5000 quarters of corn ta, 719

Note tranfmitted by the Swedish minifter to the deputa-

between the Seneca Indians and a company of Dutch
merchants, for the fale of lands in, 2041

Order of council against exportation of corn or bread, &c.


of his Britannic Majefty for making reprisals on
the French republic, 750

for an embargo on French and Dutch veffels, and
veffels bound to countries occupied by the armies of
France, 860

of his Britannic Majefty in council for making
reprisals on the Batavian republic, 969
Orders, general, iffued by the Earl of Cavan on his
departure from Egypt, 17

of the commander in chief of the French army.
in St. Domingo, 244

general, iffued at the Horfe Guards, relative to
the enormities committed by the 83d regiment, in the
vicinity of Chelmsford, 504

Origin of the prevailing influenza, called La Grippe, 596.
Orleans, New, papers relative to the fhutting of the port
of, against the Americans, 240

right of depofit at, proceedings of the
American government relative thereto, 468

letter from the Spanish minifter to the
fecretary of the United States, relative to the fhutting
of the port of, 624-Obfervations on, C28

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