

Account of the general meeting of the British creditors
in the French funds, 119

of the celebration of Mr. Windham's birth-
day at Norwich, 863
Acts, lift of, pafled during the second feffion of the fe-
venth Congrefs of the United States of America, 2006
Adams, Mr. late Prefident of the United States of Anie-
rica, his reply to fome gentlemen who congratulated
him on the anniverfary of his birthday, 2044
Addingtor, Mr. his modeft affurance, Detector's letter
on, 44
Mr. the fubftance of his fpeech in the com-
mittee of ways and means noticed, 48
--, Mr. expofure of the fallacy of his financial
statements, 82

Mr. fallacy of his financial statements ex-
pofed, 406, 441

Mr. his ministry compared by Lord Tem.
ple to blunt conductors, 415

- Mr. Mr. Cobbett's first letter to him on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, 513

-, Mr. Mr. Cobbett's fecond letter to him on
the deceptious tendency of his financial statements, 545
-, Mr. Mr. Cobbett's third letter to him on
the deceptious tendency of his financial statements,
containing a comparison between the receipts and ex-
penditures of war and peace, 577

[ocr errors]

Dr. his conduct defended by precedent, 595
Dr. his excufe, 595

Dr. origin of the prevailing influenza, called
"La grippe," traced by him, 596

--- Mr. Mr. Cobbett's fourth letter to him on
the deceptious tendency of his financial statements,
containing an examination of the account of the con-
folidated fund, 609

-, Dr. his mode of practice proved to be nei-
ther new nor fuccefsful, 618

→, Mr. expofure of the difgufting mixture of
cunning and of folly which has marked his conduct
with refpect to the tonnage duty, 630

[ocr errors]

Mr. his promife of getting fifty fail of the
line ready in a month; its falfehood expofed, 475,
537-Obfervations on, 694

[ocr errors]

Dr. verfus Cocker, 879

[ocr errors]

Mr. Mr. Cobbett's letter to him, contain-

ing ftrictures on the budget for 1803, 916
--, John Hiley, obfervations on the tranfmi-
grations and re-tranfmigrations of that keen ftates-
man, 31

-, John Hiley, account of the celebration
of his birthday, and alfo of the 1st of April, at
Apothecaries' Hall, 521, 554

-, family of, Marcus's hint to, 109

Addingtonian navy, epigram on, 555
Addrefs, Mr. Cobbett's, to the public, I

--, Buonaparte's, to the Helvetic deputies, 14-
Obfervations on, 30

to foreigners, Mr. Cobbett's, on the Mercure
Anglois de Cobbett, 161

of all the refpectable inhabitants of Gibraltar
to his R. H. the Duke of Kent, 186

of the city of London to his Majefty on the
renewal of the war, 867-Remarks on, 895

[blocks in formation]

expofure of the conduct of the prefent Board
of, 478, 694

[ocr errors]

present Board of, L. M.'s letter to the editor.
on the measures of, 710

Board of, Veritas's letter to the editor, con-
taining strictures on the conduct of, 837
"A Friend to my Country," his letter to the editor on
the prefent ftate of the navy, and the probability of
an invasion, 897

Agreement between the Seneca Indians, and a company
of Dutch merchants, for the fale of lands in Ontario
county, in the state of New York, 2041
Akenfide, Dr. admirable quotation from him, defcrip-
tion of the prefent ministry, 415
America, meffage of the Prefident of the United States
of, to Congrefs, 136

----, United States of, Mr. Cobbett's letter to the
people of, on the fatal confequences of the ceffion of
Louifiana, 170

report of the committee of
commerce and manufactures on the meffage of the
Prefident of, relative to difcriminating and counter-
vailing duties, 379
ftatement of the exports of,

from 1798 to 1799, 384

ftatement of the exports
from, to the European ftates of Great Britain and
France, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1802, 384
---, proceedings of the govern-
ment of, relative to the right of depofit at New Or-
leans, 468

[blocks in formation]

- report laid before the

House of Reprefentatives, refpecting the tonnage of, | Batavian republic, order of his Britannic Majesty in


America, on the cultivation and manufacture of cotton

ill, 2059

American veffels, notice to the mafters of, 117

government, difpofition of, 191

claims, notice iffued by the commiffioners

for, 719
States, permanent interefts of the, demand
a participation in the prefent war against France, 882
Congrefs, Mr. Stanley's review of the pro-
,ceedings of, with refpect to the ceffion of Louisiana,
&c. 1986

papers, extracts from, relative to the navi-
gation and commerce of the countries bordering on
the Miffiffippi, and alfo relative to the exports from
Canada, 2045

difcriminating and British countervailing du-
ties, examination of the operation of, 2047
Amiens, treaty of, not binding on the country, 464
Anacreontic, fung at the celebration of Mr. Hiley Ad-
dington's birthday at Apothecaries' Hall, 522
Anderfon's Journal of the Expedition to Egypt no-
ticed, 400

Annual Regifter, Cobbett's, for the year 1802, contents
of, 257
Apothecaries' Hall, celebration of the 1ft of April and
Mr. Hiley Addington's birthday at, 521

April, 1ft of. See Mr. John Hiley Addington, 521
Argus, the English, publifhed at Paris, extract from,
accufing Mr. Windham of encouraging the affaflina-
tion of Buonaparté, 182-Strictures on, 191
A. R.'s letter on the navy and the mutiny, 67

fecond letter on the prefent ftate of the navy, 353
Army, British, diftribution of, 18, 142, 310, 511,
722, 864

eftimates, debates on, 1785

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Ball, Sir A. his answer to the commander of Malta, 556
-Obfervations on, 564, 620

Bank refriction bill, parliamentary debates on, 1233,
1247, 1255, 1283, 1552, 1572
Bankrupts, 17, 52, 82, 120, 142, 249, 310, 342, 404,
533, 564, 600, 626, 2067

Banks, Sir Jofeph, reflections on his letter to the Na-
tional Inftitute, 269

Batavian government, proclamation of, relative to trade
and navigation, 426

republic, convention between Pruffia and
the, 48

Council for making reprifals on the, 969

- refcriptions payable after the peace, decree of
the Batavian Legiflature relative to the mode of re-
payment of, 503

Bath, Knights of, ceremony of the installation of, 862
Bentham, General, Viator's exposure of the uselessness
of his projects, 707

Bill relative to the non-refidence of the clergy, 651
Births, 19, 142, 250, 310, 342, 564, 627
Blocks, epigrams on the project of employing them for
the purpose of guarding the mouth of the Thames,
555, 594

an ode, 594
Blunt conductors.

See Mr. Addington, 415

Board of Admiralty, Obferver's letter on the conduct of
the, 359

Bob and the Doctor, a new song to an old tune, 398
Books, new, notices of, 48, 268, 400

British army, diftribution of, 18, 142, 310, 511, 722,

creditors in the French funds, account of the ge
neral meeting of, 119

merchandise, arrêté of the First Conful of France,
prohibiting the importation of, 970

navy, diftribution of, 19, 143, 310, 512, 722,
864, 978

obfervations on the present state of, 58
Brune, General, ceremonies which took place at Con
ftantinople on his prefentation to the Grand Vizir and
to Sultan Selim III. 596

Budget for 1803, Mr. Addington's fpeech on bringing it-
forward, 906-Observations on, 948

debates on the report of, 1800

-, India, debate on, 1398, 1456
Buonaparte's addrefs to the Helvetic deputies, 14-Obfer-
vations on, 30

of, 270

gala drefs, accurate estimate of the value

note on the project of erecting a ftatue to
the memory of Joan of Arc, 272

opinion on the finances of England, 480
meffage to the Legislative Body, relative to
the war with England, 847

circular letter to the cardinals, archbi-
fhops, and bifhops of France, commanding them to
offer up prayers for the fuccefs of the war, 902
's letter to the King of England, 1151
Burke, Mr. fragment of a letter from him to Dr. Law
rence, 966

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Cape of Good Hope, reflections on the neceffity of re-
taining it, 434

debate on, 1535

Carlile, Earl of, his defcription of the prefent Mini-
Atry, 415

Cavan, Earl of, general orders iffued by, on his depar
ture from Egypt, 17

Cenfure of Minifters, debates on, 1730, 1749

Ceremonial of the knighthood and investiture of Major- | Cobbett, Mr. his first letter to Mr. Addington on the de-
general Cradock, 285

Sir D. Dundas, 716

of General

Chambers of commerce, decree of the French Confuls
relative to the establishment of, 15

-, Philadelphia and New York,

their memorials to Congrefs on the repeal of the dif-
criminating duties, 2055

Change of Miniftry, obfervations on the rumours rela-
tive to, 540, 574, 601, 638, 698, 829
Chaptal, Minifter of the Interior of France, his circular
letter relative to the furnishing of flat boats for the
invasion of England, 970-Obfervations on, 990
Circular letter, addretfed to the Lord Lieutenants of the
counties in Great Britain, for calling out and embo-
dying the militia, 503

addreffed by the Secretary of State to
the Lord Lieutenants of the maritime counties in
Great Britain, relative to aliens, 503

--to the commanding officers of the re-
fpective corps of Irish yeomanry, 554

from the First Conful to the cardinals,
archbishops, and bifhops of France, 901

from Chaptal, Minifter of the Interior of
France, relative to the furnishing of flat boats for
the invafion of England, 970-Obfervations on, 990
Clergy, non-refidence of, bill relative to, 651

, non-refidence bill, debates on, 1485, 1497, 1511
Cobbett, Mr. his addrefs to the public, I

his letter to Mr. Wilber force on his con-
duct with respect to parliamentary reform, 33

his letter to Mr. Wilberforce on his con-
duct with respect to the compulfory adoption of vac-
cine inoculation, and the profecution of Mr. Reeves, 97
his addrefs to foreigners on the Mercure
Anglois de Cobbett, 161

his strictures on the narrative of the
movements of the 42d Royal Highland regiment, re-
lative to the capture of the Invincible ftandard, 166

--, his letter to the people of the United
States of America, on the fatal confequences of the
ceffion of Louisiana, 170

his letter to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
ultimate confequences of the ceffion of Louisiana to
France, with refpect to its effects on the Americans,


Cobbett's Annual Regifter for the year 1802, contents
of, 257
Cobbett, Mr. his addrefs to the public on the completion
of the second volume of his Annual Regifter for
1802, 257
his first letter to Mr. Mackintosh, con-
taining an examination of his defence of Mr. Peltier,

---- his letter to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
conduct which will hereafter be pursued by the French
with regard to the ceffion of Louifiana, and its ulti-
mate confequences with refpect to the commerce, na-
vigation, power, and independence of England, 297
his fecond letter to Mr. Mackintosh, con-
taining an examination of his defence of Mr. Peltier,

[ocr errors]

---, his letter to Lord Hawkesbury, on the
fituation to which the country has been reduced by the
peace, and the neceffity of a new war against France,
in order to recover its loft reputation, 343

--, his letter to Mr. Sheridan on his grofs
mifreprefentation of the expreffions of Mr. Windham,
in his fpeech on the King's meffage relative to prepa-
rations for war, 385

[ocr errors]

ceptious tendency of his financial statements, 513
his fecond letter to Mr. Addington on the
deceptious tendency of his fieancial statements, 545
his third letter to Mr. Addington on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, con-
taining a comparison between the receipts and ex-
penditures of war and peace, 577


--, his fourth letter to Mr. Addington on the
deceptious tendency of his financial statements, con-
taining an examination of the account of the Confo-
lidated Fund, 609

his letter to Lord Auckland on the dan-
gerous tendency of his exaggerated financial statements,
his letter to Lord Auckland, comparing
his Lordship's fupport of the peace of Amiens with
his former opinions and profeffions, 737

, his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the
fatal confequences of the peace, and the prominent
features of the misconduct of Minifters fince the con-
clufion thereof, 732

[ocr errors]

his letter to Lord Hawkesbury on the pro-
minent features of the misconduct of Minifters fince
the conclufion of peace, with regard to the prefs, the
French emigrants and Vendean royalifts, Switzerland,
the French troops in Holland, the Cape of Good
Hope and other Dutch colonies, Malta, Egypt, and
Louisiana, 801

[ocr errors]

his letter to Mr. Addington, containing
trictures on the budget for 1803, 916


his letter to the Secretary at War, con-
taining strictures on the army of referve bill, 981
Commerce, Chambers of, decree of the French Confuls
relative to the establishment of, 15
Commercial agents, French, papers relative to, as laid be--
fore Parliament, 1142

Communication, official, to Parliament, from his R. H..
the Prince of Wales, relative to his claims on the
dutchy of Cornwall, 341

Condé, Prince of, his teftimony to the talents and prin-
ciples of Mr. Peltier, 294

Congrefs, meffage of the Prefident of the United States of
America to, 136

Conftance, remonstrance of the civil and military autho-
rities of, against an article published in the Moniteur,
relative to the English agent, Mr. Moore, 141
Conftantinople, account of the ceremonies which took
place at, on the prefentation of the French Ambassa-
dor to the Grand Vizir, and to Sultan Selim III. 596
Confultation, the grand, a new fong, 616
Continental connexions, Lord Pelham's fpeech on, ob-
fervations of the Moniteur on, 6-Strictures on, 20
Convention between Pruffia and the Batavian republic, 48
Auftria, Ruffia, and France, 134
figned between the civil and military depu
ties of the regency of Hanover, and the commander
in chief of the French army, 900

Copy of the information against Mr. Peltier, 362
Cordona, Col. extract from his journal of the fiege of
Malta, 773

Correfpondence relative to the exportation of 5000 quar-
ters of corn to Norway, laid before the Houfe of
Commons, 719

Cotton, on the cultivation and manufacture of, in Ame-
rica, 2059

Council, order of, against the exportation of corn or
bread, &c. 16

Countries, foreign, 9, 50, 77, 114, 135, 179, 239,
270, 304, 337, 400, 424, 529, 558, 596, 622, 714,
875, 902, 947, 976

Courfe of exchange, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185, 250, | Dock-yards, debate in the Commons on the state of, 1804
311, 343, 534, 576, 627
Doctor, the, defended by precedent, 595

Court of the Thuilleries, defcription of the, 268
Cradock, Major-general, ceremonial of the knighthood
and inveftiture of, 285

[blocks in formation]

reign muflins, 16

relative to the duty on fo-

of the Imperial commiffion at the diet of Ra-
tisbon, 50

of the French government relative to the port and
commerce of Rouen, 181

of the Captain General and Colonial Prefect of
Martinico, relative to the duties on French and fo-
reign merchandise, 502

of the Batavian legiflature relative to the mode of
the repayment of the Batavian refcriptions, payable
after the peace, 503

of the French government relative to the town of
Flushing, 562-Observations on, 567

concerning the foreigners eftablished in the colo-
nies of Martinique and Lucie, 618--Obfervations on,

Defence of the country, obfervations on the bill for the,

Deputies, Helvetic, Buonaparte's addrefs to, 14-Obfer-
vations on, 30

-, Maltefe, their representation to the King of
Great Britain, 674

their letter to Lord Hobart on their
arrival in London, 679
Hobart, 680
ents, 682

-, memorial prefented by them to Lord

letter from them to their conftitu-

J. W.'s letter to the editor, con-
taining the fequel of the hiftory of, 705-Obferva-
tions on, 733

-, their letter to Lord Hobart on quit-
ting this country, 867-Obfervations on, 890
Defpard, Edward Marcus, proceedings relative to the
trial and execution, for high treafon, of himself and
accomplices, 183

and his affociates, reflections on the fate of,
from the Morning Post, 265

Edward Marcus, his trial for high treason, 1215
Defpondency, Mr. Windham and his party accused of
creating, its fallacy expofed, 446

Detector's letter on Mr. Addington's modeft affurance, 44
Diet of Ratisbon, its proceedings, 12, 78, 114, 270
Difcriminating duties, memorials of the Philadelphia

and New York chambers of commerce to Congrefs
against the repeal of, 2055

Diftribution of the British army, 18, 142, 310, 511,
722, 864

navy, 19, 143, 310, 512,
722, 864, 979
D'Ivernois, Sir Francis, called by the French, Le Che-
valier d'Arithmetique, 348

--, the, his mode of practice proved to be neither
new nor fuccessful, 618

-, the, verfus Cocker, 879

-'s excufe, the, 595

Domestic intelligence, 16, 51, 80, 117, 141, 182, 247,
309, 339, 401, 427, 532, 562, 600, 625, 690, 716,
792, 860, 876, 902, 977

--—-— official papers, 16, 286, 404, 503, 564, 718,

Domingo, St. proclamation of the colonial prefect of,
to the army and inhabitants of, on the death of Gen.
Leclerc, 78

---, operations of the French army in, 79,
274, 320, 573, 879


→ projects of the French relative to, 154,
- orders of the commander in chief of the
French army in, 244

---, proclamation iffued by Gen. Rochambeau
at, permitting the importation of wares and merchan-
dife in foreign bottoms, on paying a per centage, 274
observations on the imminen: danger which
muft arife to our Weft India colonies from the efta-
blishment of a confiderable French force in, 429, 879
Dundas, Gen. Sir D. ceremonial of the knighthood and
inveftiture of, 716

Duties, difcriminating and countervailing, report of the
committee of commerce and manufactures on the
meffage of the Prefident of the United States of Ame-
rica, relative to, 379

Duties on French and foreign merchandise, deeree of the
captain-general and colonial prefect of Martinico re-
lative to, 502

American difcriminating and British counter-
vailing, examination of the operation of, 2047

difcriminating, memorials of the Philadelphia
and New York chambers of commerce to Congress
against the repeal of, 2055

Duty on foreign mullins, decree of the French Confuls
relative to, 16


Egypt, general orders issued by the Earl of Cavan on his
departure from, 17

and Syria, Sebaftiani's report to the First Conful
on the present state of, 215

-, on the misconduct of Minifters fince the con-
clufion of peace with regard to, 806

Eighty-third regiment, general orders iffued at the Horfe
Guards relative to the enormities committed by, in
the vicinity of Chelmsford, 504
Elliot, Mr. Napper Tandy's letter to, 361

-, Napper Tandy's fecond letter to, 502
Emigrants, French; on the misconduct of Minifters fince
the conclufion of peace with regard to, 804
Emigration from Scotland, obfervations on, 751
England, on, from the Journal du Commerce, 496

-, on, from the Journal des Débars, 497

"" French manifefto against, inferted in the Ham-
burgh Correfpondenten, 527-Observations on, 534
English, the, in France, reflections on, 826

manufactures, obfervations on their exclufion
from the continent, 317

fhips, on the employment of, by the French, 191
Englishman, an, his firft letter to the editor on Lord St.
Vincent and the navy, 392

---, an, his fecond letter to the editor on Lord
St. Vincent and the navy, 647

Enquiry into the conduct of Minifters relative to the
ifland and people of Malta, 769

Epigram, on hearing of disapprobation expreffed at the
late executions for high treafon, 268

on the Addingtonian navy, 555

on the origin of the prevailing influenza,
called La Grippe, 596

Epigrams on the project of employing blocks for the pur-
pofe of guarding the mouth of the Thames, 555

E. R.'s letter to the editor on the conduct of the Navy
Board, 865

Epitaph, the traitor's, 268

Examination of the operation of the American difcrimi-
nating and British countervailing duties, 2047
Exchange, course of, 19, 52, 82, 120, 143, 185, 250,
311, 343, 534, 576, 627

--, Stock, Dean Swift's admirable description of,

Exports of the United States from 1798 to 1799, 384
from America to the European states of Great
Britain and France, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1802,

from Canada, extracts from American papers
relative to, 2046
Extract from the English Argus printed at Paris, accufing
Mr. Windham of encouraging the affaffination of
Buonaparté, 182-Strictures on, 191

Fitzwilliam, Earl, refolutions moved by him in the
House of Peers on the conduct of his Majefty's Mi-
nifters, 869, 872

Flushing, decree of the French government relative to
the town of, 562-Obfervations on, 567
Foreign countries, 9, 50, 77, 114, 135, 179, 239, 270,
304, 337, 400, 424, 529, 558, 596, 622, 714, 875,
902, 947, 976

Foreign official papers, 14, 78, 112, 117, 136, 181,
240, 273, 306, 426, 502, 527, 562, 624, 901, 970
Foreigners, Mr. Cobbett's address to, on the Mercure
Anglois de Cobbett, 161

Forgery attempted to be practifed on the bank of Lisbon,
particulars of, 562

Fox, Mr. at Buonaparte's levees, reflections on, 269.
Mr. obfervations on his propofed mediation of
Ruffia, 827


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

from Walth's Journal of the Campaign in
Egypt, relative to the capture of the Invincible stand-French
ard, 225

Extracts from American papers relative to the navigation

and commerce of the countries bordering on the Miffi-
fippi, and also relative to the exports from Canada,

[blocks in formation]

- ftate of, 511, 627, 721, 896, 2069
French government, decree of, relative to the port and
commerce of Rouen, 181

manifefto against England, inferted in the Ham-
burgh Correfpondenten, 527-Obfervations on, 534
-, projects of the, relative to St. Domingo, 154, 253
republic, ftate of, prefented to the Legislative
Body by order of Government, 306, 375-Remarks

[blocks in formation]

and the funds, exposure of the fallacy of Lord Good Hope, Cape of, reflections on the neceffity of re-
Auckland's difplay relative to them, 406

--, Mr. Cobbett's letter to Lord Auckland on the
dangerous tendency of his statements relative to, 685

and trade, exposure of the deceptions attempted
to be kept up by Government on these subjects, 729,

--, parliamentary debates on, 1308, 1592
Finances of England, Buonaparte's opinion on the, 480
Fith, abstract of the quantity of, exported from the

United States of America, for the years 1791 to
1800 inclufive, 2021

Fisheries of the United States of America, report laid
before the House of Representatives relative to, 2021

taining it, 434

[ocr errors]

articles of agreement concluded
between Lieut.-general Dundas, Vice-admiral Sir R.
Curtis, Rear-admiral S. Dekker, and Col. Henry,
for the retention of, 500-Observations on, 434
---> examination of the conduct of
Minifters with respect to their retention and final eva-
cuation of that place, 631

the retention of, by Minifters
proved to be the real caufe of the King's message, the
armament, and the prefent war, 637
debate on, 1535
Good intentions, a poum, 664


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