Biblical Mysteries Unveiled: Obtaining A Mate

Holy Fire Publishing, 2006 - 132 pagina's
The teachings contained in this book, Biblical Mysteries Unveiled: Obtaining a Mate, is an accumulation of over two decades research. S.K. Martin operating in the spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge Eph. 1:17, by the leading of the Holy Spirit has unveiled and solved the mysteries of: Attracting potential mates, Operate in God's favor and influence, Discerning and choosing the right mate, Biblical and practical corresponding actions for results, A woman in the Old Testament who applied kingdom priciples for a mate, and why some do and others do not receive a mate. Steve's personal experience of how he applied the principle taught in this book and received.

Over de auteur (2006)

Steve K. Martin born December 9, 1955. Steve received a call into the ministry, was born again and spirit filled January of 1976. Wrote and published his first book, Four Scriptural Keys to Obtaining a Mate 1983. September 9, 1989, walked down the isle with a blond headed accountant Linda M. Fraley from up state New York. Married, sometimes happily, and sometimes butt heads. Steve and Linda have three children Kellie 11-29-90, born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Angie 11-5-93, born in Grand Junction, Colorado, and John 9-22-95, born in Westfield, New York.

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