THE OR, MODES OF DISCIPLINE. BY LETITIA-MATILDA HAWKINS. IN FOUR VOLUMES. Pourquoi ne pas écrire ? cela interesse davantage. Ecrivez ce que vous LORD ORFORD. Non hic Centauros, non Gorgonas, Harpyiasque MARTIAL VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, By Law and Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell. 1811. CONTENTS A venerable spinster. The elegant favor. The equip- ment. Disappointment the first. Asked out to dinner! The protegée. A disinterested relation. Additio probat minoritatem. An agreeable din- ner-party. Disappointment the second. Asked out again to dinner. Heading the table. Oriental feel- PAGE Rebellion against fashion, the children brought in after dinner. A baby. Facts. The death-bed of a child. Matrimonial calculations. A father's de- fence. A mother's good sense. The Colonel's |