

To the Dutchess.

I was the most unwary creature in the world, when against my old maxims, I writ first to you upon your return to Tunbridge, I beg that this condefcenfion of mine may go no farther, and that you will not pretend to make a precedent of it. I never knew any Man cured of Inattention, although the pretended caufes were removed. When I was with Mr. Gay laft in London, talking with him on fome poetical fubjects, he would anfwer; "Well, "I am determined not to accept the employ"ment of Gentleman-ufher," and of the fame difpofition were all my poetical friends, and if you cannot cure him I utterly despair.-As to yourself I will fay to you (although comparifons be odious) what I faid to the--that quality fhould never be any motive of esteem to me. My compliment was then loft, but it will not be fo to you. For I know you more by any one of your letters than I could by fix months converfing; your pen is always more natural, and fincere, and unaffected, than your tongue: In writing you are too lazy to give yourself the trouble of acting a part, and have indeed acted fo indifcreetly that I have you at mercy; and although you should arrive to fuch an height of immorality as to deny your hand,




yet whenever I produce it, the world will unite in fwearing this must come from you only.

I will answer your question. Mr. Gay is not difcreet enough to live alone, but he is too dif creet to live alone, and yet (unless you mend him) he will live alone even in your Grace's company. Your quarrelling with each other upon the subject of bread and butter, is the moft ufual thing in the world; Parliaments, Courts, Cities, and Kingdoms, quarrel for no other caufe; from hence, and from hence only arife all the quarrels between Whig and Tory; between those who are in the Ministry, and those who are out; between all pretenders to employment in the Church, the Law, and the Army; even the common proverb teacheth you this, when we say, it is none of my bread and butter; meaning it is no bufinefs of mine. Therefore I defpair of any reconcilement between you until the affair of bread and butter be adjusted, wherein I would gladly be a mediator. If Mahomet should come to the mountain, how happy would an excellent lady be who liveth a few miles from this town? As I was telling of Mr. Gay's way of living at Aimsbury, The offered fifty guineas to have you both at her houfe for one hour over a bottle of burgundy, which we were then drinking. To your queftion I answer, that your Grace fhould pull me by the fleeve until you tore it off, and when you faid you were weary of me, I would pretend to


be deaf, and think (according to another proverb) that you tore my cloaths to keep me from going. I never will believe one word you fay of my Lord Duke, unless I fee three or four lines in his own hand at the bottom of yours. I have a concern in the whole family, and Mr. Gay must give me a particular account of "every branch, for I am not ashamed of you although you be Duke and Dutchess, although I have been of others who are, &c. and I do not doubt but even your own servants love you, even down to your poftilions; and when I come to Aimsbury, before I fee your Grace I will have an hour's conversation with the Vicar, who will tell me how familiarly you talk to goody Dobfon and all the neighbours, as if you were their equals, and that you were godmother to her fon Jacky.

I am and shall ever be with the greatest respect your Grace's most obedient, &c.



Dr. SWIFT to Mr. GAY.

Dublin, Oct. 3, 1732.

Ufually write to friends after a pause of a. few weeks, that I may not interrupt them in better company, better thoughts, and better diverfions. I believe I have told you of a great man who faid to me, that he never once in his life received a good letter from Ireland: for which there are reafons enough without affronting our understandings. For there is not one perfon out of this country who regardeth any events that pafs here unless he hath an estate. or employment.I cannot tell that you or I ever gave the least provocation to the present Ministry, and much less to the Court; and yet I am ten times more out of favour than you. For my own part I do not fee the politicks of opening common letters, directed to perfons generally known: For a man's understanding would be very weak to convey fecrets by the poft, if he knew any, which I declare I do not; and befides, I think the world is already fo well informed by plain events, that I question whether the minifters have any fecrets at all. Neither would I be under any apprehenfion if a letter fhould be fent me full of

treafon ;

treafon; because I cannot hinder people from
writing what they please, nor fending it to me;
and although it should be difcovered to have
been opened before it came to my hand, I would
only burn it and think no further. I
I approve
of the scheme you have to grow fomewhat
richer, although I agree you will meet with
discouragements; and it is reasonable you
fhould, confidering what kind of pens are at this
time only employed and encouraged. For you
muft allow that the bad painter was in the right,
who having painted a cock, drove away all the
cocks and hens and even the chickens, for fear
those who paffed by his fhop might make a
comparison with his work. And I will fay one
thing in spite of the Poft-officers, that fince
Wit and Learning began to be made use of in
our kingdoms, they were never profeffedly
thrown afide, contemned and punished, until
within your own memory; nor Dulness and Ig-
norance ever fo openly encouraged and promo-
ted. In anfwer to what you fay of
my living
among you, if I could do it to my eafe. Per-
haps you have heard of a scheme for an exchange
in Berkshire propofed by two of our friends;
but befides the difficulty of adjusting certain cir-
cumstances, it would not anfwer; I am at a
time of life that feeketh ease and independance,
you will hear my reafons when you fee thofe
friends, and I concluded them with faying;
That I would rather be a Freeman among

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