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verfes to Lord Cobham, which end with a vile and falfe moral, and I remember is not in Horace to Tibullus, which he imitates; that all ⚫ times are equally virtuous and vicious,' wherein he differeth from all Poets, Philofophers, and Christians that ever writ. It is more probable, that there may be an equal quantity of virtues always in the world, but fometimes there may be a peck of it in Afia, and hardly a thimblefull in Europe. But if there be no virtue, there is abundance of fincerity; for I will venture all I am worth, that there is not one human creature in power who will not be modeft enough to confefs that he proceedeth wholly upon a principle of Corruption. I say this, because I have a scheme in fpite of your notions, to govern England upon the principles of Virtue, and when the nation is ripe for it, I defire you will fend for me. I have learned this by living like a Hermit, by which I am got backwards about nineteen hundred years in the Æra of the world, and begin to wonder at the wickednefs of men. I dine alone upon half a dish of meat, mix water with my wine, walk ten miles a day, and read Baronius. * Hic explicit Epiftola ad Dom. Bolingbroke & incipit ad. amicum Pope.

Having finifhed my Letter to Ariftippus, I now begin to you. I was in great pain about


* Here endeth the Epiftle to my Lord Bolingbroke, and here beginneth to my Friend Pope.

Mrs. Pope, having heard from others that the was in a very dangerous way, which made me think it unfeasonable to trouble you. I am afhamed to tell you, that when I was very young I had more defire to be famous than ever fince; and fame, like all things elfe in this life, groweth with me every day more a trifle. But you who are fo much younger, although you want that health you deserve, yet your fpirits are as vigorous as if your body were founder. I hate a crowd where I have not an eafy place to fee and be seen. A great Library always maketh me melancholy, where the best Author is as much squeezed, and as obfcure, as a Porter at a Coronation. In my own little library, I value the compilements of Grævius and Gronovius, which make thirty-one volumes in folio (and were given me by my Lord Bolingbroke) more than all my books befides; because whoever cometh into my closet, cafteth his eyes immediately upon them, and will not vouchsafe to look upon Plato or Xenophon. I tell you it is almost incredible how Opinions change by the decline or decay of fpirits, and I will further tell you, that all my endeavours from a boy to diftinguish myself, were only for want of a great Title and Fortune, that I might be used. like a Lord by those who have an opinion of my parts; whether right or wrong, it is no great matter; and fo the reputation of wit or great learning does the office of a blue ribband, or of a coach and fix horfes. To be remembered for


ever on the account of our friendship, is what would exceedingly please me; but yet I never loved to make a vifit, or be seen walking with my betters, because they get all the eyes and civilities from me. I no fooner writ this than I corrected myself, and remembered Sir Faulk Grevil's Epitaph, "Here lies, &c. who was "friend to Sir Philip Sidney." And therefore I most heartily thank you for your defire, that I would record our friendship in verse, which if I can fucceed in, I will never defire to write one more line in poetry while I live. You must prefent my humble fervice to Mrs. Pope, and let her know I pray for her continuance in the world, for her own reafon, that she may live to take care of you.



Dr. SWIFT to Mr. POPE.

Aug. 11, 1729. AM very fenfible that in a former letter I talked very weakly of my own affairs, and of my imperfect wishes and defires, which however I find with fome comfort do now daily decline, very suitable to my state of health for fome months paft. For my head is never perfectly free from giddinefs, and especially towards night. Yet my diforder is very mode


rate, and I have been without a fit of deafness this half year; fo I am like a horse which although off his mettle, can trot on tolerably; and this comparison puts me in mind to add, that I am returned to be a rider, wherein I wish you would imitate me. As to this country, there have been three terrible years dearth of corn, and every place ftrowed with beggars; but dearths are common in better climates, and our evils here lie much deeper. Imagine a nation the two-thirds of whofe revenues are spent out of it, and who are not permitted to trade with the other third, and where the pride of the women will not fuffer them to wear their own manufactures, even where they excel what come from abroad: This is the true ftate of Ireland in a very few words. These evils operate more every day, and the kingdom is abfolutely undone, as I have been telling it often in print these ten years past.

What I have faid requireth forgiveness; but I had a mind for once to let you know the state of our affairs, and my reafon for being more moved than perhaps becometh a Clergyman, and a piece of a philofopher; and perhaps the increase of years and diforders may hope for fome allowance to complaints, especially when I may call myself a stranger in a ftrange land. As to poor Mrs. Pope (if the be ftill alive) I heartily pity you and pity her: her great piety and virtue will infallibly make her happy in a better life, and her great age hath


made her fully ripe for heaven and the grave, and her best friends will moft with her eafed of her labours, when the hath so many good works to follow them. The lofs you will feel by the want of her care and kindness, I know very well, but the hath amply done her part, as you have yours. One reafon why I would have you in Ireland, when you shall be at your own difpofal, is, that you may be master of two or three years revenues* provifa frugis in annos copia, fo as not to be pinched in the least when years increafe, and perhaps your health impaired: And when this kingdom is utterly at an end, you may fupport me for the few years I fhall happen to live; and who knoweth, but you may pay me exorbitant interest for the fpoonful of wine, and fcraps of a chicken, it will cost me to feed you? I am confident have too much reafon to complain of ingratitude; for I never yet knew any perfon, one tenth part fo heartily difpofed as you are, to do good offices to others without the least private



Was it a Gasconade to please me that you faid your fortune was encreafed one hundred pounds a year fince I left you? You should have told me how. Thofe + fubfidia fenectuti


* A Stock of Wine laid up for many Years, + Supports to old Age.

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