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Edition of all the early Parts have been already called for. The following are its principal Recommendations:

1. The Plan of this Work is intended as an Improvement upon similar Pub. lications, being a Medium between the Plan of a Dictionary and that of Trea tises; and comprehending the Advantages of each. The History and Outlines of each Science are riven under its appropriate Title; and its various Divisions, which can be more satisfactorily explained in separate Articles than in the Body of a 1 reatise, are introduced under their respective Terms.

2. The Editor is of acknowledged Learning and Industry, and of unquestionable Experience in this Department of literary Labour; the greater Part of his Life having been employed in editing and improving the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dictionary, and in collecting Materials for the present Work.

3. Among the Gentlemen who have engaged to contribute their Assistance to this Work, are many of distinguished Eminence.

4. Toe Embellishments are of a very superior Description, and will form. when completed, an incomparably more elegant and correct Set of scientific and other Plates than has ever been produced. The scientific Subjects are engraved by Mr. Lowry, whose accurate Knowledge and improved Method of Execution, in this Brauch of the Art, have not been equalled. The Subjects of Natural History, &c. are chiefly engraved by Mr. Milton and Mr. Scott, with corresponding Taste and Beauty.

The Drawings are almost wholly new. The Plates which are already engrav. ed, are from Drawings by Messrs. Flaxman, Howard, Stubbs, Lowry, Edwards, Donovan, Sowerby, Strutt, Mushett, E. Aikin, P. Nicholson. Daniel, Nayler, Anderson, Kirkman, Farey, junior, &c.

5. The Maps will be double the Size usually given in similar Publications, and are drawn and engraved under the Direction of Mr. Arrowsmith.

6. Parts I. to XXVII. are already published, and may be had either periodically or together. Price 20s. each, in Boards; and Arrangements have lately been made to publish the succeeding Parts every Two Months, till the whole Work be completed.

7. A few Copies are printed off on Royal Paper, with Proof Impressions of the Plates. Price 17. 16s. each Part.

The BRITISH THEATRE ; or, a COLLECTION OF PLAYS, which are acted at the Theatres Royal Drury-Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket, printed under the Authority and by Permissions of the Managers from the Prompt-Books, with Biographical and Critical Remarks.


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