Corrected to March 1810. MODERN PUBLICATIONS, AND NEW EDITIONS -OF VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS, PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, PATERNOSTER-ROW. FINE ARTS AND PERIODICAL PUBLI CATIONS. THE FINE ARTS of the ENGLISH SCHOOL, comprising a Series of highly-finished Engravings, from Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, by the most eminent English Artists, each Subject accompanied by appropriate historical, descriptive, critical, or biographical Letter-press. Edited by JOHN BRITTON, F.A.S. Numb. I. in large 4to. 12. 1s. and on Atlas 4to. 11. 169. (to be continued quarterly.) Contents of No. 1. 1. A Portrait of John Dunning, Lord Ashburton, from a Picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds.-2. An Historical Composition, representing Thetis bearing the Armour to Achilles; West, P.R.A.-3. A View of an Alto Relievo, representing the Passage from the Lord's Prayer, of "Deliver us from evil," Flaxman, R.A. -4. An Elevation of the West Front of St. Paul's Cathedral Church, London.5. A Plan of the Substructure of the same Building, Sir Christopher Wren; both drawn by James Elmes. Sold separate in Colours, Thetis, &c. Price 51. 5s. Portrait of Lord Ashburton. Price 21. 2s. Under the immediate Patronage of the KING, the QUEEN, and the rest of the ROYAL FAMILY. THE BRITISH GALLERY OF PICTURES, under the Superintendence of HENRY TRESHAM, Esq. R.A. (to be continued at short Intervals) in Two SERIES; comprising Engravings of all the celebrated Pictures of the great Masters in the United Kingdom, with historical and descriptive Letter-press. The Historical Part by William Young Ottley, Esq. F.S.A. The descriptive Part by Henry Tresham, Esq. R.A. and W. Y. Ottley, Esq. The Engravings by Mr. P. W Tomkins, Historical Engraver to Her Majesty, who has the Management of the executive Part of the Work; Mr. L. Schiavonetti, Mr. A. Cardon, and other eminent Engravers. The Drawings of the First Series by Mr. W. M. Craig, and of the Second Series by Messrs. Tomkins, Craig, Hodgson, Uwins, Violet, Strutt, &c. FIRST SERIES. Small Engravings. On Atlas Paper, 4to. Price 10s. 6d. each Number. On Columbier Paper, folio, with Proof Impressions on India Paper. Price 11. 12. On Columbier Paper, folio, with the Plates coloured and mounted. Price 21. 12s. 6d. On Atlas Paper, folio, with the Plates coloured and mounted, singly. Price 41. 4s. The FIRST SERIES commences with the Marquis of Stafford's Collection, which is now publishing, and will be completed in about Twenty Numbers. A SECOND SERIES. Large Engravings. On Atlas Paper, 4to. Price from 10s. 6d. to 11. 1s. each Number. On Columbier Paper, folio, with Proof Impressions of the Plates on India Pa per. Price from il. Is. to 21. 2s. On Columbier Paper, folio, with the Prints highly finished in Colours, in Imitation of the original Pictures. In consequence of the very great Time and Attention which will necessarily be required to perfect coloured Impressions, so as to make them in every respect correct Resemblances of the original Picture, and as in some Cases the Time and Attention required will be greater than in others, the Prices of each will be regulated accordingly when published. No. 1. Contains The Woman taken in Adultery, by Rubens. Mr. H. Hope's Collection. Price 10s 6d-Proofs, 12. 18.-Colours, 31. 13s. 6d. *** A mixed Manner of Engraving has been chosen for the present Work, as acknowledged to be the best Means of imitating accurately the peculiar Style of the Master, and the Touch of the Pencil, either in Chiaroscuro, or with the additional Advantage of Colours, on the peculiar Excellence in which the Celebrity of many of the most distinguished Masters is founded. The Object of the present Undertaking is to give a finished faithful Representation of the original Picture, under all the Combinations of style of Drawing, Composition, Light and Shadow, and Colouring. The Drawings may be seen at Mr. Tomkins', New Bond Street.-N. B. For further Particulars, see Prospectus. No. II. of each Series will be published in April 1810. PICTURESQUE VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, commencing with a Picturesque Voyage to India, by Way of CHINA. By THOMAS DANIEL, R.A. and WILLIAM DANIEL, A.R.A. Part I. and II. in large 4to. Price 12. 1s. each containing Five coloured Prints, neatly mounted, with letter-press. The Voyage outward will comprise fifty plates, with narrative and descriptive letter-press, forming one vol. in large 4to. and will be completed in 10 monthly portions. INTERESTING SELECTIONS from ANIMATED NATURE (including Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Plants, &c.) with, illustrative Scenery. Drawn and engraved By WILLIAM DANIEL, A.R.A. In 1 elegant vol. imperial 4to. containing Fifty Engravings, with descriptive letter-press. Price 61. 6s. in Boards. A few Proofs (only Twenty) are taken off on India paper. Price 122. 128. Bds. INTERESTING SELECTIONS from ANIMATED NATURE; consisting of FIFTY additional Illustrations to Wood's Zoography. Designed and engraved By WILLIAM DANIELL, A.R.A. Price 41. 48. Boards. THE ITALIAN SCHOOL OF DESIGN, exemplified in a Series of FAC SIMILIES, carefully engraved hy eminent Artists, from ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of the greatest Painters and Sculptors of ITALY. Selected from the Collection of WILLIAM YOUNG OTTLEY, F.S.A. With Notes, Biographical, Critical, and Explanatory. Numb. I. II. and III. (To be continued every Two Months. Price 11. 13. each, printed on Columbier paper, folio, and containing Four Plates and a Vignette, engraved in exact Imitation of the original Drawings. THE GENUINE WORKS OF WILLIAM HOGARTH, (con taining 160 Plates) illustrated with Biographical Anecdotes, a Chronological Catalogne and Commentary. By JOHN NICHOLS, F.S.A. Edinburgh and Perth: and the late GEORGE STEEVENS, Esq. F.R.S. and F.S.A. A new Edition, in 2 vols. 4to. demy. Price 10l. 10s, in Boards; or on royal paper, with proof impressions. Price 217. in Boards. The Works of the inimitable Hogarth have not only been sought for with avidity in his native country, but have been admired by every civilized nation in the world. Since his death various editions of his works have, from time to time, been offered to the Public. But without attempting to depreciate any of 3 FINE ARTS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. A COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS, sketched from the Life, THE ADVENTURES OF GIL BLAS OF SANTILLANE; translated from the French of Le Sage. By BENJAMIN HEATH MALKIN, Esq. M.A. F.S.A. Embellished with 24 fine Engravings, after Pictures by Smirke. In 4 vols. 8vo. Price 61. 68.; and a few copies in 4 vols. 4to. with proof impressions. Price 10l. 10s. Boards. *** The same Work in the original French, with the same embellishments, both in 4to. and 8vo. at the above prices. This edition is printed from Didot's revised text, in a style of equal elegance with the translatiou. The Plates of the English and the French editions in 8vo. are printed on French paper, and the Proofs for the 4to. on India paper. A SERIES of ENGRAVINGS to illustrate the ILIAD and From the Compositions of JOHN FLAXMAN, R.A. Sculptor to the King. New These Works altogether consist of 75 Prints (11 of which are from new Designs) representing in regular Succession the Stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey, with Descriptions of their Subjects, and Extracts from Pope's Translation upon each Plate. The Dresses, Habits, Armour, Implements of War, Furniture, &c. are all of Classical Authority. A SERIES of ENGRAVINGS to illustrate DANTE. - Engraved by Piroli, of Rome, from Compositions, by JOHN FLAXMAN, R.A. In the Possession of Thomas Hope, Esq. This Work consists of 111 Plates, illustrative of the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso of Dante, with Descriptions in Italian, and the parallel Passages from Mr. Boyd's Translation. In folio. Price 41. 4s. in Boards. ILLUSTRATIONS of the LAY of the LAST MINSTREL, consisting of Twelve Views of the Rivers Bothwick, Ettrick, Yarrow, Tiviot, and Tweed. Engraved by James Heath, R.A. from Drawings taken on the Spot. By J. SCHETKY, Esq. of Oxford. To which are affixed, Descriptions and Annotations, by Mr. Walter Scott. In one vol. 4to. Price 11. 118. 6d.; or on large Paper, and Proof Impressions. Price 21. 12s. 6d. in Boards. Also an Edition in 8vo. Price 10s. 6d.. The ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES of GREAT BRITAIN, displaying a Series of Select Engravings, representing the most beautiful, curious, and interesting ancient Edifices of this Country; with an Historical and descriptive Account of each Subject. By JOHN BRITTON. Parts I. to XX, In Medium and Imperial 4to. 10s. 6d. and 16s. each (to be continued Quarterly.) "The engravings are executed in a superior style; the descriptions are sufficiently ample, and appear to be accurate; and, under the superintendence of so able an antiquary as Mr. Britton, there can be no doubt that the succeeding parts will display a corresponding excellence." Anti Jac. "The plates are beautifully executed, and the whole constitutes a pleasing performance of a moderate price." M. Rev. "In the selection of specimens, Mr. Britton has unquestionably shown his judgment; a work so executed cannot fail to meet encouragement." Brit. Crit. CATALOGUE RAISONNE of the PICTURES belonging to the Most Honourable the Marquis of STAFFORD, in the Gallery of Cleveland House, London; comprising a List of the Pictures, and some illustrative Anec. dotes, with critical and descriptive Accounts of the Execution, Composition, and 1 characteristic Merits of the principal Paintings; embellished with a View of the New Gallery, and a Plan of the whole Suite of Apartments. By JOHN BRITTON, F.S.A. Price 7s. in demy 8vo. and 10s. in royal 8vo. BALLANTYNE'S SHAKSPEARE, WITH ELEGANT VIGNETTE ENGRAVINGS. The PLAYS of WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, printed from the Text of Sannel Johnson, George Steevens, and Isaac Reed. Embellished with elegant Vignette, Engravings, from Paintings by Howard, Smirke, Stothard, Thompson, Westall, &c. In 12 vols. 8vo. finely printed by Ballantyne of Edinburgh. Price 61. 6s. in Boards; or on Royal Paper, with Proof Impressions. Price 101. 166, RURAL SPORTS. By W. B. DANIEL. In 3 vols. 4to. Price 77. 178. 6d.; and in 3 vols. 8vo. Price 51. 5s. in Boards. New Editions, embel. lished with 70 beautiful Engravings, by Scott, from Drawings by the most celebrated Artists. *** To the present Edition the Author has made considerable Additions and Alterations, and several new Plates are added, engraved by Landseer, Tomkins, and others. THOMSON'S SEASONS; illustrated with fine Engravings, by Bartolozzi and Tomkins, Historical Engravers to THEIR MAJESTIES, from original Pictures, painted for the Work by W. HAMILTON, R.A. imperial 4to. Price 41. 4s. in Boards. The same Book, with the addition of Four large Engravings, by the same artist, royal folio. Price 87. 8s. in Boards. Ditto, Super royal, with proof plates. Price 162. 16s. in Boards. *** A few copies of the imperial 4to. Edition may be had, with the plates finely coloured. Price 15l. 158. in Boards. The SPORTSMAN'S CABINET; or, Correct Delineations of the various Dogs used in the Sports of the Field; including the Canine Race in general. Consisting of a Series of rich and masterly Engravings of every distinct Breed, from original Paintings, taken from Life, purposely for the Work. By P. REINAGLE, A.R.A. With elegant Engravings, by Scott. In 2 vols. super-royal 4to. Price 71: 78. in Boards. The ANTIQUITIES of MAGNA GRÆCIA, dedicated by Permission to the Earl of Moira. By W. WILKINS, Jun, M.A. F.A.S. Fellow of Gonville and Cains College, Cambridge. In 1 large vol. Imperial folio, illustrated by 85 Engravings, executed by emiuent Artists. Price Ten Guineas. The TOPOGRAPHY of TROY, and ITS VICINITY, illustrated and explained by Drawings and Descriptions. Dedicated, by Permission, to her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire By WILLIAM GELL, Esq. of Jesus College, M.A. F.R.S. F.A.S. and late Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In folio. Price 10l. 105. in Boards. The GEOGRAPHY and ANTIQUITIES of ITHACA, dedicated by Permission to the King. By WILLIAM GELL, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.S.A. And Member of the Society of Diletanti. In one vol. 4to. illustrated by Engravings. Price 21. 12s. 6d. in Boards. "Here, as in the account of Troy, he generally renders Homer his own commentator; yet discovers such a knowledge of ancient and modern writers, as clearly evinces that he qualified himself, by previous study, for his geographical and antiquarian researches," ILLUSTRATIONS of the SCENERY of KILLARNEY, the surrounding Country, and a considerable Part of the Southern Coast of Ireland. By ISAAC WELD, Esq. M. R. I. A. In one vol. 4to. with numerous Plates elegantly engraved. Price 21. 2s.; and on royal Paper, with first Impressions of the Plates. Price 31. 3s. in extra Boards. FINE ARTS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 5 In Mr. Weld this illustrious and beautiful scenery has found an accurate and able delineator. His pen and his pencil have both been employed with effect, and we have seldom seen a work that combines more classical illustration with a high degree of graphic excellence. Quar. Rev. ESSAYS on the ANATOMY of EXPRESSION in PAINTING. Containing, 1. Of the Uses of Anatomy to the Painter. Of the Study of the Antique, and of the Academy Figure.-2. Of the Skull. Of the Distinctiors of Character in different Ages. Comparison of the Antique with Natural Character.-3 aud 4. Of the Muscles of the Face, in Man and Animals.-5. Of the Expression of Passion as illustrated by a Comparison of the Muscles of the Face in Man aud Animals. Of the Muscles peculiar to Man, and their Effects in bestowing Human Expression.-6. Of the individual Passions. And of the Action of the Muscles expressive of these Passions.-7. General View of the Economy of the Hitman Body as it relates to Expression. In one vol. 410. with Engravings after Drawings by the Author. Price 21. 2s. in Boards. "This is a very elegant and interesting publication." Edin. Rev. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and INTERIOR DECORATION, executed from Designs, consisting of Perspective and Geometrical Views of Apartments, with their Chairs, Tables, Sophas, Candelabræ, Chandeliers, Tripods, &c. &c. By THOMAS HOPE, Esq, On royal folio. Price 51. 5s. in extra Boards; or with Proof Impressions on Atlas Paper, price 101. 108. LECTURES on PAINTING: delivered at the Royal Academy of Arts; with a Letter on the Proposal for a Public Memorial of the Naval Glory of Great Britain. By the late JOHN OPIE, Esq. Professor in Painting to the Royal Academy. To which are prefixed, a Memoir, by Mrs. Opie, and other Accounts of Mr. Opie's Talents and Character. ID 4to. with a Portrait painted by Himself. Price 11. Is. iu Boards. HINTS to YOUNG PRACTITIONERS in the Study of Landscape Painting. Illustrated by Ten Engravings, intended to show the different Stages of the Neutral Tint. To which are added, Instructions in the Art of Painting on Velvet. By J. W. ALSTON, L.P. A new Edition. In one vol. 8vo. Price 7s. 6d. in Boards, "This work contains plain and clear instructions for drawing landscapes; also respecting the mixing and management of colours, &c." Gen. Rev. LECTURES on the ART of ENGRAVING, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By JOHN LANDSEER, Engraver to the King, and F.S.A. NEW BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA; or, DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, comprising an accurate and popular View of the present improved State of Human Knowledge. By WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Author and Proprietor of the Philosophical Journal, and various other Chemical, Philosophical, and Mathematical Works. Illustrated with 156 elegant Engravings, by Lowry and Scott. Neatly printed by Whittingham. ***This Work may be had complete in 6 vols. 8vo. Price 67. 6s. in Boards; or taken Monthly, in Twelve Parts. Price 10s. 6d. each. The NEW CYCLOPEDIA; or, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND LITERATURE. Formed upon a more enlarged Plan of Arrangement than the Dictionary of Mr. Chambers; comprehending the various Articles of that Work, with Additions and Improvements: together with the new Subjects of Biography, Geography, and History; and adapted to the present State of Literature and Science. By ABRAHAM REES, D.D. F.R.S. Editor of the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dictionary; with the Assistance of deminent professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with new Plates, including Maps, engraved for the Work by some of the most distinguished Artists. The First Edition of this new Work consisted of 5000 Copies, and a Second A 2 |