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Our bugles sang true for the night-cloud had


And the centinel stars set their watch in the sky; And thousands had sunk on the ground overpow'r'd, - The weary to sleep, and the wounded to die.

When reposing that night on my pallet of straw,
By the wolf-scaring faggot that guarded the slain;
At the dead of the night a sweet vision I saw,
And thrice ere the morning I dreamt it again.

Methought from the battle-field's dreadful array,
Far, far I had roam'd on a desolate track:
'Twas autumn-and sunshine arose on the way

To the home of my fathers, that welcom'd me back.

I flew to the pleasant fields travers'd so oft

In life's morning march, when my bosom was


I heard my own mountain-goats bleating aloft,

And knew the sweet strain that the corn-reapers


Then pledg'd we the wine-cup, and fondly I swore,

From my home and my weeping friends never to part;

My little ones kiss'd me a thousand times o'er,

And my wife sobb'd aloud in her fulness of heart.

Stay, stay with us-rest, thou art weary and worn:-
And fain was their war-broken soldier to stay;
But sorrow return'd with the dawning of morn,
And the voice in my dreaming ear melted away.


'Twas the hour when rites unholy

Call'd each Paynim voice to pray'r,

And the star that faded slowly

Left to dews the freshen'd air.

Day her sultry fires had wasted,

Calm and sweet the moonlight rose;

Ev'n a captive's spirit tasted

Half oblivion of his woes.

Then 'twas from an Emir's palace

Came an eastern lady bright:

She, in spite of tyrants jealous,

Saw and lov'd an English knight.

• Tell me, captive, why in anguish

• Foes have dragg'd thee here to dwell,

• Where poor Christians as they languish

'Hear no sound of sabbath bell?"

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