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• To pay with Huron blood thy father's scars, › And gratulate his soul rejoicing in the stars!"


So finish'd he the rhyme (howe'er uncouth)
That true to nature's fervid feelings ran;
(And song is but the eloquence of truth:)
Then forth uprose that lone way-faring man;
But dauntless he, nor chart, nor journey's plan
In woods requir'd, whose trained eye was keen
As eagle of the wilderness, to scan

His path, by mountain, swamp, or deep ravine,
Or ken far friendly huts on good savannas green.

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Old Albert saw him from the valley's side-
His pirogue launch'd-his pilgrimage begun--
Far, like the red-bird's wing he seem'd to glide;-
Then div'd, and vanish'd in the woodlands dun.
Oft, to that spot by tender memory won,
Would Albert climb the promontory's height,
If but a dim sail glimmer'd in the sun;
But never more, to bless his longing sight,

Was Outalissi hail'd, with bark and plumage bright.

[blocks in formation]





A VALLEY from the river shore withdrawn
Was Albert's home, two quiet woods between,
Whose lofty verdure overlook'd his lawn;
And waters to their resting place serene
Came fresh'ning, and reflecting all the scene :
(A mirror in the depth of flowery shelves;)
So sweet a spot of earth, you might, (I ween)
Have guess'd some congregation of the elves
To sport by summer moons, had shap'd it for them-


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