V. Nor far some Andalusian saraband Would sound to many a native roundelay. But who is he that yet a dearer land Remembers, over hills and far away? Green Albyn!1 what though he no more survey Thy ships at anchor on the quiet shore, Thy pellochs rolling from the mountain bay, Thy lone sepulchral cairn upon the moor, And distant isles that hear the loud Corbrechtan roar! VI. Alas! poor Caledonia's mountaineer, That want's stern edict e'er, and feudal grief, Had forc'd him from a home he lov'd so dear! Yet found he here a home, and glad relief, ■ Scotland, * The great whirlpool of the Western Hebrides. And plied the beverage from his own fair sheaf, VII. Here was not mingled in the city's pomp VIII. How rev'rend was the look, serenely aged, As Ætna's fires grow dim before the rising day. IX. I boast no song in magic wonders rife, And dwells in daylight truth's salubrious skies No form with which the soul may sympathise? The rose of England bloom'd on Gertrude's cheekWhat though these shades had seen her birth, her sire A Briton's independence taught to seek Far western worlds; and there his household fire The light of social love did long inspire, Unbroken, but by one misfortune dire, When fate had reft his mutual heart-but she Was gone-and Gertrude climb'd a widow'd father's knee. ΧΙ. A lov'd bequest, and I may half impart- From hours when she would round his garden play, To time when as the rip'ning years went by, Her lovely mind could culture well repay, And more engaging grew, from pleasing day to day. XII. I may not paint those thousand infant charms; (Unconscious fascination, undesign'd!) The orison repeated in his arms, For God to bless her sire and all mankind; |