
Plurals, words used only in their, 18.
words with two, 17.

Possessive case, 20.
syntax of, 67.

Predicate of sentence, S8.
Prefixes, 103.

English inseparable, 104.
English separable, 105.
Greek, 110.
Latin, 107.

to indicate gender, 13.
Prepositions, 58.

list of special, 84.
syntax of, 83.

Pronouns, 23.

indefinite, 27.

inflexions of, 24, 25.
interrogative, 25.
personal, 23.

reflexive, 25.

relative (or conjunctive), 26.
syntax of, 74.

Qualitative adjectives, 28.

Quantitative adjectives, 29.

Reflexive pronouns, 25.

Relative (or conjunctive) pronouns, 26.

Roots and branches, 127-137.

English, 128.

Greek, 136.

Latin, 131.

Sentences, analysis of, 86-99.
contracted, 87.
complex, 94.
compound, 93.
simple, 87.

Separable prefixes, English, 105.

Shall, conjugation of, 48.

Sounds, grammar of, 5.

Spirants, 6.

Strike, conjugation of, 54.

Strong and weak verbs, 43.

Strong verbs, list of, 44.

Subject, what it may consist of, 88.

Suffixes, 112.

English, to adjectives, 115.

to adverbs, 117.

to nouns, 112.

to verbs, 118.

Greek, 125.

Latin, to adjectives, 122.

to indicate gender, 13.

to nouns, 118.

to verbs, 125.

to indicate gender, 12.
Superlative degree, 32.

Syntax, 5, 64-85.

of the adjective, 71.
of the adverb, 83.
of the conjunction, 84.

of the dative, 69.
of the nominative, 64.

of the noun, 64.
of the objective, 68.
of the possessive, 67.

of the preposition, 83.
of the pronoun, 74.

of the verb, 76.

Tense, 41.

Transitive and intransitive verbs, 35.

Verbs, 34.

auxiliary, 36, 48.

classification of, 35.

compound, formation of, 102.

concord of, 76.

conjugation of, 42.

specimen of full, 54.

defective, 53.

government of, 78.

inflexions of, 36.

moods of, 38, 80.
notional, 48.
number of, 42.

person of, 42.

strong and weak, 43.
strong, list of, 44.

suffixes to, English, 118.
Latin, 125.

syntax of, 76.

tense of, 41.

voice of, 37.

weak and strong, 43.

weak, list of irregular, 46.

two kinds of, 45.

Vocative case, 20, 22.
Voice, active, 37.

passive, 37.

Vowel, 5.

Weak and strong verbs, 43.
Weak verbs, irregular, 46.
two kinds of, 45.
Will, conjugation of, 48
Word-branching, 127-137.

from English roots, 128.
from Greek roots, 136.

from Latin roots, 131.

Word-building and derivation, 100-155.
Words, grammar of (Etymology), 8-63.

kinds of, 8.

known by their functions, 61.

[blocks in formation]

Antecedent and Relative, to be clearly Hackneyed phrases, 168.

[blocks in formation]

Period (sentence), 163, 164.

Periphrasis, 165.

Personification, 174.

to be mixed up, 170.

Pronouns, management of, 168.

Subject of sentence, not to be changed,

Suspense, 166.

Principal and dependent sentences, not Synecdoché, 175.

[blocks in formation]

Synonyms, 162.

Tautology, 169.

Tetrameter, 181.

amphibrachic, 184.

anapæstic, 184.
dactylic, 184.

iambic, 181, 182.

trochaic, 183.

That and who distinguished, 170.

Trimeter, 181.

Triplet, 188.

tetrameter, 183.

Trochaic octometer, 183.

Trochee, 179.

Unrhymed (blank) verse, 181.

Vague sentence, contrasted with specific,

Verbosity, 163.

Verse, different from Prose in two things,


grammar of (Prosody), 178-185.

Which and and which, 170.

Who and that distinguished, 170.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Landmarks in the history of English, Scandinavian element in English, 206-

[blocks in formation]

Tartar words in English, 264.

Teutonic group, 195.

Tudor English, 201.

Turkish words in English, 264.

Welsh and Dutch contrasted, 197.

Words and inflexions in different periods,
compared, 253.

new, in English, 258-265.

Tyndale's English, compared with Anglo- | Written language, 193.

Saxon and Wyclif, 251.

Vocabulary of the English language, 202-


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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