1 Relations and relationship, iii. 212.; Religious discipline, viii. 101. Religious discourse, viii. 210. Religious impressions, viii. 101. tinction between, viii. 107. Renegado, ii. 50. Republican, ix. 212. 139 n.; iii. 140. 208.; vi. 329.; vii. Richardson, Jonathan, son of the 'Respublicæ,' volumes entitled, vi. 174. Richardson, Mr., attorney, i. 254. Resurrection, ii. 126.; viii. 69. 207. Retired tradesmen, v. 278. Retirement from the world, iv. 58.; Reviews and reviewers, viii. 208. Reviews, monthly and critical, vi. 150. Reviewers, viii. 28. Revolution of 1688, iii. 264.; viii. 159. with Johnson, ii. 146. Johnson's Reynolds, Miss, i. 283 n.; ii. 82.283 n.; Rhetorical gesture, ii. 90. Richardson, Samuel, i. 162. 243 n.; ii. Riches, ii. 225.; iii. 199.; iv. 116. Rivers, Earl, i. 196. Scotland, vii. 190.; viii. 53. Robinson, Sir Thomas, ii. 219.; iii. Rochefoucault, Duc de, ix. 32.; x. 113. Rogers, Captain Francis, ii. 147. Rolt, Richard, his 'Dictionary of Roman Catholic Church, i. 281 n.; iii. Romance, ix. 71. Romances, i. 45.; vii. 363. Romans, ii. 66. Rome, the fountain of elegance, vii. Romney, Mr., painter, vi. 164. Rose, Dr., of Chiswick, viii. 156. Rose, Mrs., her anecdotes of Johnson, Roscommon, Johnson's Life of, i. 220. Ross, Rev. Dr. John, Bishop of Exeter, Rothes, Lady, Bennet Langton's wife, Rowley, Thomas, vi. 171. Royal Family, iv. 303.; vi. 295. Rudd, Margaret Caroline, vi. 80 n. Sailor, English, v. 153.; vii. 102. St. Andrew's, iv. 48. St. Asaph, Bishop of. See Shipley, v. 201.; viii. 241. St. Columba, v. 74. 76. St. Kilda, iii. 41, 42. 174.; iv. 311. St. Vitus's dance, i. 160.; iv. 9. 270. Salisbury, Mrs., mother of Mrs. Sastres, Mr., vi. 139. Johnson's let- Ruddiman, Thomas, i. 246 n.; iii. 2. Satire, general, ix. 44. 200.; vii. 185. 254.; iv. 74.; vii. 240. Rudeness of manner, Johnson's occa- sional, v. 112.; vi. 168. 185.; vii. Ruffhead's 'Life of Pope,' iii. 198. Ruins, artificial ones, v. 214 п. Russia, Catherine, Empress of, vii. Savage life, iii. 269. 236.; viii. 274. Russell, Lord, iii. 248.; vii. 114. Rutty, Dr. John, his 'Spiritual S. Sallust, viii. 184. Sardinia, iii. 83 n. Sarpi, Father Paul, his 'History of Savage, Richard, Life of, i. 138, 139 п. 179. 186 п., 187, 188. 190, 191. derer, quoted, viii. 288. Savage girl of Amiens, iv. 113. Sabbath, ii. 56.; iii. 72 n. Sacheverel, Dr., i. 35, 34.; v. 75. 101. 291 п.; ix. 180.; x. 113. Savages, iii. 73. 197. 269. 290.; iv. 80. 82 n.; vi. 170. 174.; viii. 204. Scalpa, island of, iv. 175. 185. 204. 222.; ix. 8. 131. Scotch, Johnson's feelings towards, i. Scotch, accent, overcome by perseve- Scotland, episcopal church of, vii. 239. Scotland, peers of, their interference Scots, Mary, Queen of, ii. 119.; iv. 32. Sellette, vi. 6 n. 'Semel insanivimus] omnes,' &c. Senectus,' use of the word, vii. 203 п. 'Serious Call,' Law's, i. 69.; iii. 137.; Sermons, the best English, for style, 340. Settle, Elkana, vi. 196 n. 102. 291. Seward, William, iii. 76 n.; vi. 256. Scriptures, proposal to translate them Shall' and 'will,' use of the words, i. 96.; vii. 258. Secker, Archbishop, vii. 376. Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, his monument, iv. 62 n. 65 п. Sharp, Samuel, his 'Letters on Italy,' vi. 177 n. Second sight, ii. 313.; iii. 175.; iv. Sharp, Dr. John, ii. 283. 171. 177. 245 п. 329. Sharpe, Rev. Dr. Gregory, i. 145 п. Secrecy, ix. 131.; x. 112. Shaving, varieties in, vi. 304. Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dor- Shaw, Cuthbert, iii. 16. chester, iv. 42 п. Shaw, William, his Analysis of the Seduction, vii. 211.; ix. 42. Seed, Rev. Jeremiah, his 'Sermons,' Scotch Celtic Language,' vi. 234. vii. 79. 247, 248. Self-importance, vi. 314. Shebbeare, Dr., iii. 59 n.; vii. 165.; Self-praise, vii. 176. Selden's 'Table Talk,' i. 113 n.; v. 42.; Sheep's head, v. 83 п. viii. 176 n. viii, 90. 208. Shelburne, William Petty, second Earl, afterwards first Marquis of Shenstone, William, iv. 299.; v. 86. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, i. 192 n.; Sheridan, Mrs., formerly Miss Linley, x. 260. Sheridan, Thomas, ii. 142, 143, 156 п. Sheridan, Mrs., her "Sydney Bid- Sheridan, Charles, his 'Revolution in 'She Stoops to Conquer,' iii. 244. 253. Slains Castle, iv. 98. 100. 102. 104. 107. Smalridge, Dr., his 'Sermons,' vii. 79.; Smart, Christopher, ii. 60. 170, 171.; Smith, Dr. Adam, i. 72.; ii. 212.; iv. Smithson, Sir Hugh, first Duke of Smoking, iv. 56 n. Shiels, Mr. Robert, i. 216.; vi. 149 n. Smollett, Dr. Tobias, ii. 113.; v. 112. Smollett's Commissary, v. 110. Society, ii. 224. 227. 233. 312 n.; vii. 136, 137.; ix. 136. 242. Solitude, iii. 33.; ix. 42. 115.; x. 87. 93. 266. Somerville, James, thirteenth Lord, Sorrow, iv. 61.; ix. 119.; x. 255, 256. 286. Sounds, iii. 227. South, Dr., his 'Sermons,' iii. 110.; Southwell, Robert, his stanzas 'upon Southwell, Lady Margaret, vii. 345. Spanish plays, vii. 363. L Spencer, John George, second Earl, Strahan, Rev. Mr., i. 278.; ii. 286.; Spiritual Quixote,' key to the cha Strichen, Lord, iv. 110, 110 n. racters in, x. 244. Spleen,' the, vi. 156. Spottiswoode, John, vii. 180. Stage, the, iv. 131. Stanhope, Mr. (Lord Chesterfield's son), viii. 52. 335. Stanyan, Abraham, great accuracy of Statuary, vi. 68. Johnson's letter to, ii. 134, 134 п. Steevens, George, Esq., iii. 116, 116 n. Sterne, Lawrence, iii. 209. 262.; vii. Stews, licensed, vi. 134. viii. 256. Stilli ngfle et, Benjamin, viii. 85. Strickland, Mrs., vi. 15. 251. Stuart family, ii. 119. 215; iii. 258.; Stuart, Hon, and Rev. William, Arch- Stuart, Hon. Colonel James, vii. 280. Stuart, Andrew, iii. 272.; vi. 113. Succession, vi. 36. 41. Suicide, iii. 270.; iv. 50.; viii. 135. 219. Superiors, deference to, iv. 106, 106 п. |