CLAUS, DANIEL, P. T., Agent for The Six Nation Indians in The Province of Quebec, v. Prayer. CLAUSENTUM, The Roman Station, v. ENGLEFIELD, Sir HENRY CHARLES. The history and antiquities thereof, v. Leicester, County of. Connubia Florum, Latino carmine demonstrata, auctore D. de la Croix; notas, et observationes adjicit. 8vo. Bathoniæ, 1791. CLAYTON, ROBERT, D. D., Lord Bishop of Clogher. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again; translated from a Manuscript, written by The Prefetto of Egypt in company with the Missionaries de Propaganda Fide at Grand Cairo; to which are added, Some remarks on the origin of Hieroglyphics and the Mythology of the ancient Heathens. 4to. London, 1753. The Second edition, corrected. 8vo. London, 1753. CLEEVE, The Rev. ALEXANDER, A. B. Select Sermons. 8vo. London, 1806. CLELAND, JOHN. The way to things by words, and to words by things; being a sketch of an attempt at the retrieval of the antient Celtic, or, Primitive language of Europe, &c. 8vo. London, 1766. Specimen of an Etimological Vocabulary, or, Essay, by means of the analitic CLERGY. A view of the Condition of the Parochial Clergy of this Kingdom, from the earliest times, v. Lysons, The Rev. Daniel. Observations on Dr. STURGES'S Pamphlet, respecting Non-Residence of The Clergy: by T. B. Howell. The Second edition. 8vo. London, 1803. CLIFFORD, The Hon. ROBERT. Memoirs, illustrating the history of Jacobinism, written in French by The Abbé BARRUEL, and translated into English. Second edition, revised and corrected. 4 Vols. 8vo. London, 1798. CLOGHER, ROBERT Lord Bishop of, v. CLAYTON, ROBERT. - Introductio in universam geographiam, v. Buno, Johannes. COAL TRADE. A Letter, on the present state of the carrying part of The Coal Trade; by Nathaniel Atcheson. Svo. London, 1802. An account of the Coal Trade, v. Newcastle upon Tyne. COATES, The Rev. CHARLES, LL. B. The history and antiquities of Reading. 4to. London, 1802. A Supplement to the history and antiquities of Reading; with corrections, and additions by the Author. 4to. Reading, 1810. COCCHI, ANTONIO, Mugellano. Lettera critica sopra un Manoscritto in Cera. 4to. Firenze, 1746. COINS, V. NUMISMATA. COKE, Sir EDWARD, Knt. The Institutes of the Laws of England, v. Hargrave, Francis. COKE, THOMAS. Thomæ Dempsteri de Etruria Regali, libri VII.; nunc primum editi; cum figuris. 2 Vols. Fol. Florentiæ, 1723-24. COKER, The Rev. JOHN. A survey of Dorsetshire: containing the antiquities, and Natural history of that County. Fol. London, 1732. COLCHESTER, THE TOWN of, v. ESSEX, COUNTY of. COLE, CHARLES NALSON, of The Inner Temple. The history of imbanking and draining of divers Fens and Marshes, both in foreign parts and in this kingdom, and of the improvements thereby: extracted from records, manuscripts, and other authentic testimonies, by Sir William Dugdale, Knt. The Second edition, revised, and corrected. Fol. London, 1772. COLERANE, HENRY Lord, v. OLDFIELD, HENRY GEORGE. Collectanea Curiosa, v. Gutch, The Rev. John. Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis, v. Vallancey, Charles. COLLESCHI, FRANCESCO. Dissertazione sulle poste degli Antichi, recitata nell' Accademia degli APATISTI. 4to. Firenze, 1746. COLLINS, ARTHUR. Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments, on claims and controversies, con- Historical collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holles, Vere, COLLINS, ARTHUR. larly of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, &c.; the lives of the Earls of Oxford, concluding with Aubrey de Vere, the Twentieth, and last Earl, of that Illustrious Family. Fol. London, 1752. The Peerage of England; with plates. The Fifth edition, carefully corrected, 8 Vols. 8vo. London, 1779. A Supplement to the same ; by B. Longinate. 8vo. London, 1784. COLLINSON, The Rev. JOHNΝ. The history and antiquities of the County of Somerset; collected from authentie records, and an actual survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack. 3 Vols. 4to. Bath, 1791. COLLINSON, PETER. Some account of him: with his portrait. 4to. London, 1770. COMBE, CAROLUS, M. D. Index Nummorum omnium, Imperatorum, Augustarum, et Cæsarum, à Julio 1773. Nummorum veterum Populorum et Urbium, qui in Museo GULIELMI HUNTER asservantur, descriptio, figuris illustrata. 4to. Londini, 1782. COMBE, TAYLOR, M. A., Director of THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. A description of the Collection of ANCIENT TERRACOTTAS in THE BRITISH MUSEUM; with engravings. 4to. London, 1810. A description of the collection of ANCIENT MARBLES in THE BRITISH MUSEUM; with engravings. Part I. and II. 4to. London, 1812-15. VETERUM POPULORUM et REGUM NUMI, qui in MUSEO BRITANNICO adservantur. 4to. Londini, 1814. COMETA. On the determination of the Orbits of Comets, according to the methods of COMITIBUS GAETANIS, v. GAETANIS, PETRUS ANTONIUS de COMITIBUS. Reports from Committees of The House of Commons, which have been printed by Order of The House (from 1715 to 1773), and are not inserted in the Journals. Re-printed by Order of The House. 4 Vols. Folio. COMMONS, THE HOUSE OF. Journals of the House of Commons, from the 8th of November 1547, to the 28th of June 1802. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed. 57 Vols. Folio. Together with General Indexes to the whole, compiled by Cunningham, Flexman, Forster, Moore, and Dunn; and comprised in 6 Vols. Folio. CONCILIA. Concilia Magnæ Britanniæ et Hiberniæ, a Synodo Verolamiensi, A. D., 446, ad Londinensem, A. D., 1717: accedunt Constitutiones et alia ad historiam Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ spectantia: à Davide Wilkins. 4 Vols. Fol. Londini, 1737. CONNAK, RICHARD. A treatise on the Titles and Dignities of the Princes of Wales, v. Tracts. Vol. II. in 8vo. CONQUEST, v. SOMERSET, COUNTY of. CONSTANTINOPLE, v. TURKEY. Соок, Captain JAMES. His life, v. Kippis, Andrew. A narrative of his death, v. Samwell, David. COOKE, The Rev. JOHN, M. А. His, and The Rev. JOHN MAULE's, account of The Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, in 1789. 4to. London. COOKERY. Receipts in Ancient Cookery, v. ACTA ACADEMIARUM et SOCIETATUM, art. The Society of Antiquaries of London. The Forme of Cury, v. Pegge, The Rev. Samuel. COPHTUM ALPHABETUM, v. ALPHABETUM. The Question concerning Literary Property, determined by The Court of An address to the Parliament of Great Britain, on the claims of Authors to The Rights of Literature, v. Britton, John. CORDINER, The Rev. CHARLES, of Banff. Remarkable Ruins, and Romantic Prospects, of North Britain; with ancient CORDINER, The Rev. CHARLES, of Banff. monuments, and singular subjects of Natural history; with engravings by Peter Mazell. 2 Vols. 4to. London, 1788. CORK, COUNTY of. The ancient and present state of the County and City of Cork; by Charles Smith. The Second edition, with additions. 2 Vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1774. CORNIDE, Don JOSEPH. Las Casiterides, ò Islas del Estaño, restituidas á los mares de Galicia, disertacion critica. 8vo. Madrid, 1790. Investigaciones sobre la fundacion y fàbrica de la TORRE LLAMADA de HER-CULES, situada à la entrada del puerto de la Coruña. 4to. Madrid, 1792. CORNWALL, COUNTY of. A concise Topographical account of this County, v. Magna Britannia. Speculi Britannia Pars: a Topographical and Historical description of Corn- A natural and historical account of The Islands of Scilly; with a general account of Cornwall; by Robert Heath. 8vo. London, 1750. Observations on the antiquities, historical and monumental, of the County of Cornwall; with plates: by William Borlase. Fol. Oxford, 1754. Observations on the ancient and present state of The Islands of Scilly, and their importance to the trade of Great Britain: by William Borlase. 4to.. Oxford, 1756. The Natural history of Cornwall; with plates: by William Borlase. Fol. Oxford, 1758. Observations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients in Cornwall, and on the "Ictis" of Diodorus Siculus: by Sir Christopher Hawkins, Bart. 8vo. London, 1811. CORONATION. The entertainment of Charles II., in His passage through the City of London to his Coronation; to which is added, a brief narrative of His Majesty's solemn Coronation; with his magnificent proceeding and Royal Feast in, Westminster-Hall: by John Ogilby. Fol. London, 1662. The history of the Coronation of James II., and of His Royal Consort Queen Mary; solemnized in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, in Westminster, on Thursday the 23d of April, 1685. Fol. in the Savoy, 1687. CORONATION OATH, v. REEVES, JOHN. R |