CHARTERS. An Index, drawn up about the year 1629, of many Records of Charters, granted by the different Sovereigns of Scotland between the years 1309 and 1413, most of which Records have been long missing, &c. Published at the desire of The Right Honourable Lord Frederick Campbell, Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland; by William Robertson. 4to. Edinburgh, 1798. Registrum Magni Sigilli regum Scotorum in Archivis Publicis asservatum : A. D. 1306-A. D. 1424. Printed, by Command of His Majesty King George the Third, in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain. Fol. 1814. Court-Hand restored; or, The Student's Assistant, in reading old Deeds, Charters, &c., v. Wright, Andrew. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The Canterbury Tales, in the original, from the most authentic manuscripts : and as they are turned into modern language by several eminent hands. The Second edition. 8vo, L. P., London, 1740. Illustrations of his life and writings; by The Rev. Henry John Todd. 4to. London, 1810. CHAULNES, M. le Duc de. Mémoire sur la véritable entrée du Monument Egyptien, qui se trouve à quatre lieues du Caire, auprès de Saccara, &c. 4to. Paris, 1777. CHAUNCY, Sir HENRY, Knt., Serjeant at Law. The historical antiquities of Hertfordshire; with plates. Fol. London, 1700. CHEMIA. 1 The Chemical Catechism, with notes, illustrations, and experiments; by Samuel Parkes. The Fourth edition, containing the new discoveries and other considerable additions. 8vo. London, 1810. CHESNE, seu QUERCETUS, ANDREAS du, Turonensis. Historiæ Normannorum scriptores antiqui, res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuæ Principatum, Siciliam, et Orientem gestas explicantes, ab anno 838. ad 1220. Fol. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1619. CHESS, V. GAMES. CHESTER, COUNTY PALATINE of. A concise Topographical account of this County, v. Magna Britannia. published by Daniel King. Fol. London, 1656. Some antiquities touching Cheshire: by Sir Peter Leycester. Fol. London, CHESTER, COUNTY PALATINE of. A sketch of the materials for a new history of Cheshire (by The Rev. Foote Gower). 4to. Chester, 1771. CHIAPPONI, JUSTINIANUS, Apostolicarum Cæremoniarum Præfectus. Acta Canonizationis Sanctorum Pii V. Pont. Max., Andreæ Avellini, Felicis à Cantalicio, et Catharinæ de Bononia, habitæ à Clemente XI., collecta; cum figuris, et indice. Fol. Romæ, 1720. CHICHELE, THOMAS. Stemmata Chicheleana; or, a Genealogical account of some of the families derived from Thomas Chichele, of Higham Ferrers, in the County of Northampton; all whose descendants are held to be entitled to Fellowships in All Souls College, Oxford; by virtue of their consanguinity to Archbishop Chichele, the Founder. 4to. Oxford, 1765. CHINA. A voyage to China and The East Indies, v. Forster, John Reinhold. Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines, and utensils; with a description of them: by Sir William Chambers. Fol. London, 1757 Lettre de PEKIN, sur le génie de la langue Chinoise, v. Letters. The Costume of China, illustrated in Forty-eight coloured engravings; with descriptions: by William Alexander. 4to. London, 1805. CHIRURGIA, D. MEDICINA. Quæstionum et responsionum Chirurgicarum fasciculus, in usum tironum. 8vo. Bathoniæ, 1761. A Lecture on the situation of the large Blood-Vessels of the Extremities; the description of the instrument called Tourniquet, &c.: by Sir William Blizard. 12mo. London, 1783. Observations on the disease of the Hip Joint, &c.; by Edward Ford. 8vo. London, 1794. Suggestions for the improvement of Hospitals, and other Charitable Institu tions. By Sir William Blizard. 8vo. London, 1796. The Charter, and Bye-Laws, of The Royal College of Surgeons in London, 1802. 8vo. Remarks on the Purulent Ophthalmy, which has lately been epidemical in this country; by James Ware. 8vo. London, 1808. CHISHULL, EDMUNDUS, S. T. В. Inscriptio Sigea antiquissima ΒΟΥΣΤΡΟΦΗΔΟΝ exarata; commentario eam historico, grammatico, critico illustravit. Fol. Londini, 1721. P CHRIST CHURCH, CANTERBURY. A Catalogue of the Books, preserved in the Library there, v. Catalogus. CHRISTIE, JAMES. An inquiry into the Antient Greek Game, supposed to have been invented by PALAMEDES, antecedent to the Siege of Troy; with reasons for believing the same to have been known from remote antiquity in China, and progressively improved into the Chinese, Indian, Persian, and European Chess: together with two dissertations: I., on the Athenian Skirophoria : II., on the mystical meaning of the Bough and Umbrella, in the Skiran Rites. 4to. London, 1801. CHRONICON, et CHRONOLOGIA. The Cronycle of Englond, with the Fruyte of Tymes. To which is added, The Descrypcyon of Englonde, Walys, Scotlond, and Irlonde. Fol. Wynkyn de Worde, 1502. The Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, first collected and published by Raphael Holinshed, William Harrison, and others; now newlie augmented and continued to the year 1586; by John Hooker alias Vowell. 3 Vols. Fol. London, 1587. Chroniques d'Enguerran de Monstrelet; contenans les cruelles guerres civilles entre les Maisons d'Orleans et de Bourgongne, &c. Fol. Paris, 1596. Annales; or, a generall Chronicle of England; begun by John Stow; continued and augmented, to the end of the year 1631; by Edmund Howes. Fol. Londini, 1631. Saturni Ephemerides, sive Tabula historico-chronologica; by Henry Isaacson. Fol. London, 1633. Jehovah-Jireh; God in the Mount; or, England's Parliamentarie Chronicle; by John Vicars. 4to. London, 1644. The Burning-Bush not consumed; or, The Fourth and last Part of the Parliamentarie Chronicle; by John Vicars. 4to. London, 1646. Sethi Calvisii opus Chronologicum, ad annum 1685. continuatum; cum indice. Fol. Francofurti ad Mænum et Lipsiæ, 1685. Chronicon Saxonicum, ex MSS. codicibus nunc primum integrum edidit, ac Défense de la Chronologie fondée sur les monumens de l'histoire ancienne, contre le systême chronologique de I. Newton, par M. Fréret. 4to. Paris, 1758. CHRONICON, et CHRONOLOGIA. The Chronology and history of the World, from the Creation to the year of Christ, 1768, illustrated in 56 tables; by John Blair. Fol. London, 1768. Sit JOHN FROISSART'S Chronicles of England, France, and the adjoining Countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward the Second to the Coronation of Henry the Fourth; newly translated from the best French editions, with variations and additions from many celebrated manuscripts; by Thomas Johnes. 4 Vols. 4to., at The Hafod Press, 1803-1805. CHRYSOSTOMUS, JOANNES, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolitanus. Opera omnia, Latinè. 4 Vols. Fol., Sebastianus Nivellius, Parisiis, 1581. CHURCH. A Dialogue between Timothy and Philatheus; in which the principles and Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani; or, The Satutes, Constitutions, Canons, A view of the principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England in the last and present Century, v. Leland, John. The Church History of England, from the year 1500. to the year 1688., chiefly with regard to Catholicks; by Charles Dodd. 3 Vols. Fol. Brussels, 1737-42. Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, v. Ecton, John. Parochiale Anglicanum, v. Willis, Browne. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliæ et Walliæ auctoritate P. Nicholai IV., circa A. D. 1291. Printed, by Command of His Majesty King George III., in pursuance of an Address of The House of Commons of Great Britain. Fol., 1802. Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Henr. VIII., auctoritate Regia institutus, v. Valor Ecclesiasticus. CHURCHILL, AWNSHAM, and JOHN, Booksellers. A collection of Voyages and Travels, some now first printed from original Manuscripts; others translated out of Foreign languages, and now first published in English: to which are added, some few that have formerly appeared in English, but do now for their excellency and scarceness deserve to be reprinted. 4 Vols. Fol. London, 1704. CHURCHMAN, JOHN. The Magnetic Atlas, or Variation Charts of the whole Terraqueous Globe; comprising a system of the Variation and Dip of the Needle, by which, the observations being truly made, the Longitude may be ascertained, 4to. London, 1794. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Libri de Divinatione, et de Fato; recensuit, et suis animadversionibus illustravit, ac emendavit Joannes Davisius. Accedunt integræ notæ Pauli Manucii, Petri Victorii, Joachimi Camerarii, Dionys. Lambini, et Fulv. Ursini, una cum Hadriani Turnebi commentario in librum de Fato. 8vo. Cantabrigiæ, 1721. The thre bookes of Tullyes Offyces, bothe in Latyne tonge and in Englysshe; translated by Roberte Whytinton. 8vo. Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1534. CINQUE PORTS. Charters of The Cinque Ports, Two Ancient Towns, and their Members, v. Jeake, Samuel. Collections for an history of Sandwich, &c., v. Boys, William. An account of Cinque Ports Meetings, called Brotherhoods and Guestlings: by T. Mantell. 4to. Dover, 1811. CLARKE, CHARLES, of Baliol College, Oxford. Some conjectures relative to a very antient piece of Money, lately found at CLARKE, CHARLES. Observations on the Intended Tunnel beneath the river THAMES: shewing the many defects in the present state of that projection: with plates. 4to. Gravesend, 1799. Precepts and observations on the art of colouring in Landscape Painting, by the late WILLIAM ORAM; arranged from the author's original manuscript. 4to. London, 1810. CLARKE, JAMES, Land-Surveyor. A survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire, &c. CLARKE, WILLIAM, M. A. The connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins, deduced from observations on the Saxon weights and money. 4to. London, 1767. CLASSICS, THE GREEK and LATIN. An introduction to the Knowledge of the most rare and valuable editions, v. |