CARTER, FRANCIS. and coins of each Municipal Town. The Second edition. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1780. CARTER, JOHN. Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting, now remaining in this Kingdom, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry the Eighth. 2 Vols. Fol. London, 1780-87. CARTOONS. A description of the Cartoons at Hampton Court, v. Catalogus. CARVE, THOMAS, de Mobernan Tipperariensis, Sacerdos et Notarius Apostolicus. Lyra, sive Anacephalæosis Hibernica, in qua de exordio, seu origine, nomine, moribus, ritibusque gentis Hibernicæ succinctè tractatur; cui quoque accessere Annales ejusdem Hiberniæ, nec non rerum gestarum per Europam ab anno 1148., usque ad annum 1650. Editio secunda, multis additamentis locupletata et à repurgata. 4to. Sulzbaci, 1666. CASITERIDES, V. GEOGRAPHIA. CASLEY, DAVID, Deputy Librarian. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of The King's Library. 4to. London, 1734. CASTELLUS, GABRIEL LANCILOTTUS. Siciliæ et objacentium insularum veterum inscriptionum nova collectio; prolegomenis, et notis illustrata. Fol. Panormi, 1769. Siciliæ Populorum et Urbium Regum quoque et Tyrannorum veteres nummi Saracenorum epocham anticedentes. Fol. Panormi, 1781. CASTLE HOWARD. The Mausoleum at Castle Howard. 4to., 1812. CASTLES, V. ANGLIA, and BRITANNIA. Vestiges of Oxford Castle; or, a small fragment of a work, on the history of Antient Castles; and on the progress of Architecture; by Edward King. Fol. London, 1796. Munimenta Antiqua; or, Observations on Antient Castles; with plates: by Edward King. 4 Vols. Fol. London, 1799-1805. CATALOGUS. A Catalogue of the Animals of NORTH AMERICA: by John Reinhold Forster. 8vo. London, 1771. Catalogi librorum Manuscriptorum ANGLIE et HIBERNIE in unum collecti; cum indice alphabetico. Fol. Oxoniæ, 1697. Catalogue des livres de M. A. H. ANQUETIL-DUPERRON. 8vo. Paris, 1805. Y CATALOGUS. Bibliotheca BRANDIANA; sold by auction, in May and June, 1807; and, in February, 1808. Two Parts. 8vo. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in THE BRITISH MUSEUM, hitherto undescribed; consisting of Five Thousand volumes; by Samuel Ayscough. 2 Vols. 4to. London, 1782. Librorum impressorum, qui in MUSEO BRITANNICO adservantur, Catalogus. Catalogus veteris ævi varii generis monumentorum, quæ, cimeliarchio LYDE A Catalogue and description of King CHARLES the First's capital collection of Pictures, Limnings, Statues, Bronzes, Medals, and other Curiosities; now first published from an original Manuscript in the Ashmolean Musæum at Oxford: by George Vertue. 4to. London, 1757. Catalogue of the Books, both Manuscript and Printed, which are preserved in the Library of CHRIST CHURCH, Canterbury. 8vo., 1802. Catalogus librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ COTTONIANE; cui præmittuntur D. Roberti Cottoni vita; et Bibliothecæ Cottonianæ historia et synopsis; scriptore Thoma Smitho. Fol. Oxonii, 1696. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the COTTONIAN Library, deposited in The British Museum. Printed, by Command of His Majesty King Geo. III., in pursuance of an Address of The House of Commons of Great Britain. Fol., 1802. A Catalogue of the Coins of the late JAMES CUMMYNG. 4to., 1794. A Catalogue of ENGLISH HEADS; by Joseph Ames, v. Tracts. Vol. II. in 8vo. A Catalogue of ENGRAVERS, who have been born, or resided in England; digested by Horace Walpole from the Manuscripts of George Vertue; to which is added, an account of his life and works. 4to. Strawberry-Hill, 1763. Catalogo de gli antichi Monumenti dissotterrati dalla discoperta città di ErcoLANO, composto da Ottavio Antonio Bayardi. Fol. Napoli, 1754. Catalogue of the Portraits and Pictures, and of the Coins and Medals, in the different Houses belonging to The Earl of FIFE. 4to., 1798. A Catalogue of One Hundred impressions from GEMS, engraved by Nathaniel Marchant. 4to. London, 1792. N CARTER, FRANCIS. and coins of each Municipal Town. The Second edition. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1780. CARTER, JOHN. Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting, now remaining in this Kingdom, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry the Eighth. 2 Vols. Fol. London, 1780-87. CARTOONS. A description of the Cartoons at Hampton Court, v. Catalogus. CARVE, THOMAS, de Mobernan Tipperariensis, Sacerdos et Notarius Apostolicus. Lyra, sive Anacephalæosis Hibernica, in qua de exordio, seu origine, nomine, moribus, ritibusque gentis Hibernicæ succinctè tractatur; cui quoque accessere Annales ejusdem Hiberniæ, nec non rerum gestarum per Europam ab anno 1148., usque ad annum 1650. Editio secunda, multis additamentis locupletata et à repurgata. 4to. Sulzbaci, 1666. CASITERIDES, V. GEOGRAPHIA. CASLEY, DAVID, Deputy Librarian. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of The King's Library. 4to. London, 1734. CASTELLUS, GABRIEL LANCILOTTUS. Siciliæ et objacentium insularum veterum inscriptionum nova collectio; prole-. gomenis, et notis illustrata. Fol. Panormi, 1769. Siciliæ Populorum et Urbium Regum quoque et Tyrannorum veteres nummi Saracenorum epocham anticedentes. Fol. Panormi, 1781. CASTLE HOWARD. The Mausoleum at Castle Howard. 4to., 1812. CASTLES, V. ANGLIA, and BRITANNIA. Vestiges of Oxford Castle; or, a small fragment of a work, on the history of Antient Castles; and on the progress of Architecture; by Edward King. Fol. London, 1796. Munimenta Antiqua; or, Observations on Antient Castles; with plates: by Edward King. 4 Vols. Fol. London, 1799-1805. CATALOGUS. A Catalogue of the Animals of NORTH AMERICA: by John Reinhold Forster. 8vo. London, 1771. Catalogi librorum Manuscriptorum ANGLIE et HIBERNIE in unum collecti; cum indice alphabetico. Fol. Oxoniæ, 1697. Catalogue des livres de M. A. H. ANQUETIL-DUPERRON. 8vo. Paris, 1805. Y CATALOGUS. Bibliotheca BRANDIANA; sold by auction, in May and June, 1807; and, in February, 1808. Two Parts. 8vo. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in THE BRITISH MUSEUM, hitherto undescribed; consisting of Five Thousand volumes; by Samuel Ayscough. 2 Vols. 4to. London, 1782. Librorum impressorum, qui in MUSEO BRITANNICO adservantur, Catalogus. Catalogus veteris ævi varii generis monumentorum, quæ, cimeliarchio LYDE A Catalogue and description of King CHARLES the First's capital collection of Pictures, Limnings, Statues, Bronzes, Medals, and other Curiosities; now first published from an original Manuscript in the Ashmolean Musæum at Oxford: by George Vertue. 4to. London, 1757. Catalogue of the Books, both Manuscript and Printed, which are preserved in the Library of CHRIST CHURCH, Canterbury. 8vo., 1802. Catalogus librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ COTTONIANE; cui præmittuntur D. Roberti Cottoni vita; et Bibliothecæ Cottonianæ historia et synopsis; scriptore Thoma Smitho. Fol. Oxonii, 1696. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the COTTONIAN Library, deposited in The British Museum. Printed, by Command of His Majesty King Geo. III., in pursuance of an Address of The House of Commons of Great Britain. Fol., 1802. A Catalogue of the Coins of the late JAMES CUMMYNG. 4to., 1794. A Catalogue of ENGLISH HEADS; by Joseph Ames, v. Tracts. Vol. II. in 8vo. A Catalogue of ENGRAVERS, who have been born, or resided in England; digested by Horace Walpole from the Manuscripts of George Vertue; to which is added, an account of his life and works. 4to. Strawberry-Hill, 1763. Catalogo de gli antichi Monumenti dissotterrati dalla discoperta città di ERCOLANO, composto da Ottavio Antonio Bayardi. Fol. Napoli, 1754. Catalogue of the Portraits and Pictures, and of the Coins and Medals, in the different Houses belonging to The Earl of FIFE. 4to., 1798. A Catalogue of One Hundred impressions from GEMS, engraved by Nathaniel Marchant. 4to. London, 1792. N CATALOGUS. : A Catalogue of THE HARLEIAN collection of Manuscripts, purchased by Authority of Parliament, for the use of the Publick; and preserved in The British Museum. Published by Order of The Trustees; with portraits of Robert Harley, and Edward Harley, Earls of Oxford; with an index. 2 Vols. Fol. London, 1759. A Catalogue of THE HARLEIAN Manuscripts in The British Museum; with Catalogus Bibliothecæ HARVARDIANE Cantabrigiæ Nov-Anglorum. 8vo. A description of the Works of the ingenious delineator and engraver WENCESLAUS HOLLAR, disposed into classes of different sorts; with some account of his life; by George Vertue. The Second edition, with additions. 4to. London, 1759. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of THE KING'S Library; by David Casley. 4to. London, 1734. A Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal Manuscripts in the Library at LAMBETH PALACE; with an account of the Archiepiscopal Registers and other Records there preserved; by Henry John Todd. Fol. London, 1812. Catalogue of The LIVERPOOL Library, at The Lyceum, Bold Street. 8vo. Catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. de LAMOIGNON. 3 Vols. Bibliotheca Legum; or, A new and compleat List of all the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, and some others relating thereunto, from their first publication to Easter Term, 1753. A new edition, with improvements; compiled by John Worrall. 12mo. London, 1753. Catalogus Numismaticus Musei LEFROYANI, Liburni, anno 1763. 8vo. A Catalogue of the Library of THE LONDON INSTITUTION. 8vo. London, 1813. A Catalogue of all the Books in the Parochial Library of the Town and Parish of Maidstone, in Kent. 8vo., 1736. Regiæ Bibliothecæ MATRITENSIS codices Græci MSS., Joannes Iriarte excussit, recensuit, notis, indicibus, anecdotis pluribus evulgatis illustravit. Volumen Prius. 4to. Matriti, 1769. |