BARKER, CHARLES, B. D., Canon Residentiary of Wells. A Sermon, preached in the Chapel at Lambeth, on the 1st of February, 1807, at the Consecration of The Right Rev. CHARLES Moss, Lord Bishop of Oxford. 4to. London, 1807. BARKER, JOHN, M. D. Essai sur la conformité de la Medecine des anciens et des modernes, v. Schomberg, Ralph. BARNES, JOSHUA, B. D. The history of Edward III.; together with that of his Son Edward, sirnamed BARNES, JULIANA, U. BERNES, or, BERNERS, JULIANA. BARONETS. The English Baronetage; containing a Genealogical and Historical account of all the English Baronets, now existing, &c.; with plates. 4 Vols. 8vo. London, 1741. BARRETT, WILLIAM. The history and antiquities of the City of Bristol. 4to. Bristol, 1789. BARRINGTON, The Hon. DAINES. The Anglo-Saxon Version, from the historian Orosius; by Elfred the Great; together with an English translation from the Anglo-Saxon. 8vo. London, 1773. Observations on the more ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to the 21st The probability of reaching The North Pole, discussed; with a Supplement. A Second Supplement to the probability of reaching The North Pole. 4to. Miscellanies. 4to. London, 1781. BARROW, The Rev. WILLIAM, LL. D. A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of St. James, Westminster, on BARROWS, ANCIENT, v. STACKHOUSE, THOMAS. His memoirs, illustrating the history of Jacobinism, v. Clifford, The Hon. BARRY, The Rev. EDWARD, M. D. A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of Allhallow's, Barking, for BARTHELEMY, M. l'Abbé, Garde des Médailles du Roi. Lettre à Mons. le Marquis Olivieri, au sujet de quelques monuments Phéniciens; pour servir de réponse à deux lettres insérées dans le 54o Volume des Transactions Philosophiques. 4to. Paris, 1766. BARTHOLINUS, THOMAS. Antiquitatum Danicarum de causis contemptæ a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres, ex vetustis codicibus et monumentis hactenus ineditis congesti. 4to. Hafniæ, 1689. BARTOLI, v. SANTI-BARTOLI, Pietro. BARTOLI, GIUSEPPE, Antiquario S. M. Lettere, sopra il marmo effigiato et iscritto ch'e collocato nel Regio Museo, e diede occasione ad un libretto del Signor Needham. 4to. BARTON, BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. New views of the origin of the tribes and nations of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798. : Observations on some parts of Natural History; to which is prefixed, an ac- BATEMAN, CHRISTOPHER, v. NORDEN, JOHN. An essay towards a description of Bath: in four parts. The Second edition, corrected and enlarged: by John Wood. 8vo. London, 1749. Descriptions and explanations of some remains of Roman antiquities, dug up in the City of Bath, in the year 1790; with an engraving from drawings made on the spot; by Governor Pownall. 4to. Bath, 1795. An illustration of the Roman antiquities, discovered at Bath; by The Rev. Richard Warner. 4to. Bath, 1797. Some account of the Abbey Church at Bath. Published by The Society of Antiquaries of London. Fol. London, 1798. Remains of two Temples and other Roman Antiquities, discovered at Bath; by Samuel Lysons. Fol. Max. London, 1802. BATHS. A description of the Roman Baths and Thermæ, discovered in 1784, at Badenweiler, v. Pownall, Thomas. BATHURST, RALPH, M. D., Dean of Wells. His life, and literary remains, v. Warton, Thomas, M.A. BATTELY, JOANNES, S.T.P. Opera Posthuma; viz., Antiquitates Rutupinæ; et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi ad annum 1272 perductæ. 4to. Oxoniæ, 1745. BATTELY, NICOLAS, Μ. Α., v. SOMNER, WILLIAM. Reliquiæ Baxterianæ, sive Willielmi Baxteri opera Posthuma: præmittitur eruditi autoris vitæ à seipso conscriptæ fragmentum. 8vo. Londini, 1726. BAYARDI, OTTAVIO ANTONIO, Cittadino Romano, Protonotario Apostolico. Catalogo de gli Antichi monumenti dissotterrati dalla discoperta città di Ercolano. Fol. Napoli, 1754. BAYER, FRANCISCUS PEREZIUS, Archidiaconus Valentin. De numis Hebræo-Samaritanis dissertatio; cum figuris, et indice. 4to. Valentiæ Edetanorum, 1781. Del alfabeto y lengua de los Fenices, y de sus Colonias. Fol. BAYERUS, THEOPHILUS SIGEFRIDUS, Regiomontanus. Museum Sinicum; in quo Sinicæ linguæ et litteraturæ ratio explicatur. 2 Vols. Historia Osrhoena et Edessena ex numis illustrata. 4to. Petropoli, 1734. Historia regni Græcorum Bactriani; in qua simul Græcarum in India Colonia- BAYLY, ANSELM, LL.B. An introduction to languages, literary and philosophical; especially to the English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; in Three parts. 8vo. London, 1758. BEAUMONT, ALBANIS. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps; with plates. Fol. BEC, The Royal Abbey of, v. BOURGET, Dom. JOHN. Fragmenta Antiquitatis, v. Beckwith, Josiah. BECKWITH, JOSIAH. Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or, Antient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs BECKWITH, JOSIAH. of some Manors; by Thomas Blount. A new edition; with alterations, and large additions; and with explanatory notes. 8vo. York, 1784. Fragmenta Antiquitatis. A new edition, with considerable additions from authentic sources, by Hercules Malebysse Beckwith. 4to. London, 1815. BEDA, Venerabilis, Presbyter Anglo-Sax. BEDFORD, COUNTY of. Chronicon sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple, v. Hearne, Thomas. A concise Topographical account of this County, v. Magna Britannia, Symeonis Monachi Dunhelmensis libellus de exordio atque procursu Dunhelmensis ecclesiæ: cui præmittitur Thomæ Rud erudita disquisitio, in qua probatur non Turgotum, sed Symeonem fuisse verum hujus libelli auctorem, &c. 8vo. Londini, 1732. BELLORI, GIO. PIETRO. Colonna Traiana, v. Rossi, Gio. Giacomo de' BENEDICTUS, Abbas Petroburgensis. De vita et gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I., v. Hearne, Thomas. BENTHAM, JAMES, M. A. The history and antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely: from the Foundation of the Monastery, in 673, to the year 1771: with an appendix. 2 Vols. in 1. 4to. Cambridge, 1771. BENZELIUS, ERICUS, Archiepiscopus Upsalensis, v. LYE, EDWARDUS. La Coustume reformée du Pays et Duché de Normandie, anciens ressorts et BEREBLOCUS, JOANNES. Commentarii de rebus gestis Oxoniæ, ibidem commorante Elizabetha Regina, v. Hearne, Thomas. BERGANO, DIEGO, de el Orden de los Hermitaños de Nuestro Padre San Augustin de Philipinas, &c. Bocabulario de Pampango en Romance, y Diccionario de Romance en Pampango. Fol. Manila, 1732. BERKS, COUNTY of. The antiquities of Berkshire; by Elias Ashmole. 3 Vols. 8vo. London, 1723. A Letter to Dr. Mead, concerning some antiquities in Berkshire; with plates: by Francis Wise, v. Tracts. Vol. I. in 4to. BERKS, COUNTY of. An answer, to the impertinence and imposture of modern antiquaries: by The The history and antiquities of Windsor Castle, and The Royal College, and The history and antiquities of Reading; by The Rev. Charles Coates. 4to. London, 1802. A supplement to the history and antiquities of Reading; with corrections, and additions by the Author. 4to. Reading, 1810. A concise Topographical account of this County, v. Magna Britannia. BERNERS, 'The Barony of, v. KNYVET, CATHARINE. BERNES, or BERNERS, JULIANA, Abbess of The Nunnery of Sopwell, near St. Alban's. The Gentleman's Academie, or, The Book of St. Alban's. Fol. Seynt Albons, 1486. BERTRAMUS, CAROLUS. Britannicarum gentium historiæ antiquæ Scriptores tres; RICARDUS Corinensis, GILDAS Badonicus, NENNIUS Banchorensis; recensuit, notisque et indice auxit. 8vo. Hauniæ, 1757. BETHLEM HOSPITAL. An historical account of the origin, progress, and present state of Bethlem Hospital, founded by Henry the Eighth, for the cure of Lunatics; with a plate. 4to. London, 1783. BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM, D. D., Bishop of St. Asaph. His Works; containing all his Sermons, as well those published by himself, as those since his death. The Second edition; with a preface, giving some account of the author, and his writings. 2 Vols. Fol. London, 1729. BEVY, l'Abbé C. J. de, Bénédict. de la Congrég. de St. Maur. Histoire de la Noblesse Héréditaire et successive des Gaulois, des François, et BEZA, THEODORUS, Vezelius, v. KIPLING, THOMAS. Biblia Sacra ita exactè translata ut statim videatur quid refert unaquæque vox A list of various editions of The Bible, an Parts thereof, in English; from the year 1526, to 1776. 8vo. London, 1778. |