AGRICULTURA. The Boke of Husbandry; by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert. 8vo., Thomas Berthelet, London, 1548. Certain ancient Tracts, concerning the management of Landed Property, reprinted (by Robert Vansittart). 8vo. London, 1767. AICHER, OTTо. Theatrum Funebre, exhibens per varias scenas Epitaphia nova, antiqua, seria, jocosa, &c. 4to. Salisburgi, 1675. AIKIN, EDMUND, Architect. An Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture; with figures. Fol. Max. Lon- AINSLIE, il Signor Cavaliere ROBERTO, v. SESTINI, l'Abate Domenico. De clypeo CAMILLI antiquo, operis elegantissimi, dissertatio: præmittitur Dictionary, English and Latin, v. Morell, Thomas. AIROLDUS, ALPHONSUS, Archiepiscopus Heracleensis. Codex Diplomaticus Siciliæ sub Saracenorum imperio, ab anno 827. ad 1072: nunc primum ex MSS. Mauro-Occidentalibus depromptus. Folio. Tomus Primus, Panormi, 1788. AKERBLAD, J. D. Lettre sur l'inscription Egyptienne de Rosette. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Inscriptionis Phœniciæ Oxoniensis nova interpretatio. 8vo. Parisiis, 1802. ALBAN'S, ST., The Abbey Church at, v. HERTFORD, COUNTY of. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM. The Costume of China, illustrated in Forty-eight coloured engravings; with descriptions. 4to. London, 1805. ALFRED, The Great, v. ELFREDUS Magnus. ALLAN, GEORGE. Collections relating to Sherburn Hospital, in the County Palatine of Durham. 4to. (Darlington), 1771. ALMANACK. An English, Hindoo, and Mahomedan Almanack, for the year 1784; by Reuben Burrow. 12mo. Calcutta, 1783. ALPHABETUM. Alphabetum Ibericum, sive Georgianum, cum oratione Dominicali Salutatione Angelica, symbolo Fidei, præceptis Decalogi, ecclesiæ Sacramentis, et ALPHABETUM. operibus Misericordiæ; Latina et Iberica lingua compositis, et charactere Georgiano impressis: accesserunt Litaniæ B. V. eisdem lingua, et characteribus Ibericis. 8vo. Romæ, 1629. Alphabetum Cophtum, sive Ægyptiacum. 8vo. Alphabetum Æthiopicum, sive Abyssinum. 8vo. Romæ, 1631. Alphabetum veterum Etruscorum et nonnulla eorumdem monumenta; per Johannem Christophorum Amadutium. 8vo. Romæ, 1771. ALSATIA. Alsatia illustrata, Celtica, Romana, Francica; auctor Jo. Daniel Schoepffinus. 2 vols. Fol. Colmariæ, 1751-61. ALSTON-MOOR, V. CUMBERLAND, COUNTY of. ALUREDUS, Beverlacensis. Annales, v. Hearne, Thomas. AMADUTIUS, JOHANNES CHRISTOPHORUS, Præses Typographiæ Sacræ Congre gationis de Propaganda Fide. Alphabetum veterum Etruscorum et nonnulla eorumdem monumenta. 8vo. Romæ, 1771. AMERICA, NORTH. Travels into North America, by Peter Kalm; translated from the Swedish language into English, by John Reinhold Forster. 3 Vols. 8vo. Warrington, 1770-71. A Catalogue of the Animals of North America; by John Reinhold Forster. 8vo. London, 1771. A Topographical description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (annexed) Map of the middle British Colonies, &c., in North America; by T. Pownall. Fol. London, 1776. New views of the origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. By Benjamin Smith Barton. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798. Observations on some parts of Natural History; to which is prefixed, an Account of several remarkable vestiges of an ancient date, which have been discovered in different parts of North America. Part I.: by B. S. Barton. 8vo. London. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS and SCIENCES, V. ACTA ACADEMIARUM et SOCIE TATUM. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, v. ACTA ACADEMIARUM et SOCIETATUM. AMES, JOSEPH, formerly Secretary to THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON. Typographical Antiquities; being an historical account of Printing in Eng AMES, JOSEPΗ. land: with some Memoirs of our antient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them, from the year 1471 to the year 1600; with an Appendix concerning Printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time. 4to. London, 1749. An Index to the Pembrokian Coins and Medals. 4to. A Catalogue of English Heads, v. Tracts. Vol. II. in 8vo. Proposals for printing by Subscription, The Typographical Antiquities of England, v. Tracts. Vol. II. in 8vo. AMICABLE SOCIETY, v. ACTA ACADEMIARUM et SOCIETATUM. AMICO et STATELLA, VITUS MARIA, Ord. S. Benedict., Reg. Siciliæ Historie graphus. Lexicon Topographicum Siculum. 3 Vols. 4to. Panormi, 1757-60. AMORBACENSIS, v. GROPP, IGNATIUS. ANACREON. Odaria, ad textus Barnesiani fidem emendata; accedunt variæ lectiones, curâ Edvardi Forster. 8vo. Londini, 1802. ΑΝΑΤΟΜΙΑ, v. MEDICINA. ANDERSON, Major GEORGE. Plan and Views of The Abbey Royal of St. Denys, the ancient Mausoleum of the Kings of France; engraved on six plates by B. Howlett, from drawings made by him; with an historical account. 4to. London, 1812. ANDERSON, J. A Genealogical history of The House of Yvery; in it's different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval, and Gournay. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1742. ANDERSON, JAMES, D.D. Proposals for printing by subscription the translation of the Genealogical tables of all Emperors, Kings, and Sovereign Princes, in every part of the World, from Adam to these times; together with Genealogical Questions belonging to each Princely family; collected by The Rev. John Hubner; translated from the High Dutch, carefully collated and much improved with many necessary additions. Fol. oblong. Royal Genealogies; or, The Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these times; in two parts. The Second edition; with new addenda, and corrigenda. 2 Vols. Folio, London, 1736. ANDERSON, JAMES. Collections, relating to the history of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 4 Vols. 4to. Diplomata et numismata Scotiæ, de mandato Parliamenti in lucem edidit. Fol. E ANDREWS, JAMES PETTIT. Anecdotes, &c., antient and modern; with observations. 8vo. London, 1789. The history of Great Britain, connected with the Chronology of Europe; with notes, &c., containing anecdotes of the times, lives of the learned, and specimens of their works. 2 Vols. 4to. London, 1794--95. History of Great Britain, from the death of Henry VIII., to the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the Crown of England; being a continuation of Dr. Henry's history of Great Britain, and written on the same plan. Vol. I. 4to. London, 1796. ANDROW, of Wyntown, Priowr of Sainct Serfis Ynche in Loch Levyn. His Cronykil of Scotland, v. Macpherson, David. ANECDOTES, Anecdotes of some distinguished Persons, v. Seward, William. ANGLESEA, COUNTY of. Mona Antiqua Restaurata. An Archæological discourse on the Antiquities, natural and historical, of The Isle of Anglesey: by The Rev. Henry Rowlands. 4to. Dublin, 1723. ANGLIA. Henrici de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ, libri quinque. Fol. Londini, 1569. Rerum Anglicarum scriptores post Bedam præcipui, ex vetustissimis codicibus Manuscriptis nunc primùm in lucem editi; per Henricum Savile. Fol. Francofurti, 1601. Historiæ Anglicanæ Scriptores decem; ex vetustis manuscriptis nunc primùm in lucem editi; operâ Rog. Twysden .2 Vols. Fol. Londini, 1652. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum veterum Tom. I. Fol. Oxoniæ, 1684. Anglia Sacra; sive Collectio historiarum, partim antiquitus, partim recenter scriptarum, de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliæ, à prima fidei Christianæ susceptione ad annum 1540, nunc primùm in lucem editarum; ab Henrico Wharton. 2 Vols. Fol. Londini, 1691. Historiæ Britannicæ et Anglicanæ Scriptores XX., ex vetustis codd. MSS. editi; operâ Thomæ Gale. 2 Vols. Fol. Oxoniæ, 1691, 1687. Historiæ Anglicanæ scriptores varii, e codicibus manuscriptis nunc primùm editi; per Josephum Sparke. Fol. Londini, 1723. The critical History of England, Ecclesiastical and Civil. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1726. Historiæ Anglicanæ circà tempus Conquestûs Angliæ à Gulielmo Notho, Normannorum Duce, Selecta Monumenta; cum notis plurimis, Anglico Ser ANGLIA. mone, ad illustrandum textum, conscriptis, à Francisco Maseres. 4to. London, 1807. The general History of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil; from the earliest accounts of time, to the reign of King William III.: by James Tyrrell. 2 Vols. Folio, London, 1697-1700. Bibliotheca Politica: or, an enquiry into the antient Constitution of the English Government, with respect to the just extent of the Regal Power, and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject: in Fourteen Dialogues. By James Tyrrell. Fol. L. P., London, 1718. A new Survey of England; wherein the defects of Camden are supplied, and the errors of his followers remarked; the opinions of our Antiquaries are compared; the Roman Military Ways traced; and, The Stations settled according to the Itinerary, without altering the figures: with some Natural History of each County: by N. Salmon. 2 Vols. 8vo. London, 1730-31. The History of England, written in French by Mr. Rapin de Thoyras; translated into English, with additional notes; by Nicholas Tindal. The Second edition. 5 Vols. Fol. London, 1732-47. A general History of England: by Thomas Carte. 4 Vols. Fol. London, 1747-55. An enquiry into the Foundation of the English Constitution; or, an historical essay upon the Anglo-Saxon Government, both in Germany and England : with an appendix. A new edition, with additions: by Samuel Squire. 8vo. London, 1753. The Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England; from the earliest times, to the Restoration of King Charles the Second (by James Drake). The Second edition; with a general Index. 24 Vols. 8vo. London, 1762, 1761. An Account of all the manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in the different Counties of England and Wales, holden by lease from the Crown; with an appendix. Fol. obl., London, 1787. Monastic Remains, and Ancient Castles, in England and Wales; drawn on the spot by James Moore'; finished and etched by J. Schnebbelie; aquatinted by G. J. Parkyns. Ten Numbers. 8vo. Vol. 1. London, 1791-92. Acta historica Reginarum Anglia: Twelve original Drawings, formed on the history of the Queens of England, executed by J. G. Huck, and engraved by Valentine Green; with an historical account, illustrating each subject, in English and French. 4to. London, 1792. Anecdotes of the Arts in England; or, Comparative observations on Architec |