




TABLE to find a HYMN by the TITLE or CONTENTS of it, or a HYMN fuituable to PARTICULAR SUBJECTS and OCCASIONS.

N. B. The Figures refer to the Hymns.



ARON's Breaft-plate, 8. Abiding in Chrift, 237, 238. ABRAHAM's Care of his Family, 2.

his Faith in

leaving his Country, 318. God, his God, 319. bis Interceffion for Sodom, 3.

Abfence of God dreadful, 18, 157.

Activity in Religion, 199, 210. rewarded, 172. ADAM, the First and Second, 270.

Adopting Love, 124, 281.

Afflictions improved, 159. Inftruction under theme defired, 373. maderated, 92. falutary, 143. fubmitted to, 42. fucceeded by Joy, 66. by Reft and Happiness in Heaven, 212, 310, 358.

Angels, Chrift feen of them, 304, their Head, 299. their Reply to those who fought Chrift,, 194. their Song at Chrift's Birth, 200, 201,

Appeal to Chrift for the Sincerity of Love to him, 246.


Ark, the gadly Man's, 90. Noah faved in it, an Emblem of the Believer's Safety in Chrift, 336..


Backfliders, their Ingratitude, 191, invited to return, 122. God's Pity for them, 153. recollecting themfelves, 149.

Bleming of God neceffary and defired, 53, 368. Bleffings fpiritual acknowledged, 283. temporal, God's Readiness to give them argued, 261. Blood of Chrift, admitting to the Holieft, 315. cleanfing from Sin, 348. conquering Satan, 356. conveying Bleffings, 347. purifying, 312. BRITAIN, God intreated for it, 120. bis Controverfy with it, 158. unreformed by Deliverances, 140, 155.


Captives of Sin lamented, 129.

Care, anxious, reproved, 20, 47, 340. of the Soul moft needful, 206, 207.

Cattle, the Hand of God upon them, 5.
Charity to the Poor, 188, 205. rewarded, 209.
Childless Chriftians comforted, 112,

Children, Chrift's Regard to them, 198, commended
to God, 51. destroyed, 141, inftructed, 2. of
God, 281, 326.
CHRIST his Appearance after his Resurrection,
245. his fecond Appearance, 314, 342. his Al-
cenfion, 244, his Blood, fee Blood. his Com
paffion, 185, 205, 214, 235 his Complaint
on the Cross, 192, 193. Chriftians compleat in
him, 299. his Conquefts, 41, 356, 357. the

Door, 228. our Fore-runner, 311. forfaken by
his Difciples, 191. by his Father, 192, 193. his
Flock comforted, 208. humbled and exalted, 139,
350. bis Interceffion, 8. his Invitations, 74,
224, 225, 360. our Leader, 307, 353, 356.
living to him, 276. the Lord our Righteousness,
132. loving him, 239, 246. his Meffage, 203.
his Nativity, 200, 201. his Prayer for his Ene-
mies, 217. precious to Believers, 335. his Pre-
fence with his Churches, 195, 352. a Prince and
Saviour, 248. rejoiced in though unfeen, 330. his
Refurrection, 194, 218. Chriftians rifen and ex-
alted with him, 287. the Root of David, 359.
Sanctification by him, 242, 266. Security in him,
336. his Sheep, 230, 231, 232. the Morning-
Star, 359. the Steward of God's Family, 85. the
living and Corner-Stone, 333, 334. his Submif-
fion, 190. his Sufferings, Jee Sufferings. the
Sun of Righteoufness, 173. his Transfiguration,
183. his Triumph, 41. unchangeable, 323.
Union with him, 267. our Wisdom, Righteouf-
ness, &c. 266.

Chriftians, fee Saints.

Church, the Birth-place of the Saints, 49. its
Glory in the latter Day, 118. Chrift's Prefence
with it, 195. Care of it, 352. its Profperity a
Minifter's Happiness, 301. purified and guarded,
107. its Security, 182. praying for a Pastor, 13,
Comfort, in God, 20. to the Childless, 112. under
Death of Friends, 236, 260, 302. See Sup-



Communion with God through Christ, 346, 347.
Compaffion, of God, 55, 109. of Chrift, 185,

205, 214, 219, 235. chriftian, 205, 282.
Conduct of Chrift, myflerious, 234.

Confolation from God, 277. from Chrift, 235
Covenant, the Blood of it delivering Prifoners, 169.
the Engagements of it defired, 137. rejoiced in,
23. fupporting under Troubles, 21. in Death, 22.
unchangeable, 355.

Courage in Religion, 9. in the Caufe of Christ, 247.
Courfe, the Chriftian's finished with Joy, 255.
Creatures, infufficient, 125. mean, 97. vain, 268.
Crofs of Chrift, its Influence, 233, 276, 280.
Cup of Bleffings, 106.

CYRUS's Spirit firred up, 24.


DEmoniac, recovered, 204. relapfing, 180.
DAVID, encouraging himself in God, 20. his
vain Purfuit of Perfection on Earth, 63. his last
Words, 365.

Day, of fmall Things not defpifed, 168. of Grace,
127, 256. of Judgment, fee Judgment.

Dead quickened, 89. the pious, living to God, 215.
Death, appointed to all, 313. conquered by Chrift,
308. under his Controul, 351. of Friends im-
proved, 164. Happiness beyond it, 295. a great
Journey, 27. none in Heaven, 358: prepared for,
130, 313, 317. rejoiced in, 361. a Sleep, 196.
Support in it, 22, 32, 45. uncertain Time of it,

130, 134, 329.

Delaying Sinners admonished, 127, 130, 256, 292,
309, 329.


Deliverance celebrated, 58, 59, 60, 364. public,
272, 374. fpiritual, 105, 204.

Defires known to God, 39. See Prayer.
Devil, fee Satan.

Devotion, daily, 79. fecret, 177. àn Evidence of
Adoption, 281. See Prayer.
Diligence, chriftian, 199, 210, 296.


Ducation, good, 2. bad, 141.

Enemies, of God, destroyed, 44. of Chrift, de-
fireyed, 213. his Prayer for them, 217. of the
Church, reftrained, 46. Defence against them, 95.
Love to them, 217. Spiritual, fee Satan.
ENOCH's Piety and Tranflation, 1.

Establishment in Religion, 341.

Eternity, of God, 54. of Chrift, 323. of heavenly
Happiness, 187, 302. employed in God's Praife, 71.
Evening Hymn, 363.

Examples, good, their Ufefulness, 175.


Faith, and Confeffion, 262. Jonah's recom-
mended, 157. living by it, 280. in God's Name,
30. in bis Promifes, 316. ftruggling with Unbelief,
197. the Syrophoenician Woman's, 181.
Faithfulness of God, 269, 316, 355.

Fall of Adam, Effects of it, 270.

Family Religion, 2. God's, under Chrift's Care, 85.
Farewel, the Chriftian, 279.

Faft-Days, Hymns for, 3, 6, 83, 84, 116, 120,
140, 155, 158, 186, 339, 369.

Fafts, unfuccefsful, accounted for, 116.
Fathers, State of them reflected on, 165.


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