
Then bids an empty phantom rise to fight,
And thus commands the vision of the night :


Fly hence, delusive dream, and, light as air,
To Agamemnon's royal tent repair;
Bid him in arms draw forth th' embattled train,
March all his legions to the dusty plain.
Now tell the King 'tis given him to destroy

Declare ev'n now

The lofty walls of wide-extended Troy;


For now no more the Gods with Fate contend; At Juno's fuit the heavenly factions end.

Destruction hovers o'er yon devoted wall,


And nodding Ilium waits th' impending fall.

Invocation to the Catalogue of Ships.

Say, Virgins, seated round the throne divine, All-knowing Goddesses! immortal Nine! Since earth's wide regions, heaven's unmeasur'd


And hell's abyss, hide nothing from your fight,
(We, wretched mortals! loft in doubts below,
But guess by rumour, and but boast we know)
Oh fay what heroes, fir'd by thirst of fame,
Or urg'd by wrongs, to Troy's deftruction came!
To count them all, demands a thousand tongues,
A throat of brass and adamantine lungs.

Now, Virgin Goddesses, immortal Nine! That round Olympus' heavenly summit shine, Who fee through heaven and earth, and hell profound,

And all things know, and all things can refound;

Relate what armies fought the Trojan land,
What nations follow'd, and what chiefs command;
(For doubtful Fame distracts mankind below,

And nothing can we tell, and nothing know)

Without your aid, to count th' unnumber'd train,
A thousand mouths, a thousand tongues were vain.

Book V. v. Ι.

But Pallas now Tydides' foul inspires, Fills with her force, and warms with all her fires : Above the Greeks his deathless fame to raise, And crown her hero with diftinguish'd praise, High on his helm celestial lightnings play, His beamy shield emits a living ray; Th' unwearied blaze incessant streams supplies, Like the red star that fires th' autumnal skies.

But Pallas now Tydides' foul inspires,
Fills with her rage, and warms with all her fires;


O'er all the Greeks decrees his fame to raise,

Above the Greeks her warrior's fame to raife,

his deathless

And crown her hero with immortal praife :


Bright from his beamy crest the lightnings play,
High on


From his broad buckler flash'd the living ray,

High on his helm celestial lightnings play,

His beamy shield emits a living ray.

The Goddess with her breath the flame supplies,
Bright as the star whose fires in Autumn rise;
Her breath divine thick streaming flames supplies,
Bright as the star that fires th' autumnal skies :
Th' unwearied blaze incessant streams supplies,
Like the red star that fires th' autumnal skies.

When first he rears his radiant orb to fight, And bath'd in ocean shoots a keener light. Such glories Pallas on the chief beftow'd, Such from his arms the fierce effulgence flow'd; Onward she drives him furious to engage, Where the fight burns, and where the thickest


When fresh he rears his radiant orb to fight,
And gilds old Ocean with a blaze of light,
Bright as the star that fires th' autumnal skies,
Fresh from the deep, and gilds the feas and skies,
Such glories Pallas on her chief bestow'd,

Such sparkling rays from his bright armour flow'd.
Such from his arms the fierce effulgence flow'd.
Onward the drives him headlong to engage,


Where the war bleeds, and where the fierceft rage.

fight burns


The fons of Dares first the combat fought,
A wealthy priest, but rich without a fault;
In Vulcan's fane the father's days were led,
The fons to toils of glorious battle bred;

There liv'd a Trojan-Dares was his name,
The priest of Vulcan, rich, yet void of blame;


The fons of Dares first the combat fought,
A wealthy priest, but rich without a fault,

Conclusion of Book VIII. v. 687.

As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night,
O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her facred light;
When not a breath disturbs the deep ferene,
And not a cloud o'ercafts the folemn scene;
Around her throne the vivid planets roll,
And stars unnumber'd gild the glowing pole:
O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed,
And tip with filver every mountain's head;
Then shine the vales-the rocks in profpect rife,
A flood of glory bursts from all the skies;
The confcious fwains, rejoicing in the fight,
Eye the blue vault, and bless the useful light,
So many flames before proud Ilion blaze,
And lighten glimmering Xanthus with their rays;
The long reflexion of the distant fires

Gleam on the walls, and tremble on the spires;
A thousand piles the dusky horrors gild,
And shoot a fhady lustre o'er the field;
Full fifty guards each flaming pile attend,
Whose umber'd arms by fits thick flashes send;
Loud neigh the courfers o'er their heaps of corn,
And ardent warriors wait the rifing morn,

As when in stillness of the filent night,
As when the moon in all her luftre bright,

As when the moon refulgent lamp of night,
O'er heaven's clear azure sheds her filver light;
pure spreads facred

As still in air the trembling lustre stood,
And o'er its golden border shoots a flood;
When no loose gale disturbs the deep serene,

not a breath

And no dim cloud o'ercafts the folemn scene;

not a

Around her filver throne the planets glow,
And stars unnumber'd trembling beams bestow;
Around her throne the vivid planets roll,
And stars unnumber'd gild the glowing pole :
Clear gleams of light o'er the dark trees are seen,
o'er the dark trees a yellow sheds,
O'er the dark trees a yellower green they shed,


And tip with silver all the mountain heads :


And tip with filver every mountain's head.
The vallies open, and the forests rise,
The vales appear, the rocks in profspect rise,
Then shine the vales, the rocks in prospect rise,
All Nature stands reveal'd before our eyes;
A flood of glory bursts from all the skies.
The confcious shepherd, joyful at the fight,
Eyes the blue vault, and numbers every light.
The confcious Swains rejoicing at the fight,

shepherds gazing with delight

Eye the blue vault, and bless the vivid light,


[blocks in formation]

And lighten glimmering Xanthus with their rays,
Wide o'er the fields to Troy extend the gleams,
And tip the distant spires with fainter beams;


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