LYTTELTON. G EORGE LYTTELTON, the fon of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of Hagley in Worcestershire, was born in 1709. He was educated at Eaton, where he was fo much distinguished, that his exercises were recommended as models to his school-fellows. From Eaton he went to Chrift-church, where he retained the fame reputation of fuperiority, and displayed his abilities to the publick in a poem on Blenheim. He was a very early writer, both in verse and profe. His Progress of Love, and his Perfian Letters, were both written when he was The was very young; and, indeed, the character of a young man is very vifible in both. Verfes cant of fhepherds and flocks, and crooks dreffed with flowers; and the Letters have fomething of that indiftinct and headftrong ardour for liberty which a man of genius always catches when he enters the world, and always fuffers to cool as he paffes forward. He ftaid not long at Oxford; for in 1728 he began his travels, and faw France and Italy. When he returned, he obtained a feat in parliament, and foon diftinguished himself among the most eager opponents of Sir Robert Walpole, though his father, who was one of the Admiralty, always voted with the Court, For many years the name of George Lyttelton was seen in every account of every debate in the Houfe of Commons. He oppofed the standing army; he opposed the excife; he supported the motion for petitioning the King to remove Walpole. His zeal was confidered by the courtiers not only as violent, but as acrimonious and malignant; and and when Walpole was at last driven from his places, every effort was made by his friends, and many friends he had, to exclude Lyttelton from the Secret Committee. The Prince of Wales, being (1737) driven from St. James's, kept a feparate court, and opened his arms to the opponents of the ministry. Mr. Lyttelton was made his fecretary, and was supposed to have great influence in the direction of his conduct. He perfuaded his mafter, whose business it was now to be popular, that he would advance his character by patronage. Mallet was made under-fecretary, and Thomson had a penfion. For Thomson Lyttelton always retained his kindness, and was able at last to place him at eafe, Moore courted his favour by an apologetical poem, called The Trial of Selim, for which he was paid with kind words, which, as is common, raised great hopes, that at last were disappointed. Lyttelton now ftood in the first rank of opposition; and Pope, who was incited, it is |