
the pen with his left, that he scarcely | fifty men for its defence, pushed forward

seemed to have incurred any change but a difference in his handwriting."

upon the infantry of this legion, cantoned in three different houses, who we almost In consequence of the reduction of the entirely cut to pieces. We numbered rifle corps, Ferguson, whose regiment was among their dead about fifty, and several then in Nova Scotia, found himself on his officers, among whom, we learn, are a recovery with no recognized post in the lieutenant-colonel, a captain, and an adarmy, and it depended upon the command-jutant. It being a night attack, little er-in-chief's inclination whether he should see any service at all. He was, however, very popular among his brother officers, and it is recorded that he showed "an ardor for distinction and eminence without exciting proportional envy." He was the friend of every man's merit, and had no enemy to his own; " and one of his comrades, who kept a journal of the war, mentions that although "careless of his own life to a fault, he was ever attentive to the means of preserving these under his command."

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In the autumn of 1778, he had command of the land portion of a combined military and naval force, which was despatched from New York to root out a nest of rebel privateers, which preyed upon the trade of that city from Little Egg Harbor in the Jerseys. His troops only amounted to three hundred men; and as the armament was delayed by contrary winds, the enemy managed to get away with some of their larger vessels. The remainder, however, were burnt, to the number of ten or twelve, by the sailors; while the soldiers destroyed the haunts and storehouses of their crews on shore. Meanwhile a deserter brought intelligence that Pulaski, a Polish adventurer in the service of the Congress, lay up the country with three companies of foot, three troops of horse, a detachment of artillery, and one fieldpiece, and that he had neglected to occupy a narrow bridge over a gully or creek about half a mile in his front. This news immediately decided Ferguson to attempt a surprise, though the enterprise was beyond the scope of his instructions. In his report in forwarding which Sir Henry Clinton described him as "that very zealous and active officer "he says, that although an immediate return had been ordered," as the wind still detained us," and so tempting a prize lay near, "I prevailed upon Captain Collins to enter into my design, and employ an idle day in an attempt that was to be made with safety, and with a probability of success. Accordingly, at eleven last night, two hundred and fifty men were embarked, and after rowing ten miles, landed at four this morning within a mile of the defile, which we happily secured, and leaving

quarter could of course be given, so that there are only five prisoners. As a rebel colonel, Proctor, was within two miles, with a corps of artillery, two brass twelvepounders, one three-pounder, and the militia of the country, I thought it hazardous, with two hundred men, without artik lery or support, to attempt anything further, particularly after Admiral Gambier's letter.

"The rebels attempted to harass us in our retreat, but with great modesty, so that we returned at our leisure, and reembarked in security.


"The captain who has come over to us is a Frenchman named Bromville. He and the deserters inform us that Mr. Pulaski has, in public orders, lately directed no quarter to be given; and it was, therefore, with particular satisfaction that the detachment marched against a man, capable of issuing an order so unworthy of a gentleman and a soldier.. We had an opportunity of destroying part of the baggage and equipage of Pulaski's legion by burning their quarters; but as the houses belonged to some inoffensive Quakers, who, I am afraid, may have sufficiently suffered already in the confusion of a night's scramble, I know, sir, you will think with us that the injury to be thereby done to the enemy would not have compensated for the sufferings of these innocent people." An American historian, in treating of this expedition, declares that the British, "cumbering themselves with no prisoners, killed all they could," but takes no notice of the consideration shown by troops flushed with success for the votaries of the unpopular doctrine of peace-at-any-price.

When Sir Henry Clinton advanced in the following spring to dislodge the enemy from the posts of Stoneypoint and Ver Planks Neck, Captain Ferguson was de tached with a special command before the army, and became a busy actor in the subsequent operations. Stoneypoint was more than once taken and retaken, being apparently easy to carry, but difficult to hold; and as it appeared that these vicissitudes in its fortunes were due to a defect in the works, the charge of reforming or supplying that defect was intrusted

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to Ferguson, an appointment unusual, | took up his quarters there. In the night as he did not belong to the corps of en- Cochrane arrived, and immediately atgineers, who, nevertheless, do not seem tacked, while Ferguson's detachment preto have taken umbrage at it." pared to repulse what they believed to be an attempt of the Americans to retake the post. "Ferguson -as usual at the head of his men- attempting to parry a bayonet with his sword, received a thrust in the only arm of which he had any use; but while he raised his voice to encourage his men, he was known to his friend Major Cochrane, who put a stop to the conflict. Ferguson called for the man who had wounded him, and giving him a piece of money, commended his alacrity, saying: 'We should have known our friends sooner from their mode of attack.'"

He was now major; and that he might erect what works he thought proper, "it was proposed that he should remain in the defence of the place. Flattered with this opportunity to execute what he had often been meditating, he proceeded to realize some of his favorite ideas; and while he looked for an attack with all the anxiety of a person who waits the result of an interesting experiment, he had the mortification to receive an order to evacuate Stoneypoint and join the army at New York, now destined to carry the war into a different quarter of the continent. In a letter to a friend on that occasion, full of regret, he says: "Never did a fond mother leave her favorite child with more reluctance than I did that place." He had, however, the consolation of promotion to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in America, and the prospect of employment elsewhere. Although his engineering activity was put a stop to, his energies were to find another and even more congenial field for exercise.

South Carolina had been decided on as the sphere of the principal operations of 1780, and a powerful army was despatched from New York by sea for the reduction of Charleston. A small force, under Major-General Paterson, was landed at Tybee, in Georgia, with orders to penetrate into South Carolina, it being desired that his advance should receive the attention of the enemy, while the rest of the army again put to sea, and suddenly appeared before the city, which was the objective of their operations. Paterson's route lay through a very difficult country, and on his flanks moved Major Ferguson with a corps of riflemen, and Major Cochrane with the infantry of the British legion. Their duties were to reconnoitre the districts round, clear them of enemies, and collect boats and wagons for the use of the main body. One incident of this advance indicates how it was that Ferguson contrived to obtain such an ascendancy over the hearts of those with whom fortune brought him into contact, and testifies to his courage and composure. He and Cochrane had taken different routes, when they heard that one Macpherson was in command of a large body of rebels at his own plantation on the road to Charleston. Both determined simultaneously to surprise the place; but Ferguson reached it first, found it evacuated, and

This wound, in the climate of the Southern States, for some time threatened him with the loss of his other arm. But he continued his march, riding between two orderlies, and often obliged, to have the command of his horse, to hold the reins in his teeth; and as soon as the wound improved, he again took the field. During the seige of Charleston, he was employed, along with Colonel Tarleton, in clearing the country of parties of the enemy, who endeavored to harass the besieging army; and on one occasion, falling in with an American convoy, he took two hundred horses, forty wagons, all their baggage, spare arms, and accoutrements, with fifty prisoners, without the loss of a man. It was owing to their association at this time that Ferguson and Tarleton have frequently had their names coupled as the most dashing leaders of light troops and irregulars that the contest with the revolted colonies produced. Tarleton was unequalled as a wielder of cavalry, Ferguson unrivalled as a commander of riflemen; and by the rapidity of their movements and the valor of their attack they became a terror to the disaffected. "Ferguson," observes Washing. ton Irving in his "Life of Washington,

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was a fit associate for Tarleton in hardy scrambling partisan enterprise: equally intrepid and determined, but cooler, and more open to impulses of humanity."

The American generals had established a chain of posts to keep up the connection between the beleaguered city of Charleston and the districts in which they were supreme, to enable them to communicate with the garrison, and to afford supplies and reinforcements. These the British commander determined to destroy; and the surprise of the strongest and most distant of them, that commanded by Gen

then offered by the king and Parliament of Great Britain. A numerous militia was soon enrolled, who "followed Ferguson with the utmost spirit and confidence." They were allowed to name their own officers, who also acted as civil magistrates; and every endeavor was made to secure that these appointments should only be given to fit and proper persons.


eral Hager at Monk's Corner, was entrusted to Tarleton and Ferguson. It was completely successful; large captures were made, and the rebel force put to the sword, made prisoners, or dispersed. In the course of the marauding, some dragoons. of the British legion broke into a house and insulted some ladies residing there. The ladies were rescued, and despatched in a carriage to a place of safety, Ferguson," says his biographer, "exand the dragoons apprehended. "Major ercised his genius in devising a summary Ferguson, we are told, was for putting of the ordinary tactics for the use of the dragoons to instant death;" but Colo- this militia; and had them divided in nel Webster, a superior officer, who had every district into two classes one of by this time arrived, did not think his the young men, the single and unmarried, powers went that length, and they were who should be ready to join the king's sent to headquarters and flogged. "We troops, to repel any enemy that might ingladly record one instance," says Wash-fest the province; another of the aged ington Irving, who narrates the incident, and heads of families, who should be "in which the atrocities which disgraced ready to unite in defending their own this invasion met with some degree of pun- townships, habitations, and farms. ishment; and we honor the rough soldier his progress among them he soon gained Ferguson for the fiat of 'instant death,' on their confidence, by the attention he with which he would have requited the paid to the interests of the well-affected, most infamous and dastardly outrage that and by his humanity to the families of brutalizes warfare." those who were in arms against him."


After the surrender of Charleston, dis- "The precise point," remarks Lord positions were made to consolidate and Bolingbroke in a striking passage, "at organize the recovered province, and Fer- which the scales of power turn, like that guson was chosen for a service for which of the solstice in either tropic, is imperhe had peculiar qualifications, and which ceptible to common observation; and in gave a curious practical illustration of one case as in the other, some progress the views he had expressed in early years must be made in the new direction before on the militia question. Under widely the change is perceived." But when in different conditions, and in a far-distant after years events are traced back to their scene, he was to exhibit some of those causes, and the period of equilibrium bequalities which, more than a century between the opposing forces is narrowed fore, had enabled the great Montrose to by diligent investigation, the interest achieve such astonishing results with ma- heightens as the crisis is approached. It terials previously neglected or regarded is emphatically so in the case of the events with contempt. Among the inhabitants we are about to trace; for competent of the Carolinas, where not a few Scottish judges have expressed the opinion, that Highlanders had settled, there were many on the success of the Southern campaign loyalists or "Tories;" for, by a strange of 1780 depended the integrity of the coincidence, the old English party names British empire. "We are come," says had been applied to the two great sections Bancroft, the American historian, in dealinto which American society was then di- ing with this phase of the great struggle, vided. Ferguson's genius inspired him" to the series of events which closed the to utilize the military force which here American contest, and restored peace to lay dormant; and when the scheme of the world. In Europe the sovereigns of "arming the well-affected in their own de- Prussia, of Austria, of Russia, were of fence" took shape, he was appointed ma- fering their mediation; the United Neth jor to the 71st Regiment (Frazer's High-erlands were struggling to preserve their landers) on the British establishment, and with the rank of lieutenant-colonel in America, intrusted with the duty of marshalling the militia over a large tract of country. In the proclamations he issued in his new character of administrator, he called upon the people of South Carolina to restore the civil government of their country under the favorable conditions

neutrality; France was straining every nerve to cope with her rival in the four quarters of the globe; Spain was exhausting her resources for the conquest of Gibraltar; but the incidents which overthrew the ministry of North, and reconciled Great Britain to America, had their springs in South Carolina."

In the second week of September Lord

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Cornwallis commenced his march towards | the Cherokees, which were understood to North Carolina, having detached Fergu- be but slightly guarded at Augusta. The son to the western confines of South Car- leaders of this "western army" sent exolina. The latter had with him his own presses to their friends in south-western corps of light infantry, and a body of roy- Virginia and North Carolina, who soon alist militia, his force being variously joined them. This formidable gathering estimated at from four hundred to twelve made Brown discontinue his pursuit of hundred men. "His orders were," says Clark, and return to his station at AuWashington Irving, "to skirr the moun- gusta; but of this Ferguson at first had tain country between the Catawba and no intelligence, and continued his advance the Yadkin, harass the Whigs, inspirit the into the lion's jaws. When he became Tories, and embody the militia under the aware of the state of affairs, he halted, royal banner. He had been chosen and began to fall back towards Cornwalfor this military tour as being calculated lis. "Threatened," says Washington to gain friends by his conciliating disposi- Irving, "by a force so superior in numtion and manners, and his address to the bers and fierce in hostility, Ferguson people of the country was in that spirit: issued an address to rouse the Tories. We come, not to make war upon women' The Backwater men,' said he, ‘have and children, but to give them money and crossed the mountain; Macdowell, Hamprelieve their distresses."" From other ton, Shelby, and Cleveland are at their sources we learn that he added, "he hoped they would excuse him, if meeting with their husbands or brothers in the field, he should use them a little more roughly." Ferguson, however," continues the American author, "had a loyal hatred of Whigs, and to his standard flocked many rancorous Tories, besides outlaws and other desperadoes; so that, with all his conciliating intentions, his progress through the country was attended by many exasperating excesses."

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head. If you choose to be trodden upon
forever and ever by a set of mongrels,
say so at once, and let women look out
for real men to protect them. If you de-
sire to live and bear the name of men,
grasp your arms in a moment and run to
camp.' He at once determined what
to pursue. Of the parties op-
posed to him he wrote thus to Cornwal


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They are become an object of consequence. I should hope for success Moving on Cornwallis's left, he had against them myself; but, numbers comadvanced to Ninety-Six, "acting with pared, that must be doubtful. Three or vigor and success against different bodies four hundred good soldiers, part draof the rebels," when he was informed by goons, would finish the business. SomeColonel Brown, who commanded the royal thing must be done soon. This is their forces at Augusta in Georgia, that a body last push in this quarter." On receipt of of rebels under one Clark, who had been this letter, Cornwallis at once set Tarleton repulsed in an attack on that post, were in motion with the light infantry, the retreating by the back settlements of Car- British legion, and a three-pounder; and olina. Brown added that he was going to it is easy to imagine with what alacrity bang on their rear, and if Ferguson would that dashing officer would press forward cut across their route, they might be in- to the succor of his friend. But unfortutercepted and dispersed. As this was nately a previous despatch, in which Ferconsistent with his general duty, he guson had “earnestly expressed his wish gave way to his usual ardor," and to cover a country in which there were so pushed on into Tryon County. He was many well-affected inhabitants," and for more adventurous than his comrade, and that purpose announced his intention to meanwhile the clouds were gathering thick make a stand on King's Mountain — the about him. Near the Broad River his name ought to have been a good omen party encountered a body of Americans, fell into the enemy's hands, and they haspursued them to the foot of the moun- tened to overwhelm him. At Cowpens, tains, and left them no chance of safety on Broad River, the western army was but by fleeing beyond the Alleghanies." joined by Williams, another American They spread the account in these regions leader, who with four hundred and fifty of Ferguson's force, its distance from its horsemen had been acting against Fersupports, and the possibility of over-guson. The combined force has been whelming it before succor could arrive. described as a swarm of backwoodsmen, Numerous bodies of backwoodsmen and the wild and fierce inhabitants of Kenothers were already in arms, with the in-tucky, and other settlements westwards of tention of seizing presents intended for the mountains, under the Colonels Camp

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bell and Boon; with those of Helston, | his rocky lair, and meditating a furious Powell's Valley, Barclay, Bottetourt, Au- sally. He now rushed out with his regugusta, and Fincastle, under the Colonels lars, made an impetuous charge with the Cleveland, Shelby, Sivier, Williams, bayonet, and dislodging his assailants Brand, and Lacy." They mounted a large from their coverts, began to drive them proportion of their force on fleet horses, down the mountain, they not having a and hurried on in hot haste. King's bayonet among them. He had not proMountain was a strong position; but it ceeded far when a flanking fire was opened had the fatal defect of Majuba Hill, for by one of the other divisions: facing the sides were clothed with wood, which about and attacking this, he was again afforded cover to the assailants, and spe- successful, when a third fire was opened cially favored their style of fighting. The from another quarter. Thus as fast as trees were lofty forest ones, and among one division gave way before the bayonet, them were strewn large boulders and another came to its relief; while those rocks. "As the Americans drew nearer, who had given way, rallied and returned they could occasionally, through openings to the charge. Ferguson found that of the woodland, descry the glittering of he was completely in the hunter's toils — arms along a level ridge forming the crest beset on every side; but he stood bravely of King's Mountain. This Ferguson had at bay, until the ground around him was made his stronghold boasting that 'if all strewed with the killed and wounded, the rebels in hell should attack him, they picked off by the fatal rifle. His men would not drive him from it.'" The were at length broken, and retreated in Americans formed themselves into four confusion along the ridge. He galloped columns, and proceeded to attack from all from place to place, endeavoring to rally the points of the compass. For ten min- them, when a rifle-ball brought him to the utes a furious and bloody battle" was ground, and his white horse was seen kept up, with the two central columns careering down the mountain without a alone; then the others chimed in, and for rider." fifty-five minutes more there was an almost incessant fire, while "the regulars with their bayonets could make only a momentary impression." Ramsay, the American historian of the Revolution in Carolina, who was himself a member of Congress, and wrote soon after the events he describes, and before the passions of the great struggle had subsided, but who yet speaks with the highest respect of the British commander, relates how, when the picket was driven in on the main body, "Colonel Ferguson with the greatest bravery ordered his men to charge; how that charge had no sooner been successful than another body of Americans, "from an unexpected quarter, poured in a well-directed fire;" how "the British bayonet was again successful, and caused them also to fall back;" and how, when another relay of adversaries "ascended. Poetic fantasy might find a subject for the mountain, and renewed the attack meditation in the fact that the device of from that eminence, Colonel Ferguson, the house of Hanover, the riderless white whose conduct was equal to his courage, horse, should have been the emblem of presented a new front, and was again suc- victory to the rebel host on this wellcessful; but all his exertions were un- contested field! "The army of mounavailing." He is said to have encouraged taineers," observes Washington Irving, his men with a silver whistle, "which"were little aware of the importance of was heard sounding everywhere through the achievement. The battle of King's the din of the conflict." But Washing ton Irving's description is so graphic that we cannot resist quoting it: "Ferguson, exasperated at being thus hunted into his mountain fastness, had been chafing in

"Resistance," remarks Ramsay, "on the part of Colonel Ferguson was in vain, but his unconquerable spirit refused to surrender. After repulsing a succession of adversaries pouring in their fire from new directions, this distinguished officer received a mortal wound."

"He had," says Dr. Adam Fergusson, "two horses killed under him, while he remained untouched himself; but he afterwards received a number of wounds, of which it is said any one was mortal, and dropping from his horse, expired while "his foot yet hung in the stirrup. The spirit which thus refused to be subdued, being now no more, the officer on whom the command devolved, though brave and equal to the trust, was compelled to accept of quarter for himself and the few men that remained under his command."

Mountain, inconsiderable as it was in the numbers engaged, turned the tide of Southern warfare. ... It changed the aspect of the war. Cornwallis had hoped to step with ease from one Carolina to

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