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"H'm! what is to be done, I wonder? "Isn't there anything to be done here?" she asked. 66 They don't all seem to be so tremendously good, somehow."

The rector had

felt much less secure.
either no satisfaction to give, or he was
determined not to give it to her; and as
for Georgy, she could get nothing from:
her but a continual "No, no."

It was quite refreshing to meet old Blunt, and together rail out against their two children.

Christopher and Robin had been gone nearly a month. They had left Sevenoaks, where they had first stopped, and were now at Whitby, hoping that Robin might be benefited by the sea.

"It isn't that they're by any means good, but they're offended if you tell them so. They would think it presump- Into which she might fall, for all I tuous to feel secure of heaven, but you should care," said Mr. Blunt candidly. insult them by the mere suggestion of" By that marriage, ma'am" - he was hell. Hell is a place for those who out- imparting this information to Mrs. Temrage society who break the laws are ple "I've lost a son and I haven't sent to prison. The outcasts at Uplands gained a daughter. Indeed, to tell the are those whom you should speak to truth, what I have gained would be hard about hell, not to Wadpole and its re- to say. She hadn't got no money; didn't spectable inhabltants isn't it true, come of, as you may say, anybody in partikler; and there's no sign o' family - no likelihoods of it neither, so far as I can see."


"Yes, I'm afraid it is; but then Uplands isn't a separate parish, you know." "It might be made so at any time. All you want is somebody to rebuild the church, and give something to further endow it with the consent of the rector, of course - that you know." "And where's that somebody to come from, pray?"

"Ah, that's, the question;" and he shook his head.

"Very well, then," said Georgy, by way of teasing him; they had come to the end of the cross-roads, the spot where they intended parting. "Then there's a thing for you to wish for; only bring that to pass, and I'll believe in you.”

"And marry me at once, and work with me? All right; then you'll see."

"It will be all right when I do see," she said disbelievingly; and then, after a few words of good-bye, they turned away from each other- - Mr. Cameron to make some sick-calls, Georgy to return home and listen to those never-ending jeremiads and jobations, of which she was daily growing more and more weary.

Her mother let her have no peace. Jack's sudden departure served for the continual dripping on the stone. Unless it had been to propose, why, the morning of his departure, had he come up to seek Georgy? and if she had not refused him, what reason was there for his going away? With the view of securing the sympathy of her neighbors, Mrs. Temple, when before them, pointed all her lamentations with certainty; but in presence of her husband and daughter she

Mrs. Temple agreed there was reason for his dissatisfaction. "They've taken themselves off from here, and I'm left all alone by myself, high and dry, with nobody to see and nobody to speak to."

"Oh, that is really very hard on you, Mr. Blunt."

"Hard-it is indeed! it's more than I can go on putting up with, too. I haven't been used to live without company. I've had two wives already, and if they don't mind their p's and q's I shall be drove into taking another; and then Mrs. Christopher had better look out for herself, for matters might take a turn which 'ud end in putting her husband's nose out o' joint.”

"Oh, it's terrible,” said Mrs. Temple sympathetically, "the way children behave! You know, Mr. Blunt, I have a daughter."

"I know you have, ma'am; and all I can say is, I wish your daughter was mine that I do."

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Oh, it's very kind of you!" and Mrs. Temple tried not to speak too condescendingly; "but my daughter is so very pecul iar, that I am not at all sure, if the Prince of Wales had made her an offer, whether she would not have said no. Young ladies who can refuse to make such a marriage as she might have made, I don't know what one may not expect of them."

“You don't think it's got in no way to do with your curate, Mr. Cameron, do you?"

"No, I don't," said Mrs. Temple | said, regarding the letter wrathfully; "if sharply.

Mr. Blunt felt he had made a mistake, and hastened to say,

"Where might the squire be gone to ?" "To Norway.'

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"Norway! h'm! There it is, you see; another man drove from his home. Oh, it's a very serious matter, I can tell you; for unless things can be arranged, and I can bring my son to his senses, I shan't be able to go on staying here neither.

they choose to chalk out their own way, let 'em take it. I shan't interfere."

So the letter remained unanswered. Later on, before going to Whitby, Christopher wrote again. No reply came. Only through Mr. Cameron they heard that Mr. Blunt had shut up the house and left for London.

From Blackwood's Magazine.



Mr. Blunt's mode of bringing his son to his senses rested entirely on the power LIEUTENANT-COLONEL PATRICK FERGUhe possessed of withholding the necessary supplies of money. Brought up in the certainty that whatever he wanted he could have, Christopher's expenditure had only been limited by his very simple tastes and habits. His father made it a matter of reproach that he wouldn't spend money like a gentleman, and it was with a certain degree of satisfaction, that Mr. Blunt had noticed how greatly since his marriage Christopher's ideas had expanded.

"HAD Cleopatra's nose been but a trifle shorter, how different might have been the destiny of the world!" is a wellknown remark of Pascal's; and at least one incident in the experience of the almost forgotten individual whose name heads this article might afford food for somewhat similar reflections. The sword that menaced Damocles hung on a So long as they remained where their hair, and on the fate of comparatively obneighbors could be dazzled by it, nothing scure persons have sometimes turned the was too costly for them to have, to do, to fortunes of nations. Some years ago, wear; but away from Wadpole, Mr. Blunt the pages of " Maga" contained a sketch in one place, Christopher and Robin in of Sir Banastre Tarleton, the famous paranother, the whole circumstances were tisan, whose exploits furnished the negro changed. Not only did he derive no sat-nurses of the Carolinas with a name of isfaction from the money they were spending, but he had the knowledge that they enjoyed it the more because he had no share in it.

In a letter written on their departure, Christopher bad firmly but most considerately told him, how impossible it was that they all should remain living under one roof together. On the score of his health he expressed the wish to leave England for the winter, and he implored his father to allow further arrangements to stand over until they came back; then they would meet and come to some final decision together.

But of late years, Mr. Blunt had not been a man to listen to reason. He who had made his fortune; who, by his own energy, had climbed rung by rung until he found himself standing on the top step of the ladder, be dictated to by his son, put down and set at naught by that Veriker's daughter-he no longer thought of Robin as his daughter-in-law never! It was she who had dictated this; she who had put Christopher up to defying his father; and it was she who should be paid out for it.

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"I won't take no notice of that," he

terror, as effective for quieting troublesome children as that of Richard Cœurde-Lion was found to be by the Saracen women of the days of the Crusaders, or the Black Douglas's by English mothers of the northern marches. That notice of Tarleton we now propose to supplement by a short survey of the career of his equally dashing companion, Colonel Ferguson, who, unlike him, laid down his life on the scene of their combined efforts and achievements. The story is an interesting one, for it gives a picture of the life which might be led by a younger son of a Scottish family in the eighteenth century, and shows that even in what we are accustomed to consider as the artifi cial age and jaded generation on which there shortly burst the deluge of the French Revolution, it was possible to illustrate the truth so well expressed by Lord Beaconsfield, that "to believe in the heroic makes heroes."

Patrick Ferguson, who was born in 1744, was the second son of an Aberdeenshire laird, James Ferguson of Pitfour, and Anne Murray, a daughter of the fourth Lord Elibank. His elder brother became in later years an attached sup

porter and boon companion of the young"I left orders to send Petty Ferguson to er Pitt, representing his native county in the accadamy at Wolich: I hope it was the Tory interest for thirty years. Their done. I mean to push him in my own father had followed the legal profession, profession. I am sure, if I live, I shall and after being for some time dean of have it in my power; and if I die, it will the Faculty of Advocates, was in 1764 not be the worse for him that I had the raised to the Scottish bench as Lord Pit- care of him." The auspices were good; four. A good story is told of him, which and the time-that annus mirabilis in manifests the same readiness of resource which the imperial policy of Chatham was as was in widely different circumstances illustrated by victories and conquests in displayed by his son. When the unfor- every quarter of the globe-was an intunate followers of Prince Charles Ed-spiring one for a young soldier entering on ward were put on their trial at Carlisle his career. before an English jury, Ferguson and his friend Lockhart went up from Edinburgh for the defence. The panic in England had been great, and the severity of the jurors was commensurate. The tartan was a sure passport to conviction, and those who wore it got but short trial. The two advocates determined on a bold stroke,― dressed up one of their servants in Highland dress, and sent him in with the next batch of prisoners. The case for the Crown went on as satisfactorily as in the other instances, but they were of course able to prove conclusively that the man had been attending to his duties with his master during the whole rising, and could not possibly have been "out. "" The artifice is said to have had a very salutary result in influencing all concerned to be more discriminating and merciful.

There is in existence a brief but interesting biographical sketch of Colonel Ferguson, written by Dr. Adam Fergusson, the eminent historian of the Roman republic. It was originally intended for the "Encyclopædia Britannica," but the editor thought it too long, the author would not curtail it, and it was not inserted. A few copies were printed in 1817, and it is from one of them that we take most of the incidents we are about to narrate.

An interesting glimpse into the influences which helped to form his character, is afforded by a letter printed by Dr. Fraser in his work on the Earls of Cromarty. It is from a brother of his mother, Brigadier-General James Murray, who was known in after years as "old Minorca," from his gallant defence of that island against the combined forces of France and Spain, and who at this time had just succeeded the gallant Wolfe in command of the army which had triumphed on the Heights of Abraham. He dates from "Quebec, Oct. 11, 1759," and after observing that he had too great a share in the battle to condescend to particulars, says:

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Young Ferguson, according to his biog rapher, "having early chosen the life of a soldier, was sent to finish his education at a military academy in London, where he acquired the elements of fortification, gunnery, and other arts subservient to his intended profession. Of these he afterwards pursued the study in real situations in action as well as on paper; and was sagacious, original, and inventive in the application of expedients to actual service. Those who associate ferocity with the military character will hardly be lieve in what degree a person so fond of of the military life was humane and compassionate to his enemies, as well as affectionate and generous in his friendships." He certainly proved himself in later life to be a scientific soldier as well. as a brave officer; but one would scarcely think that he could have obtained much practical knowledge at this academy, as he was only fourteen years old when he got his first commission in the Royal North British Dragoons- the famous Scots Greys. With them he served through some of the German campaigns, and two episodes are recorded which illustrate his spirit. The first occurred in Germany before he had completed his sixteenth year. He and another young officer were out on horseback a few miles in front of the army, when they fell in with a party of the enemy's hussars, who gave chase. In passing a ditch, Ferguson dropped one of his pistols; "but thinking it improper for an officer to return to camp with the loss of any of his arms, he releaped the ditch in the face of the enemy, and recovered his pistol." They halted, and he completed his retreat in safety and with honor. The next occurred at Paris some years after. An officer in the French service "spoke reproachfully in his presence of the British nation. The insult he not only resented on the spot, but surprised his antagonist next morning with a visit before he was out of bed. This is well, young man,' said the other;

'I have paid such visits-seldom received them but it is fair to tell you that I am reputed one of the best swordsmen in France.' That is not the question now,' said Ferguson; 'you are in my debt-let us find a fit place to settle our accounts.' They accordingly went to the Boulevards together; Ferguson considering how he might deprive this swordsman of the advantage of his superior skill, and the other regarding with security and contempt so young an antagonist. As soon as they had drawn, Ferguson rushed within his adversary's point, seized the hilt of his sword, and in the scuffle was so fortunate as to get possession of it. You are a brave fellow,' said the other; and I shall certainly do you justice whenever our affair is mentioned.'"


then master-general of the ordnance, is to be found in the "Annual Register of 1st June, 1776. "Some experiments were tried at Woolwich before Lord Viscount Townsend, Lord Amherst, Generals Hervey and Desaguiliers, and a number of other officers, with a rifle-gun, upon a new construction, by Captain Ferguson of the 70th Regiment; when that gentleman, under the disadvantages of a heavy rain and a high wind, performed the fol

ties of action, he regarded with attention the aspect of affairs; and the outbreak of war with the revolted colonies found him intent on the invention of a new species of rifle, with which to counteract the superiority as marksmen of the American backwoodsmen. Curious, that a century ago a breech-loading rifle, which enabled those armed with it to seize every advantage of cover, should have been invented, brought into use, and then lost sight of. American writers note that, during the Revolution war, Ferguson's rifle " used with effect by his corps;" and the biographer of Washington says of its inventor: "The British extolled him as superior to the American Indians in the use of the rifle in short, as being the best marksman living." An account of As, however, has been the case with its exhibition before Lord Townsend, more than one naval and military hero, Ferguson had to struggle with the disadvantages of a delicate constitution, and he had scarcely finished his first campaign when he was disabled by sickness, and after being some time in hospital, was sent home when in a state to be removed. He did not himself take so serious a view of his condition, and was anything but resigned to circumstances. Writing to a friend, he said: "I am now entirely recovered, and might serve the next cam-lowing four things, none of which had paign with ease, had not the fears of my parents prompted them to apply for an order for my joining the light troop; by which means I am deprived for these many years to come of the only chance of getting a little insight into my profession." But though not in the field, he was by no means idle. Being much at home," we are told, "from the year 1762 to the year 1768, he entered warmly into the question which was then agitated, relating to the extension of the militia laws to Scotland. He saw no difficulty in combining the character of a soldier with that of a citizen, so far as was necessary for the defence of a country in which citizens enjoy such invaluable privileges; and some of the ablest and most intelligent publications which appeared in the public prints of the time were of his writing."


In 1768, a company was purchased for him in the 70th Regiment, and he joined his detachment at Tobago, where "he was of great service in quelling very formidable insurrections of the negroes." In the West Indies, however, he suffered much from bad health, and after a short visit to North America, returned to Britain in 1774.

Always on the outlook for opportuni

ever before been accomplished with any other small arm: Ist, he fired during four or five minutes at a target, at two hundred yards' distance, at the rate of four shots each minute; 2d, he fired six shots in one minute; 3d, he fired four times per minute, advancing at the same time at the rate of four miles in the hour; 4th, he poured a bottle of water into the pan and barrel of the piece when loaded, so as to wet every grain of powder, and in less than half a minute fired with her as well as ever without extracting the ball. He also hit the bull's-eye at one hundred yards, lying with his back on the ground; and notwithstanding the unequalness of the wind and wetness of the weather, he only missed the target three times during the whole course of the experiments. The captain has since taken out a patent for the said improvements."

The invention attracted a good deal of attention, and before long was exhibited before the king at Windsor by some private men of the Guards. But in the presence of majesty the marksmen were shy, and shot wild. "They would not," said the captain, "be so embarrassed in the presence of your Majesty's enemies." Ferguson "then took a rifle himself; and

of nine shots which he fired at the distance of a hundred yards, put five balls into the bull's-eye of the target, and four within as many inches of it. Three of these shots were fired as he lay on his back, the other six standing erect. Being asked how often he could load and fire in a minute, he said seven times; but added, pleasantly, that he could not undertake in that time to knock down above five of his Majesty's enemies.”

wood in front of General Knyphausen's division.

"We had not lain long," he says, "when a rebel officer, remarkable by a hussar dress, passed towards our army, within a hundred yards of my right flank, not perceiving us. He was followed by another dressed in dark green or blue, mounted on a bay horse, with a remarkably large cocked-hat. I ordered three good shots to steal near to them, and fire at them; but the idea disgusted me. I recalled the order. The hussar in returning made a circuit, but the other passed again within a few hundred yards of us, upon which I advanced from the wood towards him. On my calling he stopped, but after looking at me proceeded. Í

Now, however, he was to enter upon that scene of action where his greenest laurels were gathered, and where, in course of time, his life was to be laid down. He volunteered for service in America, and obtained special instructions to the commander-in-chief to have a corps of volunteers drafted from the vari-again drew his attention, and made signs ous regiments, armed in his own way, and to him to stop, levelling my piece at him, put under his command. He thus had but he slowly continued his way. As I an opportunity of independent action, so was within that distance at which I could dear to every aspiring spirit, and particu- in the quickest firing have lodged half-alarly prized by the soldier, who, in ordi- dozen of balls in or about him before he nary circumstances, would see nothing was out of my reach, I had only to deterbefore him for a long time to come but mine: but it was not pleasant to fire at the weary routine of regimental duty. the back of an unoffending individual, "He gave," it is said, "a signal speci- who was acquitting himself very coolly of men of the services of his corps at the his duty; so I let him alone. The day battle of Brandywine, when, being ad- after, I had been telling this story to vanced in the front of the column com- some wounded officers who lay in the manded by General Knyphausen, and same room with me, when one of our sursupported by the Rangers under Colonel geons, who had been dressing the woundWemyss, he scoured the ground so effec-ed rebel officers, came in, and told us they tually that there was not a shot to annoy had been informing him that General the column in its march." His practical Washington was all the morning with the genius and scientific study of the art of light troops, and only attended by a war led him to excel in these very French officer in a hussar dress, he himbranches of military skill on which most self dressed and mounted in every point stress is laid nowadays in the changed as above described. I am not sorry that condition of modern warfare. But al- I did not know at the time who it was. though his "spirited conduct" was ac- Further this deponent sayeth not, as his knowledged in a special letter from the bones were broke a few minutes after." commander-in-chief, Sir William Howe was jealous of the rifle corps having been formed without his being previously consulted, and took advantage of Ferguson's being wounded, to reduce it and return the rifles to store. When, on receipt of the London Gazette, it appeared that Sir William Howe had, in his official despatch, ignored the services for which he had sent the letter of thanks, Ferguson immediately forwarded a copy of that document to the secretary of state.

But before leaving the battle of Brandywine, an episode of peculiar interest must be noted, which more than justifies the observation made at the outset. Ferguson, in a letter home, thus narrates an incident which took place while he lay with some of his riflemen on the skirts of a

What might have been the course of American and European history, had this captain of riflemen been less chivalrous or more practical, it is impossible to imagine; but the story is a romantic one, and the legal phrase which concludes Ferguson's narrative of it, is suggestive of old Edinburgh associations, and his father's conversation, who had died at Gilmerton scarcely three months before.

He had "received a ball in the right arm, which so shattered the joint of the elbow as to render it doubtful whether amputation would not be necessary. He was for some months disabled from service, and although he preserved his arm, never recovered the use of that joint; but with a spirit peculiar to himself, so assiduously practised the use of the sword and

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