


THE CLASSES OF MANKIND TYPIFIED BY ISRAELITES, LEVITES AND PRIESTS.ANOINTING OF THE PRIESTS. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HIGH PRIEST'S "GARMENTS OF GLORY AND BEAUTY," TYPICALLY CONSIDERED. THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT, LAW COVENANT AND NEW COVENANT FORESHADOWED. T IS important that we get a clear idea, not only of the structure of the Tabernacle, and of its furniture and he typical significance of these, but also that we should now something of the actors therein, and their significance s types.

Israel is used in many instances to typify the Christian Church. For instance, when they left Egyptian bondage, hey were a type of God's children who hear his call to ome out from the world and engage in his worship.

The wilderness journey represented the tedious pilgrimge through which many pass, seeking the promised Canaan est "Come unto me, and I will give you rest.' As in he type, so in reality, the promised Canaan of rest is not ar off, if God's children had faith enough to go up and at nce enter in by faith. God has made abundant provision or them yet they journey through the Wilderness of Sin, eeking rest and finding none, because they lack faith in lod's promises. Some wander thus a long time; and some ever enter the Canaan rest because of unbelief. But while srael, according to the flesh, is thus and in other ways used > typify Spiritual Israel, yet as we are now examining it, a its relation to the Tabernacle, it is a totally different


type. Here Israel unquestionably typified the whole world "Ye of mankind. The sin-offering, sacrifice, atonement, etc., cepta made typical for them (and them only), were typical of priest the "better sacrifices" and atonement, made on behalf of vants the whole world; for thus we read, "He is a propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."-1 John 2:2; Heb. 9:23.

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In a word, Israel, as well as the Tabernacle, Priests, Levites and sacrifices, was a type. And what was there done in symbol with and for Israel is, since the first advent of Christ, being carried out on a higher plane, and on a larger scale, the latter being the reality, of which that was the type or shadow.

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As Israel typified the world, so the tribe of Levites typified the "household of faith," or all believers in Jesus and his ransom. The Priesthood, one body under one chief or High Priest, was typical of the "little flock," which, with Levite its "Head" or High Priest, is a royal priesthood, the members the of which after the present time of sacrificing, are to be kings and priests unto God, and to reign on the earth. (Rev. 5:10.) the H Thus viewed, we see Jesus the High Priest, not a priest of believ the Aaronic order, which was but the type of a greater and grander profession or order, the Head of the real priest-fed b hood of which others were but figures. (Heb. 3:1; 4:14.)


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The Aaronic priesthood typified chiefly the humiliation and sufferings of Christ, less his future glory,-Melchisedec by the being the type of the Christ as a kingly or royal priesthood. selecte



But before the under-priests, the members of the Body of Was Christ, the royal priesthood, will be united to their Head, itiat and begin their reign, they must "suffer with him," shar- Specia ing in the antitypical sacrifices, as we shall shortly see.2 Tim. 2:12.

The Apostle Peter shows who were typified by the Aaronic riests, when, addressing those who were sanctified. he says:



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an holy priesthood to offer up sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." "Ye are . . . a royal priesthood." (1 Pet. 2:5, 9.) They are all ministers (servants) of the truth, though not all preachers and Doctors of Divinity: and each must do his share at self-sacrifice ere he will be accounted worthy to be a joint-heir with Christ. Only to those who suffer with him is there a promise to reign with him.-Rom. 8:17.

That the Head or Chief Priest of this priesthood, this "little flock," is our Lord Jesus, is repeatedly mentioned by the Apostles. We give but one quotation: "Holy brethren ["the Royal Priesthood"], partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession [our order of priests, to be], Christ Jesus."—Heb. 3:1. As we now pass to the consideration of the inauguration of the typical priesthood, we notice that the tribe of the Levites (typical of all the justified believers) existed before the priesthood was instituted. So in the antitype the "Royal Priesthood" began with the anointing of Jesus, the High Priest (at baptism, Luke 3:22; Acts 10:38); but believers, justified by faith in Christ, had lived long before that. For instance, Abraham believed God, and was justified by his faith. (Rom. 4:2, 3.) Though even the type had not yet come in his day, Abraham, as a justified believer, was a member of the "household of faith," typified by the Levites. But none of the "Royal Priesthood" were selected until after the Chief or High Priest of this order was first initiated and installed in office. Since then the initiation and installment of the under-priests has been the special work of this Christian dispensation or Gospel Age. Thus the priests, now consecrating, being installed and offering themselves as sacrifices, are being prepared as God's instruments for the royalty of the Kingdom, and thus for the blessing of all the families of the earth.


It will be well to notice that in every ceremony relating to the ordination and work of the priesthood the chief priest was first: and so in the antitypical priesthood, Jesus was the first-the Leader, Captain, Forerunner-teaching clearly that none preceded him. Hence we see that none of the patriarchs or prophets are of the "little flock," the "royal priesthood," otherwise called "the Bride," "the Lamb's Wife." Though they will be greatly blessed as the Lord's servants, their service will not be so grandly high as that of the priests, nor their honor so great; nevertheless, as represented in the Levites, their future work and honor will evidently be great.

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"The narrow way to life" (immortality) was not opened up until Jesus came. He was the first to walk in it. He "brought life and immortality to light." (2 Tim. 1:10.) And though all faithful believers (Levites) will become possessors of everlasting life, and the world (represented in the "Camp of Israel") also, if they will accept it during the Millennial Age, yet only the priesthood, who overcome and follow their Leader in the narrow way to life-sacrificing human interests-thus seeking glory, honor and immortality (Rom. 2:7), will ever become the possessors of that unlimited degree of life called immortality, originally possessed only by Jehovah God, and by our Lord Jesus Christ since his resurrection.-See The Plan of the Ages, Chapters x. and XI.


Under the Law, the anointing was the ceremony by which the priests were installed in their service. They were anointed to their office with a peculiar ointment, called the "Holy Anointing Oil," used upon none but the priests,

and unlawful for any one else to have or to make. (Exod. 30:25-33, 38.) This oil typifies the holy Spirit of adoption whereby we, the real "royal priesthood," are sealed as sons of God. Only the consecrated ones, the priests, are ever to be thus anointed.

Aaron, the typical High Priest, represented Jesus, the Head, and the Church as members of the Body,-the great antitypical High Priest. Being but a sinful man, like others, Aaron had to be washed in order fitly to represent the purity of the antitype, Jesus, who knew no sin, and his Church, cleansed through his precious blood, and the washing of water by the Word.-Eph. 5:26.

After being washed, Aaron was clothed with the holy garments of "glory and beauty" (Exod. 28), and lastly the anointing oil was poured on his head. (Exod. 29:7.) Each article of this glorious apparel was typical of qualities and powers of the Great Deliverer-Head and Body-as Jehovah discerned them, looking down into the future to the time for "the manifestation of the Sons of God," and the fulfilment in them of his promises.


"And these are the garments-a breastplate and an ephod, and an upper robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre and a girdle."-Exod. 28:4,

The white linen "coat" represented the High Priest's purity, while its embroidery showed the outgrowth of that pure character in works of grace.

The "mitre," a strip of fine white linen (typical of rightteousness); worn around the forehead, to which the golden plate, or "crown," was fastened with a blue lacer, showed that the crown was righteously his.

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