
during my stay in Sheffield. I thankfully accepted his invitation, and to my great satisfaction met with dear Miss Ritchie there; this was indeed an agreeable surprise. This afternoon I accompanied Mrs. Holy and Miss Ritchie to a friend's house, where we had a comfortable meeting; I realised the presence of God to be in our midst, and felt deeply humbled before the Lord and his people, on account of my unworthiness and shortcomings. During prayer I forcibly felt the power of faith in the petitions offered up, and since then I have been encouraged to believe that I shall apprehend that for which I am apprehended of God in Christ Jesus. I never felt such a pure love to any people as I do to the Sheffield people: surely Sheffield is the glory of the earth for pure religion and lively Christians! O that Nottingham may drink deeper into the same spirit, and become a praise in the earth.

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July 6.-All my time this day has been taken up in bidding my friends farewell. I feel thankful that the Lord directed my steps to this place, and now that I am parted from them in body, yet in spirit I am still with them. Mr. Longden and Miss Ritchie said many excellent things. May the Lord write upon my heart in living characters whatsoever has tended to edification. Indeed, since I came here, I have learned many useful and excellent lessons, that no time or distance will ever be able to efface. Lord, give me more of thy Spirit!

'July 12.-Yesterday Mr. Bramwell came over to Nottingham: we had a large party to meet him. I heard him preach, and was greatly edified; but through domestic engagements I have not been in his company so much as I could wish. He asked me why I did not breakfast with them this morning? I replied, it was not convenient for Mr. T. and myself to be both absent; he

said, "When the children of Israel went forth to war, they who stayed by the stuff were to have an equal share of the spoil." I found it to hold good in spiritual things, and was enabled to believe I should receive my reward in my work, as well as they who laboured more abundantly. The parable of the labourers came to my mind; every man received his penny. God rewards his people more according to their intention than according to their labour; they who love most will labour most unweariedly, and whether their work be important or unimportant, if love influence the soul, it hath its reward: "Not to him that worketh is the reward promised, but to him that believeth." Lord, increase my faith.


August 9.-Went out with Mrs. Oldknow to visit a few sick and poor people. I was greatly distressed with various reasonings and numberless discouraging thoughts, which greatly perplexed me, and caused my hands to hang down. I find it hard work to labour in the fire. Surely, if I were called of the Lord, I should see more fruit of my labour.

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Mr. G. preached this evening. He observed, while speaking of the heavenly inheritance, that some would say it was a purchased inheritance, and perhaps might feel inclined to rest there; but (said he) the land of Canaan was also a promised possession, and although the Israelites did not obtain it by dint of sword, yet they did not obtain it without their sword, but had to fight for it under their head, Joshua: so we, also, must fight our passage to the skies, for the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, even until now.


September 2.-Yesterday that dear man of God, Mr. Bramwell, left us; I felt a great unwillingness to part with him, but it seemed as if he must go. In his sermon


last night he made some excellent observations: speaking of the entire subjection of the soul to the obedience of Christ, he said, Christ will reign in the will by his power, in the understanding by his wisdom, and in the affections by his love; by which rule the whole man is brought into subjection." He enforced the necessity of Christians keeping their whole armour bright and in constant exercise, and denounced the use of all carnal weapons, in fighting the Lord's battles. He showed the weapons of a true Christian warrior to be strong, yea, almighty, when taking hold of the attributes of God, in pulling down the strong holds of sin and Satan. He also urged the necessity of believers being always shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, lest on rough and stormy ground Satan should gain advantage over them, and said, "Satan may attack, and use all his artillery against a true Christian, but he cannot overcome him so long as he keeps his armour bright and in constant exercise by never-ceasing prayers. Thus shall every high thought and every vain and sinful imagination be thrown down, and God be all in all."

' October 9.-Went out both morning and afternoon to visit the sick and poor. O that I could see some fruit of my labours. I feel utterly unable of myself to do any thing, and when I see so little good done, I am ready to give up doing; but blessed be God, the reward is not reckoned to him that worketh, but to him that believeth. Lord, give me faith, not only to do, but to suffer all thy righteous will. Though I may not see any fruit of my labours, yet may I be enabled to persevere in well-doing, and obtain glory, honour, and eternal life, through Jesus Christ.

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November 25.-This day a poor woman departed this life, whom I visited in her affliction; she was not

happy, neither was she willing to accept of salvation upon Gospel terms; thinking herself safe, without making so much ado about religion, she did not want any one to talk to her, nor to pray with her, and did not fear to die, although she could not give one single reason of the hope that was in her, and utterly rejected every mean that led to a knowledge of God. Yet the Lord might save her, after all, without any means whatever.'






THE following letter to Mrs. Ogle, of Leeds, one of her earliest companions in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, illustrates her growing piety.

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December 22, 1797. Some years ago you and I contracted a friendship for each other which I still feel, and which a variety of circumstances and many changes have not lessened on my part, and am persuaded have not diminished on yours, though our correspondence with each other has for some time been discontinued. Many have been the exercises and trials through which I have passed since I used to subscribe myself M. S.; but I can say, hitherto hath the Lord helped me, and my mourning is now turned into joy. I have experienced that the Lord is a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God, having never yet sought his face in vain, or been ashamed when I have relied upon and believed in Him. I have always found Him to be greater and better than my fears, and far above all my wants; and though the promise hath sometimes tarried long, it never yet failed to be accomplished in due time. I feel that I am nothing, yea, less

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