
culiar privileges, is exposed, and the old apostolic doctrine, that there is no respect of persons with God, is made to stand out in bold relief, so that the church must see and acknowledge it to be the truth of God.

"4. It has produced a very general conviction on the public mind, that we are near the end of time, and just ready to appear before the bar of God. The general outlines of prophecy, as exhibited in the four great kingdoms, is seen and acknowledged by very many to be nearly accomplished. And hence the conviction fastens on the mind, that the end of all things is at hand.

"5. It has developed a vast amount of German rationalism, neology and infidelity in the church, and has demonstrated the fact, that nearly or quite all the theological schools are under its influence. And it has proved, that if the Lord does not come speedily and end the strife, that the country must soon be flooded with this system of neology.

“6. Wherever it has gone, the Advent doctrine has awakened sinners, reclaimed backsliders, quickened believers, and promoted the cause of God generally. Thousands on thousands can witness the truth of this remark in their own experience; and will have cause to bless God eternally for the Advent doctrine and Advent preaching.

"7. It has shown professedly orthodox ministers to be so degenerate in their sentiments as to make common cause with infidels and Universalists against the coming of the Lord. And has also shown the church to be so degenerate as to cast out her children for looking for and speaking of the return of her Lord.

"8. It has given to the church and world a simple, plain, common-sense system of interpretation of the sa

cred canon, so that every man, who will take the trouble of reading the Bible and collating the different portions of it, may understand the word of God without the aid of learned commentaries."


"No provision has been made for the establishment of permanent institutions among Adventists. Indeed, we have no means of ascertaining the number of ministers, and others, who have embraced the Advent faith. We only know that there are several hundred congregations, and a still larger number of ministers, who have publicly professed the faith, besides many who still remain in the churches of the land. Those who have espoused this cause have honestly believed in the coming of the Lord 'about A. D. 1843;' and as honest men they have kept to their work of sounding the alarm. All peculiarities of creed or policy have been lost sight of, in the absorbing inquiry concerning the coming of the heavenly Bridegroom. Those who have engaged in this enterprise are from all the various sects in the landProtestant Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Protestant, Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist, Close Communion Baptist, Calvinistic and Armenian Baptists, Presbyterians, Old and New School Congretionalists, Old and New School Lutheran, Dutch Reformed, &c., &c. All these have agreed to work together for the accomplishment of a certain object; and the organization to which this has given rise, so far as there is anything which may be called an organization, is of the most simple, voluntary and primitive form. While the engrossing and scriptural character of the grand object has kept those who have been brought un

der its influence above the considerations which so generally divide the household of faith, it has also made them frank and kind in expressing their minor differences, and forbearing toward each other on subordinate questions upon which they may not see alike. And in this is their strength.

"In 1842, Robert Winter, an Englishman by birth, and a Primitive Methodist by profession, fell in with the Adventists in this country and embraced the doctrine. In the fall of the year he resolved to return to England, and proclaim the coming of the Lord. He did return, and commenced the work. God owned his truth, and it took effect, and many have been raised up to join with him in spreading the light through these islands of the sea. Last summer camp or field meetings were held in different parts of England with great success.

"Books and papers to a large amount have been sent to England, and scattered abroad through the country; and several books and papers have been republished in that country with great effect.

"The British provinces adjoining the United States, have been visited and furnished with the light. Our beloved brother Hutchinson, in Montreal, has published a large amount of matter in his paper, The Voice of Elijah, and sent it over the United Kingdoms.

"But I must close this brief sketch of the rise and progress of Adventism, or my space will be more than full. But a few only out of the multitude of incidents which should enter into a work of this kind have been noticed. But this is all we have room to give in the present sketch. The Judge is at the door, and will make a more full and accurate development of this great work than human heart can indite or hand record. Con

cerning Adventism, it may be truly said, 'What hath God wrought?'

"No cause of a moral or religious character, probably, ever made so rapid advances as the cause of Adventism. Its votaries have usually been the most humble, pious, devoted members of the different churches; men and women who love their Lord, and to whom the thought of his glorious advent has been a source of sweetest pleasure. The hand of Providence has everywhere opened the way, and provided the means for doing all that human means could do. None of the lecturers have made themselves rich, or even held what little they had when they embarked in the enterprise. Everything has been freely sacrificed when the cause demanded it. Never have a set of men labored more faithfully and zealously in the cause of God, or with purer motives. But their work is with the Lord, and their record on high.

"It is asked what we intend to do, now the time is expired? Our answer is, we intend, by the Lord's help, to spread the glad tidings of the kingdom of God until it appears. The arguments which have been presented on the prophetic history and periods, together with the signs of the times, have lost none of their strength; and we purpose to continue presenting them until the Master comes, that we may be found giving his 'household meat in due season.


It was in the month of August, 1844, that the memorable Second-Advent camp-meeting was held at Exeter, N. H. This meeting was large. It was the occasion

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of a general rally from all parts of New England, and many were present from other States and from the Canadas. There were many tents upon the ground, some of them resembling houses of worship, in size and shape, more than the small tents usually seen upon Methodist camp grounds. These furnished ample accommodations for the thousands of believers present.

There was a general agreement with all Adventists at that time, that the special providence of God had directed the Advent movement. But the farthest point to which the Jewish year could be extended, reaching from March, 1843, to March, 1844, had passed, and believers were left in a state of suspense and uncertainty, evidently not enjoying all the inspiring influence of the Advent hope and faith they felt under the proclamation of definite time. And there were other things besides the passing of the time, that cast a degree of general gloom over the Second-Advent cause at that time.

Storrs' Six Sermons on the immortality question were being widely circulated among Adventists, and the doctrine of man's unconsciousness in death and the destruction of the wicked, was being adopted by some and regarded with favor by many. The time had come, in the providence of God, for this question to be agitated. But its importance could not then be seen by any as it is now regarded since the rise and wide-spreading,'desolating influence of Spiritualism. Those Second-Advent editors and lecturers, such as Litch, Hale, Bliss, Himes, and Miller, who did not agree with Mr. Storrs, not only failed to see that good could result from the agitation of the subject, but were grieved that the once united and happy flock, who were looking for the immediate return of the great Shepherd, should have their minds divided by this question. And these men, who felt the respon

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