
Sleeveless errand, meaning of, i, 132. | Soul-bell, distinction of rank preserved
Slide-board, slide-groat, slide-thrift,

and slip-thrift, ii, 441.

in the North of England in

the tolling of the, ii, 212.

Smock race on Ascension Day in the Soul cakes, custom of distributing on
North of England, i, 210.

"Smoke follows the fairest," ii, 347.
Smoker, anecdote of a, ii, 365-6.

All Souls' Day, i, 392-3.
use of, formerly in Shropshire,
i, 393.

Smoke money on St. Mary's Eve, i, Souler's song, i, 393.

Snails used in love divinations, i, 388.
Snake egg, Pliny's account of the, iii,

stones, i, 322.
Snakes, Cornish opinion concerning
the meeting of, on Midsum-
mer Eve, i, 322.
--omens from, iii, 224.
Sneezing, superstitions relating to, iii,

when the king of Mesopotamia
sneezes, acclamations are
made in all parts of his
dominions, iii, 124.

cures the hiccup, iii, 125.
Solar New Year, festival of the, i,

Solihull, near Birmingham, ash tree
at, iii, 289.

Somas cake, i, 394.

Somersetshire, Christmas mummings
in, i, 466.

Song of the schoolboy at Christmas,
i, 453.

Songs, wassailers', on New Year's Eve,
i, 5.

"Ane Sang of the Birth of
Christ," i, 487.

Soot, falling of, a weather omen, iii,

Sops and ale, ii, 72.

in wine, ii, 91.

[blocks in formation]

Souling, custom of going a, in Staf-
fordshire, on All Saints' Day, i,

South Ronaldsay and Burray, two of
the Orkney Islands, no couple
chooses to marry in, except with a
growing moon, ii, 169.

South Shields, bidders to a funeral at,
ii, 250.

Southwark fair, Gay's description of,
ii, 467.

Southwell, curious account by, of
Bartholomew fair, ii, 460.
Sow crossing the way, iii, 201.
Sow-day in Scotland, i, 400.
Sowens eaten in Scotland, i, 384.
Spain, prevalence of persons crossing
themselves in, i, 176.
Midsummer Eve festivities in,
i, 317.

St. James (Jago) the patron
saint for, i, 364.
celebration of the boy-bishop
in, i, 426.

childbirth custom in, ii, 70.
account of the gipsies in, ii, 97.
riding the stang in, ii, 181.

a crime in, to put up horns
against a neighbour's house,
ii, 183.

custom in, of strangers casting
stones upon untimely graves,
ii, 309.

Spang-bodle, ii, 407.

Spaniards hold Friday an unlucky day,
ii, 50.

Sparrows, superstitions concerning,
iii, 194.

SPEAL, or BLADEBONE, iii. 339.
Spectator, notice in, of All Fools' Day,
i, 132.

Spectator, description of a wake given | Stables, charm for, from Herrick's
in, ii, 8.

Spectres and apparitions supposed to
haunt burial-places, ii, 290.
Spell from Herrick's Hesperides, iii,

Spells on Allhallow Even, i, 379-80.
Spelly coat, iii, 86.

Spey, well of, in Scotland, ii, 380.
Spice of evil, iii, 394.
Spick and span, iii, 394.
SPIDER OMENS, iii, 223.

vulgar error concerning the,
iii, 381.

Spiders, Ashmole's charm with, iii,

SPILLING OF WINE, iii, 165-6.
Spinners, or spiders, omens of wea-

ther, iii, 223-4.
SPINNY WYE, ii, 442.

Hesperides, iii, 282.

Stack, charm of fathoming the, i,

Staffordshire, custom of souling in,

on All Saints' Day, i, 393.
custom in, on the eve of
Twelfth Day, i, 22.

Christmas hobby-horse in, i,

TOWN OF, ii, 63-4.

Standard erected on Easter Day, by
the Romanists, i, 176.
Stang, riding the, i, 12; ii, 188.

derivation of, ii, 188.
Stanhope, co. Durham, garlands sus-
pended in the church of, ii, 303.
Stanlake, co. Oxford, Plott's account
of the Rogation custom at, i, 199.

Spirits, said to fly away at cock-crow, Star-jelly, iii, 404.
ii, 52.

evil, frightened at the sound
of bells, ii, 204-5-6.
popular creed concerning, iii,"

mode of consulting, iii, 70-1.
walking of, iii, 72.

give disturbance by knocking,
iii, 70.

Spittle, lustrations by, iii, 259-63.
of the stars, iii, 404-5.

Spoons, Apostles', a christening pre-
sent, ii, 83.

Sports at weddings, ii, 160-4.

Book of, i, 238-9.

at Christmas, i, 492-7, 505.
at fairs, ii, 453.
SPORTS and GAMES, ii, 387.
Spott, in East Lothian, witches burnt
at, iii, 30.

Spousals, ii, 96. *

Sprains, charms against, iii, 321.
Springs or rivers, custom of drinking
sugar and water at, on some Sunday
in May, ii, 375.
Squinting persons, iii, 205.
Squirrels, hunting of, on Christmas
Day, in Suffolk, i, 489.

Stars, shooting of the, iii, 241.
Stathern, co. Leicester, custom at, of
giving dole at a funeral, ii, 288.
Status Scholæ Etonensis," extracts
from the, i, 15, 62, 83, 98, 217,
335, 353, 431, 436, 497.
Statute fairs, ii, 455.
STEPHEN'S DAY, ST., i, 532-4.

horses blooded on, i, 532.
Hospinian's account of, i, 532.
goose-pies made on, in the
North Riding of Yorkshire,
i, 534.

proverb on, i, 534.
Stepney parish, vulgar error concern-
ing, iii, 380.

Stewes, in Southwark, proclamation
of King Henry VIII concerning
the, ii, 402.

Stirrup verse, ii, 274.

Stocking, flinging the, ii, 170.
Stockings, superstitions concerning
the putting on, iii, 167.
STOKESLEY, one of the characters in
the morris dance, i, 266.
Stone of imagination, iii, 50.

- spitting on a, iii, 261.

Stone pulpit at Magdalen College, | Suffolk, custom in, on May Day, i,

Oxford, i, 335.

superstitions, iii, 300.

Stones at each end of a grave, custom

of whitening in Glamorgan-
shire, at certain times, ii,

casting of, in Spain, upon un-
timely graves, ii, 309.
perforated, creeping through,
iii, 293.

slept on, to cure lameness, iii,

Stool-ball, i, 180; ii, 442.
Stool, witch's, ii, 23.

STORMY PETREL, augury by the, iii,


Stortford, Bishop's, co. Hertford,
septennial custom at, i, 372.
Stot-plough, i, 505.
Straightening board, ii, 235.
Strangers in the candle, iii, 181.
Strathfillan, cures at the pool of, iii,

Strathspey, Lake of Spirits at, ii,

Straw used in beds, ii, 66.

of the king's bed, temp. Henry
VIII, ii, 66.

Streaking, the term in the North of
England for laying out a
body, ii, 232.

derivation of the word, ii, 232.
"Strenarum commercium," i, 18.
and BRIDE, ii, 116.


harvest-home song in, ii, 19.
game of camp, played in, ii,


custom of burying a slunk or
abortive calf in, iii, 313.
ten-pounding amongst har-
vestmen, ii, 23.

peascod divination in, ii, 99.
belief in, that a flint hung in a

stable protects the animals
in it from the fairies, ii,

Suicides said to have been usually in-
terred on the north sides of church-
yards, ii, 292.
"Sumanalia," ii, 101.

Sumatra, quails trained to fighting
in, ii, 60.

Summer king and queen, i, 259.
SUMMER SOLSTICE, i, 298, 337.

Sun, shining of, on Easter Day, i,


shining on a bride, a good
omen, ii, 167.

omen from the cloudy rising of
the, iii, 241.

feast among the Greenlanders,
i, 475.

Sunday after the day of dedication of
a church used as its feast,
ii, 2.

fairs held on, abolished, ii, 4.
after marriage, custom on, in
North Wales, ii, 176.
bear-baiting on, ii, 403.
Sunnywell, co. Berks, custom formerly
of blessing the springs at, ii, 379.
Suns, three supposed to be seen on
Trinity Sunday, i, 285.



Strickle, strickler, iii, 387.

Stroud hospital, co. Kent, May custom
at, i, 246.

Struma, touching for the, iii, 349.
Stumbling, superstition concerning,
iii, 249-50.

etymology of, ii, 342.
Suppers, funeral, among the ancients,

different kinds of, ii, 238.
Surgeon's sign, ii, 359.

Surrey, ceremonies practised in, for
the cure of the hooping cough, iii,

Sussex, custom of squirrel-hunting in, | Sword-dance performed in the North
on St. Andrew's Day, i, 415.
death-bed superstitions in, ii,

Swallows, considered as omens, iii,
193-4, 242.

Swan, singing of the, before death,
iii, 373.

"Swanne, Tale of the," ii, 184.
Swans "cannot hatch without a crack
of thunder," iii, 247.
prognosticate weather, iii, 247.
Swarming up a pole after a goose, ii,


Swart-alfar of the Edda, iii, 415.
Swarths, iii, 235.

Swearing at Highgate, ii, 195.
Sweating sickness, the cause of the
London watch being discontinued,
temp. Henry VIII, i, 327.
Sweden, custom of making April
fools in, i, 139.

Lyke Wake retained in, ii,

Riding of Yorkshire from St.
Stephen's Day till New Year's
Day, i, 513.

Sybows, i, 113.

Sylham lamps, iii, 397.

Tables, draught-board called, ii, 353.
Taffies, skewered in gingerbread on
St. David's Day, probable origin of
the custom, i, 105.
Taish, iii, 158.

Tali, game of, ii, 412.
Tamans, fortune-tellers so called in
Ireland, iii, 64.
Tansey cake, i, 166-76.
Tanseys at Easter, i, 176-9.

used as a charm, iii, 314.
Tapers, funeral, ii, 276.
Tarans, unbaptised children so called
in Scotland, ii, 73.

Tarantula, vulgar error concerning
the, iii, 381.

superstitions in, relating to the Tarasca, the Spanish name for the

moon, iii, 149.

Sweeps, festival of, on May Day, i,

Sweethearts, dreaming for, on St.
Agnes' Eve, i, 36-7.

Swell or thorn, charm for a, iii, 272.
Swine, time to kill for bacon, iii, 142.
omens of weather, iii, 201,

Swine's grease, bride anoints the door-
posts with, to drive away misfor-
tune, ii, 169.

SWING, sport of the, ii, 428.
SWITHIN'S DAY, ST., i, 340-2.

Gay's mention of, in his Trivia,
i, 340.

local proverbs on, i, 342.
notice of, in Poor Robin's Al-
manack, i, 340-1.
SWORD-DANCE, i, 511-4.

Olaus Magnus's description of
the, i, 511.

how performed in Northum-
berland, i, 513.

hobby-horse, i, 270.

Tarbat, Mary's well at, ii, 371.
Tarocco, ii, 450.

Tarragona, decree of the Council at,
A.D. 1591, against the gipsies, iii,
Tarroo-ushtey, or water-bull of the
Isle of Man, iii, 413.
Tarum, profane wakes at, ii, 11.
Tasks, ghosts of the dying, iii, 229.
Tavern bush, ii, 351.

signs, ii, 351-8.

Taw, ii, 427.
Tawnles, ii, 474.

Tear falling on a winding-sheet, ii,

Tears, Pennant's notice of the paint-
ing of, on doors and window-shut-
ters in Scotland to express grief,
ii, 313.

Tecla, St., well of, at Llandegla, ii,
Teelings, ii, 412.
Telephilon, iii, 307-59.

Temple, Inner, lord of misrule at, i,


Middle, solemnities of the
Christmas prince at, in
1635, i, 499.

Tempting powder, iii, 308.
Ten-pounding, custom of, in Suffolk,
ii, 23.


Terminalia, feast of, i, 198, 200.
Terræ filius, in Oxford, i, 72.
Tezils, or fuller's thistle, omens of
weather, iii, 247.

Thames, bear-baiting on the, ii, 402.
Thatch of a witch's house, burning

of the, iii, 24.

Thebes, Boeotian, Bacchus and Her-
cules preside over, i, 365.
Theocritus, passage in, on the subject
of love divinations, 385.
Theophany, a name for Christmas, i,

Therfield, co. Hertf. kitchen furniture
kept at for weddings, ii, 145.
THEW, iii, 103.

Thief in a candle, iii, 182.
Thirteen persons meeting in a room,
a death omen, iii, 264.
Thistle, our Lady's, i, 48.
Thistles, flying of down from, a sign
of rain, iii, 242.

Thomas, St. Lottes, iii, 310.
Thomas à Becket, St., fires lighted
on his eve, i, 338.
THOMAS'S DAY, ST., i, 455.

love divinations on, i, 457.
Thorn, Glastonbury, i, 293.

Throwing at cocks, origin of, wrongly
ascribed to the victories of
Henry V, i, 74.

song on cock-throwing, from
Lluellin's Poems, i, 78.
Thumb, right, drinking over the, ii,

Thumbs, pricking of the, iii, 180.

biting of, iii, 180.

Thunder on Shrove Tuesday, i, 93.
ringing of bells against, ii, 217.
charms against, iii, 246, 316,


Thurlow, Lord, speech of, on the
third reading of the Surgeons' In-
corporation Bill, ii, 359.

Thursday, noted as a fatal day to
King Henry VIII and his posterity,
ii, 48.

Thurso, witches of, iii, 33.
Tiberius forbids the giving or de-
manding of New Year's
gifts, i, 17.
remarkable for sneezing,iii, 123.
- afraid of thunder and light-
ning, iii, 317.

Tib's rush for Tom's forefinger, ii,
TICK-TACK, ii, 445.

Timist, Sir Thomas Overbury's cha-
racter of a, i, 16.

"Tine cat, tine game," ii, 408.
Tindles, a name for the Allhallow Eve
fires, in Derbyshire, i, 391.
TINGLING of EARS, iii, 171-3.
Tinley, ceremony so called, of lighting
fires on Allhallow Even, i, 391.
"Tintinnabula," ii, 212.

Thracians, custom of the, when it Tissington, co. Derby, custom of pray-

thunders, iii, 246.



Threshing of the cock, i, 80.

of the hen, i, 80.

Thrift box in barbers' shops, i, 496.
Throat, stoppage in, ancient receipt
for, i, 52.


ing and singing psalms at wells at,
ii, 378.

Tithes, payment of, i, 208.

Tiverton, custom at, on Royal Oak
Day, i, 275-6.

TOAD STONE, iii, 50.

Toads used for charms, iii, 211.
Toast, origin of the word, ii, 340.

anagram of, ii, 341.

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