
GHOSTS or APPARITIONS, iii, 67, 90. | Give-ales, i, 181, 277.

conversation concerning, from
Addison's comedy of the

Haunted House, iii, 74.
of unburied persons described

Giuoco della Cieca, ii, 398.

Glacach, a disease so called among
the Highlanders, iii, 273.

Glain Nedr, iii, 274.

by Virgil as wandering up Glamorganshire, custom in, of strew-

and down on the banks of

the Styx, iii, 68.

laying of, iii, 72, note.

Giants, practice of carrying about, on
Midsummer Eve, i, 323-45.
used in the city pageants, i, 323.
origin of the, in Guildhall, i,

Dr. Milner's explanation of the
statues of, burnt at Dunkirk,
Douay, &c., i, 325.

ing a corpse with flowers,
ii, 309.

graves newly dressed in, at
Easter and Whitsuntide, ii,

whitening of houses in, to

keep out the devil, ii, 521.
Glasgow, donations made at, at fune-
rals to the poor, ii, 289.
Glashtin, the, or water-horse, iii, 414.
Glass, eating the apple at the, i, 382.

Gibbet, or gallows, superstitions con- Glastonbury, miraculous walnut tree

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

| Goose, Michaelmas, i, 367.

popular saying concerning eat-
ing, on Michaelmas Day,
i, 367, 370.

origin of the custom of eating,
on Michaelmas Day, i, 368.
an emblem of "mere modestie,"
i, 370.

jest respecting hitting the joint

of a, i, 371; ii, 199, 200.
at harvest home, i, 370; ii, 26.
St. Martin's Day marked with
a, on the Norway clogs, i,

eaten on the Continent at
Martinmas, i, 402.

a chief ingredient in the com-
position of a Christmas pie,
i, 530.
plucking at a, iii, 40.

custom on, in the North of Goose-grass, i, 369.

England, of eating passion-" Goose intentos," i, 367.

dock pudding, i, 150.
hallowing of cramp-rings and
creeping to the cross on, i,

eggs laid on, preserved, i, 151.
and bacon a usual dish

on, i, 152.

one constant day for a general
meeting of witches, i, 151.
fasting custom on, in Con-
naught, i, 152.
customs observed on, in the
Spanish and Portuguese
navy, 1810, i, 153.
Naogeorgus's account of the
ceremonies on, i, 153-4.
cross-buns on, i, 154.
loaf of bread baked on, i, 155.
Chelsea "royal bun-houses,"
i, 157.

watching the sepulchre on, i,

DAY, i, 455.

Goodman, St., i, 365.

"Goodman's croft," iii, 317-8.

"Good wine needs no bush," ii, 351.
Goose at New Year's tide, i, 12.

GOOSE RIDING, ii, 419.
Gospel trees, i, 199.
Gospels, why four, iii, 268.
Gossamer, iii, 223.
Gossip's bowl, i, 1.

cake, ii, 80-1.

Gosteg yr Halen, or the prelude of
the salt, iii, 161.

Gowk, hunting the, in Scotland, on
the 1st of April, i, 140.
Grace-cup, in our universities, origin
of the, i, 4.

Grass, strewing of a church with, on
Whitsunday, i, 278.

Grates, omens at the bars of, iii 183-4.
Grave, position in the, as adopted
for interment by different
nations, ii, 295-6.
-stumbling at a, iii, 249.
anciently called pyttes, ii, 249.
Graves, position of, ii, 295-6.

custom of strewing flowers on,
ii, 307-8.

- fenced with osiers in the south
of England, ii, 308.
illustration of the passage in
Hamlet, "make her grave
straight," ii, 296.

Graves, in Brecknockshire, sometimes | Groom-porter, silver token passed at
the benefit of the, i, 33.
Gudula, St., i, 364.

strewed with slips of bay

or yew, ii, 311.

Graydon, Charles, his lines on nuts Guernsey, betrothing custom of giv
burning, i, 379.

Greece, houses decked with ever-
greens in, in December, i, 525.
Greek Church, pancake feast, pre-
ceding Lent, used in the,
i, 88.

celebration of Easter in the,
i, 171-4.

tapers used at weddings in
the, ii, 158.

Greeks, had a method of preparing
fighting-cocks for battle,
ii, 59.
modern, use parboiled wheat
at funerals, i, 115.
buried their dead towards the
east, ii, 318.

GREEN IVIE LEAF, divination by a,
iii, 357.
Greenlanders keep a sun-feast at the
winter solstice, i, 475.
Greenvill, Sir Fulk, ii, 512.

festivities of, at

Easter and Whitsuntide, i, 181.
Gregory, St., i, 364-5.

the great patron of scho-

lars, i, 417-8.
superstitions on the night
of, ii, 130.

Gresham, Sir John, dinner at the fu-

neral of, ii, 239.

Grey, Lady Catherine, the circum-
stances of her death, ii, 206.

ing a flouncing, ii, 98.
witchcraft in, iii, 66.

"Guest," the word ghost so pro-

nounced, iii, 86.

Guidhel, or mistletoe, how described
in the Edda, i, 524.
Guildford, Lord Keeper, checks the
superstitions concerning witchcraft,
iii, 13-4.
Guildhall, London, origin of the
figures of giants in, i, 323-4.
colours taken at Ramilies put
up in, i, 324.
Guisearts, Scots Christmas Carol by
the, i, 458.

Gule, etymology of, i, 347.
GULE of AUGUST, commonly called
LAMMAS DAY, i, 347.

GUNPOWDER PLOT, Anniversary of
the, i, 397.

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden,
plays at blindman's buff with his
colonels, ii, 397.

Gute Freytag, i, 113.
"Guy-l'an-neuf," i, 17, 458.
Gyar Carlins, ii, 495.
Gyl burnt tayle, iii, 397.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]



chair, ii, 71.

Groat, drunken, ii, 334.

Groats, or oats hulled, etymology of,
i, 400.

proverb concerning, in the
North of England, i, 400.
Groom-porter, hazard played at, at
court, for his benefit, on the
night of Twelfth Day, i,

a corrupted word from the
Greek αγια μηνη, 1, 460.
custom of, in Scotland, i, 460.
Haguillennes, i, 460.
Haguimento, i, 460.

Hair, sudden turning of, gray, iii, 176.
Hairs, spitting on those which come
out in combing, iii, 263.
Halcyons, iii, 222.
Hales-Owen, Salop, bride-ale custom
at, ii, 143.

HALLE E'EN, or NUTCRACK NIGHT, | Harlequin and columbine, origin of,

i, 377.

Burns's account of Scot-
tish sports on, i, 380.

Hallow-even fire, i, 389.

ii, 470.

Harrow School, silver arrow at, shot
for, i, 454.

Harry Hurcheson, game of, ii, 415.

Hallowmasse, ringing of bells on, Harvest queen, ii, 20.

i, 394.

Hallowing of bells, ii, 214.

of Saturday afternoon, ii, 39.
Halter, superstition concerning a,
iii, 276.

[ocr errors]

Halves," crying out, iii, 251.
Hamburg, custom of the inhabitants

of, giving carp for supper to their
servants on Christmas Eve, i, 473.
Hammer, use of a, in calling the
monks to church in ancient times,
ii, 214.
Hampshire, Colt-pixy, the name of a
supposed fairy in, ii, 512.
Hand-ball, game of, at Easter, i, 176.
Hand-fasting, or handfæsting, ii, 87-8.

concerning, iii, 177-80.
popular belief relating to the
size, softness, &c., of the,
iii, 179.

custom of kissing the, derived
from the ancient Persians,
iii, 179.

Hand of glory, foreign superstition of
the, iii, 278-9.
practised in Ireland, iii,

Handkerchiefs, given by gentlemen
to their favorites, temp. Elizabeth,
ii, 92.

Hands, right, joining of the, in mar-
riage, ii, 105.
HANDSEL, iii, 262.

Monday, i, 19.
HANDY-DANDY, ü, 420.
Hardicanute, King, original of Hock
Tuesday derived from the death
of, i, 185.

HARE crossing the way, iii, 201.
Hares, vulgar error concerning, iii,

doll, or kern-baby, in Northum-
berland, ii, 20.

dame, in Yorkshire, ii, 24.
dinners, in Cornwall, ii, 26.
gosling, ii, 26.

HARVEST HOME, ii, 16, 33.

geese eaten at, i, 370.
rejoicings of, on Hallow
Eve, i, 388.

song of the Suffolk pea-
santry, ii, 19.
Thomson's description of,
ii, 25.

how celebrated in France,
ii, 26.
song, ii, 27.
MOON, the, ii, 33.

love divination during its
continuance, ii, 33.
Harvey, the conjuror of Dublin, i, 377.
Hascka, St., ii, 492.

Hats worn whilst sitting at meat, i,

congregations sitting during ser-
vice with them on, ii, 323.
Haunted house, Gay's description of
one, iii, 80.

form for exorcising one,
iii, 72.

"Hawkie," harvest custom so called
in Cambridgeshire, ii, 22.
Hawsted, co. Suffolk, partiality at, for
burying on the south and east sides
of the churchyard, ii, 293.
Hay used in strewing churches, ii, 14.
Hay-thorn, gathered on May Day,
used against witches, i, 217.
Hazel, vulgar notion concerning, iii,

nuts, Gay's spell with, i, 378.
HEAD OMENS, iii, 176-7.
HEALTHS, or Toasts, ii, 338.

Healths, mode of drinking, as de- | Henry II, bled at the nose when his

scribed in Rich's Irish

Hubbub, ii, 328.
custom for gallants to stab
themselves in the arm or
elsewhere, in drinking of
their mistresses', ii, 335.
Misson's account of the man-
ner of drinking in England,
ii, 339.

Heam, explanation of, iii, 119.

Hearne, Thomas, his orders for his

grave, ii, 295.

Hearnshaw, iii, 214.

son Richard came to view
his corpse, iii, 230.
III, New Year's gifts extorted
by, i, 5.

IV, Christmas mummings in
honour of, i, 464.
VI, superstitious bleeding of
the corpse of, iii, 231.
VIII and Queen Katherine
ride "a Maying," i,


wears white mourning for
Anne Boleyn, ii, 283.

Heaviness considered as an omen, iii, Hens thrown at, at Shrovetide. i, 80.


Heaving, on Easter Monday and
Tuesday, i, 181-2. See Lifting.
Hebrides, harvest song in the, ii, 27.
Hectors, ii, 350.
Hederiga, St., i, 364.

Hedgehogs, omens of weather, iii,

Heifer's tail, prognostication of wea-
ther from a, iii, 242.
Heil, an idol so called, i, 3.

Heit, or heck! the carter's term, ii,

Hélène, feu d', St. Helen's fire, iii,

Heliotropes and marigolds, weather
omens, iii, 247.

Helpers, saints so described in Nao-
georgus's Regnum Papisticum, i,

Helstone, Cornwall, May custom re-
tained at, i, 223.

made presents of, at Shrove-
tide, i, 80.

put on an odd number of eggs,
iii, 263.

Heralds of private gentlemen, i, 465.
Herbert, George, funeral of, ii, 286.
Herbs and flowers, strewing of, at
weddings, ii, 116.

at bride-ales, ii, 145.
at funerals, ii, 249.
power of, as charms, iii, 20,

Herculaneum, picture found at, re-
presenting a marriage, ii, 165.
Herefordshire, wassailing custom in,
on Twelfth Day, i, 30.
singular morris dance in, i,

soul-mass cakes in, i, 392.

custom of the sin-eater in, ii,

Hermes' fire, St., iii, 401.

Helvetia, custom in, at Shrovetide, Herolt, John, a Dominican friar, ex-

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