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being estimated at five millions of human | the most affable manner to the polite beings, it was judged an easy matter to attentions which they had experienced." raise an army of one hundred and fifty Toasts, indeed, were "considered an inthousand men "well suited, both by their dispensable appendage to English entervalor and discipline, to the purposes of tainment." On one occasion at a splendid war, both on foot and on horseback." The banquet given by the Duke of Bucking navy consisted of about one hundred ves- ham, at which the king and the Duke of sels of war, belonging to the king, or the York were present, together with the illdifferent trading companies of England. fated Duke of Monmouth and other notaAn income of two thousand pounds a year ble personages, the Italian prince set the derived from land was judged a handsome ball rolling by proposing the health of his fortune, but there were occasional in- Majesty and the royal family, "which was stances of country gentlemen who were three times followed up with loud cheers worth double that sum. The Dean of by all present. His Highness, to do honor Westminster, who was also Bishop of to the toast, would have given it standing, Rochester, received in the latter capacity but this his Majesty would not allow, abonly four hundred pounds per annum. solutely compelling him to keep his seat." By way of acknowledgment, "the King pledged his Highness and the Serene House of Tuscany in an equal number of rounds, and at the same time accompanied this act of kindness by taking hold of his Highness's hand, which he would have kissed, but the Prince, anticipating him, with the greatest promptitude and address kissed that of his Majesty. The King, repeating his toast, wished to show the same courtesy to his Highness, but he, withdrawing his hand with the most delicate respect, would not permit it, which his Majesty perceiving, immediately kissed him on the face."

English gardens were not remarkable for their floral attractions in the reign of Charles the Second. They are described as being "usually walks of sand, made perfectly level by rolling them with a stone cylinder, through the axis of which a lever of iron is passed, whose ends being brought forward and united together in form of a triangle, serve to move it backwards or forwards; and between the walks are smooth grass-plats covered with the greenest turf, without any other ornament." Most country houses were provided with a bowling-green, a rubber at bowls being the fashionable pastime of the day. Nearly in the middle of the racecourse at Newmarket there was a spot set apart for this now disused amusement, and mention is made of the king stopping and diverting himself with "seeing my Lord Blandford and my Lord Germain play at bowls." Lord John Paulet's garden, by the way, at Hinton St. George, differed from the common type in being "a meadow divided into several compartments of brick-work, which are filled with flowers."

The almost universal hour for dinner was noon. Stools were commonly used, though an armchair might be assigned to a distinguished guest. At Wilton, Lord Pembroke's country seat, an armchair was placed at the head of the table for his Highness, but he insisted upon resigning it in favor of his host's unmarried daughter, "upon which the earl instantly drew forward another similar one, in which the serene prince sat, in the highest place." Hospitality was largely practised by the English nobles, and their banquets are acknowledged to have been superb, though deficient in elegance. They would last a couple of hours, or longer, and a good deal of wine was drunk, especially in toasting the ladies, who "in their turn replied in

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His Highness, before his departure from London, had the honor of entertaining the king, his brother, his illegitimate son, and several of the nobility at supper, at which the most exquisite dishes and the rarest Italian wines taught English courtiers the difference between feeding like animals and supping like human beings. Not only so, but a knife and a fork were set before every guest, "arranged in a fanciful and elegant manner. "The supper was served up in eighty magnificent dishes; many of which were decorated with other smaller ones, filled with various delicious meats. To the service of fruit succeeded a most excellent course of confectionery, both those of Portugal and other countries famous for the choiceness of their sweetmeats, which was in all respects on a par with the supper that preceded it. But scarcely was it set upon the table, when the whole was carried off and plundered by the people who came to see the spectacle of the entertainment; nor was the presence of the king sufficient to restrain them from the pillage of these very delicate viands; much less his Majesty's soldiers, armed with carbines, who guarded the entrance of the saloon, to prevent all ingress into the inside, lest the confine

demeanor did not betray a military pro fession was free to enter the king's antechamber, on the floor of which stood a clock which indicated the direction of the wind as well as the time of day. In the gallery formerly enriched by Cardinal Wolsey with choice paintings, were hung

ment and too great heat should prove annoying; so that his Majesty, to avoid the crowd, was obliged to rise from table, and retire to his Highness's apartment." It is not surprising, after such an exhibition of English manners, that Count Magalotti should consider his own nation as superior in refinement. He also disap-up some vile daubs of battle-pieces by sea proved the pastry, as being "grossly made, with a great quantity of spices, and badly baked." He remarked, too, the absence of forks, and of "vessels to supply water for the hands, which are washed in a basin full of water, that serves for all the company; or, perhaps, at the conclusion of dinner, they dip the end of the napkin into the beaker which is set before each of the guests, filled with water, and with this they clean their teeth and wash their hands." Whence we gather that fingerglasses were unknown in Florence.

and land in the reign of Henry the Eighth. The other gallery, in front of the king's ante-chamber, was devoid of ornament, but looked out upon "a beautiful meadow, laid out like a garden, planted with trees and beautiful hedges of roses, and having four rows of statues in the middle, part of which are of bronze and standing, part of white marble and, for the most part, in a sitting posture." In the centre stood a structure encircled by iron rails consisting of several dials of different shapes, so that the sun's shadow, when there was any, The consumption of butchers' meat was fell upon more than one. That event, much greater in London than in Paris, however, was of more frequent occurrence either because fast-days were not much than it would now be, because the air was observed, or because of the voracity of the then "almost always clear." True, a thick English, who eat meat in preference to cloud seemed sometimes to hang over aught else. Every day three thousand London, but it was not "caused by coroxen were slaughtered in London, and rupt vapors," being, in fact, produced by large joints were served up on every table. "the smoke from the mineral coal of In the northern counties the people were Scotland, which issues from the chim more saturnine and somewhat less lively neys, and which the coal, being an oleagithan in the southern. The lower and mid- nous substance, produces in great quantidle classes were much addicted to snuff ties." Within the precincts of the Whiteand tobacco, and the artisans were prone hall Palace were several small courtyards to neglect their work in order to waste or squares, in one of which was the king's their time in discussing political questions bowling-green. Near at hand were the in public-houses. The common people, it is stated, lacked reverence and affection towards their sovereign, which is not inexplicable when it is remembered that that sovereign was a Charles the Second. They ventured, while smoking their pipes, Upon the whole the Italian tourists to censure the king's conduct, and to re- were pleased with the English drama. gret the masterful rule of Cromwell, whose The King's Theatre was nearly circular, head, by the way, the count affirms was with tiers of boxes furnished with rows of then to be seen upon a pike over West- seats for the accommodation of ladies and minster Hall. He also professes to have gentlemen, who sat together promiscuseen on the threshold or sill of a particuously. A large space was left on the lar window at Whitehall drops of Charles ground-floor for the less fashionable authe First's blood, "so deeply imprinted that they have not been able to obliterate them from the spot, though they have frequently washed it in the hope of doing


Whitehall had not then suffered from fire, but is described as a mean habitation for a king, being divided into two thousand halls, lodges, galleries, and chambers, so that Cromwell had no trouble in changing his bedchamber every night without the knowledge of his servants. None of the apartments had a door. Any one whose

apartments of the Duchess of Richmond, the beautiful Frances Stuart, looking upon the river and the garden of statues, and close by those of the Countess of Castle maine.

dience. The scenery was light, frequently changed, and embellished with beautiful landscapes. Before the curtain rose upon the comedy some delightful symphonies were played. The defect of the English comedy was the confusion in the plots, and the absence of unity and regularity. The actors, however, were excellent, and did their best to illustrate the playwright's delineation of the passions by appropriate action and clear enunciation.

Horse-racing was coming into vogue with the nobility, the king and court going

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the principal one, which is more elevated
than the rest, being capable of containing
six people." The " Sovereign carried
one hundred and six pieces of brass ord-
nance, and a crew of one thousand sailors.

to Newmarket to witness the pastime. At | visited, however, a construction of a dif
a certain point his Majesty and the Duke ferent kind, the proportions of which ap-
of York, accompanied by sundry lords and peared to him to be truly stupendous.
gentlemen, set off after the racers with The "Sovereign" man-of-war, then lying
the utmost speed, and were very nearly in the waters of the Medway, was the
up to them. Newmarket owed whatever largest and most powerful ship in the
celebrity it possessed to Charles the Sec- navy, but was seldom sent to sea, because
ond, having been previously known only its bulk and weight impaired its swiftness.
as a market for provisions. The land was It was built in 1637 by Charles the First,
owned by Baron Arlington, who let it on "at an incredible expense," for not only
a twenty-one years lease, at six shillings was it one hundred and twenty paces in
an acre, the rent paid half-yearly, the ten- length, but the cabins had carved-work
ants being free to use the land for pasture, ceilings, richly ornamented with gold, the
or to plough it up, or to sublet it.
outside of the stern being similarly deco-
Another and more barbarous amuse-rated. "The height of the stern," it is
ment, dear to all classes from courtier to written, "is quite extraordinary, and it is
costermonger, was cock-fighting, concern-hung with seven magnificent lanthorns,
ing which no opinion is expressed in the
diary. Count Magalotti, however, does
not hesitate to condemn what he calls
exhibitions of gladiators. In reality, the
affair was not so very atrocious. A fenc-
ing-master, by way of advertising himself,
would offer, for twenty or thirty jacobuses,
to fight any one with sword and shield.
The weapon was blunt, and point was
never given, so that no great harm was
done beyond drawing a few drops of
blood. The dancing-masters, or at least
their pupils, were more to the taste of his
Highness, who went to see one of the
principal dancing-schools, where married
and unmarried ladies practised, "with
much gracefulness and agility, various
dances after the English fashion." La-
dies, especially citizens' wives, were much
addicted to this entertainment, and "his
Highness had an opportunity of seeing
several dances in the English style, ex-
ceedingly well regulated, and executed in
the smartest and genteelest manner by
very young ladies, whose beauty and
gracefulness were shown off to perfection
by this exercise."

In those days salmon were caught at low water above Rochester Bridge, but it is more important to note the number of heretical sects which scandalized the conscience of his otherwise tolerably serene Highness. In addition to the Ecclesiastical Establishment, there were Puritans, Presbyterians, Atheists, Brownists, who believed in "Tom Brown," Adamites, Familists, Anabaptists, Libertines or Free Thinkers, Independents, Anti-Scripturists, Millenarians, Arians, Antinomians, Arminians, Seekers or Expecters, Sabbatarians, Fanatics, Fotinians, Anti-Trinitarians, Deists, Tremblers or Quakers, Fifth-Monarchy Men, Socinians, Latitu dinarians, Origenists, Ranters or disciples of Alexander Ranta, who professed free love and nothing else, Levellers, Quintinists, who averred that the Deity takes as much pleasure in a variety of religions as a man does in a variety of dishes, Memnonists, and many others. All these sects and only one sauce! was Voltaire's sarcasm.

From The Spectator.

Prisoners had the choice of two evils. They could claim to be tried by God and their country, or they could appeal to the judgment of Heaven. In the latter case death was certain, but disgrace was averted from their family, and their property was not confiscated. The appellant was laid on his back with his limbs stretched out, and a stone placed under- THE CLOSING OF THE SCOTTISH HIGHneath him to raise his loins. then covered with a board loaded with THE stress and strain of modern life heavy stones, the weight being gradually have grown to a great intensity. Men increased until death terminated his suf- live in restless anxiety, under constant ferings. pressure, with quickened brains and feHis Highness was disappointed in see-vered pulses, until life has become a buring St. Paul's Cathedral only in ruins, as nothing had yet been done to restore the sacred edifice after the great fire. He

He was


den almost beyond endurance. Thus
modern society has felt, as people of a
more leisurely time never felt, the neces-

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doubt, that the number of those who seek the hillsides in summer and in autumn has multiplied to an extraordinary degee. Hundreds are now to be found where a short while ago no human foot strayed. It is also true that the number of "shooting tenants" has vastly increased. The increase in both cases is due to the pressure of city and of business life. The causes which induce those who have the

sity of change and of relaxation. The need of change is not confined to any one class of society. It is general. Our wearied legislators are scattered wide over sea and land, are pursuing grouse or deer in the Scottish Highlands, or are further afield after other sorts of game. Clergymen, doctors, lawyers, men of literature and of science, seek to breathe the keen air of the mountains, and strengthen themselves for a new cam-power, to pay some hundreds or thou paign. Working-men, too, seek to get a day among the hills, or at the seaside. For all sorts and conditions of men, an opportunity of a holiday is highly desirable, and it is for the good of all that the opportunity should be easily found. As the years pass on, the difficulties in the way of relaxation constantly increase. We do not here speak of the growing pressure of business, and the increased value of time. We refer specially to the sad fact that the great bulk of the population are being more and more shut out from visiting those places of our land which, from their very nature, are peculiarly fitted to strengthen and reinvigorate man's decaying energies.

sands of pounds for the right of shooting over some few miles of moor and mountain, are identical with those which urge a poorer man to explore our Highland glens or climb the Highland mountains. And the question becomes urgent, more urgent every year, whether the few can continue to exclude the many from those vast, unenclosed, and uncultivated regions of the country. It is one aspect of a great and manifold problem, the solution of which will tax the wisdom of our statesmen to the uttermost. In speaking of national parks, we lately suggested that no additional right should be allowed to accrue to the present owners and occupiers of the Lake country. We are afraid that the No doubt, the competition is keen with suggestion comes too late with regard to regard to such places. We should be the the Highlands of Scotland. The public last to deny to our wearied men of wealth are already shut out from the greater part the needful quiet and seclusion. They of the Highlands. In the uplands of also need the quiet of the hills, and the Perthshire, scientific botanists are sternly keenness of the mountain air. But they shut out from the mountains, — " A most certainly do not require, what they wooden hut has been erected, on the track at present demand and take, many square to Speyside, to contain a watcher, to see miles of country for this purpose. In the that no one leaves the track to trespass Highlands of Scotland, a few moneyed on Cairntoul or Ben Macdhui." Visitors families have possession of vast districts at Braemar one of the most celebrated of country, from the use of which all of the health resorts of Scotland their fellow-men are rigorously excluded. not obtain leave to cross the Dee during Tracts of heath and mountain, health- the shooting season, and only grudgingly giving and bracing to wearied mortals, at any time. These are only samples of are visible in the distance; but the health- the kind of thing which is being done all seeking traveller has to keep the beaten over the Highlands of Scotland, at the track, lest his rash foot should disturb present hour. the repose of grouse or deer. No fence or boundary meets the eye, and the unaccustomed tourist, thinking no wrong, joyfully starts to climb a hill and enjoy a larger prospect, when suddenly, like the followers of Rhoderick Dhu, a gamekeeper starts up, with the unwelcome information, "No road this way: this hill is preserved." Formerly, the unenclosed hillsides were open to every comer, and no damage was done; in fact, it was not possible to do any damage to mere stone or heather. But of late years, the mania for the preservation of grouse and deer has increased, is increasing, and ought to be diminished. It is true, no


The disgust and anger of many people at this state of things are very manifest. They are finding vent in speech and in print, and they will grow from more to more. Already the growl has become terrible in its intensity. If the holders of privilege do not make timely concessions, the result will be far from agreeable. At present, they may buy the Sybilline leaves at a low price. Liberty to stroll through the forests, to climb the mountains, freedom to roam over barren moors, without being checked and bullied by the underlings of the shooting tenant, will give contentment. But let the encroachment go on for a little more, and the right of ex

clusive solitude on the part of the few will be ruthlessly taken away. No one grudges them a reasonable amount of seclusion. Let them, however, be reasonable, and only take what they need.

In this connection we cannot but think of the effects of the present system on the underlings themselves. The permanent gamekeeper or forester may be a decent member of society. But the development of the demand for shooting moors has led to the evolution of a kind of character which is fatal and disastrous. A good many men and lads find employment for a few months during the shooting season. They are over-worked, overfed, and over-paid for about two months of the year. They idle and loaf about for the rest of the year, and become utterly useless-for any honorable industry. It is curious to reflect on the degenerating effect of work and toil which ends only in the pleasure of others. A lad hired to carry the clubs of a golfer seldom learns a trade, or gives himself to steady work of any kind. And a young man who is hired to carry a game-bag scarcely ever - turns out well. Billiard-markers are usually among the offscourings of society. In all cases in which the pursuit of pleasure is turned to a business, and in which men are hired for no profitable work, but only for the promoting of the pleasure of others, with rare exceptions the men so hired are utterly ruined. In them there is no serious aim in life, no weighty responsibility, nor any hope of progress. It is with grief, therefore, that we witness the development of a system which is largely based on selfishness and disregard of the interest of other people, and which issues in the demoralization and ruin of a large number of human beings.


SOME forty-five years ago, the town of Southampton, being in want of a regular supply of potable water, resolved upon the experiment of an artesian well, encouraged thereto by certain local circumstances which appeared to favor such an undertaking. At Winchester, Hursley, Portsmouth, and on Portsdown Hill, the tapping of the chalk had produced abundant supplies of excellent water, not to say that the geological basin at Southampton was believed to be in many respects identical with that in which the

celebrated artesian well in Paris is constructed. A good deal of the watersupply of the town being at the time obtained from surface-drains and springs on the Common, an outlying piece of park-like land, of four hundred acres, forming the root of the tongue on which the town situated between the rivers Itchen and Test-stands, an experi mental boring was made by a London engineer, who predicted that at a depth of four hundred and eighty feet, an unfailing and almost unlimited supply of water was to be obtained from the chalk - to reach which, at this depth, eighty feet of alluvial strata, overlying three hundred feet of London clay and a hundred feet of the plastic clay formation, were passed through.

Thus encouraged, the water-works commissioners selected what was thought a more convenient site for securing the discharge of the water, and, at an estimated cost of seven thousand pounds, commenced the construction of a well to supply forty thousand cubic feet of water per day. A shaft fourteen feet in diameter was commenced, and sunk one hundred and sixty feet, at which depth it was originally proposed to commence boring; but this plan was altered, and the shaft, reduced to eleven feet six inches, was carried down to two hundred and fourteen feet, when it was further reduced to eight feet six inches, to a depth of three hundred and twelve feet. Here it was found necessary to substitute iron cylinders for the brickwork to three hundred and twenty-two feet, where the brickwork was resumed, the diameter being reduced to seven feet. The plastic clay being reached at three hundred and eighty feet, the brickwork was continued down to three feet below the chalk stratum, found at five hundred and twenty feet. Here the water was found flowing into the well at the rate of about three gallons a minute; and its temperature being taken, it was found to range from sixty-one to sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit, its temperature at the surface being forty-four degrees; and the atmosphere of the well at fifty feet, fifty-four degrees; at one hundred and sixty feet, sixty degrees; and at five hundred and forty-three feet, sixty-five degrees. Five hundred and sixty-two feet having been reached, and nothing like the supply expected having been obtained from the fourteen water-bearing depos its tapped (and stopped out), boring was commenced with a seven-and-a-half-inch auger, and was continued until thirteen

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