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A source of more immediate difficul. ties is to be found in the relations of France with foreign powers; and these difficulties are the greater because they touch some very delicate points of national susceptibility. The alliance of Germany, Austria, and Italy — which may be more or less close and solid, but which is at any rate real-without exactly constituting a direct menace to France, certainly proclaims her isolation. This was demonstrated by M. de Broglie, with more ability than patriotism, in his interpellation in the Senate. Autocratic Russia is neither in a mood nor in a position to form any very close diplomatic alliance with the French republic; and the appointment of M. Waddington, who made himself at Berlin the mouthpiece of the distrust of Europe, to represent the republic at the coronation, cannot have been very welcome at St. Petersburg. Here again the French ministry, yielding to the unfortunate tendency I have already pointed out to occupy itself exclusively with questions of internal policy, was guided in its choice by considerations of Parliamentary rather than of diplomatic convenience. The tact and intelligence of M. Waddington have happily dissi pated the idle impression at first caused by his nomination; and the fêtes at Moscow have demonstrated the genuine sympathy which exists between the Russians and the French.

England remains to be considered. The almost unanimous feeling in France is favorable to a cordial understanding with England; and if France could feel herself really supported by her powerful island neighbor, a very hearty sympathy, on her side at least, would tend to unite the two nations. But, rightly or wrongly, it appears that England so strong in her own colonial empire, and so far from scrupulous in extending it, whether in Cyprus, in Egypt, in South Africa, or in New Guinea watches with a sort of jealous annoyance the timid efforts of France to extend her colonial activity in some few directions on the Congo, in Tonquin, or in Madagascar. She appears

to encourage the pretensions of Portugal, of the Chinese, and of the Hovas; and at almost every point France finds herself harassed, not by her adversary of 1870, but by the only power whose friendship she has taken pains to acquire and retain. Whatever may be thought of the claims of France in the different quarters in which she wishes to act, the state of petty provocation and ill-will which has sprung up between her and England is a misfortune for both countries. At pres ent France is the sufferer; but if France, constrained by necessity, makes up her mind to accept the facts of 1871, and enter the German alliance, England may find the tables turned against her. while the diplomatic situation is one of the dark spots in the French horizon.


At home, the administration of the Ferry government has so far been in favorable contrast with that of previous governments. We have a prime minister who really takes the direction of affairs, a ministry which does not wait on the opinions of a majority in the Chamber, and a Republican majority content to follow its recognized leaders. How long will this honeymoon last? How long will M. Ferry be able to keep his ascendancy over his colleagues and the Chamber? Considering the want of public spirit in the present Chamber and the state of thraldom in which the deputies are kept by their elec. toral committees, it is difficult to feel any great confidence in the future. But M. Ferry has one thing in his favor-that no other ministry has a chance of existence; that his fall must be the signal for a dissolution; and that the prospect of dissolution suggests reflection to the most thoughtless deputy. Besides, for the moment all is going well-indeed almost too well, for the majority seems to vote with the government, not so much by conviction as in blind obedience, and without giving a sufficiently serious examination to ministerial proposals. This has been the case with the Recidivist (Habitual Criminals) Bill. For several years public safety, especially in Paris, has been threatened by bands of thieves and criminals, to whom the penalties imposed by the tribunals are no sufficient deterrent, and who leave the prisons only to be sent back again for fresh offences. They collect about them a number of women of bad character, who turn public immorality to account in securing victims for their male accomplices. The number of crimes by persons previously convicted, which forty years ago formed

help them in the general councils. Their weakness springs from the want of a definite programme. They are trying to unite under one flag the partisans of the suppression of the Senate and those who simply wish to modify a few of its functions. I know that men are easily carried away by words; but in this case the equivocation is a little too strong.

only one-fourth of the crimes and misde- | success has not been great, and they got meanors brought before the tribunals, hardly anybody but the Bonapartists to now forms more than half. It is argued, that if hardened criminals were expelled the country, the army of miscreants which infests Paris and the great towns would be broken up, and the number of offences effectually diminished. The example of England in Australia is quoted; and a law is to be made requiring in certain cases the transportation of habitual criminals to a colony. This law is now under discussion; but, except the Radicals, who oppose the scheme chiefly because the government proposes it, no one discusses it seriously from a legal or practical point of view. The condition of the transported convict, and the results obtained in Australia, are drawn (as by M. J. Reinach in his very interesting book on the Recidivists) in idyllic colors; the facts which led to the abandonment of the system by England are ignored; no question is raised as to whether transportation for life to a probably unhealthy climate is a penalty at all proportionate to the offence, nor whether the enormous sums required for this form of colonization might not be employed in social or penitentiary reforms in France itself, which would be still more effectual in diminishing crime. From this point of view M. Roussel's bill in the Senate for the adoption by the State of deserted or ill-used children seems even more urgent than the Recidivist Bill. It will, if adopted, be a great help to the admirable work undertaken by M. Bonjean, of which I have already spoken in this review.

The most characteristic success of the ministry has been obtained on the question of revision, which has, at their instance, been postponed for two years. It would have been absurd, when a new ministry was just taking office, to stir up the country on this vexatious and useless question, and wantonly incur certain defeat in the Senate. From the moment when the Chamber refused M. Gambetta's proposal to limit beforehand the field of revision, revision became impossible; for the Senate will never consent to a measure which would jeopardize not only its own existence but the whole framework of the Constitution. The Extreme Left know all this as well as the government; and yet they have not hesitated to make revision the programme of a political agitation. Their main object is to avail themselves of this question as a rallyingpoint for Radicals of all shades, in view of the elections in 1885. So far their

The ministry has come off with no less success in the difficult matter of the conversion of the rente. When M. Ferry took the direction of the Cabinet, the financial situation was strained, though not exactly threatening. Through M. de Freycinet's extravagance in undertaking public works all over the country, obligations to the extent of eight hundred millions had been incurred for 1883, out of which only two or three hundred millions could be paid. It was impossible to meet this expenditure by a new issue of redeemable three per cents, for the three per cents issued at 83 had fallen to 80, and a new issue would have brought about an irretrievable fall in the funds, and in the credit of the country. M. Ferry and M. Tirard had the courage to take a decisive step. The five per cents were converted into four and a half per cents; and the railway companies were induced to take over and carry out at their own charge the public works undertaken by the State. By this double operation the State gains thirty-five millions of rente, and if a loan is required it will be issued by the railway companies, without risk to the credit of the State. The intransigent and reactionary journals, and some few which live by scandal, such as the France, attempted to excite public opinion against a measure which had been long foreseen and foretold; but the firmness of the rente since the vote was passed has put any demand for compensation out of the question, and the conversion has been effected without difficulty. If the Chamber will only show a little prudence in the administration of the public money, our finances are likely to remain, by the help of these measures, in their present satisfactory condition. The revenue from taxation constantly exceeds the estimate, and nothing would be easier than to have regular surpluses. The momentary pressure has been due to a want of foresight, and to the haste with which certain taxes have been lightened at the same time that enormous sums were being voted for public works and for education. With a little

care this state of temporary inconven- | intellectual and moral decadence of the ience may be changed into one of ease Legitimists as the ex-empress's telegram and prosperity. The budget committee proves the destitution of the Bonapartwhich has just been appointed is almost ists. The Count de Chambord forgets entirely composed of the adherents of the that Louis Veuillot applauded the coup government; and there is now every rea- d'état of the 2nd of December, and that son to hope that nothing will hinder the he was one of the most eager partisans re-establishment of financial order. of the second empire during its most The position of the government there- despotic period; he forgives him the abuse fore, as it appears at present, is fairly good, with which he covered more than one of provided that the majority in the Cham- the count's most faithful adherents. And bers will only continue to occupy itself why? Because Veuillot was the chamactively with the business of the country, pion of Ultramontanism; and because in to give a steady support to the ministry, 1875 he violently attacked those of the and to pursue the reforms already entered Royalists who wished, before bringing upon, at the same time keeping up an back the monarchy, to obtain liberal guarenergetic struggle against the tendencies antees from the king. Quite recently, of the Extreme Left. The danger is al- again, M. de Falloux and M. de Cumont, ways from the same side; the Conserva- in two eloquent pamphlets, denounced tives continue to pursue a revolutionary those intransigent Royalists who are so policy, allying themselves, at need, with complacently playing into the hands of the Anarchists as they did, for instance, the enemy. The Count de Chambord at during the troubles of last March be- once took their part, thus justifying the cause they will not become Republican imputations of those who accuse him of Conservatives; and the reason why they preferring the peace and leisure of his will not become Republican Conservatives Austrian exile to the perils of a reign in is, that the religious question has opened Paris-as the Duc d'Aumale and the a great gulf between believing Catholics Comte de Paris, in spite of the exhortaand the republic. The moderate Repub- tions M. Hervé launches at them from licans, deprived of these reinforcements the Soleil, prefer their country life at from the Right, and disgusted by the vio- Chantilly or Eu, devoted to interesting lence of the Left, who carry off the votes and remarkable historical researches, to of certain strata of the electorate, with a life of useless political intrigue. draw from the political struggle, and in many places leave the field open to the Radicals, who carry their candidates by the votes of perhaps a quarter, or even one-fifth, of the registered electors.

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This Louis Veuillot, so inopportunely canonized by the Count de Chambord, who has done so much harm both to the Church and to the monarchy by his intol erance in defending them; this Veuillot, This political indifference which has who above all others is responsible for taken possession of a portion of the elec- the violence, the systematic detraction, toral body is the more vexatious because the calumnious denunciations of the Paris the Republican party, owing to the weak-press; this man who kept neither faith ness of its adversaries, is perhaps in a more favorable position than ever before. Prince Napoleon's manifesto has covered the Jerome-Bonapartists with ridicule; while, as to that section of the Bonapartists which rallies round the ex-empress, the depth to which it has fallen may be measured by the public expression of esteem and regret offered by her to J. Amigues, a sort of literary adventurer, who in 1871 made himself the apostle of Rossel, in whom he recognized the Christ of the new era. As to the Royalist party, Louis Veuillot was undoubtedly, both by character and talent, a man of a higher stamp than Amigues, just as the Legitimist party is of a higher stamp than the Bonapartist; but the letter of the Count de Chambord to Eugene Veuillot on his brother's death as plainly testifies to the

nor law with those who did not share his creed nor accept his king, who set himself up as a sort of grand inquisitor and Congregation of the Index over the French clergy, and succeeded in compelling the obedience of the pope himself; this man, with little learning, and without a single original idea, was nevertheless a born writer. He has left no book that any one can read through without weariness or disgust, but he has left many passages which will be reproduced in the

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Elegant Extracts" of the future, and which might without disadvantage be placed side by side with passages of Chateaubriand, or even of Bossuet.

These last months have taken from us more than one eminent man besides Veuillot: L. Viardot, whose name is per.

haps better known through the talent of the open air, and with nature's own infi-. the great artist to whom he has given it nite variety of tone. He has also felt than through his own works, but who was very keenly the peculiar clearness, and nevertheless a good art critic, and a pôli-even harshness, of our northern landtician of rare integrity; Jules Sandeau, scape at certain times; he had a fine feelone of the most charming novelists of our ing for harmonies and contrasts of tone; time, whose discreet and gentle voice fell and he has revealed to his contempora silent some time ago before the coarse and ries many unperceived aspects of nature. noisy clamor of the realistic school, but From this point of view he may be rewho has left us two or three exquisite garded as one of the masters of the works "Mlle. de la Seiglière," "Le Doc- naturalist school. But while rendering teur Herbault," ,""Le Gendre de M. Poi- homage to his powers and to the faith and rier" - which will keep his memory fresh perseverance with which he held on his in the minds of all persons of taste; and way in the midst of taunts and abuse, we two artists, both of whom have made a must mark also what was wanting in his great noise in the world, and both of genius and unfortunate in his influence. whom have died young, Gustave Doré He had neither taste nor imagination, and and Manet. Gustave Doré was gifted his aim was of the vulgarest; he attempted with a splendid imagination, and he sac- only to reproduce faithfully some fragrificed himself to it. He had never sub-ments of the truth, without troubling himjected himself in his youth to a severe self to consider whether those fragments and laborious study of nature; he had afforded any trace either of beauty or never learnt to produce by toil the appear-interest. He had even an instinctive

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ance of ease; and he remained all his preference for vulgar types and trivial life an improviser, whose creations lack subjects. Moreover, haunted always by the finish and character which alone could the exaggerated idea that the qualities of give them permanence. His first works light and transparency in nature had been were his best. This is especially true of ignored by all who went before him, he his "Dante," done in the first ardor of his set himself to improve upon nature in creative force. Later on he exhausted these respects, and ended by fairly getting himself in large compositions, which no rid of all solidity in his figures. Refusing doubt displayed qualities of the first or to retouch or elaborate a painting for fear der, but always left an impression of de- of producing an artificial and labored efception. He leaves, besides, a number fect, he never was able to put any perof landscapes, some of which give a won- spective into his pictures, and left them, derfully vivid representation of rocky in fact, unfinished sketches. From him scenery; and some sculptures, which have sprung all the puerilities of the imshow the same demoniac energy that ap- pressionist school, who, under the plea pears in his drawings. But when all is that nature changes every moment, and said, he leaves behind him the memory of that it is insincerity not to represent her a great designer, whose execution falls far just as she is, never make anything but short of his artistic ideal. Let us grant sketches - successful enough sometimes him this at least, that at a time when art when done by men of talent, but which is lending itself to the lowest interests, he have little artistic value, and from which, had at any rate a high ideal. By a curious for the most part, a knowledge of drawing coincidence, Doré died just as he had finis conspicuously absent. The exhibited ished his statue of A. Dumas père, the works of MM. Monet and Pissaro, their greatest improviser in contemporary lit-two best landscapists, and of M. Renoir,


Manet was far from possessing the natural gifts of Doré, and yet he will leave a far more lasting mark on the history of French art. His works will probably be valued in the future rather as curiosities than for their artistic beauty; but his name will mark a date; and his influence is even now visible in the works of almost all our living painters. The germ of truth in his theory was this: that you must paint not as many do — in the artificial light of the studio, which gives a certain uniform tonality to all their work, but in VOL. XLIII, 2208


the portrait painter of most repute among them, show very clearly this inherent de fect of their system. Alongside of a few works the tone of which is really charming, and in which the artist seems to have succeeded by accident, there is a mass of other pictures which really are nothing but daubs.

If the impressionism originated by Manet has created a barren school, and has misled some promising painters, it has at the same time exercised an enormous influence, whether for good or for ill, on all contemporary art. The two in

fects, there are undeniably great qualities to be found among the mass of pictures exhibited year by year in the Champs Elysées. With many of the painters there is evidently an eager wish to approach more closely to nature, and there are some few who see her with the eye of the poet and the artist. If the influence of the impressionists has given rise to much harsh and hasty work, it is incontestable that the charm of the pale and greyish tones so common under our northern skies is understood to-day as it never was before. And after all, in the incredible variety of work and of gifts one feels the stir of life; and where life is, there is a hope of things both beautiful and new.

fluences in vogue at present are the im- characteristic French qualities-good pressionist and the Japanese. Japanese taste, propriety, and sense of propor art-which is to Chinese art what the tion. Nevertheless, along with these deart of the eighteenth century in France was to that of the seventeenth -an art in decadence, but in a decadence full of life and charm-has become a craze amongst our amateurs, and has even invaded the studios. M. Gonse has just got up a Japanese exhibition at M. Petit's gallery, which is a real feast to the eye; and he has also arranged with Quantin, the publisher, to bring out a magnificent work on Japanese art. Our school of faïence has learned much from the Japanese; but, I doubt whether that paradoxical art, which dreads symmetry, and loves to as sociate the most unlikely colors, objects, and ideas, can furnish any useful inspiration to our landscape and genre painters. If we care to study it, it is because our tired and surfeited brains are always eager for new impressions. We seek to cover emptiness of thought by strangeness of manner. Simple and sincere work of this kind is the exception.

The painters cannot at any rate complain of the indifference of the public. Exhibition follows exhibition with unprecedented rapidity; they are opened several at a time, and the crowd flows in and fills them all. There have been separate ex•

Nothing could be more significant inhibitions of the works of H. Lehmann, this respect than this year's Salon. The Boutin, Monet, Renoir, and Pissaro. At sculpture must be exempted from the gen- the gallery opened by M. Petit in the Rue eral criticism, for though even here affec- de Sèze there have been successive exhi tation finds its way, the simplicity of the bitions-first, that of the younger painters means of expression at the disposal of the (MM. Duez, Bastien Lepage, Cazin, Van sculptor, and the necessity of clearness Beers, Edelfeldt, etc.); then the waterof meaning, and of beauty and harmony colors, where the work of MM. Heilbuth of form, tend to keep up the tradition of and Harpignies, and of Mlle. Lemaire, high art. The Asleep" of M. Dela- was especially admirable; then the Japanplanche, and the "Biblis" of M. Suche-ese exhibition; then the exhibition of tet, are exquisitely graceful; "The First international painters MM. Whistler, Funeral" (Adam and Eve bearing the Madrazo, Nittis, Robert-Fleury, Chelbody of Abel) of Barrias is a noble inspi- monsky, etc.; and lastly, one of a hundred ration, and the difficulties in the execu- masterpieces of celebrated painters. The tion of a very difficult group are cleverly great Hungarian painter, Munckascy, exovercome; and the two bas-reliefs by M. hibited only one landscape, one portrait, Dalou, representing “Mirabeau replying and some flowers; but he is busy preparto M. de Dreux Brézé," and "The Re-ing a large work, "The Crucifixion," public," are works which place their author at once in the highest rank among our statuaries. But, passing on to the paintings, where we are to find frank, simple, and wholesome work, free from affectation and trickery? It is there, no doubt, but one has to look for it.

which will form a fit companion to his "Jesus before Pilate." His powers as a colorist, and his genius in composition, give Munckascy the first place among contemporary painters. Before the opening of the Salon there had already been three exhibitions at the clubs, which formed a sort of prologue to it, one at the Liberal Arts, one at the Place Vendôme, and one at the Rue Volney. There was also the Lady Artists' Exhibition. Dur

Poverty of invention, and a certain ignorance of the laws of composition, are the characteristic defects of contemporary art. With those who wish to catch the eye of the public by something new, pov-ing the month of May there was a tremenerty of imagination leads naturally to extravagance, and this cold-blooded extravagance is of the most distressing kindextravagance in subject, in coloring, and in dimension. We seem to have lost the

dous crush at the School of Fine Arts, where a large collection of historical portraits of the nineteenth century, as remarkable for their artistic merit as for their historic interest, was on view. M.

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