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delightful. Cultivated intellects, piquant | street in the Bavarian city. In 1814 he
and serious conversation, excellent music, was on the point of returning to England,
"liberty of thought and speech without when he was seized with a nervous fever,
any distrust or disquiet as to what author- which in three days brought him to his
ity might judge or say - a privilege then end. He succumbed on the 21st of
more precious than any one to-day imag- August, 1814, and was buried in the small
ines, just as one who has breathed under and now disused cemetery of Auteuil.
an air-pump can best appreciate the de- So passed away the glory of Count Rum-
light of free respiration."

The limits assigned to this article have prevented me from touching on the scientific labors of Rumford. This, if time permit, may be done in a subsequent number of this review. J. TYNDALL.

From Macmillan's Magazine. THE WIZARD'S SON.


THE first to see the subject of so many thoughts was not any one of those to whom his return was of so much importance. Save for the fact that old Syming ton, who in the mean time had taken entire control of her house, and direction. of everything in it, had announced to her one day the necessity he was under of leaving her for a short time to attend upon my lord, Mrs. Methven was entirely ignorant of her son's whereabouts. And Symington, whom she of course closely interrogated on the subject, did not profess to have had any communication from his master. "But my lord will have nottice," said Symington, "and I make no doubt of finding him there."

The Gentleman's Magazine for 1814 describes the seclusion in which Rumford's later days were spent. After the death of the illustrious Lagrange, he saw but two or three friends, nor did he attend the meetings of the National Institute, of which he was a number. Cuvier was then its perpetual secretary, and for him Rum. ford always entertained the highest esteem. He differed from Laplace on a scientific question, and his dissent was probably not without its penal conse quences. Rumford always congratulated himself on having brought forward two such celebrated men as the Bavarian General Wieden, who was originally a lawyer or land steward, and Sir Humphry Davy. The German, French, Spanish, and Italian languages were as familiar to the count as English. He played billiards against himself; he was fond of chess, which however made his feet like ice and his head like fire. The designs of his own inventions were drawn by him with great skill; but he had no knowledge of painting or sculpture, and little feeling for either. He had no taste for poetry, but great taste for landscape gardening. In later life his habits were most abstemious, and it is said that his strength was in this Neither was it at Kinloch-houran that way so reduced, as to render him unable Walter first appeared. On a cold Octoto resist his last illness. Fêted, honored, ber evening, in one of the early frosts titled, and endowed; enrolled as a member from which everybody augurs a severe. of all the leading academies and learned winter, and in the early twilight which societies of Europe; the correspondent makes people exclaim how short the days and friend of potentates, princes, vice- are getting, he knocked suddenly at the roys, and ministers; the recipient of door of Mr. Milnathort's house in Edingrateful and deferential addresses from burgh. Being dark everywhere else, it great city corporations, this wonderful was darker still in the severe and classic man tripped at last over the chain which coldness of Moray Place. The great bound him to a wife who lacked the lov- houses gathered round, drawing, one ing pliancy which he demanded, but which, might have thought, a closer and closer even had it existed, his peremptory nature circle; the shrubs in the inclosure shivwould have rendered him unable to recipered before the breeze. Up the hill from rocate. Though forgotten in England, he the Firth came the north-east wind, cutis remembered in Bavaria. One of his ting like a scythe. It was a night when great works there was the transformation of a piece of desert land into the so-called English garden, at Munich. Here in 1795, during his absence in England, the inhabitants erected a monument to his glory, while his figure was afterwards embodied in a noble statue in the finest

even a lighted window gives a certain comfort to the wayfarer; but the Edin. burgh magnates had scarcely yet returned from the country, and most of the houses were dark, swathed in brown paper and cobwebs. But winter or summer made but little difference to the house of Mr.

Milnathort, and there a certain light of human welcome was almost always to be found. Lord Erradeen came quickly along the Edinburgh streets, which are grim in the teeth of a north-easter. His frame was unstrung and his spirit unsatisfied as of old. He had been "abroad " that is to say, he had been hurrying from one place to another in search of the unattainable one which should not be dull. Most places were dull; there was nothing to do in them. He took in at a draught the capabilities of folly that were there, then passed on in the vain quest. Had he been wholly ignoble he would have been more easily satisfied. But he was not so. In the worst he seemed to want something worse, as in the best he wanted something better. He was all astray upon the world, desiring he did not know what, only aware that nothing was sufficient for his desires. Underwood, who was his companion, had catered vulgarly for the unhappy young man, who used with scorn the means of distraction provided him, and was not distracted, and upon whom disgust so soon followed novelty that his companion was at his wits' end. And now he had come back, obeying an impulse which he neither understood nor wished to obey. A necessity seemed laid upon him; all in a moment it had risen up in his mind, a sense that he must get back. It was so involuntary, so spontaneous, that it did not even occur to him at first to resist it, or to think of it as anything but a natural impulse. He had not been able to rest after this strange inclination came upon him, and it seemed to him in the heat of it that he had always had the same desire, that all the time this was what he had wanted, to get back. He hurried along over land and water, sometimes in the stream of summer tourists coming home, sometimes crossing the other tide of the sick and feeble going away and when he touched English soil again, that he should have hurried to Edinburgh, of all the places in the world, was beyond Walter's power of explanation even to himself. He had felt a barrier between himself and the home of his youth. His mother was separated altogether from his new existence. She would not comprehend it, he thought; his heart turned from the explanations that would be necessary. He could not go to her; and to whom could he go? The suggestion that came into his mind was as fantastical as the whole strange story of his recent life. He was nothing indeed but a bundle of caprices, moved and

played upon as if by the winds. And it had seemed a sort of relief to his uncertain mind and consuming thoughts when it occurred to him to come to Moray Place to see the invalid who had known so much about him, while he knew nothing of her. It relieved him, as any resolution relieves an uncertain mind. It was something between him and that future which always failed to his expectations. When he had made up his mind he reflected no more, but went on, and even had an uneasy nap in the railway carriage as he came north; nor ever asked himself why he was com ing till he went up the steps at Mr. Mil. nathort's door, and then it was too late for any such question. He mounted the long stone staircase with all the throbbings of fatigue in his brain, the sweep and movement of a long journey. Only once before had he been in this house, yet it seemed familiar to him as if it had been his home, and the unchanged aspect of everything affected him as it affects men who have been away for half a lifetime -so many things happening to him, and nothing here. This gave him a certoin giddiness as he followed the same servant up the same stairs. He was not the same. He had been unconscious of all the peculiarities of his fate when he crossed that threshold before. He had known the good, but not the evil; and now the very carpets, the sound of the door rumbling into the echoes of the tall, silent house, were the same but he so far from being the same! Then in a moment out of the dim night, the half-lighted stair, he came upon the soft blaze of light in which Miss Milnathort delighted. She lay on her sofa as if she had never stirred, her old-young face in all its soft brightness, her small, delicate hands in continual motion. She gave a little cry at the sight of Walter, and held out those hands to him. "I was

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"You have come!" she cried. looking for you;" raising herself on her couch as much as was possible to her, as if she would have thrown herself into his arms. When she felt the pressure of his hands, tears sprang to her eyes. knew," she cried, "that you would come. I have been looking for you, and praying for you, Lord Erradeen.'


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Perhaps," said Walter, moved too, he could scarcely tell why, "that is how I have come."


'Oh, but I am glad, glad to see you," the poor lady said. "You never came back, but I will not reproach you - I am too glad to have you here. And where

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have you been, and what have you been doing? To see you is like a child coming home."

I have been in many different places, and uneasy in all," said Walter; "and as for what I have been doing it has not been much good: wandering about the face of the earth, seeking I don't know what; not knowing, I think, even what I want."

She held out her hand to him again: her eyes were full of pity and tenderness. "Oh how I wanted you to come back that I might have spoken freely to you! I will tell you what you want, Lord Erradeen."

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'Stop a little," he said, "I don't want to plunge into that. Let us wait a little. I think I am pleased to come back, though I hate it. I am pleased always more or less to do what I did not do yesterday." "That is because your mind is out of order, which is very natural," she said. "How should it be in order with so much to think of? You will have been travelling night and day?"

"Rather quickly; but that matters nothing; it is easy enough travelling. I am not so effeminate as to mind being tired; though as a matter of fact I am not tired," he said. "So far as that goes, I could go on night and day."

She looked at him with that mingling of pleasure and pain with which a mother listens to the confidences of her child. "Have you been home to see your mother?" she asked.

Walter shook his head.

"I have had no thought but how to get to Scotland the quickest way. I have felt as if something were dragging me. What is it? All this year I have been struggling with something. I have sometimes thought if I had come back here you could have helped me."

"I would — I would! if I could," she cried.

"It is not a thing that can be endured," said Walter; "it must come to an end. I don't know how or by what means; but one thing is certain, I will not go on bearing it. I will rather make an end of my self."

She put a hand quickly upon his arm. "Oh do not say that; there is much, much that must be done before you can despair and that is the thought of despair. Some have done it, but you must not. No not you -- not you.'

"What must I do then?"

She caressed his arm with her thin, little, half-transparent hand, and looked at

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him wistfully with her small face, half child, half old woman, suffused and tremulous.

"Oh!" she said, "my bonnie lad! you must be good - you must be good first of all."

Walter laughed; he drew himself back a little out of her reach.

"I am not good," he said. "I have never been good. Often enough I have been disgusted with myself, and miserable by moments. But if that is the first thing, I do not know how to attain to it, for I am not good."

She looked at him without any change in her face while he made this confession. It did not seem to make much impression upon her.

"I can tell you," she said, "how to overcome the devil and all his ways; but it costs trouble, Lord Erradeen. Without that you will always be as you are, full of troubles and struggles: but you should thank your God that you cannot be content with ill-doing like those that are the children of perdition. To be content with it-that is the worst of all.”

"Well, then, I am in a hopeful way, it appears," said Walter with a sort of laugh, "for I am certainly far enough from being content." After a minute's pause he added" I said we should not plunge into this subject at once; tell me about your self. Are you well? Are you better?"

"I am well enough," she said, "but never will I be better. I have known that for many years almost from the moment when, to get away from him, I fell off yon old walls, and became what you see."

"To get away from whom?" He glanced round him as she spoke with a look which was half alarmed and half defiant. "I know," he said, in a low voice, "what delusions are about."

"From him. What he is, or who he is, I know no more than you. I have thought like you that it was my own delusion. I have wondered from year to year if maybe I had deceived myself. But the upshot of all is what I tell you. I am lying here these thirty years and more, because being very young I had no command of myself, but was frightened and flew from him."

"It is against all possibility, all good sense, against everything one believes. will not believe it," cried Walter; "you were young, as you say, and frightened. And i was a fool-unprepared, not knowing what to think."

Miss Milnathort shook her head. She

grand gentleman. I thought I had never seen such a one before. You have seen him and you know; often and often have I thought I have seen him since. And it may be that I have," she said, pausing suddenly. It was perhaps the interruption in the soft flowing of her voice that startled Walter. He made a sudden movement in his chair, and looked round him as if he too felt another spectator standing by.

made no further reply; and there was a | ful views and all such things. When I little interval of silence which Walter was standing upon the cld wall, there made no attempt to break. What could suddenly came forward to speak to me a he say? It was impossible, and yet he had no real scepticism to oppose to this strange story. In words, in mind, he could not allow that either of them were more than deceived, but in himself he had no doubt on the subject. His intelligence was easily convinced indeed that to attribute the events that happened to him to supernatural influence was in contradiction to everything he had ever been taught, and that it was superstition alone which could invest the mysterious inhabitant of Kinloch-houran with power to act upon his mind across great seas and continents, or to set any occult forces to work for that purpose. Superstition beyond all excuse; and yet he was as thoroughly convinced of it in the depths of his being as he was defiant on the surface. There was perfect silence in the room where these two sat together with a sense of fellowship and sympathy. As for Lord Erradeen, he had no inclination to say anything more. It was impossible, incredible, contrary to everything he believed and yet it was true: and he did not feel the contradiction was anything extraordinary, anything to be protested against in this curious calm of exhaustion in which he was. While he sat thus quite silent Miss Milnathort began to speak.


"Thirty years ago," she said, "there was a young Lord Erradeen that was something like yourself. He was a distant cousin once, that never thought to come to the title. He was betrothed when he was poor to a young girl of his own condition in life. When he became Lord Erradeen he was bidden to give her up, and he refused. Oh, if he had lived he would have broken the spell! He would not give up his love. I will not say that he was not terribly beaten down and broken with what he heard and saw, and what he had to bear; but he never said a word to me of what was the chief cause. When the summons came he got us all to go to see the old castle, and perhaps, with a little bravado, to prove that he would never, never yield. How it was that I was left alone I can never remember, for my head was battered and stupid, and it was long, long, before I got the command of my senses again. It was most likely when Walter (he was Walter too; it is the great Methven name) was attending to the others, my brother and my mother, who was living then. I was a romantic bit girlie, and fond of beauti

"I am not frightened now," said the invalid with her calm little voice, “lying here so long putting things together I am frightened no more. Sometimes I am sorry for him, and think that it is not all ill that is in that burdened spirit. I have taken it upon me even," she said, folding her little, worn hands, "to say a word about him now and then when I say my prayers. I never thought at that time that he was anything more than the grandest gentleman I ever saw. He began to speak to me about my engagement, and if I thought of the harm I was doing Walter, and that it was his duty to think of the family above all. It was like death to hear it, but I had a great deal of spirit in those days, and I argued with him. I said it was better for the family that he should marry me, than marry nobody— and that I had no right to take my troth from him. Then he began to argue too. He said that to sacrifice was always best, that I could not love him if I would not give up everything for him. It might have been Scripture. What could I an swer to that? I was just dazed by it, and stood and looked in his face: he looked like a prophet of God, and he said I should give up my love, if I knew what true love was. I have little doubt I would have done it, after that; but just then my Walter's voice sounded up from where he was, calling out to me. Where are you, where are you? nothing can be done without you,' he cried. Oh, how well I remember the sound of his voice filling all the air! I turned round and I said, No, no, how can I break his heart'. when there came an awful change upon the face you know. His eyes flared like a great light, he made a step forward as if he would have seized me with his hands. And then terror took hold upon me, a kind of horrible panic. They say I must have started back. I mind nothing more for months and months,” the soft little voice said.

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"Do you mean

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The young man listened to this strange | me, though I was but a small thing, I had tragedy with an absorbed and wondering it in me to stand by him. Two souls that interest; and the sufferer lay smiling at are one! I am thinking and I have him in a kind of half childlike, half angelic had a long, long time to think in that calm. One would have said she had this is what is wanted to free the race grown no older since that day; and yet from that bondage." had lived for long ages with her little that there has never crushed frame and heart. He was over. been such a pair to do what you say?" awed by the simplicity of the tale. He Perhaps it is that there never has said after a pause, "And Walter - how been a cripple creature like me," she said did it end?" with a smile, "to find it out. And at the best it is just a guess of mine. I have thought of everything else, but I can find nothing that will do. If you will think, however," said Miss Milnathort, "you will find it no such a light thing. Two of one mind- and that one mind set intent upon good, not evil. They will have to know. They will have to understand. The woman might miss it for want of knowing. She would have to be instructed in the whole mystery, and set her mind to it as well as the man. you think that is too easy? No, oh no, it is not so very easy, Lord Erradeen."

For a moment she did not say anything, but lay smiling, not looking at him. At last she answered softly, with a great gravity coming over her face, "Lord Erradeen, after some years and many struggles, married the heiress of the Glen Oriel family, and brought a great deal of property to the house. He was to me like an angel from heaven. And his heart was broken. But how could I help him, lying crushed and broken here? What he did was well. It was not the best he could have done; because you see he could not give his heart's love again, and that is essential; but he did no harm. There was just an ending of it for one generation when I fell over yon wall. And his son died young, without ever coming to the age to bear the brunt, and the late lord, poor man, was just confused from the commencement, and never came to any good."

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"It would be impossible to me," said Walter with keen emotion, "my mind is not intent upon good. What I am intent on is I don't know that there is anything I am intent on: except to pass the time and have my own way.'

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Miss Milnathort looked at him with the seriousness which changed the character "What is the best he could have of her face. "He that says that," she done?" said, "is near mending it, Lord Erradeen."

She turned to him with a little eagerness. "I have no instruction," she said, "I have only the sense that comes with much thinking and putting things together, if it is sense. I have lain here and thought it over for years and years, both in the night when everybody was sleep. ing, and in the day when they were all thinking of their own concerns. I think one man alone will never overcome that man we know. He is too much for you. If I have gleaned a little in my weakness, think what he must have found out in all these years. But I think if there were two, that were but one two that had their hearts set upon what was good only, and would not listen to the evil partthink before them he would lose his strength; he could do no more. But oh, how hard to be like that and to find the other. I am afraid you are far, far from it, Lord Erradeen."

"Call me Walter-like my predecessor," he said.

"You are not like him. He was never soiled with the world. His mind was turned to everything that was good. And

"Do you think so?" he cried with a harsh little laugh, "then I have something to teach you still, ignorant as I am. To know you are wrong, alas! is not the same as being on the way to mend it. I have known that of myself for years, but I have never changed. If I have to decide a hundred times I will do just the same, take what I like best."

She looked at him wonderingly, folding her hands.

"I think you must be doing yourself injustice," she said.


"It is you that do human nature more than justice," said Walter;" you judge by what you know, by yourself, who like what is good best; but I don't do so. It is true to know what is good does not make one like it, as you think. It is not a mistake of judgment, it is a mistake of the heart."

"Oh, my dear," said the poor lady, "you must be wronging yourself; your heart is tender and good, your eyes filled when I was telling you. I have seen that when there was any talk of fine and gen

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