
looked forward to a march on Paris "This army, which might have been supposed ruined, thus appeared once more, in renewed strength, ready to advance with four corps, numbering about 150,000 infantry, 6000 cavalry, and 54 batteries of artillery without reckoning the Breton mobiles, who were being organized, and who when drilled would swell our forces in the west to 235,000 men. Our course, therefore, was to make as quickly as possible good use of this force, and to march to the relief of Paris."

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army of at least five hundred thousand men, and to subject her to losses which at last will tire her out. So we can await the time, when, with organized forces, we shall be equal to a great effort, and shall be able, under less unfavorable conditions, to expel the enemy from the country."

A guerilla warfare of this kind, however, required a real army in the field to maintain a solid and lasting defensive, and continually to hold the enemy in check. For this purpose Chanzy proposed to move the Second Army to the The fall of Paris on the 28th January, south of the Loire, and thus to make head and the catastrophe of Bourbaki's army, against the invaders. The ability with prevented Chanzy from attempting this which he marked out the lines of defence march. During the armistice that ensued for this supreme contest, and the stern he was invited to present a scheme of op- confidence with which he declared that erations to the French government in the he would carry the war to the last man of event of a renewal of war. We shall France, without doubt of the final issue, quote a few passages from his masterly if the nation was worthy of its old redespatch, the whole of which should, how-nown, reminds us of Wellington at Torever, be studied. Without concealing the res Vedras: "Our organized armies, esperils of France, Chanzy showed with tablished on strong positions prepared for truth that she had still great resources: defence, could thus resist as long as pos"We had immediately available, 222,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, 33.900 artillerymen, 1,332 field-pieces with 242 rounds for each piece, and 4,000 wagons for parks; and, as resources to be organized, 354,000 men in the territorial divisions and in the depôts of Algeria, 132,000 recruits of the class of 1871, 443 guns, mounted, though without horses, 398,000 projectiles, 1,200 wagons in our arsenals, and 12,000 horses which could be delivered within six weeks .. Finally, we possessed a country with a population of twenty-five millions of souls, on which the invader had not set foot."

A universal and fierce resistance, like that which Spain opposed to Napoleon, which avoiding general engagements in the field, should compel the Germans to divide their forces, and to maintain armies at many points, and should aim at wearying them out at last, was obviously the true course to follow: "The troops at our disposal, we must not forget, have not, as yet, either sufficient organization or coherence, and are not sufficiently trained to war, to form armies capable of manœuvring, and fighting persistently against those which the enemy can array in at least equal numbers. We must therefore avoid battles which might be come decisive. The object to aim at, is to make resistance national, and continuous at all points, and thus to force the enemy to disseminate his troops, to compel Germany to maintain in France an

sible, yielding ground when forced to do so, but only retreating upon new positions chosen beforehand, and so obtaining the result which we must aim_at, the prolongation of the contest. This resistance could be carried in parts of the country, in succession, which would present increasing difficulties to the enemy, especially in Auvergne, and so we should acquire solidity and strength, for we should gain time to organize and maintain our resources."

Recollecting what Chanzy had accomplished, who shall say that this project was chimerical, had this great soldier been in supreme command? Chanzy believed that ultimate success was probable; and after the war declared that France had fallen from want of reliance on herself: "We found, even in our improvised soldiers, the great military qualities which are the inalienable heritage of our race; and the principal cause of our final overthrow was a want of confidence in ourselves."

Chanzy, however, added these words of caution against that mischievous popular fallacy, that a nation may trust for its defence on armies formed of young lev ies: "Yet let us not suppose that improvised armies are a sufficient security in the great crises of war which may again happen. The events in which we have taken part demonstrate beyond question, that a nation can only be sure of its independence, and really strong, when its

military organization is carefully matured, | perhaps more than a soupçon of rouge, the complete, and. powerful."

As is well known, this eminent man had not an opportunity to carry out his projects, for the war ended with the fall of Paris. France, however, appreciated his great deeds; she felt that he had redeemed her honor; and he received the thanks of the Assembly at Versailles. Chanzy held afterwards high command; he showed great capacity of organization, and of preparing the new army of France; and had war with Germany broken out again, he would certainly have been commander-in-chief. He was esteemed, too, by his late enemy; was received at Berlin with extreme courtesy; and Moltke has placed this opinion on record, that his "reiterated efforts surpassed belief." He has passed away, and it was not given him to attempt to avenge the disasters of France, and to bring victory back to her standards. The vulgar opinion may be that success is necessary to make a general great; but this is not the judgment of true critics; and Chanzy will rank among captains, like William of Orange, Villars, and Washington men who never won a great pitched battle, yet whose martial qualities and heroic constancy, conspicuously shown in adverse fortune, entitled them to the admiration of mankind.

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many hues displayed in the costumes of both sexes, must altogether have given the scene a charm of color in which our modern balls are deficient. Even the black of the clergy who might be present, was relieved by frills, ruffles, and the silver buckles on the instep. A descrip tion is given in the Westminster Magazine of the fashions worn on the queen's birthday, January 18, 1781; and those of Bath in the height of the season would not have materially differed, except that the men wore no swords, under the wise regulation formerly made by Beau Nash. The king was habited in dark-colored velvet, richly embroidered, with a star and shoulder-knot of diamonds. His swordhilt was enriched with jewels. The queen was in pink satin, trimmed with black fur. The Prince of Wales was dressed in pearlcolored silk, embroidered with gold; and his black hat was ornamented with a white feather, and rows of steel beads. The ladies were usually costumed in satins, trimmed with fur, lace, or crape, and ornamented with fanciful flounces of gauze, fringed with gold and silver. The three most general satins were rose-color, white, and orange-color; the former being predominant. The Duchess of Devonshire wore a rose-colored vest and train, with a white satin petticoat, and small chains of silver, partly gilt, hanging around her dress. The ladies' head-dresses were decorated with a few artificial flowers airily placed; and they generally wore large bouquets of the same. The gentlemen's suits were mostly embroidered velvets and rich silks trimmed with fur. "Sir Thomas Irvine's coat was reckoned the most elegant at court, being black velvet with satin waistcoat and cuffs couleur de feu, and embroidered with gold and pearls.' When the company was seated around the handsome and spacious ball-room at Bath (one hundred and five feet by forty-two), with its classical adornments and sufficiency of color on the walls, and belles were led forth by beaux to the stately minuet, with a gleaming of rich satin and golden embroideries, an aspect of great courtliness must have pervaded the place. If their apparel, however, was hints for etiquette it is suggested that a gorgeous, their habits were simple. In gentleman should always offer his partner an orange at the termination of the dance. Two guineas entitle a subscriber, during the season, to admissions for two ladies, to dress balls, fancy balls, and promenades;

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Ladies who intend dancing minuets are requested, in the regulations for the rooms, to wear lappets. It is hoped that gentlemen will accommodate their dress to that of the ladies; and they are not to wear boots. It seems to have been the custom, in the minuets, for one gentleman to dance with two ladies consecutively; leading forth the second after he had banded the first to her place. Presumably it was not easy to secure as many beaux as belles, to face the ordeal of the eyes of the company who were probably seated around the room, several benches deep. It is ordered that three benches are to be reserved, at the upper end of the room, for ladies of precedence, of the rank of peeress.

When the country dances commenced, in which the beau monde threw off its statelier graces, and bobbed, capered, jigged, and grinned, as may be seen in illustrations of the period, it was ordained that these ladies of precedence should have the right to take the upper places. They might not, however, assume these positions after the dance had once commenced.

Besides the "new rooms," now only opened for occasional balls, concerts, etc., Bath was then also able to support regular assemblies in the old rooms, established by Beau Nash, near the abbey, on the site of the present museum. Both sets of rooms were opened for balls and assemblies, and a fancy ball weekly. Our greatgrandparents appear to have been excessively enamored of masquerades, in which they seem to have endeavored to act up to their characters; though intrigues beneath the shelter of the masks were probably an important element in the raison d'étre. There is an account of a masquerade in the Westminster Review of December, 1785, which was held at Carlisle House, under the direction of Mrs. Corneby, tickets of admission being twenty-six shillings.

maître; a bad Bobadil; a Cyrus; a Mercury, who could neither fly nor skip; a brilliant Night; a Laplander melting with heat; two harlequins, the one short and thick, like a Dutch dumpling, but exceedingly agile; a whimsical harlequiness; a girl with a fool's cap on and a rattle in her hand, led by her governess; flower girls, orange girls, milk girls, and female haymakers, and a devil resembling neither human, mythological, nor hellish being. There were fancy and old English dresses in abundance, and the usual quantum of nuns, friars, sailors, witches, etc. There were bands of music in several apartments. Before the collation saloon was opened tea and orgeat sideboards were set out, there were cold fowls, were distributed. In the apartment where the Lisbon, Mountain, and Rhenish wines. tongues, etc., with Madeira, Vidonia, Port,

In this year the winter costume of ladies is given as follows: DRESS OF THE MONTH AS ESTABLISHED IN St. JAMES'S AND AT TAVISTOCK STREET.

Full Dress. The ladies in general still wear their hair dressed high, broad at top, with large flys, and a feather on the left side.

Negligées of rich, plain-colored silks or satins, very much trimmed with chenille and gauze fancy trimmings, and ornamented with tassels of different colors-hoops and drop earrings —colored shoes and small rose buckles.

Undress. French jackets or Jesuit dresses, with short gauze or silk aprons-or nightgowns with round cuffs and double robingsflat hat-bonnets with half handkerchief and lappet to hang behind-cloaks of a middling length behind and very long before, of white or colored satin, lined with skin, with muffs to match, or of black mode, lined with white and trimmed with broad laces-colored slippers, small roses.

The master of the ceremonies at Bath, about the year 1780, publishes an apology in which he states that the great extension of the city has put it out of his power to keep himself regularly informed of ar


He requests that they will cause their names and addresses to be inserted in the book kept in the Pump Room.

On Sunday evenings non-subscribers were admitted to promenade in the Assembly Rooms; gentlemen paying one shilling and ladies sixpence, tea included. No cards were allowed on Sundays, and no hazard or unlawful game at any time.

Of the bath we get a delighiful picture in Anstey's "New Bath Guide," in Mr. Simkin's letter to his mother:

Nearly a thousand persons met on the occasion, and though much the greater number were in dominos, there were nevertheless many humorous and characteristic masks; among the best of which we reckon a travelling fiddler; a 'Twas a glorious sight to behold the fair sex native of Otaheite; an English toper swelled All wading with gentlemen up to their necks, to a most immoderate size; a bellman; a Turk; And view them so prettily tumble and sprawl Sir Dilberry Diddle, parfaitement un petit | In a great smoking kettle as big as our hall;

And to-day many persons of rank and condi- | her if she could inform him of the name tion of Tobit's dog.

Were boiled by command of an able physician.

It should be observed that the fair


tients were attired in flannels during their boiling.

He subsequently sketches the minuet graphically.

At the sound of the hautboy, the bass, and the

Sir Boreas Blubber steps forth in the middle,
Like a hollyhock, noble, majestic, and tall.
Sir Boreas Blubber first opens the ball-
How he puts on his hat with a smile on his

And delivers his hand with an exquisite grace!
How genteelly he offers Miss Carrot before


Miss Carrot Fitz Oozer, a niece of Lord Porus!
How nimbly he paces, how active and light!
One never can judge of a man at first sight,
But as near as I guess, from the size of his

He may weigh about twenty-three stone and a

At a public breakfast given by my Lord Ragamuffin

The company made a most brilliant appear


And ate bread and butter with great perse


All the chocolate, too, that my lord set before 'em,

The ladies despatched with the utmost deco


Soft musical numbers were heard all around,
The horns' and the clarions' echoing sound.

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In the summer he proceeded to Tunbridge Wells in a chariot drawn by six grey horses, and preceded by outriders blowing French horns. His three-cornered cocked hat was invariably white, and gold-laced. He and Richardson, Dr. Johnson, Colley Cibber, the Earl of Chatham, and Garrick are represented in a well-known old picture of the Parade, or Pantiles. A century ago, Lord North, Cumberland (the Sir Fretful Plagiary), Lord Mansfield, Erskine, as we learn from Rogers's "Memorials," and Michael Kelly (the singer) had taken their places. "Miss Peggy Banks," says Richardson, 66 was the belle when I first came down to It is recorded that, at public breakfasts Tunbridge Wells, yet she had been so . of this description, the company were re- many seasons here that she obtained but galed with hot buttered rolls. Beau Nash a faint and languid attention; so that the appears to have ruled very ably at Bath smarts began to put her down in their list during the first half of the century, and of had beens.' The sweet-tempered' to have done much to benefit the place Miss Chudleigh, afterwards Duchess of in aiding the architects in those works Kingston, was the next triumphant toast." which have rendered Bath one of the These ladies and their great hoops had most perfect classical cities in the world; given place to the Duchess of Leinster, and his charity seems to have been un- who accidentally meets on Mount Ephraim bounded. It is rather painful to read and welcomes Kelly when he comes to Smollett's anecdote concerning him in stay with Cumberland. Judging from Sir "Roderick Random." When Roderick Joshua Reynolds's picture, Miss Cumenters the Assembly Room with the de-berland must have been one of the beauformed, though not altogether ill-looking, ties of the Wells.

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Miss Snapper, the eyes of all present Kelly relates that Cumberland promised were turned upon them with many con-him and Bannister a great treat on the temptuous smiles and tittering observa- evening before their departure. When tions. The Beau took it upon himself to the cloth was laid for supper, in the midgratify their ill-nature still further by ex-dle of the table was a large dish with a posing the lady to the edge of his wit. cover on it. The two actors' appetites Approaching with many bows and gri- were very properly prepared for the mys maces, he welcomed her to Bath, and terious dainty by the bracing air of Tunthen, in the hearing of all present, asked | bridge Wells. But when the cover was

removed a manuscript play lay upon the dish. "There, my boys," said Cumberland; "there is the treat which I promised you; that, sirs, is my Tiberius,' in five acts; and after we have had our sandwich and wine and water, I will read you every word of it. I am not vain, but I do think it by far the best play I ever wrote."

Princess Royal's dress was a fawn-colored silver tissue, ornamented with festoons of white silver tissue, bordered by green. The Prince of Wales wore a bright-colored pink silk coat, richly embroidered with silver, and a waistcoat for the greater part, spring silks with flowered of silver tissue. The gentlemen's dresses were, borders. Those of the ladies were of white, straw color, and green lustring, most beautifully trimmed with gauze and tiffany, and interspersed with natural and artificial flowers. At Tunbridge Wells the company met

"Will the reader believe," writes Kelly, in his "Reminiscences," "that it was no joke, but all in earnest, and that he actually fulfilled his horrid promise, and read the first three acts; but seeing vio-early en déshabille, to drink the waters to lent symptoms of sleep coming over us, he proposed that we should go to bed, and that in the morning he would treat us before we started, by reading the fourth and fifth acts; but we saved him the trouble, for we were off before he was out of his


the music of hautboys and fiddles in the orchestra in the centre of the Parade. Both ladies and men wore light dimity suits, but at eleven o'clock they met in the Episcopal chapel in full dress. After the daily prayers they again resorted to the Parade for cards or coquetry. The

Kelly writes of the evening of his ar- newspapers were to be seen in the coffee rival, that he dined pleasantly with Cum-house, and ladies made a favorite resort berland and his wife, an agreeable old of the pastry-cooks'. In the library a lady, and Bannister; but the wine was book was kept for the effusions of poetastscarce, though excellent in quality. Cum-ers, which were usually of the China shepherdess order of verse. This book has berland sent him to sleep afterwards by reading one of his own comedies. After been printed and published under the title of "Tunbrigalia." supper upon a cold mutton bone and red wine and water, he says that "the bard conducted us to our bedrooms. The apartment in which I was to sleep was his study; he paid me the compliment to say that he had a little tent bed put up there which he always appropriated to his favorite guest. 'The book-case at the side,' he added, 'was filled with his own writings.'

"I bowed and said, 'I dare say, sir, I shall sleep very soundly.'

"Ah! very good,' said he; 'I understand you a hit, a palpable hit; you mean, being so close to my writings they will act as a soporific! Well, God bless you you are a kind creature to come into the country and listen to my nonsense. Buenos noches, as we say in Spain. hope it will be fine weather for you to walk about in the morning, for I think with Lord Falkland, who said that he pitied unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day.'"

In suggestiveness of the appearance of the old Assembly Rooms at Tunbridge Wells, the summer fashions of 1781 may be quoted from the descriptions of the king's birthday ball on June 4.

The King wore a stone-colored silk coat with diamond epaulet and star. The Queen was in white, with silver tissue, ornamented with bows bordered with brilliants. The

The following is an average specimen of the muse of the macaronis of this

period: —

Cupid and Venus one day strove

To warm Amintor's heart,
And give him all the joys of love,

The joys without the smart.
Says Venus, "Then let ev'ry maid
Bestow a fav'rite grace.'
"No, mama," Cupid, smiling, said,

"Let's show him Celia's face."

After dining at the Ordinary many of the gentlemen played a game at bowls in the garden behind Pottinger's the Sussex Inn or smoked their pipes and looked on. In about the year 1780 donkeys were introduced, and became fashionable for ladies. Previously, those who had been ordered equestrian exercise for their health were accustomed to ride over the common on pillions behind their cavaliers. In the evenings whist, picquet, quadrilles, etc., entertained the visitors four times a week, and ball assemblies twice. It is related that while the gentlefolk were performing their minuets or country dances inside the Assembly Rooms, it was customary for the tradespeople and servants to dance to the music, outside the rooms, on the Pantiles. Three shops now stand on the site of the old Assembly Rooms in the centre of the Parade.

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