Memoirs of Richard Lovel Edgeworth, begun by himself and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edgeworth, Volume 2


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Pagina 439 - And that which should accompany old age, As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but, in their stead, Curses, not loud, but deep, mouth-honor, breath, Which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not.
Pagina 408 - New sorrow rises as the day returns, A sister sickens, or a daughter mourns. Now kindred merit fills the sable bier, Now lacerated friendship claims a tear. Year chases year, decay pursues decay, Still drops some joy from...
Pagina 408 - Unlocks his gold, and counts it till he dies. But grant, the virtues of a temp'rate prime Bless with an age exempt from scorn or crime ; An age that melts with unperceiv'd decay, And glides in modest innocence away...
Pagina 15 - This was not my father's way of thinking.— On the contrary, not only his wife but his children knew all his affairs. Whatever business he had to do was done in the midst of his family, usually in the common sitting-room : so that we were intimately acquainted, not only with his general principles of conduct, but with the most minute details of their every-day application. I further enjoyed some peculiar advantages :— he kindly wished to give me habits of business; and for this purpose, allowed...
Pagina 232 - ... incoherent dream. The joy of having my father in safety remained, and gratitude to Heaven for his preservation. These feelings spread inexpressible pleasure over what seemed to be a new sense of existence. Even the most common things appeared delightful ; the green lawn, the still groves, the birds singing, the fresh air, all external nature, and all the goods and conveniencies of life, seemed to have wonderfully increased in value, from the fear into which we had been put of losing them irrecoverably.
Pagina 3 - I was with him constantly, and I was amused and interested in seeing how he made his way through these complaints, petitions, and grievances, with decision and despatch ; he, all the time, in good humor with the people, and they delighted with him ; though he often " rated them roundly," when they stood before him perverse in litigation, helpless in procrastination, detected in cunning, or convicted of falsehood.
Pagina 265 - I am truly grieved to inform you of the death of the invaluable Dr. Darwin. Dr. Darwin got up apparently in health; about eight o'clock, he rang the library bell. The servant, who went, said, he appeared fainting. He revived again — Mrs. Darwin was immediately called. The Doctor spoke often, but soon appeared fainting; and died about nine o'clock.
Pagina 252 - Irish, though five sixths of the nation are against it. Now, though I think such a union as would identify the nations, so as that Ireland should be as Yorkshire to Great Britain, would 'be an excellent thing ; yet 1 also think, that the good people of Ireland ought to be persuaded of this truth, and not be dragooned into submission.
Pagina 167 - Telegraph," a political pamphlet, uncommon at least for its temperate and good humored tone. Though all his exertions to establish a telegraph in Ireland were at this time unsuccessful, yet he persevered in the belief, that, in future, modes of telegraphic communication would be generally ,adopted ; and instead of his hopes being depressed, they were raised and expanded by new consideration of the subject in a scientific light. In the sixth volume of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy...
Pagina 348 - Horatian maxim — nonumque prematur in annum — she afterwards abided by it of her own free choice and at her father's suggestion. ' He would sometimes ' advise me to lay by what was done for several months and '• turn my mind to something else, that we might look back at ' it afterwards with fresh eyes.

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