
be forgotten or neglected; they are, therefore, continuing their enquiries and their correfpondence for the purpose of obtaining fuitable perfons to affift Mr. Forfyth, or to labor in any preferable parts of India.

Twillingate, in Newfoundland.

Since the laft general meeting, two letters have been received from the Rev. Mr. Hillyard, who is stationed at that place, under the patronage of this fociety. Mr. Hillyard's account is pleaf

of the furrounding flaves and Hottentots. With fuch encouraging profpects, and in compliance with an earnest request from the fociety at the Cape for additional miffionaries, the directors have determined to accept of three German brethren, who have offered themfelves for the work of God in Africa; who are well recommended by the Rev. Mr. Strache, of Hatfhaufen in Eaft Friefland, and who, at prefent, are receiving appropriate inftructions under the Rev. Mr. Jænicke, at Berlin. The directors were authorized by a refolution of the laft general meet-ing, encouraging, and fatisfactory. ing, to enlarge the miffions in Africa, and to establish fuch new ones as circumstances should render expedient." They have acted in the fpirit of this refolution, and truft, that the provifion of miffion-recommended to the directors, that aries which they have made will not be thought to exceed the extent and importance of the work which the Providence of God appears to fet before this fociety, for its patronage and execution.


A letter, dated 5th Auguft, 1800, has lately been received from Mr. Forfyth, the fociety's miffionary in India. At that time

he was well in health; had made confiderable proficiency in the language of the country, and was about to begin a fchool for the inftruction of the children of the natives. Mr. Forfyth appears to poffefs a true miffionary fpirit; and he exhibits fidelity and difintereft

ednefs of character and conduct. The directors have long fince been authorized to increase the miffion to that part of the world; but circumftances have occurred to fruf trate their defires and intentions. It is an object, however, which they think by far too important to

He appears to labor with diligence in the work of his ministry, in the inftruction of youth, and in catechizing children. Having vifited fome of the adjacent islands, he has

another miffionary be fent from this Society, to preach the gofpel at Fogo, Bonavifta, and GreenPond Ifland. This measure has been maturely confidered; and it has been refolved to. comply with Mr. Hillyard's recommendation, whenever a fuitable person shall be accepted and qualified for the propofed ftation.

Miffion to Canada.

The directors reported to the laft general meeting, that two miffionaries had been fent to Quebec, in compliance with feveral applica tions which had been received from refpectable perfons united in Chriflian fociety at that city; and which reprefented the province of Canada to be in a deplorable state, from the almost total want of religious inftitutions. Mr. Bentom and Mr. Mitchell, on their arrival at Quebec, met with kind reception and fuitable encourage ment; and after preaching alter

nately in a place hired for the purpofe, it was fettled, that Mr. Bentom fhould continue his labors there, and that Mr. Mitchell fhould proceed to Montreal, in profecution of fimilar fervices. By letters from Mr. Bentom, it appears that fome circumftances occurred which, for a time, feemed to present an obstacle to his continued acceptance and usefulness; but his last letter, dated 4th November, 1800, is more fatisfactory and encouraging, as it states that the hearers and fubfcribers at Quebec are on the increase, and that the caufe of God is patronized by fome very refpectable inhabitants. On account of the fubfcription which has been raised for Mr. Bentom's fupport, it is prefumed that his refidence at Quebec will occafion little or no expense to this fociety.

The directors are forry to report, that Mr. Mitchell's reception at Montreal was difcouraging; and that, after having preached there about fix weeks, without meeting with any patronage or fupport, or profpect of fuccefs, he thought it his duty to leave that city. Mr. Mitchell, it appears, made inquiries refpecting the Indians in the vicinity of Montreal, with a view of endeavoring to be useful among them; but the information which he received was, on many accounts, fo unfavorable to fuch an undertaking, that he thought it prudent to decline it, and to avail himself of a defire which fome perfons, at the bay of Chaleurs, (about four hundred miles from Quebec) had expreffed, of having the benefits of a gofpel Miniftry. The directors fuppofe that Mr. Mitchell has proceeded to this fettlement; and they hope he will prove faithful to his engagements, and fuccefsful in his labors.

Port Jackfon, New South Wales.

The directors, perhaps, cannot ftrictly include this fettlement among the number of those which are miffionary stations; yet, as many of the miffionaries returned thither from Otaheite and Tongataboo, and as fome of them continue there to the prefent time, it is thought right to notice circumftances of fuch appropriatenefs in this report.

The directors feel

fome fatisfaction in stating, that the apparently calamitous providences which caft our brethren on the fhores of New South Wales, have not been wholly unimproved, by thofe of them who could engage in minifterial offices. Meffrs. Cover, Henry, and Haffell, have preached the gofpel in many dif tricts of the colony; alternately with beclouded expectations and having fince arrived in England, fanguine hopes; but Mr. Cover and Mr. Henry having gone to Otaheite, it is feared that little, if any progrefs, has been made in conciliating the difpofitions and converting the fouls of the colonifts. This indeed appears to be a work of mighty enterprize; for although no oppofition can refift the energies of Almighty power and grace, yet it becomes us to confider and to act upon the appropriatenefs of human means; and in this

view the profligacy and impiety of the inhabitants of the colony are reprefented to be fo exceffive and enormous, as to require minifteriał ardor, fortitude, and patience, of the very highest kind and degree.

If it fhould please God to imprefs upon the hearts of any of his fervants the duty and importance of undertaking a work of fuch peculiar difficulty, but affecting benevolence; and it fhould appear that the Holy Spirit of God has

endued them with fuitable gifts and | graces, the directors think, that the patronage of this fociety, to introduce them and to affist (if neceffary) in fupporting them, would be legitimate and beneficial exertions. Such a miffion, in itself, must be regarded as an object of great intereft, on account of the increasing state of the colony, and of the number of children that ftand in need of learning and Chriftian inftruction; befides which, it fhould be remembered, that in the event of a religious intereft being, by the Divine bleffing, eftablifhed and enlarged at Port Jackfon and the fettlements in its vicinity, our miffions in the South Seas may be vifited with comparative frequency and facility; and be relieved, removed, fupported, or enlarged (as circumstances might réquire) with peculiar advantage. It is therefore hoped, that thefe confiderations, on a fubject of manifeft importance, will not be unimpreffive on the minds of the prefent meeting, nor be unimproved in the deliberations of future directors.

At the laft general meeting, two objects of great importance and of clofe connection with the defigns of this fociety and the general interests of religion, were committed to the execution of the directors. They were authorized to take fuitable measures for printing as large an editition of the Bible, or of the New Teftament only, in the French language, as fhould appear to them neceffary, with a preliminary differtation on the evidences of its divine infpiration for the purpose of their being diftributed in France and Belgium, by eligible and efficacious means. And they were also authorized to appropriate 5ool. per annum to the improvement of a certain num ber of miffionaries of promifing tal

ents and approved piety, by affording them appropriate inftruction for the space of two years previously to their actual entrance on miffionary duty; and to carry these measures into effect conformably to the report made on this fubject to the faid general meeting.

The directors have, fubfequently, taken both of the above-mentioned objects into their confideration; and are pursuing measures to carry them into effect.

The directors have now concluded a report of their operations during the last year, with refpect to the miffions that had previously been established by the fociety, and to fuch other objects as in their judgment are legitimate, benevolent and important. And they have prefented fuch a view of the interests and efforts of this inftitution as they think is calculated to engage the attention, encourage the hopes, and animate the exertions, of every Christian, in behalf of a well-connected and greatly-enlarged work of God.

To cherish and increafe a miffionary fpirit, by fuitable reprefentations of the pitiable state of Hea then and unenlightened countries, and the highly impreffive duty of holding forth to them the word of life and falvation ;-to employ with discretion, wisdom, and energy, fuch means and miffionaries as the Providence of God shall present to their patronage and fuperintendence; and by a correfpondence with every part of the Chriftian world to diffeminate miffionary knowledge, and to direct miffionary efforts; these it is hoped, will be the continued objects of the Society's folicitude, and of the Directors future labors. Of the benefits to be derived from an en

larged and attentively cultivated correfpondence with refpectable

individuals and Societies in foreign parts of the world, the Directors think very highly. In the courfe of the past year letters have been received from America, Holland, and various parts of Germany, which evince, that by the diffemination of miffionary intelligence, mishonary zeal has been created and put in action. In America, feveral focieties have been formed, and have commenced encouraging exertions for the purpofe of inftructing and converting the native Indians In Holland and Germany fimilar inftitutions have been established; refpectable and opulent individuals have offered their patronage and co-operation : this fociety has, in confequence, been fupplied with some valuable missionaries; and at the prefent time fix efteemed and fuitably inftru&ted miffionaries are at Berlin, waiting the directors' acceptance of their offers to preach the gofpel among the Heathen nations in Af.


A miffionary fociety, of great refpectability and promifing afpect, has alfo lately been formed at Tain and Inverness, in the northern extremity of Scotland.

| tution; whofe operations are intended to be more especially directed toward the continent of Afia and Africa; our most ardent prayers fhall be offered for a distinguished benediction on their zealous endeavors; and we truft we shall have to unite our thankfulness and joy on account of their abundant fuccefs. The energies of Chriftians of every name are demanded in a field fo bounded in extent and important in its confequences; and we indulge the hope that every minifter efpecially, who feels the immenfe importance of this caufe, will imprefs upon his congregation and connection a proper attention to this fubject, that we may be furnifhed with an adequate fupply of faithful and devoted men, who are defirous of introducing the gospel among the Heathen nations, and poffefs the felf-denial, patience, and other qualifications which are requifite for fo ardent a work.

From fuch a widely extended foundation of fubftantial knowledge and enlightened zeal, a fuperftructure of eminent worth, of a durable nature, and of divine efficiency, may reasonably be expected; and no human means (than those just mentioned) feem better calculated to bring about that univerfal diffufion of piety and happinefs, which being predicted in "the fure word of prophecy," fhall certainly be accomplished;" when

"knowledge of the glory of the "Lord, as the waters cover the "fea."

Among other acceptable proofs of an increafing zeal for the introduction of our Saviour's kingdom among the Heathen, we notice, with fatisfaction, the affociation which has lately been formed by feveral pious and refpectable clergy-"the earth fhall be filled with the men, and other eminent members of the Church of England, for promoting that object. Thefe worthy characters being of opinion that their exertions as a separate and distinct fociety might be more beneficial than by an union with ours, (which comprehends other denominations as well as members of the establishment) have accordingly formed a miffionary inftiVOL. II. No. 9.

Religious Intelligence.

IMMEDIATELY on hearing of a revival of religion in Kentucky, fundry efforts were made to obtain correct information, from those who had been eye witneffes W w

of the scene. The following com-
munications are the first that have
been received. They are given to
the public, leaving all to judge for
themselves. Many will applaud,
many will condemn-let him that
judgeth do it in the fear of God.

The following is an extract of a
letter from the Rev. Archibald
Alexander, Prefident of Hamp-
den Sidney College in Virginia,
to the
Rev. Nathan Strong,
Hartford. Mr. Alexander is a
gentleman of eminent Science and
judicious piety, and by his late
tour through New-England, be-
came known and beloved by many
of our Chriflian Readers.

Prince Edward, Jan. 25, 1862.

make what use of it, you think proper. I have sent it with a view to its publication in the Evangelical Magazine, if the Editors think it would be useful to the public.

In N. Carolina a revival attend.

ed with fimilar appearances, has lately taken place, chiefly amongst the prefbyterians. I am not able to furnish you with the names of the counties or congregations, but I am informed it has extended over a tract of country about twenty miles fquare. The congregations are nearly as large, and inftances of falling down as common as in Kentucky.

In this ftate, religious appear ances are fomething better, than when I left it. At Christmas a number of minifters of different denominations, met together in the county of Bedford, to con fult upon the best measures for uniting their efforts, in defence of Chriftianity against the torrent of vice and infidelity which threaten ed to overflow the land. Their meeting was remarkably harmoni ous, prejudice and party-fpirit feemed to have no place amongst them, but with one accord they confented to a fcheme of friendly intercourfe, and general union. Whilft they were together many fermons were delivered, and the effect was great-An uncommon awakening has taken place amongst the people in that neighborhoodand it is hoped a revival of true res ligion has commenced.

I HAVE deferred writing until this time, that I might have it in my power to communicate fome authentic intelligence of the extraordinary revival of religion which has lately taken place in Kentucky. The inclofed letter was written to me, by the Prefi dent of Washington Academy, in this ftate; who vifited Kentucky for the very purpose of examining into the nature of the remarkable religious appearances which exift ed there. In this inquiry he obtained complete fatisfaction, and now entertains no doubt of its being a glorious work of God, as you will fee by the contents of his letter. I fcarcely know a man on whofe judgment, in a matter of this kind, I could more confidently rely than upon his. Poffeffing. a clear, difcriminating mind, and rational piety, he was in as little danger of being deceived by delu- I NOW fit down, agreeably five appearances as any other per- to my promife, to give you fome fon with whom I am acquainted. account of the late revival of reliYou will however judge of thegion in the ftate of Kentucky, narrative for yourself, and may You have no doubt been informed

Washington Academy, Jan. 1,



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