[blocks in formation]

Haydon, Mr.; his Petition respecting Historical Principal and Factor; Law of, 211, 256

Painters, 1209

Hindoo Infanticide, 1021

Hindoo Widows; Burning of, 1017

Historical Painters, 1209

Ingrossing Bills, 1428

Private Madhouses, 1332

Promotions in the Navy, 1079

Quarantine Regulations at Malta, 1526

Insolvent Debtors Bill, 376

Reciprocity of Duties Bill, 795, 1434
Reform of Parliament, 30, 609, 1072

Ireland; Administration of the Laws in, 1203, 1255 | Religious Opinions, 1365

Ireland; Education of the Poor of, 1241

Ireland; Half-pay of the Army in, 442
Ireland; Poor of, Employment of the, 1021
Ireland; Lord Lieutenancy of, 1212

Irish Insurrection Bill, 218, 1147

Resumption of Cash Payments, 833
Requin; Capture of the Ship, 1405

Roman Catholics of England Elective Franchise
Bill, 1541

Roman Catholics Test Regulation Bill, 573, 1031,


Irish Tithes Composition and Commutation Bills, Roman Catholic Marriages, 965

366, 602, 802, 989, 1434

Irish Trading Vessels, 388

Irish Harbour and Light Dues, 388
Irish Joint Tenancy Bill, 560

Juries; Special, 563
Juries; Grand, 964

Jurors' Qualification Bill, 1103, 1496

Larcenies (Benefit of Clergy) Bill, 1244
Law Merchant, 256

Law of Settlement, 693

Law of Principal and Factor, 211, 256
Leeward Island Duties, 819

Library of the late King, 1112, 1357

London Bridge Bill, 988

Roman Catholics of Ireland; their Petition respect-
ing the Administration of the Law, 1203, 1255
Rowan, G.; his Petition complaining of a Member,
1253, 1318, 1361

Russia, 387

Sale of Game Bill, 79, 644

Scotch Commissaries Courts Bill, 1337
Scotch Juries Bill, 1332

Scotch Linen Manufacture, 150
Scotch County Representation, 611
Scottish Law Commission Bill, 1512
Settlement; Law of, 693

Sheriff of Dublin; Conduct of, 8, 34, 69, 83, 119,
151, 239, 441, 467, 507, 550, 644

Silk Manufacture Bill, 143, 217, 377,810, 831

Lord Advocate of Scotland; Conduct of, in the Slavery; Abolition of, 255, 257

case of W. M. Borthwick, 664

Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland, 1212
Lottery, 1139

Machinery, 598

Madhouses; Private, 1332

Malt and Beer Tax; Collection of, 592
Malta; Quarantine Regulations at, 1526
Marriages; Roman Catholic, 965
Middlesex County Court, 1079

Navy; Promotions in the, 1079

Newfoundland; State of, 245,

New South Wales Jurisdiction Bill, 1400

Small Debts; Recovery of, 542

Special Juries, 563

Spitalfields Silk Manufacture Acts, 143, 217, 377,
810, 831

Standing Order respecting Bills on Trade, 435
Sugars; Duty on East and West India, 444
Switzerland, 439

Tallow; Duty on the Importation of, 213
Tallow-Candles; Repeal of Duty on, 390
Trade; Standing Order respecting Bills on, 435

Usury Laws Repeal Bill, 1014, 1319

Wages of Manufacturers, 598

O'Grady; Conduct of Chief Baron, 360, 977, 993, Wool Tax ; Foreign, 239

1421, 1429, 1506

Workmen Bill; Combination of, 546.

[blocks in formation]

Eldon, Earl of; see Lord Chancellor

972, 986, 1354, 1356, 1432, 1490, 1533

Erskine, Lord, 1321

Gosford, Earl of, 1046

Grey, Earl, 170

Ellenborongh, Lord, 207, 541, 542, 658. 659, 660, Redesdale, Lord, 657, 971, 1353, 1478

Rosslyn, Earl of, 1252, 1355

Sidmouth, Lord, 660

Stanhope, Earl, 1

Stowell, Lord, 661

[blocks in formation]

Abercromby, Hon. James, 10, 31, 118, 120, 160, | Bennet, Hon. Henry Grey, 509, 597, 600, 934,
362, 363 376, 442, 514, 664,761, 803, 1235,

1302, 1335, 1427, 1522

Acland, Sir Thomas, 648

Althorp, Viscount, 221, 349, 543, 597, 702

967, 981, 984, 1079, 1098, 1142, 1334

Benett, John, 81, 596, 607

Bernal, Ralph, 358

Binning, Lord, 33, 635, 688, 974, 1334, 1345

Attorney General (Sir Robert Gifford), 132, 431, Blake, Sir Francis, 794

569, 724, 1077, 1245, 1519

Attwood, Matthias, 598, 945

Bridges, Sir John, 1434

Bright, Henry, 125, 254, 570, 815, 832, 1403,

Bankes, Henry, 589, 1032, 1126, 1138, 1197, Brougham, Henry, 24, 79, 81, 112, 129, 217, 926,

1341, 1425

Bankes, George, 587, 804, 1052, 1346

Baring, Alexander, 125, 211, 255, 342, 386, 597,
896, 1360

433, 439, 495, 500, 504, 506, 517, 525, 526,
646, 775 816, 826, 982, 1138, 1203, 1209,
1211, 1253, 1255, 1911, 1318, 1333, 1361
1362, 136, 1494, 1497, 1512

Barry, Colonel, 12, 117, 132, 575, 441, 494, 559, Browne, Dennis, 438, 605, 803, 1198, 1232

607, 804, 1294

Becher, W. W. 237


Browne, Dominick, 560, 802
Burdett, Sir Francis, 12

[blocks in formation]

Goulburn, Right Hon. Henry, 218, 368, 512, 604,
606, 607, 609 805, 806, 809, 990, 1022, 1186,
1226, 1244, 1279, 1506, 1510

Grant, Right Hon. Charles, 739, 810, 817
Grant, J. P. 33, 639, 684, 967, 1013
Grattan, James, 442

Calcraft, John, 32, 384, 458, 512, 537, 604, Gurney, Hudson, 588, 739, 831, 974, 1126, 1342,


Calvert, C. 577

Canning, Right Hon. George, 127, 134, 275, 339,
361, 362, 366, 388, 441, 501, 515, 693, 791,
804, 825, 979, 980, 991, 1009, 1099, 1138,
1237, 1357, 1423, 1430, 1474, 1510, 1521
Chancellor of the Exchequer, (Right Hon. Fred.
Robinson), 385, 394, 438, 439, 593, 830, 973,
976, 989, 1108, 1112, 1139, 1359, 1409, 1412,

Clerk, Sir George, 621.

Cockburn, Sir George, 1094

Coffin, Sir Isaac, 600, 1073, 1098
Colbourn, N. W. R., 1123, 1404
Colthurst, Sir N., 134, 227

Copley, Sir John; see Solicitor General
Courtenay, William, 738, 753, 1476
Cranborne, Lord, 644

Creevey, Thomas, 560, 819

Croker, John Wilson, 523, 1123, 1142, 1211,
1251, 1357

Crosbie, Colonel, 1254, 1364

Curwen, John Christian, 396, 600, 1079

Daly, James, 562, 1301, 1475
Davies, Colonel, 1193

Davenport, D. 1015

Dawson, George, 133, 533, 807, 1238
Deerhurst, Lord, 645

Denison, J. W., 214, 738, 975

Denman, Thomas, 10, 116, 126, 365, 559, 737,
739, 965, 980, 1077, 1139, 1202, 1525

Douglas, Keith, 454, 1340

Drummond, Home, 686

Dugdale, D. S., 549

Dundas, Right Hon. W., 32

Ebrington, Lord, 609


Haldimand, William, 380

Hamilton, Lord Archibald, 228, 611, 612, 974,
1337, 1508

Heron, Sir Robert, 441

Heygate, Mr. Alderman, 377

Hill, Sir George, 135, 608, 1031, 1239

Hobhouse, John Cam, 376, 572, 692, 1074, 1078,
1113, 1127, 1197, 1332, 1357

Holford, George, 1494

Horton, Wilmot, 1403, 1404, 1528

Hume, Joseph, 34, 114, 213, 245, 365, 378, 441,
530, 533, 534, 565, 595, 815, 826, 828, 988,
1019, 1025, 1077, 1079, 1100, 1106, 1212,
1240, 1332, 1347, 1865, 1571, 1404, 1411,
1421, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1438, 1474, 1509,

Huskisson, Right Hon. William, 149, 150, 212,
213, 217, 382. 384, 386, 389, 435, 463, 548,
795, 813, 833, 939, 991, 1438
Hutchinson, Hon. C. H., 530, 562, 1005, 1238,
1298, 1317, 1422, 1430, 1508

James, William, 833, 913, 1072
Jones, John, 536, 691

Kennedy, T., 32, 625, 687 1341

Leake, William, 1511

Lennard, T. B., 116, 550, 1079, 1123
Lethbridge, Sir Thomas, 213

Leycester, Ralph, 1139

Littleton, E. J. 546

Lockhart, J. 706, 1432

Long, Sir Charles, 1119, 1210, 1358

Lord Advocate of Scotland [Sir W. Rae] 640, 677,

1337, 1341

Lushington, Stephen Rumbold, 365, 1345

Ellice, Edward, 379, 380, 535, 739, 799, 814, 832 Lushington, Dr., 132, 1474

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Stuart-Wortley, John, 380, 437, 548, 586, 647,

Parnell, Sir Henry, 151, 605, 1148, 1202, 1230, Sumner, Holme, 989
1293, 1507

Peel, Mr. Secretary, 12, 117, 120, 235, 364, 375,
420, 433, 510, 535, 587, 606, 648, 706, 805,
922, 981, 984, 1010, 1013, 1026, 1032, 1105,
1137, 1201, 1232, 1306, 1333, 1336, 1344, 1399,
1475, 1493, 1496, 1497, 1507, 1524

Peel, William, 1343

Philips, George, 382, 567, 599, 965, 1016
Phillimore, Dr., 965, 967

Sykes, Daniel, 256, 318, 390, 799
Sutton, Right Hon, Charles Manners; see Speaker.

Taylor, Michael Angelo, 253, 568, 608, 732, 737,
966, 1493, 1497
Tennyson, C. 648

Thompson, Alderman, 150, 1435
Tierney, Right Hon. George, 1008
Titchfield, Marquis of, 859

Plunkett, Right Hon. W. C. 9, 119, 128, 229, 503 | Trench, Colonel, 376, 562
Poyntz, Mr., 645

Rae, Sir William; see Lord Advocate for Scotland.
Ricardo, David, 149, 213, 214, 215, 378, 380,
457, 597, 601, 606, 738, 801, 816, 831, 849,
974, 976, 1015, 1386, 1399, 1438

Rice, Thomas Spring, 237, 360, 363, 384, 388,
805, 806, 978, 981, 993, 1021, 1198, 1424,
1425, 1427, 1429, 1432, 1474, 1475, 1506
Ridley, Sir M. W. 118, 434

Twiss, Horace, 624, 1391

Wallace, Right Hon. Thomas, 149, 385, 389, 800.

Western, C. C. 596, 833, 1103, 1494, 1496
Wetherell, Charles, 123, 159, 365, 374, 586, 605,
764, 804, 990, 1014, 1032, 1424, 1430, 1525
Whitbread, S. C. 646
Whitmore, W. 444

Wilberforce, William, 287, 461, 1020, 1384

Robertson, Alexander, 226, 256, 456, 801, 1195, Williams, John, 644, 706, 1510, 1523
Williams, William, 150, 573


Robinson, Right Hon. Frederick; see Chancellor of Wilmot, R. J. 252; see Horton.

the Exchequer.

Rose, Sir George, 312

Rumbold, C. E. 1438

Scarlett, James, 211, 213, 450, 502, 536, 546,
703, 772, 978, 1009, 1474, 1475, 1497, 1507,

Sebright, Sir John, 239, 644

Shelley, Sir John, 644

Wilson, Thomas, 143, 802, 1016, 1142, 1398, 1432
Wodehouse, Edmund, 596, 902
Wood, Colonel, 596, 693, 814
Wynn, C. W. W. 119, 361, 363, 467, 493, 522,
Wood, Mr. Alderman, 1494
1009, 1019, 1021, 1255, 1334, 1361, 1424,

Yorke, Sir Joseph, 536. 1141, 1359.


Paternoster-row Press.


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