
mean and include all who appear in the character of dissenting ministers, whether appointed to the charge of particular congregations, or officiating occasionally to any assemblies of protestant dissenters, lawfully met together for public worship; and that this interpretation, if made the ground of legislative enactments, will occasion serious injury to those who had thus far rested in security, under the protection and immunities of former statutes.

Your petitioners beg with all humility to lay before your lordships, their objections to the provisions of the bill, as they affect the several classes of persons which it proposes to embrace.

Your petitioners would humbly represent, in the first place, that the clause relating to ministers of congregations, will operate most oppressively in their circumstances, when through illness, or any other accidental cause, they may be reduced to the necessity of resigning their situations, though but for a season. Your petitioners also humbly, but most strongly, object to the tenor of the certificate provided in this case, to be produced before the magistrate, in order to be legally qualified to engage in their ministerial duties, requiring the subscribers to that certificate to testify from their own knowledge, that their minister is in holy orders, pretended holy orders, or pretending to holy orders, while it appears to your petitioners, that some of these terms are wholly inapplicable to the dissenters of the present day, and others of doubtful and undefined signification.

Your petitioners would farther represent to your lordships, that the provisions for granting legal qualification to persons not ministers of congregations, are in their humble judgment calculated to be of serious detriment to a large and respectable class of men, and to deprive them of rights and advantages admitted to pertain to them by the act of the First of William and Mary. The conditions proposed in the bill before your lordships require the party applying for qualification to be a minister before it is possible he can appear legally in that .character, impose upon him the imperative necessity of procuring a certificate, such as it will in many cases be impractable for him to obtain, even without any impeachment of his charaeter, and constitute the subscribers of his certificate, the judges of bis intellectual fit

ness for the duties of an office, his ability for which it will be impossible for them, without a violation of law on his part, to have had an opportunity of estimating.

And in regard to the clause relating to probationers which will embrace, and seems chiefly if not wholly to refer to students in divinity, or persons who may have concluded their academical studies, your petitioners conceive that it canuot fail to prove in every instance a measure of vexation and oppression, both to the probationers themselves and the congregations which may be desirous of hearing them on approbation, The process here prescribed for obtaining the certificate and the qualification must often be tedious and expensive, and occasion considerable delay in cir cumstances that call for prompt and immediate decision. Your petitioners have farther to object that the certificate required by the bill in this case implies and goes to establish a principle and proceeding which few if any among the Protestant Dissenters of the present day will admit, or can comply with. It is their universal sentiment that every congregation has itself an exclusive right to choose its own minister, and to determine who are proper to offficiate to them as probationers:—this great and fundamental principle of their religious freedom in regard to divine worship, the provisions of the bill on your lordship's table go to violate and overturn by appropriating to certain ministers the sole right and authority of admitting and appointing probationers to preach to vacant congregations, and thus investing Protestant Dissenting ministers with a magisterial character, which your petitioners are persuaded most of them will utterly disclaim.

The provisions of the bill in other respects, are in the humble judgment of your petitioners calculated to operate vexatiously and oppressively in the case of the persons of each of the classes applying at quarter sessions, appointing as they do the magistrates to be inquisitors and sole judges of the respectability and the consequent fitness and competency of the householders, on whose certificate the application may be made, and leaving the applicant himself open to the charges, how heavy or exorbitant soever they may be, which the court may in its discretion impose.

Your petitioners object lastly to the bill as containing no provisions in respect to some of their dissenting brethren not of the ministerial profession, who with competent ability, with unimpeackable characters and with motives of the purest benevolence, may wish to communicate occasional religious instruction in their own families or else where, their authority to do which they conceive to pertain to them of natural right and to be recognized and confirmed to them by the existing statutes.

With the views which your petitioners thus humbly and respectfully beg to submit to the consideration of your lordships, as entertained by them in respect to the bill now before your right hon. house, with their full conviction of its calamitous tendency, as it affects the principles which they cherish as the dearest birthright, both as men and as British subjects, and with their perception of its excluding operation upon a large body of persons who since the glorious era of the revolution, have till lately enjoyed the undisturbed protection of law--a protection which they had fondly hoped to be secured to them by the existing statutes, by the liberal and enlightened spirit of the times, and more especially by the gracious declaration of their venerable Sovereign, maintain the toleration inviolate," together with the answer of your right hon. house to that declaration, in which it recognized the Toleration, as surest cement of the Protestant interests in these kingdoms."




Your petitioners do most humbly and fervently pray, that that bill may not pass into a law.

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Lords. The happiest effects have resulted from the communications which we made to different parts of the country-a manly but christian spirit was excited,-generous co-operation prevailed among all classes of dissenters, and many members of the established church, being friendly to religious liberty, assisted by their efforts, their contributions, and their prayers.

By these general exertions, three hundred and thirty-four petitions were yesterday received by our committee, and all of them were presented to the house of Lords. Two hundred and fifty-six petitions were also obtained by the methodists in connexion with the late Reverend John Wesley: and an aggregate amount of nearly six hundred petitions, signed by about one hundred thousand males within forty-eight hours, displayed the apprehensions, the activity, the numbers, the resources, and the importance of the Dissenters and the friends to toleration.

From the interposition of Earl Liverpool, and the argumentative, constitutional, and eloquent speeches of Earls Grey and Stanhope, and of Lords Holland and Erskine, proving the bill to be hostile to toleration, and unjustified either by necessity or expedience the house of Lords by a very great majority, determined that it should not even be read a second time, nor be referred to a committee.

The consequences of this decision posterity alone can ascertain; but all must perceive that other persons will be thereby taught not rashly to assail the rights of conscience and the Act of Toleration; and that the foundations of the structure of our religious liberty will he for ever deepened and enlarged.

That they have contributed to this memorable event will ever afford unaffected delight to all the members of our committee, and they

will not offend you by returning to you their thanks for those concurrent exertions which your own satisfaction will best reward:-and if you have not received our previous communications, we request that you will not attribute to us any disrespect, but that it may be imputed to the short interval between the different readings of the bill, and to the imperfection of the lists we were compelled hastily to collect.

We must, however, remind you that very considerable expences have been incurred, and request that you will transmit to the treasurer, Robert Steven, Esq. No. 101. Upper Thames-Street, London, such pecuniary aid as the collective liberality of your congregation, or the individual generosity of your friends may afford. We also apprise you that if any surplus should remain it. will be appropriated to the purposes of a society proposed to be formed, and of which the plan shall be immediately transmitted, comprising all dissenting congregations in England and Wales, who may think proper to contribute a small annual sum, and of which their ministers will be members for effectuating that co-operation among Protestant Dissenters on all important occasions, which is essential to their security and for affording, to those who

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be may persecuted, that extensive protection which is particularly required, and which experience has shown that they cannot otherwise obtain.

The necessity of this measure, the recent result has confirmed. To his Majesty's government, and to all the noble supporters of religious liberty, we are happy to acknowledge our obligations: but we are persuaded that it was the display of public opinion, in the number-and respectability of the petitions, so rapidly collected with such imperfect information, which determined the administration-which invigo

rated our friends-and which obtained our success.

But whilst our joy is vivid, and our congratulations are sincere, we are anxious that no unworthy exultation should appear; we desire and pray that pious gratitude may be the most animated emotion of our hearts; and we would publicly and privately express our thankfulness to that divine deliverer who has crowned our efforts by his blessing, and whom we hope that our children will continue to praise, for this interposition as long as history shall perpetuate memory of the event. We are, dear Sir, Your most obedient Devoted Servants,


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New London Tavern, June 13, 1811.

The committee of Protestant Dissenters and of other friends to religious liberty, direct us again to address you, and their instructions we execute with unaffected pleasure.

We acknowledge with gratitude your useful exertions, and as we presume that berality of your congregation will unthe pecuniary assistance which the lidoubtedly bestow towards the expences which have been incurred, and towards the establishment of the society to which our former letter alluded, has been withheld only until the plan of that society was transmitted; we have the honour to inclose that plan for your consideration.

Before we invite your attention to that plan, we must again congratulate you on the attachment to the principles of religious liberty which all our friends have nobly displayed, and which in many animated and pious resolutions they have eloquently avowed. Throughout the empire manly energy, directed by christian wisdom and moderation, has been exerted, and the most enthu siastic but judicious efforts have demonstrated that the sacred regard to the rights of conscience, which distinguished

our venerated ancestors, remains unabated in the hearts of their posterity. On this occasion the propelling or at

tractive force of apprehended danger and of sacred principles, has beaten down the barriers of prejudice, by which Dissenters were separated, and has amalgamated them into a mass, which we trust will never be broken. This temporary union has produced a desire, unanimously expressed, that such ad, vantages should permanently continue, and we have been encouraged to promote their perpetuity by the immediate institution of the new society.

The plan will explain the name, the objects, and the orginazation of that association. The society is not to be a party, or local combination, but a na tional union of all congregations friendly to religious liberty; and will include every congregation, of every denomination, assembling under the acts of toleration. It has, therefore been designated by an appellation, which we hope will be esteemed liberal and comprehensive. The objects are not to embarrass any administration, to assume political importance, or to menace any opponents by ostentatious display of numbers or of influence; but legally and temperately, to protect and procure all the privileges and rights, which the law has conferred, or which can be constitutionally obtained. These rights are to be defended by mild but firm remonstrances, and when remonstrances may be ineffectual, by appeals to law; and over all associated congregations, over pious and useful itinerants, and over all other persons whom they may recommend, this society will endeavour to extend a shield. To afford such extensive protection, annual contributions will be required, and the minister and a layman, selected by every contributing congregation, will be the members of the society. By opulent congregations liberal assistance will undoubtedly be supplied, and the poorest may without difficulty contribute, by weekly payments of one penny from every member, the very small annual sum which from such congregations will be accepted. These sums will become due at Lady Day in every year, and those congregations who delay their remittance after the month of June, will be considered as withdrawn from the society. The organization of the plan, will, we presume, be intelligible and satisfactory. From the union of ministers and laymen as members of the committee, beneficial consequences will result. The committee resident in London, be

ing selected by the members at the an nual meeting in the month of May, when many country members visit the metropolis, will be the representatives, not only of the metropolitan, but of the country congregations; and will be interested in their prosperity, vigilant for their welfare, dependent on their approbation; and the country members being incorporated with the committee, will not be received when they attend as intruders, or even as guests, but as members whose opinions will be peculiarly entitled to respect; who may give useful information and valuable aid. The execution of the plan is intended to be distinguished by liberality and promptitude. Advice, when necessary, will be immediately and gratuitously afforded. Reports annually circulated will communicate accurate intelligence to the remotest districts, and by the early and regular diffusion of correct legal knowledge, misapprehensions will be prevented, and the ignorance as to their rights and privileges, and the public or parliamentary proceedings by which they may be affected, which Dissenters have frequently deplored, will be completely dispelled.

The eagerness displayed for the establishment of this association, has announced, that the necessity for its existence, and the advantages it must produce, are universally perceived; otherwise we could multiply proofs, that it will afford to protestant dissenters many benefits otherwise unattainable. But we must remark, that the powers improperly assumed by magistrates in several counties require immediate restraint. That every week will probably present cases requiring legal interference. That the spirit of persecution has not expired, and appears recently to be awakened, That during late years, penalties amounting to 901. have been recovered in Wales, under that Conventicle Act, which we trust that a wise and liberal legislature will speedily repeal. That in the cur rent year, the prosecution of persons guilty of daring outrages at Wye in Kent, has exposed the Wesleyan Methodists to heavy charges. That in Berkshire 300l. have been expended in resisting the conviction of Mr. W. Kent, of Childrey, in a penalty of 201. for praying at a prayer-meeting: and that to resist the unprecedented persecution which has occurred at Wickham market in Suffolk, against the Baptist and In

dependent Dissenters, who have united their exertions to instruct the ignorant in that place, an expenditure exceeding 500l. will be required. The unreflecting or the selfish only can desire that such expences should be defrayed by individual generosity or local contributions. Interest and duty must evince the justice and expediency of forming a plan by which all friends to religious liberty may equally contribute to the defence of a cause by which they are all affected, and which by every just principle they must be impelled consentaneously to support. The Dissenters, vast in numbers, but more important to the state for their morals and usefulness, are the only public body who have neglected by union to increase their strength. They are scattered as single twigs easily to be broken. Each separate congregation is but an atom, but their general harmonious systematic combination, will render them, through the divine blessing, a rock, which tempests of persecution will ineffectually assail.

If such union be important and the formation of this society be obviously desirable, we submit that no existing body can render the establishment superfluous. County associations are eminently useful, but they are limited to particular denominations and to local utility. Public acknowledgments are also due to the deputies from the congregations of the three denominations in and near London; from whom you will probably receive an address, congratulatory on our recent deliverance and our prospects of future success. Although unconnected with any congregations but those by whom they are chosen, they have kindly assisted, on many occasions, other persons who have solicited their aid. But the nature of their institution, unavoidably excluding many of the most numerous congregations in the metropolis, and all country congregations, precludes them from representing the general body of Dissenters, and their limited revenue must prevent that extensive protection which the new institution will endeavour to afford. The intelligence and liberality of their congregations will probably induce them to constitute parts of our society, whom they may usefully assist by their experience; or if they continue to select separate delegates for their particular congregations, we shall be most happy to


be stimulated by their efforts, and to benefit by their concurrence and advice.

To render this measure either practicable or useful, it must however acquire general support. The small sums, which many congregations may contribute, unless the contributions be very numerous, will be inadequate to the unavoidable expence; and to provide the necessary resources and give efficacy to the design, it is desirable that every congregation, however small, should be inrolled among its members; and as the general strength and security will be thereby increased, we intreat your immediate exertions to recommend the design to universal support. Any payment you may make will be considered as a subscription for the current year, terminating at Lady day, provided you inform us within one month, of the amount you intend to transmit, and communicate the name of the gentleman who, with yourself, is to be considered as the member of this society-a society which we hope will prove a permanent benefit arising from an injurious attempt, and an additional demonstration that the Great Ruler of events can out of evil extract unexpected good, and can cause even the wrath of man to celebrate his praise.

We are, dear Sir,

Your most obedient humble Servants.


Plan of" The Protestant Society;" from the Committee of the Friends of Religious Liberty, to Dissenting Ministers. I. The designation of this society is "The Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty."

II. The object of this society is to protect the claims of Protestant Dissenters, and other persons included in the provisions of the Acts of Toleration, to all the privileges and exemptions therein specified, and to assist them in the maintenance of religious liberty.

III. That every congregation in England and Wales, contributing to this society an annual sum, according to thier ability, by collections or subscriptions, but not less than 21. in England and 11. in Wales, shall be entitled to its protection, subject to the rules of the society.

IV. That the officiating minister, for the time being, of every such congrega

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