
There are, indeed, who from the darkest prejudice, or most corrupt venality, would endeavour to reason mankind out of their original and genuine feelings, and persuade them to substitute artificial sentiment in place of that which is implanted by God and nature. They would maintain, that slavery will from habit become easy, and that mankind are truly better, when under confinement and subjection to the arbitrary will of a few.

Such doctrine as this could never have gained any ground, had it been addressed to calm reason alone. Its partisans therefore have found it necessary to address themselves to the imagination and passions; to call in the aid of enthusiasm and superstition; in some countries to instil à strange love and attachment to their sovereigns; and in others to propagate certain mystical notions, which the mind of man is wonderfully ready to receive, of a divine right to rule; as if their Sovereigns had descended from heaven. This last idea has been cherished for ages, from the "Cara Deum soboles ;"-" The beloved offspring of the Gods," among the Romans, to those various clevated and endearing epithets, which modern nations have thought proper to bestow upon their Sovereigns.

But, whatever sophism may be devised in favour of slavery, patience under it can never be any thing but the effect of a sickly constitution, which creates a laziness and despondency, that puts men beyond hopes and fears; mortifying ambition, and other active qualities, which freedom begets; and instead of them affording only a dull kind of pleasure, of being careless and insensible.

There is no doubt, but by entering into society mankind voluntarily give up a part of their natural rights, and bind themselves to the obedience of laws calculated for the general good. But we must distinguish between authority and oppression; be


tween laws and capricious dictates; and, keeping the original intention of government ever in view, should take care that no more restraint be laid upon natural liberty, than what the necessities of society require.

Perhaps the limits between the power of government and the liberty of the people should not be too strictly marked out. Men of taste reckon that picture hard, where the outlines are so strong as to be clearly seen. They admire a piece of painting where the colours are delicately blended, and the tints which point out every particular object are sof tended into each other by an insensible gradation. So in a virtuous state there should be such a mutual confidence between the government and the people, that the rights of each should not be expressly defined.

But flagrant injustice, on one side or other, is not to be concealed; and without question, it is the privilege of the side that is injured to vindicate itself,

Liberty is indeed the parent of felicity, of every noble virtue, and even of every art and science. Whatever vain attempts have been made to raise the generous plants under an oppressive climate, have only shewn more evidently the value of freedom.

It is therefore no wonder that the world has at all times been roused at the mention of liberty; and that we read, with admiration and a vir tuous enthusiasm, the gallant atchievements of those who distinguished themselves in the glorious cause; and the history of states who were animated with the principle of freedom, and made it the basis of their constitution.

Should any one transmit to posterity the annals of an enslaved nation, we should sleep over whole ages of the humble detail. Every thing would be so poor, so tame, and so abject, that one might as well peruse the records of a prison-house.

But we have a manly satisfaction in reading the history of the ancient Romans, even abstracting from their connections and their broils with other states. Their internal progress alone affords ample matter of speculation to a judicious and spirited observer of human nature. We love to trace the various springs of their conduct, and of their advancement in civilisation. We contemplate with pleasure the ferments between the patricians and plebeians, the strong exertions of rude genius, the vigorous exercises and hardy virtues of men uncontrouled by timid subjection.

They who entertain an extravagant veneration for antiquity would make us believe, that the divine fire of liberty has been long ago exhausted, and that any appearances of it which are to be found in modern times are but feeble and dim. They would make us believe that the world is grown old, that the strength of human nature is decayed, and that we are no more to expect those noble powers which dignified men in former ages.


But the truth is, that human nature is the same at all times, and appears in different lights merely from a difference of circumstances. the language of the schoolinen, the substance is fixed, the accidents only vary. Rome has yet the seven hills on which the conquerors of the world dwelt, and these are inhabited by Romans. Athens still occupies the space from whence philosophy and genius diffused a radiance to all the nations around, and is possessed by Athenians. But neither of these people now retain any resemblance of their illustrious ancestors; this is intirely owing to the course of political events, which has produced a total change in their manners.

That the spirit of liberty has flourished in modern times, we may ap peal to the histories of the Swiss, and of the Dutch; and the boldest

proofs of it are to be found in the annals of our own country.


But a most distinguished example of it actually exists in the island of Corsica. There, a brave and resolute nation has now, for upwards of six and thirty years, maintained a constant struggle against the oppresion of the republic of Genoa. These valiant islanders were for a long time looked upon as an inconsiderable band of malcontents, as a disorderly troop of rebels, who would speedily be compelled to those chains which they had fro wardly shaken off. They have however continued steady to their purpose. Providence has favoured them, and Europe now turns her eyes upon them, and with astonishment sees them on the eve of emancipating themselves for ever from a foreign yoke, and becoming a free and independent people, notwithstanding the present efforts of the French to enslave them.

The earliest accounts that we have of Corsica are to be found in Herodotus. He tells us, that its first inhabitants were Phenicians; for that Cadmus, the son of Agenor, when wandering in quest of Europa, fell upon this island, which was named Callista, and left there some of his countrymen, with his own cousin Membleareus.

This account of the first peopling of Corsica is a very curious piece of ancient history. It is indeed very probable, that the Phenicians, or the Phoceans, were its original inha bitants; seeing they were the first great navigators in the western part of the world, and sent out colonies to many distant countries.

It afterwards got the name of Kúpos, Cyrnus, from the number of its promontories, and Isidorus relates the manner in which it got the name of Corsica. According to him, Corsa, a Ligurian woman, having often observed a bull to swim over to the island, and return much fat

ter, she had the curiosity to follow him in a little vessel, and so discovered the island, with all its beauty and fertility. Upon which the Ligurians sent thither a colony; and from Corsa, who had made the discovery, they called the island Corsica. Whatever may be in this conjecture, it is certain, that its next masters were the Carthaginians, who extended their conquests over all the islands of the Mediterranean.

Corsica next passed under the dominion of Rome. In the first Punic war, and about the 493d year from the building of the city, Lucius Cornelius Scipio conquered the island.

The Romans founded two colonies in Corsica. The island was, like other provinces, governed by a prætor. It was also made to serve for a place of exile, and was very proper for what they called " Relegatio in insulam, banishment to an island." But the Romans never had a firm hold of this country, where that spirit of liberty, which tyrants call rebellion, was ever breaking forth.

On the irruption of the barbarous nations, Corsica shared the same fate with the other dominions of the ruined empire. It fell a prey to the Goths, who established there the feudal system, as they did in every other country to which their arms penetrated.

From this period, the history of Corsica is for many ages a continued series of war, ravage and destruction by a variety of contending powers, When the power of the Saracens rose to that height, of which we read with amazement, they drove the Goths from Corsica, and maintained the dominion there for a considerable time; and it is believed that they first gave the title of kingdom to Corsica; and to, this day the coat armorial of the island bears a Moor's head on its shield. At last, Corsica was actually conquered by one of the Kings of France; some say by

Pepin, and others, by Charles Martel. The Corsicans shew to this day a fountain, called by the name of Charles, in the pieve of Alesani, and, as they say, on the spot where this gallant Prince vanquished the Moors.

By the Kings of France, Corsica was resigned, in a perpetual gift, to the holy see. The Saracens however, from time to time, returned; so that the Pope had but a very feeble and uncertain sway.

The Genoese, availing themselves of the distracted state of the island, had very early contrived to settle a colony at Bonifaccio; and, emboldened by degrees, they landed troops on other parts of the country, and began to bear a formidable appearance.

This could not fail to incense the court of Rome, and to draw down upon them the thunders of the vatican, from whence the holy father used, in those ages, to fulminate with serious effect against the greatest powers in Europe. Accordingly, the Genoese were excommunicated by Pope Gregory the Seventh, which made them at that time desist from their project.

In this fluctuating situation Corsica continued, till one of the popes, but which of them historians are not agreed, sent thither Hugo Colonna, a nobleman of Rome, accompanied by several others of the Roman nobility, with a good force under his command, in order to expel the infidels from the island. When Colonna landed, he was joined by many of the inhabitants, who, during the struggle which had been subsisting so long, and with such viglence, had again and again endea voured to maintain themselves in a state of freedom, and had elected a certain number of chiefs, to whom they gave the title of Caporali.

These Caporali gave all the aid in their power to Colonna; and, by their influence over the people, they soon brought together such a body

of men, that Colonno was enabled totally to rout the Saracens, and to dispossess them for ever.

The Moors being rendered desperate by this unexpected blow, were forced to quit the island; but before they went, they burnt all that they possibly could; and to this we must greatly impute the desolation which is yet to be seen in Corsica, and the . destruction of their ancient monuments and public archieves.

Hugo Colonna settled in Corsica, having obtained from the pope distinguished honours and extensive grants. The family of Colonna is one of the most illustrious, and most ancient in the world. So early as the year 1200, mention is made of Pietro Colonna, the eighth of the name. The branch which settled in Corsica continued long in great splendor, enjoying the noble fief of Istria; but by the confusions and troubles which the island has been thrown into, by the bloody contests between the Genoese and the patriotic Corsicans, that family hath suffered prodigiously, and its possessions are reduced to a very narrow compass. The present head of the family is a worthy, sensible man, and very zealous in the great cause. It is probable, that the Corsican counts, marquisses, and barons, derive their origin from this period.

The island remained for some time in tolerable quiet. But partly from the dissentions of different parties among themselves, ever impatient of contradiction, and partly from the repeated attacks of the Genoese, whose hankering after this little kingdom still continued, there were such disorders, and such a defect of good government, that the pope thought proper to make it over to the Pisans, who were then in great power. The Pisans, while their republic flourished, and their force was considerable, maintained their authority over Corsica to very good purpose; and, as far as we can gather from

different authors, the island enjoyed more repose and tranquillity during this period, than it has ever been known to enjoy.

But this calm was of short endurance; for, the Genoese irritated to find themselves now effectually excluded from an island on which they had long set their hearts, and being, over and above, the determined rivals of Pisa, a keen and obstinate war was carried on between these states; at last, the Genoese prevailed, in the famous sea-fight at Malora, near the mouth of the Arno; after which they got intirely the mastery of Pisa, and so were at length enable to seize upon Corsica, about the beginning of the fourteenth century.

Thus were the Corsicans, for the first time, brought under the power of the Genoese; with whom they have since had such struggles for that freedom, which they appear to have at all times attempted to recover.

In reviewing these strange and ra pid revolutions which this island has undergone, we may join with Seneca in reflecting on the mutability of hu man affairs, and be silent on the changes which happen to individuals, when we contemplate the vicissitudes of a whole nation.

The Genoese having obtained the undoubted possession of Corsica, they were eager to enjoy their and power, thought they could not fully enjoy it, but by exercising the most severe dominion. What we have long anx iously desired acquires in our minds an imaginary, an extravagant value; and, when we actually become possessed of it, a moderate and reason able fruition seems insipid and unsatisfactory to our heightened ex pectations. We are even, as it were, uncertain if we really have it. And generally we never rest, till, by abusing our powers, we destroy what we esteemed so highly.

An individual, who acquires a large fortune, and a state, which acquires an increase of dominion,

may be very properly compared.He who gets a large fortune thinks he cannot shew his command of riches, but by such acts of profusion as must quickly dissipate them. And a state, which has acquired an increase of dominion, thinks its sovereignty is not sufficiently manifested, but by such acts of arbitrary oppression as must tend to force its subjects to throw off their allegiance. For however a people may, from indolence, from timidity, or from other motives, submit for a season to a certain degree of tyranny; if it is long continued, and pushed to an exorbitant length, nature will revolt, and the original rights of men will call for redress.

The Genoese were the worst nation to whom Corsica could have fallen. The Corsicans were a people, impetuous, violent, and brave; who had weathered many a storm; and who could not have been governed, but by a state of which they' stood somewhat in awe, and which, by humanity and proper encouragement, might have conciliated their affections. Whereas the Genoese were a nation of republicans just in the neighbourhood of the islanders; who had long been their enemies; who had made so many cunning and impotent attempts to seize upon the island; that, although, by the unexpected course of events, they were now masters of it, the Corsicans could not look upon them with any respect. And as it has been always remarked that the foreign subjects of a little republic are much worse used than those of a great kingdom; they had reason to expect nothing but avowed tyranny from Genoa.

Accordingly the Genoese, who were themselves in an unstable and perilous condition, seeking the protection sometimes of one powerful state, and sometimes of another, did not treat the Corsicans with that gentleness and confidence, which alone


could have secured their attachment and obedience, by insensibly leading them to a participation of the culture and felicity of civil life, and accustoming them to consider the Genoese as their fellow-subjects and friends.

They took a direct contrary course; their oppression was heavy, their system was not to render the Corsicans happier and better, but by keeping them in ignorance, and under the most abject submission, to prevent their endeavouring to get free; while Genoa drained the island of all she possibly could get, chusing rather even to have less advantage by tyranny, than to have a much greater advantage, and risque the consequences of permitting to the inhabitants the blessings of freedom.

In this unhappy situation was Corsica. Often did the natives rise in arms; but, having no head to direct them, they were immediately quelled. So apprehensive however were the Genoese, that, according to their own historian Filippini, they burnt 120 of the best villages in Corsica, while 4000 people left the island.

About the year 1550, Corsica revived under the conduct of a great hero, who arose for the deliverance of his conatry. This was Sampiero di Bastelica. He early discovered extraordinary parts and spirit. He was created colonel of the Corsicans in France, and distinguished himself in almost every one of the great actions of that nation in his time. After the death of Francis I. he went home to his native country; where he married Vannina, heiress of the house of Ornano, of the most ancient and rich of the Corsican nobility; and from this time he was generally called Sampiero di Ornano. Being moved with the miserable. state of his countrymen, he resolved to procure them relief; and for this a very favourable opportunity then presented itself.

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