
first to the minister and ask bis of the two before mentioned, being permission. I met him on entering in number one hundred and twenty, the church, and having opened my had presented themselves to their wish, was invited into the vestry, minister, in public assembly, the where he was about to hold a pre- day before, and had received from paratory exercise with two other bim suitable admonition and advice, individuals, who, like myself, had as well as had given him audible not been present at the service held testimony of their Christian faith, for that purpose on the after. It is true this is done in our church noon of the preceding day. Dr. B. in the communion service itself, having placed himself in front of yet I cannot but think that such a the vestry table, we drew nigh, and preparatory exercise carries with it formed a little circle round him. more solemnity, and excites more He began with reminding us of the devotion in the communicant. Apostolic injunction, that every Doubtless something of this kind man should examine himself, be- was intended by our Reformers, fore he presumed to eat of that when they require in the Rubrick bread and drink of that cup. He that all such as intend to be present then offered up a short but earnest at the table, should send in their prayer for the divine presence; and names to the minister at least proceeded to demand if we were sometime the day before. really contrite for our sins; if we T he service commenced with trusted to any other name than that singing at half-past nine : the of Jesus for pardon; and, if we psalms were extremely well selectfully purposed to lead a new life: ed, and perfectly in unison with to these questions, in succession, the occasion. On the ininister he called upon each of us, to make mounting the pulpit, he did not an audible reply. This having at once announce his subject, but been done, be solemnly pronounced gave a prefatory address, grounded absolution, in the name of the on those words of the RevelationFather, and of the Son, and of the “Blessed are they which are called Holy Ghost; and again fervently to the marriage supper of the Lamb. calling for fresh spiritual strength He showed in how many points the for us, he dismissed us with, “Go heavenly feast which shall be hence, in the peace of the Lord enjoyed by the redeemed above, and his Gospel.” This exercise resembled the supper of which lasted eight or nine minutes, when they partook below. Both were we left the vestry with our grateful real enjoyments—real feasts--both acknowledgements, and took our granted after work done; the same seats in the church.

riches belonged to both; Christ As to myself I can truly say that was the sum and substance of these these acknowledgments were un- joys. A prayer followed full of feigned: the spirit and manner devotional feeling, and the text were as edifying as the practice was selected was from Isaiah, lxi. 10. truly apostolic. How comes it to " I will greatly rejoice in the pass that so little of this prepara- Lord, my soul shall be joyful in tory exercise obtains among our my God: for he hath clothed me selves? Why are individuals suffer with the garments of salvation, he ed to approach the table, of whom hath covered me with a robe of the public stewards of the mysteries righteousness," &c. of Christ have no personal know. It was, said the preacher, the ledge? from whom they have re- confession of a believing person, ceived no pledge? I found that all acknowledging what God had done those persons whom I was per- for him : the righteousness was mitted to join, with the exception Christ's; our need of it lay in ori

ginal and actual transgression : it K. took their stand at the altar, was apprehended by faith, and which is immediately under the faith was followed by obedient pulpit, and between the two sets of love. The Christian became con- stairs or steps, both of which lead formed to his master : what took up to it. The congregation now place in Christ's flesh takes place commenced singing, which was in ours, if faithful: we are crucified repeated at intervals during the with him, buried with him, risen administration. The consecration with him ; thus what is true of him prayer followed, when the communia is also true of his; and our union cants drew near in pairs, and first the with bim is the source of all virtue; male part of the congregation. One so that the justified of God are of the first to present himself was holy persons, and willing servants a young officer of dragoons, who in righteousness and purity. But with five or six brother officers of all the fruits of redemption joy belonging to a regiment quaris that which the prophet is here tered in the neighbouring county extolling. It is that pure, holy, barracks, is distinguished for his heavenly joy, concerning which the Christian qualities. They had all Redeemer prayed that his people been present during the sermon. might be fulfilled with it. He calls The minister holding in his hands it his joy : the joy which he expe- a wafer of an oblong form, and rienced in this fellowship with his notched in the middle, brake it Father and obedience to his will; in half, and gave the parts to and which bis people taste, in this the two communicants before the same communion with the him, uttering words to this efFather, in and with him ; whereby fect: Jesus said this is my body the Father, and he, and they, are which is given for you: do this in one for ever. John xvii. 21. It remembrance of me. The two is a joy unspeakable and full of communicants then pass to the glory.

south side of the altar, where This delightful discourse was stood the other minister, who held heard with the greatest attention, up a cup to their mouth; they did and evidently produced emotion in not touch it. The wine was white, the hearers. The congregation not red. When all the male perwas perfectly still, and it was easy sons had communicated, the ministo see that the worthy servant of ter who had given to them the God, Mr. K. was preacbing from a bread, and who had stood, as with fund which grace had opened in us, on the north side of the altar, his own soul. Surely the Holy addressed to them a few words. Ghost is the preacher, wherever They were now allied to the Lamb God's truth flows forth in Christ's of God, had received the pledges love! What made Paul the minis- of his love, and were bound to him ter he was? Was it not this--that he in the bonds of affection, and should strove according to, and not against, show forth his praise. Turning that working which wrought in to the female part of the congregahim mightily? And blessed be God, tion, he exhorted them to embolden his arm is not shortened since those their hearts in the Lord, and assured days; then let po pastor, no over- them that the Lord was tender in seer of God's flock be any more his mercies, and would gladly refaithless, but believing.

ceive even the weak in faith. Then The sermon being ended, a bles- changing sides with his brother sing was pronounced on those who minister, the females likewise drew were about to depart, not staying near in pairs, till the whole assemto the communion. The two bly had coinmunicated, the ministers ministers, Dr. D. and Mr. Pastor themselves excepted. A collection

" was made at the doors for the poor member of the congregation to I did not leave the church without take heed that his faith may be heartily thanking the worthy ser found more pure, more precious vants of the Lord, who had con- than perishable gold, and redound ducted the service in so edifying to praise, honour, and glory at the a manner, that I had nothing left appearing of Jesus Christ. me to desire. In the afternoon On one face of the medal is the Dr. B. preached a short discourse holy Bible. Upon this blessed on Psalm xcviii.

word of God, and not upon the Before I close this communica- word or wisdom of men, must our tion, I would add a few words faith rest; " for this is able to make

concerning this Protestant congre- us wise unto salvation, through · gation, growing up in the fear and faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

nurture of the Lord, in the heart Oh, then may this precious word be of Papal Cologne. It is composed always a lamp to our feet, and a of, what were formerly two par- light to our path. ties, the Lutherans and the Re- On the other face of the medal, formed; these distinctions have we see the heads of those champions been voluntary surrendered, and of the faith, who laboured to resthe congregation constitutes now tore the doctrines of Jesus to their one body of evangelical Christians. primitive simplicity; and whose This union was preparing in the endeavours, by the divine mercy, year 1802, when the two con- have been proceeding through three gregations assembled in the same centuries towards their blessed place of worship, and received in accomplishment. Hereby we are struction from both ministers alike. led to remember those, who have

Such was the favourable state spoken to us the word of God, of feeling, when the invitation of the and to follow their faith. present King of Prussia to merge • But whose heart would not completely all outward differences mourn over the contention, which reached this, as well as all the other even then divided those noble protestant congregations of his champions for the cause of God dominions. The royal wish found and humanity! They drew from an echo in the hearts of this people; only one source, and they had and on the 30th of April, 1826, one bigh aim; and yet their strife the name of Christ was exalted separated the followers of the gosA gold medal, having on the ob- pel for succeeding centuries ! But verse the heads of Luther and here, beloved, here they are united : Calvin, and on the reverse the here are they represented, as Bible, was presented by the king they have long since really been, on this occasion, and is kept among in peace and love, in the upper the archives of the church. There regions of light : thus they seem to is an interesting document which call to us, and say, “ Be diligent, commemorates this event. I sub and hold the unity of the spirit in join an extract from Dr. B's speech, the bond of peace.” delivered at the time, I present Finally-like as these worthies to you the medal which our gra- are here joined together for ever, so cious sovereign has commanded to may the holy bond of love and be sent to us. Great is its value ! peace surround our hearts eternally! but this is not so much enhanced “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, by the preciousness of the metal, one communion, one God and father as by its significancy. The medal of all, who is above all, and through is of pure gold.-Oh! that this all, and in you all!”' consideration may induce every




My dearly beloved Brethren and Children in Christ Jesus, to whom I formerly ministered the word of life and salvation, and to whom, through divine grace my unworthy ministry was not I trust in vain. I frequently think of you, and of those favoured opportunities, we enjoyed together both in public and in private ; thanks and praise to God for them. It has often been in my mind (as I shall probably never see you again in the body) to send a line to you, expressing my remembrance of you all, and my love and good will towards you; but the very kind and affectionate visit which Thomas B- made me last summer, and his grateful letter after his return, and his account of such of you yet alive, and of your love expressed toward me, determined me to put it into effect.

Accept then, my dear friends and brethren in Christ, this token of my regard and Christian affection for you. Blessed be God, who in his providence sent me amongst you to preach the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, and blessed be his name, who made you willing to receive that salvation, and has kept you through his divine power unto this day. You have now, my dear brethren, passed through many years, in which you have had opportunity to try those truths which I have delivered, and I persuade myself, the event has been to the more full establishment in their truth and excellence. While on the one hand, you have received clearer discoveries of the fallen state of your souls, of the deceit fulness and evil of your hearts, and your own weakness and unworthiness; you have on the other hand, proved the truth, and faithfulness, and rich grace, of that God and

Saviour in whom you have believed. Hence he has become more precious to you, and you feel more fully and thankfully the necessity, as well as the blessing of living by faith on him. Press onwards then towards the mark for the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus. Seek to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Avoid whatever may cause any shyness or difference. Pray for more of divine love in your hearts. Keep close to Christ and his narrow way. You have seen what the vanity and evil of the world is, in the experience of your lives, and you have learned also the vanity and futility of trusting in yourselves. Let these things drive you more fully to Christ, and through the Holy Spirit make Him your all. Study Him, in whom you have believed, more in his person, work, and offices. Seek to have a more full acquaintance and intercourse with him in your hearts daily; that you may thus be fitting and ripening for the kingdom of God to which he has called you, and of which he has given you the earnest by the working of the Holy Spirit in your souls. You doubtless find many things to struggle with, inward and outward. They change their kind with our different ages. But these are the varied parts of your warfare, and you must seek for grace answerable to their different natures, and grace will be given to you sufficient to your need. But soon your dismissal will come. You are now come to those years, when you cannot look for much longer continuance below, nor ought it indeed to be wished for. You are nearly in view of the eternal world. Keep

the eyes of your mind more fully and slept in Jesus, and have entered there. Look to it as your home, their everlasting rest. Glory be to and your home near at hand. This God for them, and for his grace will be the best and most effectual bestowed upon them. They were means of weakening the influence my comfort when living, and I of the world, and of depriving all hope to find them şuch in the day your trials of power to disturb you. of the Lord's coming. It remains Be much in reading the scriptures, for us to be followers with them, in private meditation and prayer, of those who through faith and and keep yourselves unspotted from patience inherit the promises. Then the world.-Do you inquire how a little, a very little while, and all I am ? As for my bodily health, here will be over. There will be no it has been for some years past, more complaining of an evil heart, full as well as my age (now 72 and or an evil world, but our warfare upwards) will admit. At present will be accomplished, and death I am attacked with a violent cough, swallowed up in victory, and we which has laid me aside from shall meet to cast our crowns beany public duty during a month fore the throne, and join the chorus or more; but as there are no of those who have washed their unfavourable symptoms, we trust robes, and made them white in the it will be removed, when the blood of the Lamb, in ascribing weather shall be more favourable. blessing, and honour, glory, and As to my soul, I feel more and power, and salvation, to him who more fully the importance of those sitteth upon the throne, and to the truths I declared to you, and Lamb who hath redeemed us unto their firm and only support in God by his blood, for ever and declining years. To these I cleave ever. with full purpose of heart, and May the God of all grace wish to experience the power of be with you abundantly, and fill them continually. I find a body you with his divine fulness. May of sin and death warring and the remainder of your days be fighting against me, but my trust blessed with the light of his counis still in the Lord, my covenant tenance, and when you have each God and Saviour. A sense of my fulfilled as a hireling your day, unworthiness and evil, lays me ever and are called to leave this world, in the dust before God, and causes may his presence be with you in the me to feel the need of deep re. vale of death, and make you more pentance and application of the than conquerors through a realizing blood of Christ, and the renewing view of Him that hath loved you; power of the Holy Spirit; looking and may appointed angels convey to him who is the Author, to be your departed spirits to the bosom also the Finisher of iny faith. I go of Jesus to be with him for ever. on with much weakness, beseeching Be assured of continued and daily him to preserve me to his ever remembrance of you in my prayers. lasting kingdom.

And on your part forget not to It was forty-seven years on

pray for him, who once ministered January the 25th last, since I

to you the word of life and salvafirst opened my commission among

tion, and who reinains ever your you, and in a season not very faithful and affectionate friend in unlike the present. Many who Christ. received the word in those for

J. S. mer years of my ministry, have long since finished their course, H- , Feb. 10, 1814.

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