
wants of his troops; his rescue of Richmond; his long trial of generalship with Cornwallis, who boasted that the boy could not escape him ;" the siege of Yorktown, and the storming of the redoubt, are proofs of his devotion to the cause of American Indepenence. Desirous of serving that cause at home, he again returned to France for that purpose. Congress which had already acknowledged his merits on former occasions, now passed new resolutions, November 23, 1781, in which, besides the usual marks of approbation, they desired the American ministers to confer with him in their negociations. In France a reputation had preceded him, and he was received with the highest marks of public admiration. Still, he urged upon his goverament the necessity of negociating with a power. ful force in America, and succeeded in obtaining orders to his effect. On his arrival in Cadiz, he found 49 ships, with twenty thousand men, ready to follow him to America, had not peace rendered it unnecessary. A letter from him communicated the first intelligence of that event to Congress.


The importance of his services in France may be seen by consulting his letters in the Correspondence of the American Revolution, (Boston, 1831.) He received pressing invitations, however, to revisit the country. Washington, in particular, urged it strongly, and, tor the third time, Lafayette landed in the U

LIFE OF LAFAYETTE. LAFAYETTE, Gilbert Motier, (formerly marquis de,) was born at Chavagnac, near Brioude, in Auvergne, September 6, 1757; was educated in the college of Louis le Grand, in Paris; placed at court as an officer in one of the guards of honor; and at the age of 17 was married to the grand daughter of the duke Noailles. It was under these circumstances that the young marquis de Lafayette entered upon a career so little to be expected of a youth of vast fortune, of high rank, of powerful connexions, at the most brilliant and fascinating court in the world. He left France secretly for America in 1777, and arrived at Charleston, South Carolina, April 25, being then 19 years old. The state of this country, it is well known, was at that time most gloomy. A feeble army, without clothing or arms, was with difficulty kept together before a victorious enemy; the government was without resources or credit, and the American agents in Paris were actually obliged to confess that they could not furnish the young noble. man with a conveyance. "Then," said he, "I will it out a vessel myself;" and he did BO. The sensation produced in this country by his arrival was very great; it encouraged the almost disheartened people to hope for succor and sympathy from one of the most powerful nations in Europe. Immediately on his arrival, Lafayette received the offer of a command in the continental army, but decli-nited States, Aug. 4, 1784. After passing a ned it-raised and equipped a body of men at his own expense, and then entered the service as a volunteer, without pay. He lived in the family of the commander-in-chief, and won his full affection and confidence. He was appointed major-general in July, and in September was wounded at Brandywine. He was employed in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island in 1778, and, after receiving the thanks of the country for his important services, embarked at Boston in January, 1779, for France, where it was thought that he could assist the cause more effectually for a time. The treaty concluded between France and America, about the same period, was, by his personal exertions, made effective in our favor, and he returned to America with the intelligence that a French force would soon be sent to this country. Immediately on his arrival he entered the service, and, received the command of a body of infantry of about 2000 men, which he clothed and equipped, in part, at his own expense. His forced marches to Virginia n December, 1780, raising 2000 guineas at Baltimore, on his own credit, to supply the

few days at Mount Vernon, he visited Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, &c. and was every where received with the greatest enthusiasm and delight. Previous to his return to France, Congress appointed a deputation, consisting of one member from each State, to take leave of him on behalf of the country, and assure him that the United States regard him with particular affection, and will not cease to feel an interest in whatever may concern his honor and prosperity." After his return, he was engaged in endeavoring to mitigate the condition of the Protestants in France, and to effect the abolition of slavery. In the assembly of the notables, in 1787, he proposed the suppression of lellres de cachet, and of the state prisons, the emanciaption of the Protestants, and the convocation of the representatives of the nation. When asked by the count D'Artois, since Charles X. if he demanded the states-general,-"Yes," was the reply, "and something better." Being elected a member of the states-general, which took the name of National Assembly, (1789,) he proposed a declaration of rights, and the

under the mask of popular leaders, were en-
deavoring to stifle liberty under the excesses cf
licentiousness. June 20, he appeared at the
bar of the Assembly to vindicate his conduct,
and demand the punishment of the guilty au-
thors of the violence. But the mountain had

already overthrown the Constitution, and
nothing could be effected. Lafayette then of
¡ered to conduct the King and his family to
Compeigne. This proffer being declined, he
returned to the army, which he endeavored
to rally round the Constitution. June 30, he
was burnt in effigy at the Palais-Royal, and
Aug. 5 was accused of treason before the As-
sembly. Still he declared himself openly
against the proceedings of August 10; but
finding himself unsupported by his soldiers, he
determined to leave the country, and take re-
fuge in some neutral ground. Some per-
sons have charged Gen. Lafayette with a
want of firmness at this period; but it is with-
out a full understanding of the situation of
things. Conscious that a price was set on his
head at home-knowing that his troops would
not support him against the principles which
were triumphing in the clubs and the assem-
bly, and sensible that, even if he were able to
protract the contest with the victorious fac-
tion, the frontiers would be exposed to the in-

decree providing for the responsibility of the officers of the crown. Two days after the attack on the Bastile, he was appointed (July 15) Commander-in-Chief of the National Guards of Paris. The Court and National Assembly were still at Versailles, and the pop. ulation of Paris, irritated at this, had already adopted, in sign of opposition, a blue and red cockade, being the colors of the city of Paris. July 26, Lafayette added to this cockade the white of the royal arms, declaring at the same time that the tri-color should go round the world. On the march of the populace to Ver Bailles, (October 5 and 6,) the National Guards claimed to be led thither. Lafayette refused to comply with their demand until, having received colors in the afternoon, he set off, and arrived at ten o'clock, after having been on horseback from before daylight. He request ed that the interior posts of the chateau might be committed to him; but this request was refused, and the outer posts only were entrusted to the National Guards. This was the night on which the assassins murdered two of the Queen's guards, and were proceeding to further acts of violence, when Lafayette, at the head of the national troops, put an end to the disorder, and saved the lives of the royal family. In the morning he accompanied them to Paris. On the establishment of the Jaco-vasion of the emigrants and their foreign albin club at Paris, he organized, with Bailly, then mayor of Paris, the opposing club of Feuillians. Jan 20, 1790, he supported the motion for the abolition of titles of nobility, from which period he renounced his own, and never since resumed it. The Constitution of a representative monarchy, which was the object of his wishes, was now proposed, and July 13, 1790, was appointed for its accept-communication with his friends, who were not ance by the King and the nation, and in the name of 4,000,000 National Guards Lafayette swore fidelity to the Constitution. Declining the dangerous power of constable of France, or generalissimo of the National Guards of the kingdom, after having organized the nationa! militia, and defended the King from popular violence, he resigned all command, and retired to his estates. The first coalition against France (1792) soon called him from his retire-peror of Austria on his behalf without effect; ment. Being appointed one of the three major-generals in the command of the French armies, he established discipline, and defeated the enemy at Philippeville, Maubeuge, and Florennes, when his career of success was interrupted by the domestic factions of his country. Lafayette openly denounced the terrible Jacobins in his letter of June 16, in which he declared that the enemies of the Revolution,

lies, with whom he would have felt it treason against the nation to have negotiated, he had no alternative. Having been captured by an Austrian patrol, he was delivered to the Prussians, by whom he was again transferred to Austria. He was carried with great secrecy, to Olmutz, where he was subjected to every privation and suffering, and cut off from all

able to discover the place of his confinement until late in 1794. An unsuccessful attempt was made to deliver him from prison by Dr. Bollman, a German, and Mr. Huger, now Col. Huger, of Charleston, South Carolina.His wife and daughters, however, succeeded in obtaining admission to him, and remained with him nearly two years, till his release.— Washington had written directly to the Em

but after the memorable campaign of Bonaparte in Italy, the French Government required that the prisoners at Olmu'z should be released, which was done Aug. 25, 1797, after a negotiation that lasted three months.Refusing to take any part in the Revolutions of the 18th Fructidor, or of the 18th Brumaire, he returned to his estate at La Grange, and, declining the dignity Senator, offered him

by Bonaparte, he gave his vote against the Consulate for life, and, taking no further part in public affairs, devoted himself to agriculturral pursuits.

On the restoration of the Bourbons, in 1814, he perceived that their principles of government where not such as France required, and he did not therefore leave his retirement.the 20th of March, 1815, again saw Napoleon on the imperial throne, and endeavoring to conciliate the nation by the profession of liberal principles. Lafayette refused, though urged through the mediation of Joseph, to see him-protested against the acte additionnel of April 22-declined the peerage offered him by the Emperor, but accepted the place of representative, to which the votes of his fellow-citizens called him. He first met Napoleon at the opening of the chambers; the Emperor received him with great marks of kindness, to which, however he did not respond; but, although he would take no part in the projects of Napoleon, he gave his vote for all necessary supplies, on the ground that France was invaded, and that it was the duty of all Frenchmen to defend their country. June 21, Napoleon returned from Waterloo, and it was understood that it was determined to dissolve the House of Representatives, and established a dictatorship. Two of his counsellors informed Lafayette that, in two hours the representative body would cease to exist.Immediately on the opening of the session, he ascended the tribune and addressed the house as follows:-64 When, for the first time, after an interval of many years, I raise a voice which all the old friends of liberty will still recognise, it is to speak of the danger of the country, which you only can save. This, then is the moment for us to rally round the old tri-colored standard, the standard of '89, of liberty, of equality, of public order, which we have now to defend against foreign violence and usurpation." He then moved that the house declare itself in permanent session, and all attempts to desolve it high treason; that whoever should make such an attempt, should be considered a traitor to the ceuntry, &c.In the evening Napoleon sent Lucien to the house to make one more effort in his favor.Lucien, in a strain of impassioned eloquence conjured the house not to compromise the honor of the French nation by inconstancy to the Emperor. At these words Lafayette rose In his place, and, addressing himself directly

to the orator, exclaimed, "Who dares accuse the French nation of inconstancy to the Emperor? Through the sands of Egypt and the

wastes of Russia, over fifty fields of battle, this nation has followed him devotedly; and it is for this that we now mourn the blood of three millions of Frenchmen." This appeal had such an affect on the assembly, that Lucien resumed his seat without finishing his discourse. A deputation of five members from each house was then appointed to deliberate in committee with the council of ministers.— Of this deputation, General Lafayette was a member, and he moved that a committee should be sent to the Emperor to demand his abdication. The Arch-Chancellor refused to put the motion; but the Emperor sent in his abdication the Lext morning, June 22. A provisional government was formed, and Lafayette was sent to demand a suspension of hostilities of the armies, which was refused.— On his return, he found Paris in possession of the enemy; and a few days after (July) 8,) the door of the representatives chamber was closed, and guarded by Prussian troops. Lafay

ette conducted a number of the members to the house of Lanjuinais, the President, where they drew up a protest against this act of violence, and quietly separated. Lafayette now retired once more to La Grange, where he remained till 1818, when he was chosen member of the Chamber of the Deputies. Here he centinued to support his constitutional principles, by opposing the laws of exceptions, the establishment of the censorship of the Press, the suspension of personal liberty, &c., and by advocating the cause of public instruction, the organization of a national militia, and the inviolability of the charter.

In June, 1824, he landed at New-York, on a visit to the United States, upon the invitation of the President, and was received in every part of the country with the warmest expressions of delight and enthusiasm. He was proclaimed, by the popular voice, The Guest of the Nation,' & his presence was every where the signal for festivals and rejoicings. He passed through the 24 States of the Union in a sort of triumphal procession, in which all parties joined to forget their dissentions, in which the veterans of the war renewed their youth, and the young were carried back to the doings and sufferings of their fathers.Having celebrated, at Bunker hill, the anniversary of the first conflict of the Revolution, and, at Yorktown, that of its closing scene, in which he himself had borne so conspicious a

part, and taken lave of the four ex-presidents of the United States, he received the farewell of the President in the name of the nation, and sailed from the capital in a frigate

named, in compliment to him, the Brandywine, Sept. 7, 1825, and arrived at Havre, where the citizens,having peaceably assembled to make some demonstrations of their respect for his character, were dispersed by the gendarmerie. In December following, the Congress of the United States made him a grant of $200,000, and a township of land," in consideration of his important services and expenditures during the American Revolution.”— The grant of money was in the shape of stock, bearing interest at six per cent., and redeemable December 31, 1334. In August, 1827, he attended the obsequies of Manuel, over whose body he pronounced an eulogy. In November, 1827, the Chamber of Deputies was dissolved. Lafayette was again returned a member by the new elections. Shortly be fore the Revolution of 1830 he travelled to Lyons, &c., and was enthusiastically received -a striking contrast to the conduct of the ministers towards him, and an alarming symp. tom to the despotic government. During the Revolution of July, 1830, he was appointed General-in-Chief of the National Guards of Paris, and, though not personally engaged in the fight, his activity and name were of the greatest service. To the Americans, Lafayette, the intimate friend of Washington, had appeared in his last visit, almost like a great historical character returning from beyond the grave. In the eyes of the French, he is a man of the early days of their Revolution,a man, moreover, who has never changed side or principle. His underviating consistency is acknowledged by all, veu by those who do not allow him the possession of first-rate talents. When the National Guards were established throughout France, after the termination of the struggle, he was appointed their Cammander-in-Chief, and his activity in this post was admirable. Aug. 17, he was made marshal of France. His influence with the Government seems to have been, for some time, great, but whether his principles were too decidedly republican to please the new authorities, [a few days after the adoption of the new charter he declared himself against hereditary peerage, and repeatedly called himself a pupil of the American school,] or whether he was considered as the rallying point of the republican party, or whatever may have been the reason, he sent his resignation in Decem ber, 1830, which was accepted, and Count Lobau appointed chief of the National Guards of Paris. Lafayette declared from the tribune that he had acted thus in consequence of the distrust which the power accompanying his

situation seemed to excite in some people.On the same occasion he also expressed his disapprobation of the new law of election.-Shortly before his resignation, he exerted himself most praiseworthily to maintain order during the trial of the ex-ministers. The Poles lately made him first grenadier of the Polish National Guards. We are unable to state what were Lafayette's views respecting the best government for France in its present condition, though undoubtedly, in the abstract, he preferel a Republic.

My Life is like the Summer Rose. By Richard H. Wilde.

My life is like the summer rose,

That opens to the morning sky,
But ere the shades of evening close,
Is scattered on the ground to die.
But on that rose's humble bed,
The sweetest dews of night are shed,
As if she wept such waste to see~~ ›
But none shall weep a tear for me.

My life is like the autumn leaf,

That trembles in the moon's pale ray; Its hold is frail-its state is brief—

Restless and soon to pass away.

Yet ere that leaf shall fall and fade
The parent tree shall mourn its shade,
The winds bewail the leafless tree,
But one shall breathe a sigh for me.

My life is like the print whose feet
Have left on Tempe's desert strand,
Soon as the rising tide shall beat,
This track will vanish from the sand,

Yet, as if grieving to efface

All vestige of the human race,

On that lone shore, loud moans the sea, But none shall ere lament for me.

The following lines are from the pen of a lady of Ba.timore, in answer to the above Stanzas:


The dews of night may fall from heaven,
Upon the withered rose's bed,
Aud tears of fond regret be given,

To mourn the virtues of the dead;
Yet morning's sun the dews will dry,
And tears will fade from sorrow's eye,
Affection's pangs be lulled to sleep,
And even love forget to weep.

The tree may mourn its fallen leaf,

And autumn winds bewail its bloom, And friends may leave the sigh of grief

O'er those who sleep within the tomb;

Yet soon will spring renew the flowers, And time will bring more smiling hours; In friendship's heart all grief will die, And even love forget to sigh.


The sea may on the desert shore

Lament each trace it tears away,
The lonely heart its grief may pour
O'er cherish'd friendship's fast decay;
Yet when all trace is lost and gone,
The waves dance bright and gaily on,
Thus soon affection's bonds are torn,
And even love forgets to mourn.

THE LEG.-From the German

me," replied the Briton; will you be seated?
There is chocolate, coffee, wine, in case you
like to take any thing before your operation."
"Show me my patient first, sir. I must ex-
amine the injury to see whether amputation
is necessary."

"It is necessary, Mr. Theveues. Be seat-
ed. I have every confidence in you. Lis-
isten to me. There is a purse containg 100

In the autumn of the year 1782, Louis The-guineas. I intended it as a payment for the
operation you are about to perform. That
will not be all if you perform the operation
successfully. On the other hand, if you hesi-
to fullfil my wishes-you see this pistol. It
is loaded; you are in my power; I swear by
G-d I'll shoot you dead!"

But what is your desire ? Speak out with-
"Sir, your pistols inspire me with no dread.
preface. What am I to do?”.

veues, a surgeon of Calias, received a note without a signature, inviting him to a country seal situated not far from Paris, and to bring with him all the instruments necessary for an amputation. Theveues was at that time known far and wide as the most expert practioner of his profession; it was nat unusual to summon him over the straits to England, in order to have advantage of his judgment.-out He had served a long time in the army, and was somewhat tough in his exterior, but still one could not help loving him for his good nature. Theveues was astonished at the mous note. The day, hour, and spot were anonyindicated when and where he would be expected, but, as said before, the signature was wanting. "Some of our fops have a mind to play me tricks," thought he, and stayed at home.

Three days afterwards he received a similar invitation, but still more pressing than the former, with the notice that a coach would wait at nine the following morning before his house to convey him.

In fact, punctually at nine the next day, a handsome open carriage appeared, and Thereues hesitated no longer, but mounted the coach. At the door he inquired of the driver "To whom are you taking me?"


You must cut off my right leg."

Willingly, sir; and if you wish, your head
also. But if I am right, the leg seems sound
enough. You sprang up the stairs before me
like a rope dancer. What ails that leg?"
"Nothing. I wish to get rid of it."
"You are a fool!"

"What have you to do with that Mr. The-


How has your beautiful leg offended

"Not at all! but have you made up your mind to take it off?"

"I do not know you, sir. Bring me wit-
nesses of your otherwise sound and healthy

"Will you fulfill my wish, Mr. Theveues?"
ground for your mutilation."
Sir, as soon as you give me a reasonable

"I cannot tell you the truth at present.

He replied, "It is unknown to me, I am not Perhaps in a year's time. But I wager, sir, concerned," or something to that effect. “An Englishman also. You are a churl,"

answered Theveues.

The carriage at last stopped before a hand

some country house. "To whom am I going?

you yourself after the lapse of a year, will
confess that my motive for getting rid of it

was most noble."

"I will not bet unless you mention your
naine, residence, family and employment."

"You shall learn all this hereafter; but
now I entreat you to consider me as a man of

"A man of honor does not threaten his sur-
geon with pistols. I have duties to perform
towards you even as a stranger.
I shall not

Who lives here? Who is unwell here?" interrogated Theveues as he descended. He received the same reply as before, and added the same rejoinder. A handsome young man about twenty-eight years of age received him at the house door, and led him to a beautiful room on the second floor. His speech betray-mutilate you without reason. If you wish to ed him to be an Englishman. therefore addressed him in English, and reTheveues be the murdurer of an innocent man, fire." ceived friendly answers.

"You sent for me," said the surgeon.
"I am obliged for your trouble in attending

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"Well," Mr. Theveues," said the Englsihman, and took the pistol, "I will not shoot take off my leg. What you have refused to you; but I will, nevertheless, compel you to

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