
Then she suggested to him those places of scripture, which by the divine aid were brought to her mind; in answer to which, every moment he interposed such words, as made it evident that his soul which before was sinking under its burden, began to gather strength and comfort again. He had scarce been a quarter of an hour in that conflict, before he fell into a swoon, which occasioned the hasty calling in of his son, who was come to him but that morning; and when this sinking fit was over, there appeared in him again the same tranquillity and cheerfulness of countenance as formerly: and seeing those of his own household, with some friends that used to assist him, and watch with him by turns, in the next room, he attentively fixed his eyes upon each of them; and first addressing himself to his wife:

" Farewel (said he) my dearest yoke-fellow! we have lived together in peace for thirty years; and I thank thee for thy help, which hath been a great comfort unto me, for I did cast all domestic cares unto thee: continue I beseech thee to love me my children with that pious affection, which hitherto thou hast had for them."

Then turning his speech to his son, he said, " And thou my son! love and honour this dearest companion of my life, the partner of all my joys and sorrows, which hath done the duty of a mother towards thee; this I desire of thee, and this I command thee, as thou expectest a blessing from God upon what I have gotten by my labour; divide it between you without quarrelling or contention, according to what is just and right; manage all thy affairs with all lenity and christian prudence; especially pursue peace, O Frederick! (for that was his son's name, to which he alluded) be rich in peace."

Then taking hold of both their hands, and joining them together: " Promise me, (said he) that you will maintain a holy and mutual friendship with each other." Which when they had both most solemnly promised to do, " I believe you (said he) for I have not cause to doubt of your sincerity; I know that you fear God, and that my last commands will be of great weight with you; even as I pray God that he will make my blessing effectual upon you."

Then turning to his wife, he said: "The Lord bless thee, my dear love, and strengthen thee; he is a husband to the widow, and a father of the fatherless."

And to his son, "The Almighty Father bless thee, my son, guide thee in all thy ways, enrich thee with all christian virtues,

They were his children by a former wife, for he had none by her

and plentifully make thee to abound in all spiritual and temporal blessings; regard not the world nor its deceitful hopes, for the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; place all thy felicity in the blessing of God: be strong in faith, and prepared unto every good work. Let the peace of God dwell in thee, and make thee peaceable and kind. Those infants, which I commend unto thee, and commit to thy trust, will be proper subjects for thee to exercise thy charity upon. I appoint and set thee over not only that little portion which I leave them, but especially their persons, that thou mayest take care of their instruction and education in piety and virtue; that they may be fitted for that service of God, which their nature and genius renders them capable of, and especially may apply themselves to the worship of God."

And then taking hold of the hand of the eldest of the children, he said, " Farewel dear child, the Lord make thee a good and a pious man, that thou mayest fill up the place of thy father and grandfather: and bless thee abundantly, and make thy studies prosperous unto his glory; which he will do if thou diligently call upon him, and if thou study to be diligent, sober, modest, and humbly obedient unto God and thy superiors, thy uncle in particular, who will be instead of a father to thee. Give dae obedience and honour unto thy mother; love thy brother and sister, and withdraw thyself from the company of young persons who would entice thee unto vice."

And unto his niece he thus spake: "Farewel my dear niece, the Lord bless thee! we have a kindred in the heavens which will endure for ever."

[This eminently holy man survived several days after the period to which the preceding account extends; and during the whole time his spiritual comfort and support remained without abatement. The narrative, however, which is given of his exercises is so similar to what has already been exhibited that we shall not insert it, except so far as relates to the close of the whole, which is as follows.]

About three o'clock in the morning of Saturday, January 7, his wife came near to him, and beholding in his countenance the image of death, she cheerfully said: Farewell, my dear! go rejoicing into eternal life."

About half an hour after eight the colour of his face was wholly changed, and convulsive motions came on: then his niece asked him, if he yet had his understanding. "Alas (said he) speak:" (as complaining of their silence:) then said she, 'I pray you do


you still feel the sense of inward joy?' to which he replied intelligibly enough, " Yea: my confidence is firm in me." making a sign, that he would be raised a little; his son and his niece on each side enfolding their arms about him, lifted him higher: then fixing his eyes awhile upon them, he said, " Help me; I am going." Accordingly, the Lord bringing to their mind many choice scriptures apt for the occasion, they by turns proposed them to him; and he received them with great joy; adding " So it is:" and " Amen." Often also he would pronounce himself the last words of that portion of scripture, which they were rehearsing to him; as in Psalm xxxvi. "How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! therefore do the sons of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings: thou wilt abundantly satisf them with the fatness of thy house, and make them to drink of the rivers of thy pleasures;" which last sentence he rehearsed himself in the French metre. And the same he did from Psalm lxv. 4. "Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be abundantly satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple."

Then his son said, 'I am sorry that we are alone." " I am not alone (said he) God is with me." Be you then an evangelist to yourself, (said his son) forasmuch as you have received the ministry of reconciliation, deliver the tidings of peace to your own soul.'

"That I do (saith he) my soul believes." Then fear nothing; He that believes in Jesus Christ shall never perish:' he added, "But shall have eternal life." While prayers were making for him in this last combat with the pains of death, at the end of almost every sentence he would interpose some word or words, expressing the sense of his mind with respect to those petitions. As thus, O great God, send thy spirit of consolation; " He is already come:" and give unto thy servant the sense of thy love, "That he hath done;" give unto him the garment of salvation, " He hath given it;" all is well, enter therefore thou good servant into the joy of thy Lord, he calleth thee. (At which words he raised up himself and stretched forth his arms:) also O Lord strengthen more and more the faith of thy servant in this last agony, let him see, let him hear thy voice, let him raise up himself, and take hold on eternal life, " Yea! I am of good comfort." Let us go to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, "It is done:" leave therefore with a joyful mind this body to the earth, and yield up thy spirit into the hands of God, "Who hath




given it." take hold of the shield of faith; yea put on the whole armour of God; " I have it."

Then he began himself to recite those words, " I have fought a good fight," &c. And when one had repeated what follows, and came to those words, which God the righteous Judge will give; he added, " He will do it." And when one said; Behold the last moment of deliverance! O God give wings unto thy servant; open thy paradise unto him; let him be received unto the beholding of thy face!" he added, " With the spirits of just men made perfect." 'Let him receive the white stone, and the hidden manna; and let him bear his part in that new song which none understands but he that sings it. To which he said, " Amen!"

In these last moments there came in some of his friends who were witnesses of his happy departure: but the ministers above named, viz. Lydius and Hulsius came too late to hear him speak any thing. Howbeit a short prayer was made for him; after which, when he had abode awhile with his eyes fixed, and his hands lifted up towards heaven; one of the standers by said: 'I am persuaded this man doth already enjoy the vision of God,' whereupon he earnestly endeavoured to utter the word, yea! and almost in the same moment sweetly breathed forth his soul, about half an hour after nine o'clock on Saturday morning, being January 7, 1651, after he had lived seventy-eight years, six months, and five days.

Mr. Leigh calls him a learned and godly French divine, and says of him, that he hath very well expounded Genesis, Exodus, the prophetical Psalms, and Hosea, and wrote learnedly against the papists in his Catholicus Orthodoxus, and against Grotius. Criticus sacer, seu censura Patrum, Isagoge in S. Scripturam, Synopsis doctrinæ de naturâ et gratiâ: with other learned treatises Latin and French. Another great divine used to call him, ' A man beyond all praise, and the most burning and shining Light of the French and Dutch churches.' Doubtless, he now shines, as the stars in the firmament, and shall shine for ever and ever!


Concluded from page 511.]

It is now time to observe that out of the pulpit your duty as pastors will consist in exercising discipline, which you are to do faithfully, carefully, tenderly, firmly, and impartially: in visiting

your people from house to house, that you may admonish those who are remiss in christian duty, that you may endeavour to improve providential dispensations, that you may strive to heal discontents and divisions, and especially that you may pay attention to the sick and afflicted. By these private and personal applications, not only may much good be done immediately, but by them you will more fully learn the state and circumstances of your flock, and thus be better prepared to speak suitably in public.

Catechising, also, is a most important duty, which ought by no means to be neglected, especially among children and youth. It is only by indoctrinating them in the great principles of religion by catechetical instruction, that they can ever be prepared to hear, with full advantage, the discourses you deliver in public: and it is not to be doubted that the neglect of this duty is one principal cause of the mournful declension of religion in our land.

As ministers of the church of Christ you are also to remember that the judicatures of that church have a demand upon you; that it is as much your duty to attend upon them as to preach to your people; and that nothing but difficulties really insurmountable should prevent your attendance. No minister in our connexion has been known by me, who was either very useful or very respectable, that did not give his presence at presbytery, synod or assembly, whenever that duty became incumbent. The reason of this seems to be, that a neglect in this particular cannot take place without indicating in him who is chargeable with it a criminal want of zeal for the general interests of the church; and at the same time it necessarily, deprives him of all general influence, confidence, esteem and affection, among his brethren.

III. A very few words on your general character and deportment as ministers of Christ will now conclude what I have to offer to you. Be it, then, most deeply impressed on your memory, that all your preaching and teaching will be utterly lost; nay, will be likely to do more harm than good, if your own life and practice be contrary to the gospel. Example has greater influence than precept, and we never shall persuade others that we believe what we say, when we deliver the great truths of religion, if it be manifest that they have no effect upon ourselves. Be watchful and prayerful, therefore, that you may recommend the doctrines which you teach by such a holy and examplary life as shall demonstrate that you consider them as the most sacred and important realities. In every method, and by every mean in your power, endeavour " so to make your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in

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